The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, February 27, 1899, Image 3

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Kihviinl Alnggl In Kuy jH llt t,
Oliver tonight.
Von YoiiHon lit the Oliver Tuesday
i cvoiilng.
f Shot" At'ruH nt t'h i3 Oliver WecIneH.
Jay evening.
Open drill of I'ors'hlng JMHes Thurs
day evening In tho armory,
Hubert Jlurdottu at the Ii'imUo
Tlnirwhiy evening.
MIsh Wilson spent Sunday with her
parents In AhIiIuiuI.
Prof. Fossler will spend n few diiyb
of this week In Denver.
l'rof. limner spoke at Wuhoo Thura.
diiy mill nt IJounlnjrton t'Yidny.
Lou HlehettH went to TeeiiniHeli
.Moiiilay to attend legal business.
J)r. (luernsey .lonos wiih sick !;iHt
week and nimble to meet his classes,
Jessica Morgan spent the latter part
of liint week at her home In Jlebron.
I'hnl'i Weeks him returned to hcIiooI
lift' r ii two weeks absence opoiuihu of
I'M i ill ilaekson was confined to the
Iiuum1 last week by a suvere attack of
I'u. 1 Krieke of Plattsnionth spent
TIiiii-mIiij In town visiting his Phi Pal
Mi.s Jessica Morgan has gone to
ur home In Hebron to spentl n week
with Iter parents,
MI-h Anna Anderson entertained a
mniibrr of her friends Wednesday ev
ening, nt her home, eighteenth and
Iloldredge streets.
J. (', llltohman has left the Univer
sity and gone to Omaha to accept a
position in the oleetrleal department
of Hi general olt'lce of tho Union Pa.
Will McKay, '1)8, was married last
week at lluiYulo, N. Y., to Miss Edith
Jlisser. Mr. McKay Is employed at the
United States weather bureau nt that
I'm I', lllll has been called to Noviu
Scotia to the bedside of his mother,
who is very 111, Ills classes will be
conducted during Ills absence by Dr.
Fred Williams was called to his
home in Columbus Wednesday evening
l a telephone message announcing
the serious illness of one of his former
Mi.-s Mary I. Jones, former librar
ian of the University hero, has re
signed from her position in Des
Moines to accept mi Important one in
os Angeles.
Rclimittcl's lunch room, 1U1 So. 11th
(Jo to Don's Onfe, Soutlh lllh. Open
tviph'tw. r -
Short orders nt all hours nt Schmlt
tel's lunch room.
The nrt exhibition of the llnydon
club closes February 28.
('. 11. Rlggs, Dentist, Ml S'ontli I2t1
St., op. Keystone grocery.
Juippa Sigma gave a theatre pnrty
Friiluv at the Sousa concert.
Cameron's Luncfli Kooin, 118 Soutfli
Elerenth. Open dny and nlgfht.
The students of the school of music
pne a recital Thursday evening-.
(i. A. Uenedlet has been made secre
tary of the Oratorical association.
2 pair of men's shoes nt half price.
Wili-lcr it Itogers, 1013 0 street.
The autographs of the Senior class
vwti- taken for the Junior Annunl.
Dr. S. B. Cook, practice limited to
eje, ear, nose nnd tihroat. 1215 0 SU
.Scuclary Daughorty of the Y. M. C.
A. ne an address Sunday nt 1 p. m.
i.'ii) pair ladles' $5.00 shoes on snle
at i.iio a pair. Webster & Uogers,
101, o direct.
The Y. M. C. A. of Omaha has made
a piopositlon to Dr. Hastings for on
iiulniir athletic contest.
The Nebrasknn, 50 cents for the rest
of the year, if you pay cash in advance.
Leave subscriptions with any editor.
All students who tnke part in the
(lehni.s or oratorical contest will be
gheii uniu'rsity credit for the work
Sh' in' exercises were held in chnp
jl Wednesday morning in honor of
Oeoree Washington. ltev. II. O. How
lnnds nmde a short address.
'l'lie alumnae chapter and Miss Edna
Polk of the Delta Gnmma's sororlcty
PnterialiH'd the active chapter and'
Miss Price Wednesday evening.
Monday evening nt the Oliver thea
tre Mr. Edward Mnggl will present
vktor lion's play, Jtuy Bias. He will
no nNtod ,y jie Nebraska college
' oratory,
The Stock Breeders' Association,
hih was in session at the University
chapel Inst week, nttended the play,
The Prisoner of Zcndn," in a body
thrdny evening.
Call nnd see our new stock of elee
"ic fixtures.
ING COMPANY, 215 So 11th Street.
The students of the university will
be find to know that IWbert J. Bur
ette Is to visit the city next Thurs
day night under 'the auspices of tbe
Y. M. C. A. at tho Eunice opera
The Union debating club hnd a very
noisy secret session last Saturday ev
ening. Tho members refuso to divulge
cnuso of the turmoil. It was prob.
Jrb'y n question which concerns llie
Jlaxivell club.
jloiiert Jliirdette has become famil
iar to all readers through his eontrl
initlons to tho Ladies' Home Journal.
on win enjoy IiIh artloles jmieh bW
ter after hearing him next Thursdni
"igni iu mo Kiinke opera house,
I lie senior class roll for the Junior
Annual must be out by this evening.
All seniors are requested to call at
the executive office Immediately nnd
sign the paper.
Tlilrfy.flvo men have enrolled In the
special class In physical training for
base bull, When the weal her Is too
Hcvere to permit practice outside, Dr.
Hastings directs them in body build,
big work iu the gymnasium.'
The March Kind, uin i. ,.i ...,i....
j It will contain short Htorles by Hor-
cm """" ee neynoKis and (leorge
.Slifilil ami verse by I'rot Mall, Frfe,
.'in"',' A ',)oM a,,(i '':' '',' '''l"1". It
Clyde II l"V(' " "CW l'"vlM' ,1t,H,'," 1v
The Y. M. C. A. rooms will be fln
Iwu'd by the hist of this week and
!' going to please the young men.
Mie social committee Is planning- an
opening social for all young men, and
they are going to try nnd innko It one
or tlie best receptions that has been
ftit0" ,X ,Uw HSO',ltlon this year.
This will be held about March 11.
In accordance with a late ruling by
the committee on courses, students
who were unable to register for phy
sical training on account of having the
maximum number of hours' work al
owed, will be permitted to enroll nt
the ollico of the physical director for
tllC Work. The Li-vintwiulmn m r I...
open Monday and Wednesday evenings .-Milium ui p. m. ior tiiolr use.
A spirited debate If ml.- ulnnn in ..lo
cution four a few days ago. The qiies.
imii ii, ucsoiveii: rnnt tlierc should
be n Ulllon Of all dennmlnnftm.e 'P1,n
airirnintlvc was clinniploned by Karl
m-jur unii nay wateriimn, the negn
tlve by W. J. Lowery and K. If. Kring.
Humorous references of the future
vocation of the ndvocntes mnde the
nour n very agreeably entertainment.
Miss Anne Parr dellcliffnllv ..n.u..
tallied the class leaders of the gym-
iiiiMiiiu ui ucr nomo on last Saturday
afternoon. Miss Ban- told many in
teresting things of her trip abroad
and the ability of the young women
as poets was tested. Later a chafing
dish luncheon was nrenni-cd hv tu
Burr, assisted by Miss Ella Phelps and
Adelloyd Whiting-. Those present
i'- .Misses Ainertn spuric, Adellovd
Whiting. Ella Phelps, Ada ITenton,
Minnie Oulle Clnrn Fowler, Sarali
M'ulr. M"ary Davis, Mildred Pnrks, Har
riet Conk, Anna Vorc nnd Dedn Oil
more of Fnii-liury.
It was with the deepest regret thnt
the student body heard 'of the'lnjurics
sustained by the meinbers of the
First Nebraska regiment at Manila.
There Is scarcely a ninii In the regi
ment who Is not known toy some one
In the university. Albert Holllngs
worth, captain of company C, is n resi
dent of Beatrice. lie entered the unl.
vcrslty Iu the fall of 180(5 as a Fresli
man but let at the close of the semes,
ter to iiceept n position as teacher
nonr lils home. Ho wns elected enp
tnin of the compnny about two yenrs
ago and resigned his place as teacher
to enter the service. Bert Whedon Is
well known nmong the students. He
wns a member of the Phi Deltn 'Phetn
fraternity of the clnss of '09.
The string quartette Is now lining
their engagements in the Black Hills.
The Ulec and Mandolin clubs are
now fully organized for the spring
term. The Ulec club hnd their pic
tares taken for the Junior Annual.
The Alumni of ihe University, now
of Chicago, have taken steps to .help
pay Tor the pipe organ. The alumni
iu Washington have agreed to give
one hundred dollars to the same
cause. f
There will be eight graduates this
year. This is a larger numoer than
in any previous year. They will give
a series of concerts with the string
orchestra this spring. These recita
tions will commence about April 15.
Miss Miimmie Stanyx, n last year's
graduate, is visiting the conservatory
this week.
W. O. Bush of Sebctlin, Knh., regis
tered his dnughtcr for a musicnl
course last week.
.tf:ttt:ttttrtttttttttiiiLttiLttfcc. ' ' -
i-,v- - .-.-- . - -"' "'"-',s.flr
fr V
And Wc Start the Ball Rolling by Putting on
A Grand Special Advance Jj
S-Sale of Spring Overcoats.. $
Thoso CoiitB aro froali from tho hands of America's boat and groatost wholo
snlo tailors, Thov aro. in a word. tlm ninb-nf ,-,m.fnnf! e i. i.t... .. ....
' r " 'v"".-uii ui uiu uiuuring arc.
The following program will be glv.
en In Union ITnll by the Orophillan lit
erary society March 3:
Story Miss Emma Crooks
Orat'ion Mr. It. IT. Link
llcvcrle Miss Alma Slater
Tmpersonntion....Mr. II. Huntington
Dr. Leonhardt's
Cures Nervous Ills,
Constipation, niltouRiieRS, Nerfous Ills
nnd Pill Ilnblt. Aotlon not followed by
costlvenoss Doubt It? Trv It. Bnmples
free. Drupulsts, S5o, or nildrcss Antl-PIII
C., Lincoln, Neb.
Tret AdvU.ry Dcpt. for Patront.
ft llioy ombody all tho striking foatnros both in lit, ilnish and workmanship as
ft well as fubrio which is nsually snpposod to bolong to tlio oxtromoly high pricod
ft morchant tailor's productions.
W ()n ThotiHaiul
W Di'CMiniy BeuutieH
W to Slct From
S? shown boforo.
In Whoso Klircoflll linOB and nurvnH m- mllnnin,! ..II l. 'A
boanty and froshnoss of tho fast coming Spring of 1890. k
Over 1,000 garmonts in this salo at prices lowor by m
Olin.lmlf flinn flin om.v, i e I i. J '.f?
" -"u ouiuu (jiuuu ui luurunanuiso was over tt
livery garment in this salo is tho product of ono of tho follow- i
ru. '"K vu" iwiuwn uniKors or Strict V Hip h irrnr n n nfliiiw.. rioi- p.
W f....v ,.:.. ni.i. o i , " ? P' .." - "& "H uwiuuiiBi- e
. . ...x, iu...-,uUR V.U., luiroa i3onnmin & Co., and J. Solomon & Son. -J;'
5K I-,,(8h a"(1 ovory gnrmont is gnaranteod by tho maker, and best of all ovory 9S
W garment sold will bo sold under tho AEMSTKONG GUARANTEE, which is W
y Your monov back f von wnnt it. ' '
Our oast window will givo you a slight idea of
what von mnv nvnnof T..n:,i . i. i
?zz ... , ,, . , , ' j-wfc, iiioiuuuiir Diuru our saios-
yy inuii win gmuiy snow you rnrougii.
a()0 AIJ,jN's "1 Young Men's Spring Ovorcoats, made
, of domestic covert (puro wool), lined with Italian
cloth, doubly stitched with silk, cut in two longths,como in
fivo ontiroly now shades cheap at 8.50 sold at. . .
200 ME,N'S and Young Won's Spring Ovorcoats, made
of fino all wool covert and cassimero matorials, olo-
b j - wumiiiiuiiy uuiHiiuu, como in snort, modium ft
and full lengths. Thoy aro the-regular 12.50 kind in Q 7 Kfl &
this salo only. $ ( , 3 W
1 '.w
100 MEN'S ,iml Young Mon's Spring Overcoats, mado H
of imported material, including Coverts, cassimoros M
and worsteds; colors, light, tan, medium, groy, plain grey m
and black. Among thoso aro a numbor of herring bono S
effects, which aro exceedingly pretty, having never boon $ 0 00 X
shown for loss than $15 boforo choice of wholo lot only J)0l UO 2J
10 MEN'S and Young Mon's Spring Ovorcoats at 10, a popular
prico, a
popular lino to soloct from, and wo shall mako thorn tho popular Ovorcoats
icoln; 8omo aro silk lined, somo have fancy backs with silk shoulders all
lovni- in prmntfiiplinii nnd linnntifiil in tit' nil nnlnon ..11 1 ii. . IniA AA
" ,. "" """" r " " -, , ,. w,uloi "" 'unguis, cut in : mi iiii
stouts, slims and extra sizes, cveryono can bo litted price tjHUl UU
iu Lin
aro clever
jj 300 Spring Coats at $12.50, Q
iii $15, $16.50, $18.50 and $22 -
These coats are silk lined, some are French faced while others are faced to the
edpe; many have collars sr.nie as body material, while quite a number have silk
velvet collars (Uie new thing), which match in color the material of the coat most
charmingly. The material used in these splendid coats are plain coverts, herring
bone coverts and herring bone worsteds, also fine thlbets. The color effects of
these garments is something very striking, all being decidedly new, but at the
same time Including the staples, gtey and black.
sssLLAJ 1 riUMU LU.
11013 TO 1019
Gottrel & Leonard
472-478 Urodwny
Albany, Now York.
Makors of tho
Caps, Gowns and Hoods
To the American Colleges and Uni
versities. Illustrated manual, samples,
prices, etc., upon request. Gowns for
the pulpit and the bench.
The Original and Best
Gregory sel,s Coal
Best Quality.
Phona 343,
Best Price
1044 O Street.
Clarbon Laundry Co.