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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1899)
THE NEBRASKAN. L.VH. No. 22. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FEBRUARY 27, 1809, Pin ok fi Obntq WELCOME MISS PRICE. Local Y. M. C. A. Entertain the International Secretary. outing the Judgment of 'both Director Kimball una L'onduetor Mis us to her musical attainments. fibs J'"11" Jv" Price, International weittrj ut College 1. . t. A., has ....... i nit nit 1 fitful t V liukfWMtl. wu dunm,' the past week. OH .MOHUIIJ nu b i l.vjpei 11(1(11 fan, iiwi ouwjtti "tiiiij I.1..1 in tne Common l'h I tigs ot I .. . . I. la. It ullll Uftllirllt V L IlltUI 10 ll NU' "'''' t0 llllHH lll everyday ilrtWiU'i' wimi miiuiu oucis iu Viriilen lift. "Always wulk on the iuiiii) 'di- t the Htreet" was u tiartietoristie expression. On .Mowwj evening me university J, .M. I. A. una i. . c. A. jJltl u reception for Miss Price in the imrlors of the Lincoln ho- friends to the uuin'bcr of three hun- jrwl were present, being welcomed fcv Chancellor MnoLeun nnd wife, Dean !.. . XI.... !.!.... l.... I.' M II. .11, .....I jlr. John Boose, president of the Y. M.C. A. . . The parlors were brightened by draping of scarlet and cream, Hugs mil potted plunts. Music was fur- tidied l) tlu Darling .Mandolin clu'b. prst Nebraska to the Philippines, The oening was happily spent In 'the other, M. P. Plllsbury, 1000, BASE BALL PROSPECTS. ALUMN t. Walter flowers Piilsbury, '02, Is one of the most prominent, of the Inter graduates of the university, lie came here after having spent two years at 1'enu College, Oskuloosu, Iowa, tnklnir Ills A. U, then In two years, lie was here In those days when hazing was not yet entirely done away with, and did not escape an acquaintance with tne custom. In other words, when he was a grave senior, some enterprising juniors thought he needed a haircut, iw",l , . i it .. ami succeeded in giving nun one. lie fitijfhlen life. Always walk on the WHH (l llM11Uer of the Delinn Literary . ..... villi- of the street" was a t..... u i i.., ." mivuuiji jic nun iiinu ijiiu ui (iiu ilium. hers of his class elected to the Phi Be ta Kappa. Plllsbury taught at the Grand. Is land liaptlst College for a while; then u-mit it tin Pm-iinll ITnl vm-utf v vvlii.i-iv Kl. .Members of the associations and- nftei. three years of work in the de partment of philosophy, he 'been mo a I'll. 1). lie was then chosen instruc tor in philosophy at the University of Michigan and placed In charge of psy chology, with the understanding that lie Is to be professor of psychology when the department is created, lie litis two brothel's, one who grad uated In 189(1 and who went with the and Ulsbury, 1000, the Over Thirty Men Have Appear ed For Practice. The week of warm weather has brought witli It opportunity for out door practice In base ball. A large amount of new material lias shown up and all the old men are back ex cept "Dutch" Wells and "Deacon" Kindler. Under the coaching of Fred die Barnes and '"Snapper" Kennedy, the many candidates are given a chance to show what they can do with the sphere. Moore and Lchmer are the candi dates for behind the bat and both are showing up well. Rhodes is playing first like a veteran. Crandall ami Kingsbury are worhlng 'hard in the vicinity of second base. lkth men on one of the window ledges and I asked the fellow what he wanted. "My conscience Is troubling me," ho said. "It all came from this mackin tosh, too. I never had such a of a time before. It's bad enough In. the day time, but at night, at nlghtthut's tin. worst. It's awful. I can't, stand lb much longer It's going to kill me. It all came from tills mackintosh. I wish I luui never seen It," and he threw It across Uic hall. "I don't want you to think I'm n fool, bilt I want you to help me, 1 know you will, because I heard a man say you were the nest fellow in tne world. 1 haven't got a friend In the university, so I came to you." I told him I would do What I could for him and asked him where ho got the mackintosh that it should make him so much trouble. "1 stole It," he whispered, "but I couldn't help it. 1 didn't 'have no coat IDEAL FRATERNiTY GIRL. Her Realm and Duty Defined by the Trident. Sarah A. Albray In the Trident of Delta Delta Delta: When we speak of the Ideal fraternity girl we are apt to think of her as being possessed of certain distinctive qualities which do not belong to those outside of the (J reek world. We forget that the Ideal fraternity girl Is simply the Ideul wo man, and Unit fraternity life Is a tinlnlng In paid to the cultivation of tontlon Is paid to the cultivation of those qualities that go to make up the perfect woman. Here are two qualities that are es sential to this ideal womanly charac ter 'honesty and unselfishness. We all admit that truth is a necessary i it .. t 1. 1 . ii.tu ii iiim.iiiii nil lit it i ......i r . . i. .. .... &.... .r ...... ..... i. . . are fast on their feet and handle the ,',.. ,, .,,,,. .,, .,, im.,..,,.,, ,, V, 1 , ,' .. , ball well. Captain Reeder will Con- ' ftL, , " ," l, J""", libl" 'l '. 1Ul wc some lines forget that .. . ..... ... i one mornini? a louir time airo. and ituiinmui.v mm- nn, lu limlti-d tn n ,ae:rainhonf 'u? well "iii . 'L!2?..!? Jfe " . &" "". F Ji TiniAil college conversation. Miss Trice espresscd mucn pleasure at tne opportunity for sucli wide acquaint ince with the students of the univer- 'i''' Ices and Human punch were served by McMlamcs Manning, Word and King. The object of .Miss Price s visit was to strengthen the local association. Meetings were 'held each afternoon at which much was said and done for the (food of the university Y. W. C. A. Miss Price is a graduate of Ohio Weyan University, and was until recently a teacher at Northwestern. She Is a iucuiIhm' of the Delta Gamma lororiey. On Wednesday evening the dauui of the lofp-'hcpter entertain ed at dinner in her honor. athlete. 6 MISS DALKS, VIOLINIST. A late Issue of the Oiualui Excelsior his the following complimentary no tice of Miss Silence Dales, who is so tell known at the university and In tie musical circles of the city: ne are glad to show Excelsior read ers this week a picture of Miss Si lence Dales, the wonderful young vio linist of Lincoln. She is the daughter oIMr. J. tuart Dales, steward of the Nebraska university, and u grand daughter of lion. Allen It. licuton, the first Chancellor of that institution. Agliiiiiiig as a mere child s'he has for ten years aimlied herself to the studv of the toiiit and piano with a t'hor- ougniiess and persistency found only a urnso who are "to the manner wrn," yet regards her work as only ell In trim. Km. tiu. ist five years melius glum chief nttcntlou to her pec-inltj- the violin, its music and musical literature. Upon the organl "tloii of the Philharmonic Orchestra Lincoln, directed by Mr. August Hajenow, she was chosen as one of 'lie first violinists and she is at Present counted among Its most val wd members. But it is in her work ns violin solo- flint Miss Silence Dales exhibits at wealth of musical perception. '"at intensity of temperament, that """"cry of technique, which are not 0nY "iiiiMial in one of her years, but yioh mark lier ns one of the rare I'lolinlsu of the near future. She ap pred as soloist at the state May fes "Wl ill ls)7 and won riii-Clks nn that SRloa described by the press as "kin to an ovation." Later in the "up ywir s-lie appeared as soloist In wnccrts at the Isoatrloe Clinutnuqun, "Pon the eve of "llryan Day," w'hen -" tiu l f0 ni hitifiiKi u nF K ntn iton I Vie recorded its anproval of the for- ey ver.Het of the critics. At the "ate Mav festival at Lincoln In 1808, "" fljrnlii appenred as soloist, on this "n.iii playing the second and third "WyeineiitH or the Mondolssohn con. """ in a innnner wliich elicited the i!ar'.v approval of a critical audience. m . ",,,m,ff other successful achieve ments lo,i to l,Pr helng fhoson ns vlo n soloist representing the young vlo lists of the RtJlte t the Trans-Mis-isslppl and Tntornntionnl Kvposltion "miinlin in June. 1808. She npponrod I -v.iniwil IMII.YIUK IIH 1 IVII.-V- I,. i , ''"Undo and rolonalsc. aceom- K'"i iiv the Clilcngo Tliomns Or .l(stra under the direction of Arthur "is. n distinction novor hoforo won EXPOSITIONS GALOltli. Accortling to the latest returns eight exposition projects are under way in American cities, and' two more are contemplated. The eight are as follows: 1899, Omnha; 1809, Philadelphia; 1001, Detroit; 1001, PutTalo; 1001, San Francisco; 1902, Toledo; 190.1, St. Lou. is; 1903, New Orleans. Omahn will hold a "colonial" ex position, Philadelphia an "industrial" exposition, Detroit celebrates Its sec ond centennial of discovery. Buffalo calls Its s'how the "Pan-American," San Francisco 'has decided on "Pnclflc Ocean and International Exposition," Toledo's show mnrks the centenninl of the admission of Ohio, and St. Louis and New Orleans commemorate the Louisiana purchase. As expositions in the international aspect, they have each other nnd the Paris and Glasgow world's fairs to compete with or iml tnte. The Pnris exposition in 1900 does not conflict with any dates so fnr chosen. The Glasgow exposition is set for 1001. Besides those enumerated, a twentieth century exposition for New York City in 1001 is being discussed, without much probability of realiza tion, nnd n Northwestern Internation al exposition in 1902 for St. Paul and Minneapolis hns boon proposed. third. Besides Inst year's fielders. Rhea, Gordon and Bliss, Cuscndden, Bell, By an, Waterman and Berry nre playing good ball. The men working for the box nre llhea, Melford, Gonron, Bliss, Boll pnd Strlner. There is nn abundance of material, and without doubt Nebraska will put out the strongest team she ever had and will deserve the henrty support of every stident. hopln' people would think It wns my up to tHie best that js In her, day by coat. Then I had to go down town day nnd 'hour by hour, is not lionest. Derore noon, for 1 work in a chop- , she is stealing from herself and from house, nnd 1 didn't get to see who the the world talents given her to use to man wns tiuit the coat belonged to. the highest advantuge. She is not an The next morning 1 went into the 11- ideal fraternity girl "because she Is of by nnv American girl nf her years. :"bmittc(l here tn tlie most cruolnl "i"- the little lndv's success was so nfonniinood and brilliant as to not "niv hrlncr encores from the audience "' nlso the most slirnlflennt signs of ""nrovnl from the mature artists com l'nir the orchestra, and fully vlndl- ItETlUINti ALLOWANCES. At the meeting of the president and fellows of Harvard College held yes terday morning, a system of retiring allowances for professors was estab lished, to go into effect September 1, 1800. All men who have served us professors or ns assistant professors for twenty years and nre themselves over 00 years old are eligible for one of these allowances. Such men, after retirement, will be allowed one-third of their last salary for twenty years of service, and one-sixtieth of their lust salary for each additional year of service, provided that the retiring al lowance shall in no case exceed two thirds of their last salary. The cencral idea of this new sys tem is the same as that which the Corporation in 1880 proposed as ground for endowments. In answer to t'lieir appeal three principal gifts were received, besides ninny smaller gifts. The first of these was $500. The second, consisting of $20,000, was the gift of Sydney Bartlett, who was for inanj years leader of the Boston Bar. A few years Inter the endowment was anonymously increased by $200,000. At the end of this yenr the sum will have reached $H40,000. Harvard is the first Institution In the country to inaugu rate such a system of retiring allow ances. Hurvord Crimson. ATHLETIC HOARD MEETS. "The regular meeting of the athletic board was held last Monduy evening. The deadlock for football manager, which hns lusted for two months, was broken. The place wns given to A. S. I'earse. '00. There were two enimi dnlos for assistant football manager, If. A. Tukey and B. D. Andreson. The latter was elected. The board then elected X. A. Johnson nsslBtfliit. bnse ball manager nnd chose C. -A. Williams to represent the university at the mooting of the Western Tntercollegi nte Association. The Chicago University is the only law educational Institution In Mie United' State that has no college col- ors. . OUB EXCHANGE LIST. Tlie following is u purtiul list Ncbraskau exchanges: DailyiU. of M., Ann Arbor; Cor nell Sun; Yale News; Wisconsin Cardi nal; Palo Alto, of behind' Stand ford; Hurvnrd Crimson. Tri-Wcekly: Vidctte-Beporter, Uni versity of town. Weekly: Amherst Student; AVilliums Weekly; The Triangle, University of New York; Harvard Bulletin;The Uni versity Chronicle, University of Utah; Ariel, Uuheristy of -MTnnesotn; The Index, Pacific Unlvcristy; '1 ac Col- lecv of Charleston Magazine; The Echo, High School New Whatcom, Washington; the Spectrum, North Da kota Agricultural College; Central Collegian, Central College, Fayette, Missouri; High School Register, Oma hn; The Kuimin, University of Mon tana; The Nebraska Weslcyan; The Knox Student, Gulesburg, 111.; Uni versity of Tennessee Record; The Hespcrion, University of Nebraska; McGill Outlook.Montreul; Kansas Uni versity Weekly, Lawrence, Kan.; The lluchfellte, Buchtel College, Akron, Ohio; Hustings Collegian, Hastings, Neb.; The Evergreen, Agricultural College nnd School ofScleneoPullmnn, Washington; The Delta, Missouri Val ley College, Marshall, Missouri; The Integral, Case School of Applied Sci ence, Clevelnnd, Ohio; The Weslcyan Argus, Bloomington, Illinois; The Northwestern, Evnnston, Illinois; The Adclbert, Clevelnnd. Ohio; The Nnz arone. Kalamazoo, MiChignn; S. U. T. Quill Iowa City; Gates index. Xoligh. Nebraska; Purple and Gold, Univer sity of Omnha; The E. T. II. S. Rec ord. Evnnston. Illinois; Cloverlenf, Kontuckv University, Lexington, Ken tucky; College Topics, University of Virginia; Pnclflc Wave, University of Washington: The Sage-Green and' Sil ver. University of Arizona. Monthly The Tnteroolleginn, Now York City; The Western College Mag. nziivc. Kansas City: William Jewell Student. Liberty, Missouri. TtTC.nT OR WRONG? "I've just hud another," said Collins gloomily, us he cuine Into the room. "Another what?" 1 Inquired. "Another odd experience. ... seems to be my fate in life to have strange things happen to me, or have some body tell some crazy story that keeps me worried." By this time my room mate had di vested himself of his outdoor winter weuring apparel, had jerked himself into a smoking jacket and was filling a briar pipe from n tin box on the study table. After he had finished that pleasant occupation nnd had tak en a few fragrant whiffs from the pipe I ventured to remark: M lll l - ! J.J.W..V... ..wii . "Not much." Then lie moved over to his favorite chair and sat down. "I guess I'll tell you," ho snid. "It wns odd; it was good; 1 enjoyed It, so I'll tell you nnd let you enjoy it too. "I wna sitting at one of the tables in the university library when T felt someone tap me on the Shoulder. I turned nround nnd saw a seedy-looking fellow, carrying a swell mackin tosh over his nrm. Ills voice sounded ns though he had n bad cold when he asked if T would come out in the hall and speak to him a moment. Of course T went out Into the hall. We sat down brary and the coat was a hangln' over a chair, the same us the day before, but, there wasn't nobody slttlu.' In the chair. It went on that way day after dny, but nobody ever sat in the chair, and 1 never could find out who the 'mack' belonged to. Then I 'begins to got inquisitive. T watched the coat like a hawk, but no one ever came, to get II. "Finally 1 decided that the coat be longed to somebody who had left school and hud for got to take his coat witli him. I thought of ashing the librarian if the coat belonged to anybody, but 1 didn't like to do that, because I hud almost decided to steal it, and 1 knew that if 1 made any In quiries about it that he would' know that It didn't 'belong" 'to me. "One night I said to myself, I'll just, sit by that coat until the library closes and if no one conies for the cont, I'll know that it is lost and then 1 will take it. vSo I sat down hy the coat and waited, and waited. I nev er knew time to go so slow. 1 couldn't stduy. 1 couldn't do anything but sit side of that coat and think how nice and warm I would bo if I only hud It. It ought to belong to me. 1 didn't have no coat, nor any money to get one, nnd if the person that this cont belonged to didn't care enough about it to tuke en re of it, somebody that needed it ought to take care of It for him. I needed it, nnd why shouldn't I take it? Of course he had left .school, if he hadn't why should he leave his coat loyln' around so much'? Why was it always on this chair? Why did luHindy ever wear it? Why did he leave it there I got so nervous that I couldn't sit still nny longer, so I got up nnd wnlk od into the stack room. While I wns in there I heard the librarian ring for the llbrnry to close. 1 hurried back into the other room nnd wont over to the coat. It was gone. It was gone. Then I knew thut it did really belong to somebody in school. nnd I felt good that I had n'ot stolon it, lie cause If 1 had It would have got me intd trouble. I felt pretty blue though, just as you would feel if you hud imido up your mind to buy some thing, and somebody came ami got it before you did, and there wnsn t un otlier like it to lie hud. "I started home. When I got out onto the library steps I found thut the weather had changed. Oh, but it wns cold, the wind was In the north nnd howled around the corner of the building like the cayotois at home. I hated to step out In it, 'cause my clothes awful thin, mid I have a long way to go. I almost cried 'because I didn't have nny coat. "J never had such ugly thoughts go through my head before. I can see now how people get to be thieves.nnd commit murders, and do all such aw ful things. Then I remem'bered thnt T really had no right to the coat If it belonged to another, and decided that T wouldn't think nbout the cont ony-more. "1 didn't go to the llbrnry for sev eral days, nnd wns beginning to for get about the cont, when one dny I heard two young fellers talking, one of them lniiL'hcd and snid, 'I'll bet somebody wns.good nnd hot the other night, f came up here the other even ing with out nny overcoat, and "while T was hero the weather ehnngod, nnd it got colder than blue blazes. T saw a swell mackintosh hanging over a eh nh in the library, so when Ihe fel low thnt was sitting next to It got up and went Into the stack room, T not nn ideal woman. Tlie other quality necessary for the Ideal womanhood which the fraternity girl should take as her goal Is that 'love for others, that unselfishness which we nil recognize ns the most beautiful quality in any human being. Herein lies the essence of fraternity life. We hnve nil felt nt times, how pleasant It is to know that one of our I fraternity sisters will be ready to help ns out oi some niincuiiy, even ni me cost of n little trouble to herself. Let us extend this readiness to serve oth ers to those outside our own mystic circle, and we will become truer fra ternity girls n3 we become truer wo men. ' CORNELL'S FOOTIU'LL QAPTATg. For the third time this year the Cornell foot ball team has been forced to choose u new enptnin for the com ing season. Owing to the fact that the Cornell Athletic Council would not ratify the election of E. R. Sweetland becnusos of various charges of pro fessionnllsm which hnve been brought ngnlnst him, R. D. Stnrbuck, 1000, hns been elected to the captaincy of the team. Mr. Stnrbuck, who played full back on the team Inst full, is 21 years old. weighs L80 pounds and is 5 feet 11 1-2 Inches tall. FACTS ABOUT THE ORGAN. The Exposition Organ, lately bought 'by the ulumnl, is a. thoroughly constructed Instrument, well adapted to ithe needs of the University, with tone qualities covering nearly all the Instruments of the modern orchestra, In volume of tone sufficient to sus tain n large chorus nnd ample for mv auditorium seating three thousand persons, yet no constructed that it may be effectively handled' In, the pres ent ciui'pcl. It Is built of solid' white oak, with hand curved pillars, and tusteifuliy decorated- speaking pipes in the front. It hns three manuals witli forty-one stops and pedal movement of Fort ami Piano combinations to both swell and grout manuals, and balanced swell pedal. Its dimeslons are twenty-nine feet in height, 10 left in depth, and' 27 feet In width, nnd contains 2, pipes. Tlie manufacturer, Mr. M. P. Moel lor, of llagerstown, Maryland, .lias been in the business for twenty years, and Is u master in the art of orgun bullding. He hus thus far placed in struments largely in the eust and south, but is rapidly increasing' his territory ns will be seen by the fact that he has recently pluced instru ments iiv Ohio, Texas, Kansas, Indi ana, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Illi nois, and Colorado. The manufacturer has the reputa tion of building orgnns uponi honor, nml he has undoubtedly exhibited1 in this, his In test production, the full results of many years of experience and' skill. The Alumni .Association hns seized n inngnificent organ at a price far be low the cost to manufacture, the 'pos session of which will 'bo of great ben efit to the University from the utlli tarian as well ns the nrt standpoint. (Continued on Piwo 4) Hismnrck once said that "one-third of the students of German universities d'es'troy themselves by dissipation, one-third wenr themselves out by over, work, nnd the rest govern Europe." Suicide Is another name for murder which society or some other Influence commits by proxy.