The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, February 20, 1899, Image 3

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Jtlss Kfflo Trice spcnltB Jn olmpvl this
Athletic botml mcol totvirj-ht at 8
o'clock In the ormory.
,. C. A. uiul 1. M. C. A. reception
to MIhh Price, interim tlonnl BeercUiry
of V. M. C A. lit Lincoln hotel from 8
to 10 p. Ml.
Ilnydnti Art club exhibit rom 8 n. m.
to C ji. in. wl iiy-
JU-elUil by Henry Kuiiioa ut elmpol
Tliiindiiy evening. UiirhIwi program.
Professor and Airs. Cnhlwell nt home
to American history students l'rldny
mid .Saturday evenings.
liniiruM'd Htoek Hi-ccriem' iihsocIh.
tlon Wgins in chapel Tuesday at 8 p.
m, ( luineellor MiicLcnn speiiks.
SdimUterB lunch room, Ml So. 11th
(io to Don's Cnfe, SouUli lltlh. Open
lieorjrc liUiin Ih visiting with Albert
WntkiiiB. '
Y. fi. France Hpent Sunday nt his
home In York.
Slim i order at all hours at Sclunlt
tcl' luiivh room. '
Tlie I iiions gave a niUHleal
mi ii in Frlilay evening.
I-'Ih.mI Vn Vnlln spent Sunday at
IiIh Imiiii' in Arlington.
The tailor Hliup under H. I
Olllee will suvo you nioiiuy.
Kmil, Weeks was confined to Mie
liniisi' iiiNt week by illness.
Cameron's Lundli iloom, 118 South
Kleveiith. Open day and nlglhit.
ion pair of men's shoes at half price.
Wvlister A' Rogers, 10-13 0 street.
Deda (lllmore of Falrbury has been
Lolling Miss Ailelloyd Whiting.
.Idliii Dixon, an alumnus of the Unl
veristy, wits in the city last week.
Frank lladley, '90, of Omaha, visited
his Sigma Alpha lOpsllon brothers.
Dr. S. K. Cook, practice limited to
eye, ear, nose and throat. 1215 0 St.
Captain William liny ward of Ne
braska City was a visitor on Charter
(Ii.iiilc Kngle went to Omaha Fri
day I" opend a few day.s with his par.
The I'alladians gave their annual
new members' program last Friday ev
ening. 1.10 pair ladies' $5.00 shoes on sale
nt $1.00 a pair. Webster & llogers,
10n 0 street.
Mr. Joel Stobblivs froze his nose
while In bed one nlgh't during the re
cent eoid snap.
Miss Maude Pierce, who was called
to her home in Pawnee City last week,
Is in school again.
Evening shirts, evening ties, and the
newest things in dress collars nt the
Armstrong Clothing Co.
May Dorrington and Mmid Wylie of
Fnlls'Clty are visiting fiss Mnrngnrct
Caster of the University.
Mrs. T)r. C. J. Andrews of Falrbury,
who has been visiting her daughter,
returned to her home today.
Dan Sherman nnd Arthur Wiilsh
lme Issued Invitations for n dancing
party next Snturdny nlglit.
Misses Branch, Closson, Dorrington,
nnd He.vnolds are in Lincoln this week
vMt in tr their PI Phi sisters.
Mi-. Kiln Harper and Miss Nellie La
PpIIc hav been out of school for sev
mil ilas on neeount of illness.
The Nelirnsknn, 50 cents for the rest
of the year, if you pay cash In advance.
Leave subscriptions with any editor.
('. K. Adams, jr., '00, came up from
Supi-iinr to attend the Charter Day
rviviM'H ii ml visit University friends.
The Pershing llifles have secured
white eross belts and will appear in
Pershing Rifle uniforms hereafter.
Cm. and inspect our stock of spring
suitings ii ml trouserings. Gardner
Tallin lug Co., under 11. I. ticket office.
Phi (innmm Delta initiated W. It.
Melieaehlii and S. II. McDonald at the
chapter house last Thursday evening.
Phi Delta Thetn gave an Infomuil
dtineiiig party Tuesday evening nt its
eli.ipier house on Sixteenth and S
Tin- new course In American hls
torj mi territorial expansion, oirered
l'. Mi. Pliilbrick, has nbout twenty
Karl Williams of York came up for
the Pi Phi party Tuesday evening nnd
ilslted friends about the university
lust week.
Kik'ar SIiilw was in the city n few
iIujh last week on his way to Phila
delphia, where lie jroes as artist for n
ii calendar liiiinu factory.
MIks Jeauncttu 1'oMt of York, who
has been visiting Miss Catherine Sedg
wlek of tlie University, returned to
lier home this morning.
Miss KlTle K. Price will address the
young women of the University every
afternoon of next week from 4 o'clock
to 4:::n n Dellnn hall.
50 do., new spring, strong! Tuck
nnd Putt ties of the famous Carter
Holmes make, just received at the
Amibtrong Clothing Co.
Tlie mastodon which was exhibited
. at ' the. Trnnfl.MlRslRstnnl eXDOSltlon
lnti , , -,1 t.. 1.1m I
""i niuiiiiier nns oeeu iui.-c -
west end of the museum.
Al number of seniors have suffered
"-as of hats nnd canes by tho raids
of lower classmen. They are talking
of forming a vigilance committee.
Call and see our new stock of elec
tric fixtures,
INQ COMPANY, 215 So 11th Street.
MIsh llerperta .Jaynes went to Oma
ha a week ago Saturday to attend the
hop given by company Z, the" girls'
in lltnry organization of the Omnhn
High school.
Miss (Jrat'e Uennett will entertain
the Pi Beta Phi sorority with a ken
Hlngton at her home In this city In
honor of Miss Dorrington and Miss
Wyllea of Fulls City.
History Paper made from 84 tb.
Monroe Itoyal, ltulcd and Punched, fcc
per 100. In unbroken packages of .V00
3Bo per pack. Book and Stat. Dent.,
Herpolslieimcr & Co.
Miss Winifred Nightingale, daugh
ler of Dr. Nightingale of Chicago, ac
companied her father to Lincoln last
week and was the guest of Mrs. Mao.
i.enn. Hue returned home Fridny.
Miss Madge Wiggins of the Univer
sity School of Domestle Kidim. lm
reeently liecu appointed to the schol
nrshlp offered by the Oread Institute
of Domestic Sdeivce at Worcester,
Mass., nn honor given for high schol-
nrsup. rnis is one of a number of
such scholarships given to each state.
The "Colloqulm" formed for Latin
teachers and graduate students met
for the llrst time Tuesday evening in
room SOI of University hall. The
meeting was oiu-ncd by Professor Bar
ber who explained Its purpose- and Dr.
.Johnson then gave a brief review of
some Interesting articles from the
vnrlous periodicals. The remaining
time was taken up by a discussion of
DenncttVs grammar by Professor Bar
On the evening of Charter day Alpha
Thota Chi Initiated Spencer Cortelyou
Charles Poynter and Albert Walker.
Harry Sijilth met. with a serious ac
cident Charter day a.ftcrnoon during
the exercises given by the class in
physical training'. In tanking n snap
jump from the trapeze he alighted in
such a way as to break both bones of
his leg. Ho was immediately taken to
the home of Dr. Grnham where he will j
remain temporarily.
President Angell, in the Congrega
tionallst of January 27th, estimates
that there is one Michigan student In
the University of Michigan for every
1,343 inhabitants of the state, nnd ex
presses great satisfaction nt this state
of aftalrs. Denn Bessey of the Uni
versltj' of Nebraska has made n rough
estimate in the same way and finds
that there are two students for about
every 1,342 inhaihitants In Nebrnska
n'ttendlng the University of Nebraska.
Friday evening last. Dr. and Mrs.
Hastings entertained at tea in honor of
tho University Basket Ball Team.
Covers woro laid for ton and enelt guest
found at his place a quotation character
izing some ono present. After tea tho
evening wns pleasantly spent in pro
gressive croklnolo. The winnors re
ceived each n book, and tho unfortu
nates tho "booby prize." It was a most
dollirhtfiil occasion and one to bo long
TenitMiibpWi by all who were present.
House roll 171 passed the senate
Tuesday by a vote of 25 to fl, and was
signed by the governor Wednesday
noon, Chnrter day. This is 1hc bill
by which the University receives a
one mill levy on the general assess
ment, instead of a three-eighths mill
levy as heretofore. The regents of the
University estlmnte that they will re
ceive during the coming 1wo years the
sum of $n0S,.r.00. or $154,250 a year.
This will create a fund hut $13,000
larger than annual appropriations
during the past two years, ns the ap
propriations from the staie for the
last blennium were $282,500. or $141.
250 per nnnum.
The state legislature is at present
considering a bill which carries with
It nn niHironrlntion of threo thousand
dollars for the support of the State
Historical society. Tn the past the
society has received thirty-five hud
dred dollars annually and those in
terested in the work maintain that a
reduced sum will not be sufficient to
pay the actual running expenses of
the society, nnd that five thousand
dollars could be used to great advant
age. As a consequence another force
of lobblests has beea added to the
stnte house force and it is hoped tliat
an amendment enrrving a larger sum
can be carried "through.
Eight or Icn senior canes have been
kidnapped during the last, fortnight,
while others have made their disap.
iiearanee in different ways, some hav.
ing eloped while left temporarily alone.
i tiuvir musters' apartments une im.
I fortunate senior declare that a trust
of juniors has been lormeu tor vnv
purpose of assisting fugitive wines In,
their escape, and he has wreaked ven.
geance on one of the members of the
trust by refusing to liquidnte obllga.
tlons contracted nt mo latter s book
store. It is feared that unless the
boys of the senior class organize them
selves Immediately, tho juniors will
march to the Oliver on commencement
day wearing whit hats and carrying
silver headed canes.
A friend of Knnsas University, Mr.
George A. Fowler of Kansas City, has
donated $21,000 with which to rebuild
the flhopa destroyed last year.
Dr. Leonhardt's
Cures Nervous Ills,
nnnntinatlon. DiHousness. Nervous. Ill
and Pill Ilnbit. Action not followed oy
MBtWeneu Doubt ItT Trv it. SatnpleR
free' Druggists, 26o, or audresB Anti-Pill
Co., Lincoln, Ntb.
re Advlwry Dpt. lor Patron
Notice lias been received at the ad
ministrative office of the University
that the annual examination for as
sistants In the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture, Office of Experi
ment Stations, will be held by the clv.
il service commission April llth, and,
in heretofore, will Include major and
minor cxnmiimtioiiH in a number of
scientific and technical subjects. Full
Information regarding these examina
tions may be obtained by addressing
the Civil Service Commission, Wash
ington, D. 0.
If you havo Hooks, Hicvor.Ks, Diuix
Suns, or Anything you want to sell,
find a purclmsor through this column.
if a Studknt and you want it km, find
a Tutor by tolling your needs hero.
If you are r. TuTOitand want Stu
dhnts, llnd them by tolling your quail
ilcatlons. HATKS-Subscrlliors will bo allowed
frco use of 100 words in this column, If
their subscription is paid for ono year.
If paid for tho current semester, 50
words. All others will bo charged ono
cent per word for each Insertion; J10
words for 25 conts. No advertisement
will bo reeeiovod for less than 10 cents.
WANTED A purchaser for a good
Ilamblcr bicycle; nt your own price.
Address "Bicycle," box 207, city.
FOR SALE A "Stevens Favorite"
rifle. The Nebrnslcan, city.
FOR SALE A Century double feed
fountain pen, new; a bargain. Ad
dress "Pen," box 207, city.
FOR SALE A new mandolin of tho
very best make. Address Nebraskan,
Havo your next shirts
inndo to ordor if you
want them to fit nnd
wonr. It's economy in
tho. long run, to Bay
nothing of tho comfort
nnd satisfaction.
One-half dozen to order,
white or colored,
Harper's Shirt Factory,
Upstairs, 1012 O Street.
I havo tho only shirt factory in Lincoln.
Ready to Write
Instrument of To-day is
WnTEinnn'5 Ideal
raurmun rm
an indispensable convenience for
Business Men
Teachers and
Every Pen warranted to give satis
faction. Prices according to value,
Catalogues furnished.
L. E. Waterman Co.
Largest Fountoln Pen rianulncturers In the
157 Broadway, New York.
Cottrel & Leonard
472-478 llrodway
Albany, New York.
Maker of tho
Caps, Gowns and Hoods
To the American Colleges and Uni
versities. Illustrated manual, samples,
prices, etc., upon request. Gowns for
the pulpit and the bench.
Gregory seUs Coal
Best Quality.
Phonn 343.
Best Price
1044 O Street.' '
Under tho Management of
President JOHN A McCALL.
1891 -
Assets ,
Insurance, in Force
(Premiums Paid)
No. of Policies in Force-
Paid Policy-holders . . . .
Dividends of Year
HERE Is not a bettor way for young men to
L provide an incomo for their non-producing
years, safo from tliodlingorsof ordinary business
speculation, than a 20-year accumulation policy
in tno now York Lite, a policy tliat can uo useu as
security by young men making their way through
collego, that provides amplo protection nnd nt
tho same time yields splendid returns as an in
vestment. Tho younger tho age, tho less tho cost,
honco tho necessity of prompt action.
will be presented by students and faculty of the
Nebraska College of Oratory at the
All lovers of the Classic Drama Should Attend. Tickets at
regular prices and seats on sale Saturday, Feb. 25th or now at
College rooms
The Original and Best
or not to tie, that is tho question which
you can dooldo aooording to taste and
and ability. We have Just been getting
in some very tasty ones either "made
up" or "to tie."
D. L
University Text Books,
Note Books,
Fountain Pens,
History Covers,
History Paper
Doo. 31, 1801.
Doo. 31, 1608.
$ 89,007,521
$ 10,577,728
$ 81,854,104
$ 40,401,017
General Agent.
Clarkson Laundry Co.
Ml 1 1M II J