The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, January 30, 1899, Image 3

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Second semotc,r open todiny.
y, M. t. A. entertainment In l0
clinpcl Tuesday evening.
A'thMlo training for base bull nuni
will bi'irlri Wodmoedny.
Final oxamlnntloiiH In, TIlaokHtono
for Hit Junior law class will bo hold
Profi'Mior Caldwell mill wlfo will ro
eelvo tin' tudeint of Anicrlcinj His
tory Friday l Saturday evenings.
Goto Don's Cnfc, tioutlh 11th. Open
j) S. droit of Fiilrtmry visited this
eon, Harry, Tintrsuay. ,
Hose Cmr-son www pledged' to Kap
pa Alpha Thcto lost, week.
Hill T. UcilllN llHldO lll.S HOIIll-OOOUN-
ioMil trip to Omulhii Saturday.
,i.-i.. Mroiidy. Plllmbiiry mid Kel
c,v haw returned from. Manila.
J)r. H. In l.amsdcll, akin ami' genito
urinary diseases, 127 So 12t St.
ltt- . I taker of Kulrbury visited with
hie (in hist Mondtiy,
Dr 1,. II. l'uliio addressed t.ho Y, M.
C . ji-storday afternoon.
Miss Mabel Wyor Ih visiting iher
liroilin. Librarian Wyer.
imIi' ("ark visited homo folks at
Ulinr tlu- latter pant of hud. week.
,1. S. ( ' tilt wood of Weeping Witter,
sitrd I ulvcrslty frlondw Just week.
Cameron's Lniicih Room, 118 South
Eleventh. Open day and nitflvU
lt. H Davidson visited his brother
Mi'il" a few dnys lust week.
11. li. Sullivan spent Friday .ind Sat
iiiiln, at his home In Teeuinse.h.
. V,. Andrcson left, for his homo nt
DtWtt on it btiHlnesH trip IMiur&day.
llert (lordon is again buck In ohool
after two weeks' of serious illness.
J. . Sear&on delivered un address
Thursday evening lief ore the teuchcr-H
at Arapahoe. i
Tho tailor shop under H. 1. Ticket
Ollleo will save you nionoy.
11. II. Shedd of Ashhind, visited Har
ry and George Shedd lust Tuesday.
The V. M. C. A. will give an enter
taiMiiont in the eliapel Tuesday even
ing .Mi. F. M. Flinyr is 111. She has ibecn.
conllned to her 'home for the past
Dr. S. B. Cook, practice limited to
eje, ear, irose and tlltroat. 15215 O Su
00 pair of men's shoes one-half
prifo at Webster iV; Jtogors, 1013 O st.
Margurct Custer spent last week ut
her homo in Tails City. She returned
yesterday. Solum Wiggenhorir went to
Asliiiind Friday 'to upend a few days
will; her parents.
Miss lCUa Harper has been' at home
for the past week Buttering from a
epraincd ankle.
February 10 is the date set for the
Tho Pershing lHilt drill, whlehi wm
to h'avo oeourred next Tdiiiiirday uveiu.
lug has been postponed' Indcilnltoly
on account of it;he eoiKlItlon, of the ar
mory, loel Stebblns complutcd his exanil
milium Wednesday night and loft for
a few days visit with his folks nt Omiu
.Morris Hyde, "08, who ho 'been In
tho employ oT an oleetrleal company
at Oninlui, 'has returned' to 'h'ls 'homo
on auuounit. of Illiiess.
(.let your scats this evening for the
coining Y. M. C. A. iMtter.nnient.
'1 u'ketH can be reserved: without extra
eosl at 'tiho University Hook tore.
Miss Florence Kihonk of Idwl. Onii.
Iowa, who whs vnmncllud' to htv '
HO'lllMll llt'tllC Clld of thu llrist, MiiiiiiMtii
of lust year 'litis returned to tlln- Uni
versity. A lUliii'bcr of the leirlslntorw wnrn
vUllors mt. flu? University yesterday.
i nvj wciro Kitfiwil aooiii. o(y lillUUClMlor
History Paper nutdo from 24 tli.
Monroo Itoyal, Killed and Punched, fco
prr 100. In unbroken packages of .00
Hfic per nnok. Hook and Stat, Dent..
IlcrpolHhuiuiur & Co.
The February Kioto Is to bo out to
day. It will have a now llluntrated
eocr, and will be greatly Increased
In size over all previous numbers.
There will be a greatly increased num.
be printed to satisfy the demand.
Tho Y. M. C. A. entertainment Tues
day evening of next week promises to
be one of tho great, events of the year.
A first class program, In which Uni
versity and city talent will particulate,
is guaranteed. The proceeds of the
entertainment will be used In fitting
up the new room in the basement of
the building, which has lately come
Into the possession of the association.
The Sophniores held a class meet
ing Friday afternoon and elected offi
cers for the second' semester, who are
as follows: Claude Kced, president;
(iullc, secretary, and II. Lloyd McKil
Ooull, cM'cretary, and H. Lloyd. McFll
lips us treasurer. They also consid
ered tho advisability of organizing a
basket and 'base ball team, and to en
courage class spirit.
If you have Huokn, Hh', Dmm,
Suits, or Anvtiiino you want to soil,
find iv purchaser through thin column.
If u Sti;i)knt and you want iikm Jlnd
a Tirroit by tolling your iiuoiIh horo.
If you are a Tinon and want Stu
dknts, llnd ilium by tolling your quali
fications. KATKS-SubsorlburH will bo allowed
freo mo of 100 words In this column, If
tholffiiibsiilptlon Is paid for ono yoar.
If paid for tho cm-runt HonioHto'r, r0
words. All others will bo charged ono
cent par word for each liiHurtlonj l!0
words for i!r contH. No advortlsomont
will bu ruceluvud for less than 10 cunts.
I-OK HAliK: - Wllloughby'H Theory
of State, Ilarpor'H Ilolnow Orammar
and Text, and Sweut's Middle Kngllsh
Prlmor. Address "II" Nkiiuahkan. Hox
207, olty.
FOK SAIiKi-IIopkln's TacltusJ Ag
rlcola and (icriuanla, Hrlx's IIMiuiUih
oapnvi. Aiiiiross -a, iNUUUAHKANi
box '207, city.
. ANTKI)-Copy Dunbar's Clmptora
on Hanking." AiuIi-ons "(," Nkiikas
kan, box U07, city.
WANTKl):-ISIarshairs Political Kaon
onty. AddrosH "K," Nkiikaskan, box
807, oily.
Gregory sells Coal
Best Quality,
Phono 343.
Heat Prlco
1044 O Street.
Intercollegiate Uuroau.
Cottrcll & Leonard
473478 llrondwny
Allmny, Now York.
MnUorH of tho
Caps, Gowns and Hoods
To tho American Colleges and Uni
versities. Illustrated manual, samplei,
prices, etc., upon request. Gowns for
the pulpit and tho bench.
icbruary U, 1801).
Vocal duet selected Mr. and' Mrs.
Scotch Life Miss Amy 'Shlvely.
Iltecltatlon "llawkin's Dream"
Miss .lulia MeCttne.
Selections front Hunts 'A. T. llul
bell is the cause of most the complaints.
Vocal duct "When Ye dang Awe"
IS. A. Hoostroom, Lilian Oluu-c.
Vocal solo, selected, Harriet Cooke.
Recitation fecleetediT. Maxwell.
And cost no more than a fair grade of
ready made goods. Give us a trial order
and be convinced.
SIX WHITE SHIRTS FOR $9.00 made to
your measure, perfect fit guaranted.
COLORED COLLARS made In any style.
1012 O ST., UP-STAIR8.
Most Perfect Protecton
at Lowest possible Cost
For I'remlum Rales writo or call on
HORACE G. WHITMORE, U. of N. 96, Gon. Agent,
The third Philharmonic concert, of
fered last Monday evening at the Oli
ver was perhaps the most en joy aWe otto
of the series given thus- far this season
.w,....,, ...v .y. .. ...v. ,n proiiram was much lighter man
Ixu-ket bail LMine ibetween the Univer- .' '" . ,?i.... i..u,. n,wt fn this
,n, ,.,.,1 I,,,,,,!,., IIS iHlliii'ui.m: iiiravvwoui, -" -
sib and Omaha. , I reason it was playwl more smoothly
Jh'ioiuI hand books of all kinds i,im- u,t witli a more hearty and int-
wnrlcil. The Studenits' Supply Store, ' ......n,,... n.simnsc front the nulicnee.
For the lirst time in nenny it year
Hi .N 11th St
licit l)rbes, '05, has registered for
work in the electrical engineering de
partment. Tho Sif-mti Chis Initiated Leon 11.
Stulir of (S nt ml Island Wednesday
Director Hairenow depended wholly
inmii Lincoln soloists. Mrs. K. U'wis
! linker, the well known contralto, sang
11 licet liovcn seenii ami ana, wnn tiio
orchestra, and a group of songs, nc-
nttvi.i I i-iHiiiiiiiiicil liv miss iiacrenow nt xnc
TheSltidenW Supply Store has ! lJo.. ,?'"f "' F. S
1 .. 1 . 1.1 1 . 1 A-i. AOV K "IJIIt" Dill IIILI .11111 IIIIIK '''
IlllAtll 1I1WI fill- IM'IOK lllfXMC HIKI. SflllLIl " - . . .. "
.1. ..:.:. ":;,',; Haw lev's "Were I a star
UL LIIU 1 lllini-l lllllll . iluu i A 1 1111 kJ ! 1 ... '
(Now and second hand books for the
Mr. ilairenow look advantage of the nf n flni trombone ohiver in
second si'incter are now in stock. The ,js'ort.iu.strn to give that instrument
Students Supply Store, removed to t) lo position. Mr. Richardson played
Wi N 11th St. jM(? so;,j,( .oi, Thou Sublime Sweet
"The Owl PttiT," the only new thing I Kvening Star" from Wagners innn
in nwkwear. Ask for it. Annstrong , batiser, and in response to nn etioori
Clcthng Co gave Arthur Sullivan's famous 'Los
A Valuable Suggestion
for Christmas
You can givo
Fountain Pen
to your friends as useful and
appropriate holiday gifts and
receive their everlasting
thanks for your good judg
ment in selecting tho genuine
and best.
They are niado in a largo
variety of styles, sizes and
prices to meet every require
ment. For salo by all dcalors in
Greater New York.
L. E. Waterman Co.,
Lnrgcst Fountain 1'cn Manufacturers
In the World.
Chord." Hoth were played with a full
mellow tone and a genuine apprecia
tion of the musical content of the
Profeswor Caldwell's entertainment
lor the history classes was postponed
last week on account of the illness of
Mrs.. Caldwell. It will take place Frl
'l. nail Saturdny evenings.
'I - - Seniors held a class meeting
' 1 In- cliitnol Frldtiv afternoon. nti i, ,,ini limn set Ibu feet in mo
Mini li tlicv decided to spring their t011. The "Anier can Patrol" was in
terrupted bv a burst of applause. 11
was followed by Sotisa's "Stars and
Sirim-K Forever" as an encore. The
The orchestra gave a line variety of
music, with a leaning towards the
dance airs Hint rest an audience and
wis. nps'and gowns at chapel Mon.
i morning.
Alfred Klliot.t. who 'has been out of
o... : for tho past year and a 'half, prop-im was as fo lows,
la; letiirni'il tt -Mio Uiiivorsltv. no March "Love is King, nines.
I- ..:,.nrh,,g Greek in U,e Boat- SiiSt.
rr, tiii. 01 1 Sccna and aria "Ah Pcrfldo, llect-
Morltiwestern University
The high standard and progressive
methods which have given this
School Its enviable reputation for
ovci thirty years are carefully main
tained. For circulars of detailed Informa
tion address the Secretary,
Dr. N. S. DAVIS,
2431 Bcarlioril St., - - - CHICAGO, ILL,
The Original and Best
lwwi'ii: Mrs. E. Lewis Poker.
,..,. , -. -ar 1VT1
Tnvitntinii a la vnise u. iu. v ivewr.
Song to the "Kvening Star," from
"TaiinhntiHer," Wcgner; Mr. Will H.
Two Slavonic dnnccs No. 1. C ma
jor; No. 2, K minor; Dvorak.
Songs (n) "Der Doppelgnngcr,"
Schubert; (b) "Serenade dtt Passant,"
Massenet; (e) "Denix'st TTeart Fare
well," Strelezki; M'rs. )-. Lewis Haker.
A 111 cr i ca n Pat rol Mea chnm .
Serenade "Roccoco," M'eyer-nel-
Foot ntiiitd. .,.. ,,o
Aiarcn ei. ooriegt -. uu-
ncv UigH school.
l-rnt'Nt K. Hastings, ivHio has 'been
)'iiinfi- his brother, Dr. William II.
Hatitiii, has, decided to remain in
Xibnusku and will do siccial work in
the I'niversity this semester.
Call and see our new stock of elec
tric fixtures.
IXG COMPANY, 215 So 11th Street.
Tho chance of vour life. We will
EeH you any of our patent leather
df. viil kid, or storm calf, black or
"rown, 93.50 Shoes for $2.50.
win Store, 1213 O street.
The Faculty Woman's club gvtve Its
annual reception last Saturday evorn-
"B xo nil professors, instntotors uwi
c uuent-, of the University ai
loek. A larM mimbcr were pros- umv.v ... . -,- """,A-7"-
e?t an,l u reWt ono of the most volume " -J b. - -
-. fllllUIII-1lllv. 1 1 1 1 u 1 J.1I1I f r ---r j -
I na la Irlvnn In nfiiiiohlets of 25 to
to. v.., w ti," I 1
bn," Ciounod.
ITnnard nublishes no catalogue for
8 gratuitous distribution. Tho annual
w ttl 1 - 2 nlAilt Vfe I1B t
university cnraioguc is u uiuui uuuuu
All the Periodicals in one.
"No other publication in the Uuited
States of its class, is of equnl value. No
one who desires to keep abreast with in
formation on all lines of current interest
can afford to be without Tub Literary
Digest.1' Kansas City Times.
Illustrated Issued Weekly.
It is the realization of a busy man's ideal.
It saves its readers time and expense, and
it broadens their minds and widens their
outlook. It pleasantly satisfies the thirst
for the latest and most reliable informa
tion of the world's important thought and
doings in all fields of interest and activity.
Topics of the Day, Letters and Art, The
Religious World, Chess Dept. Personals,
Science and Invention, Foreign Topics,
Miscellaneous, Business Situation, etc.
"To the student, the man of letters, or
the manufacturer it is alike an aid and in
spiration." The American, Philadelphia,
It presents all sides of important ques
tions with the greatest impartiality. Con
denses, digests, translates, illustrates from
nearly 1,000 periodicals. Gives broad out
look of political, scientific, literary, and
religious topics. Gives best writings from
500 of the world's best authors and writers.
Sample Copies free $1.00 Per Year.
Send for prospectus.
30 Lafayette Placo, N. Y.
Clarkson Laundry Co.
Pleasant evenings of the year.
Jiemem'bftr Mim Y. M. n. A. entertain- 7n rimms
5nt Tuesday evening, January 31st. T1 a qi stwlent fails in ono
hi best talent in. the University will Btu(lv ho j8 considered "busted;" if
"wo part in it. j ll0 ns jn nll studies and goes homo
The Nebraskan, 50 cents for tho rest , ,e Is "busted out;" if he does ony
y Ine year, if you pay cash in advance. I thing remarkable it is said that he
ve subscriptions with any editor. ' ,nB "done a stunt."
Special attention given to
121 North 13th St.
Good Taste in Dress
is nothing but good sense applied to your
clothes, we'll say, good judgment in picking
out your clothes. If you will allow us to
outfit you, you'll be in good taste, in perfect
fashion, and have some money left, besides.
The B. L Paine Clothing Store
12th and
N Streets,
Beg to call your attention to the very low
prices at which they are selling
The NEW BOOKS to be used at
the University during the second