The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, January 23, 1899, Image 3

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Meeting of tho general faculty nt 5
o'clock .
Special iinnlvorsnry program by the
l)o"lnn literary society.
Munlimlloins will bo Qiold from
jlnmUO ,intl1 ,,,ri(1'1,y l"l"slve.
Sicmii Alpha Hpslloii will give n
dnii'-liiK pi-ty Krldny evening.
Ucliis' r-'wiilty elub will give a re
ct,'tlon in tho armory Saturday even-
Ailui'tU' nieotlntr tonight to elect a
1,pm Will ninmitfor and transact rou
tine 'business.
new stock of elce-
Go to Don's Cafe, fciotiLli 11th.
l)r. Fliiip wis tumble- to tuect classes
Mr. Franklin was sick several days
last week.
The l'hl Delta Tliotns hhve pledged
Tl.onin4 Thomas.
Colonel Hills of Falrbury visited the
unlvusity Tliursdnyv
The Hev. Dn. Knwlins was pastor in
Ksiieiee last week.
The tailor shop under 11. I. Ticket
Ollice will save you money.
IVrshlng llllles will drill as usual
ui'Nl Thursday evening.
Dr. E. J. Anlc, practice limited to Skin
and Urinary Diseases, 1400 O St.
2(c jniir of men's shoes one-half
priee at Webster it Rogers, 1013 O st.
Dr. 1). L. Itamsdell, skim nnfl' genito
urinary diseases, 127 So 12t St.
Cameron's LuncJh Iloom, 118 Soutih
Eleventh. Open day and nlgQi'U
Dr. S. E. Cook, practice limited to
eje, car, wose and throat. 1215 O St.
LlMe Itlaiidin will spend a part of
examination week nt her home in
Eila Harper lind the misfortune to
sprain her nnkle in the gymnasium
"The Owl ruff," the only new thing
in reekwear. Ask for it. Armstrong
CIctHng Co.
The seniors' 'hats have been received
anil can be obtained at the Armstrong
clo'iiing store. ,
L'i gistration has been going on for
several days, causing- much confusion
in the offices.
The Rev. Dr. "Yhartou addressed the
Y M. C. A. Inst Sunday at 4 o'clock
in Delian hall. 1 I
Dish "Blnndin, .Tessicn Mfonran and
(lyle Hull have been elected members j Iv.
0' the English club.
A class in Hebrew is to be start ed
nel semester under Prof. Aylcsworth
of (otner university.
"Mins Helena Hertford, who lias been nt PlattsmoutJi, visited uni
.prMi friends last week.
Invitations are out for iv dancing
pi'i'ty to lie given nt Courier hall by
tho members of Slgm Alpha Epsllou
fmiornity Frhhiy evening, January
the !i7lh.
liist Saturday the preliminary 25
yard dash was run in the gymnasium.
, E. Andreson, It. 1). Andreson and
llfulh.rd were Phe winners, In the
above order.
Call and see our
trie fixtures.
ING COMPANY, 215 So 11th Street.
li. K. Evans, 'OS, has boon appointed
isiMnnl In the electrical laboratory
to lill the position occupied by Charles
True, who resigned to accept a po
sit lot. Iv Chicago.
Monroe Hoy
per mo. in unbroken packages of .'00
35e per pack. Hook nnd Stat. Dept.,
llerpolshclmer & Co.
Gregory sells Coal
Best Qunlity.
Phone 343.
Dost Price
10.14 O Street.
Taper mnde from 24 lb.
nil, Kuled and Punched, 8c
The state board of Charities will
nn-et here Februnry 7. The chancellor
wlM give the opening address.
l'erl Langworthy of Seward, a
foniicr university student, visited his
Mj.'nu. 1 In brothers Inst week.
The Nebraskan, 50 cents for the rest
of the year, if you pay cash in advance.
Leave subscriptions with any editor.
Pro 1. Caldwell entertained the niem-her-
of the history classes at his
lion. c Friday and Saturday evenings.
I'trn.- Morse was culled to Qiis home
In Golcsburg, 111., Wednesday toy a
telegram announcing the serious ill
n'fs of his father.
Mi1 Neidhart, wflio was obliged to
leju1 school two weeks ago on account
of .1 sprained ankle, has resumed
wor! .
A course is to be offered in mathe
ni:it,c. astronomy next semester
Wweii may be substituted for mathe-
lll.'ltlCv 2.
I Kjfthbor and Mrs. Caldwell enter
tained the American History students
' their home last Friday and Sat
unla, evenings. 1
"Jle." Hlxley of journalistic fame
'Mured to the students of the jour
nalism class last Tuesday on "The
Country Newspaper."
At the meeting of the Junior Prom,
committee 'held Thursday, Van Valin
wax unanimously elected to, act ns
mister of ceremonies.
Hurry Allen llcese, '01, and) Ann Ar
oor, '04, attorney nt law at Colorado
"I'nngs, has 'been visiting menus in
wie city the past -week.
EDclta Upsiloni has challenged Phi
Caininn Delta to play a game of bas
ket bnii OIV ie eainc evening that
Oinaha iplays the university team.
A L. Hoagland has taken the posi
tion in the electrical department for
uctj occupied by "Ilank" Mueller,
J overseer of tho electrical apparatus.
Tho 1'ershllllP It Hies linlil Huili- nciinl
'drill last Thursday 0111 the nsiihnH.
pnvonion'l. on Eleventh street. A
Inrjse crowd gathered to watch the
om ended order formation.
c feasor Hrnce has received a very
Intonating line of tuning forks where
vibuMion Is too liirh to 'be heard,
tlunigl the difference enn be per
eelved when they are struck together.
A telegram was received from Urac
il m P.rond.v Tuesday evening, an
nouncing Hint he had nrrived nt San
Fniiu' safely from Manila with 200
other Nebraska boys. They are ex
pected home within a few days.
Mr. J. S. Moore, general secretary
of the Y. M. C. A., litis been chosen
to succeed E. W. Ellis ns college sec
retary. Mr. Moore has Im-ch engaged
In city nnd college Y. M. C. A. work
in Iowa for several years and is a
M'ry able man.
'Mbs Lillian Thompson of West
Point and Alnin Koch of Lincoln were
initiated into Delta Delta Delta last
Siiiurdny evening at tho liome of Miiu
Mamie Miller. A banquet was eniny-
e'l by the active members nndi n few
alumni after the ceremony.
Captain Reedcr of the base ball
en m wislics to announce that all
pi'ehers report for training on Satur
day , January 2S. and all base ball
men will enter the training class on
Monday, January 30. This begins the
regular work of the season, which
wi.l 'thereafter be carried on without
The January number of Ulic Nc
br.iskn Dairyman contains the follow
ing: Piof. Lyons of the state univer
sity had a very interesting nnd in
structive paper nt the state dairy
mon'j convention, "Forage Plants and
Experiments Made on Their Cultiva
tion nnd Feeding nt State Experimen
tal Farm." It was an excellent illus
tration of the good work the univer
sity is doing for agricultural interests
under the present nble and progress-
Tiofcssor llodgman expects to re
sume liis class work next semester.
He wii! offer an elective in Taylor's
Keviscd Calculus.. The class will meet
daily nnd n credit of one course will
be given. An elementary knowledge
of trigonometry nnd analytical geom-
eiy alone nre necessary, lne course
will lie found fairly sufficient for the
engineering courses nnd will be es
pecially valuable for those students
who epect to teach and desire a gen-i.p.-ii
view of this most unique mode
o' mathematical reasoning. TJie clnss
will meet nt 9 o'clock.
There being so much tnlk nbout nn
1,. S. C. club, n few law students or
ganized a Lawyers' Social club last
SaTiirdny morning. The members nre
T( ml llcese. Hoddy Humphrey,
Thomas and Hischof. The pin
nloptcci was a flying dutchman em
bossed In bronze and superimposed
upon a staff. Their yell Is as follows:
ltah, rah: rah, rah;
Ttah, rah, Heese;
L, S: L, S; L, S, C;
Inturi'ollcitluto llurcnu.
Gottroll & Leonard
4T-.M7H I'lroniluity
Allmny, Nuw York.
Multorsof tho
Caps, Gowns and Hoods
To tho American Colleges and Uni
versities. Illustrated manual, samples,
prices, etc., upon request. Gowns for
the pulpit and the bench.
A Valuable Suggestion
for Christmas
You can give
Fountain Pen
to your friends as useful and
I appropriate holiday gifts and
receive their everlasting
' thanks for your good judg
I niont in selecting tho genuine
! nnd best.
1 They arc made in a largo
! variety f styles, sizes and
prices to meet every require
ment. , For salo by all dealers in
Greater New York.
L. E. Waterman Co.,
Largest Fountain Pen Manufacturers
In tlio World.
Most Perfect Protection
at Lowest possible Cost
For Premium Kates write or call on
HORACE G. WHITMORE, U. of N. 95, Gen. Agont,
tho sIioub tlioy buy. Poor sIioob crontoa commont that
will kill nny shootnun'a trsido. It pays to boII bIioos
that your customers can rocomuioml to their friondB.
That's juat what I am trying to do. And boforo you
" buy again call in and examine the HAlltilAlifS 1
have to olYer in stylish, up-to-dato SIjoob.
Doaler in
113 North Eleventh St.
Horthiestern University
MED1GA12 I .
The high standard and progressive
methods which have given this
School its enviable reputation for
over thirty years are carefully main
tained. For circulars of detailed informa
tion address the Secretary,
Dr. N. S. DAVIS,
2431 Beamom St., - - - CHICAGO, ILL,
All the Periodicals in one.
"No other publication in the Uuited
States of its class, is of equnl value. No
one who desires to keep abreast with in
formation on all lines of current interest
can afford to be without The Literary
Digest." Kansas City Times.
Illustrated Issued Weekly.
It is the realization of a busy man's ideal.
It saves its readers time and expense, and
it broadens their minds and widens their
outlook. It pleasantly satisfies the thirst
for the latest and most reliable informa
tion of the world's important thought and
doings in all fields of interest and activity.
Topics of the Day. Letters and Art, The
Religious World, Chess Dept. Personals,
Science and Invention, Foreign Topics,
Miscellaneous, Business Situation, etc.
"To the student, the man of letters, or
the manufacturer it is alike an aid and inspiration."--The
American, Philadelphia.
It presents all sides of important ques
tions with the ereatest impartiality. Con
denses, digests, translates, illustrates from
nearly 1,000 periodicals. Gives broad out
look of political, scientific, literary, and
religious topics. Gives best writings from
fi00 of the world's best authors and writers.
Sample Copies free. $1.00 Per Year.
Send for prospectus.
30 Lalayctto Place, N. Y.
The Original and Best
persons tn this stato to inunmro our IiurI
liens hi tuclrown anil near by counties Ills
rnalnlv omco worn conuucicu v uuim.-. ""'"
straight 900 a year and exiKjn-cK-ilellr.lto
bonaCdo. no more, no less salary. Monthly 175.
References. Encloso seU-iuldi-Phxed stamped
envelopes HeihikhtK. Hkhs, I'rest.
1 Chicago.
Special attention given to
121 North 13th St.
Clarkson Laundry Co.
About Trousers . . .
As a rule Trousers beat the Coat and
Vest wearing out, so we keep extra
ones. Just now we are making a special
discount on Trousers. See them in our
east show window.
The B. L. Paine Clothing Store
Don't begin wrong. It's just as easy to be on the right side, and
it's cheaper. No use paying $5.00 for shoes, you can save the
$2.00 profit. We sell Regent Shoes at $3.50, because that's all
a good shoe is worth. Factory to feet, is the way we do it. Just
as good as any $5.00 shoe you ever saw, and better than the
average. Hand welted, latest styles, correct shapes, but only one
price, $3'5
... .Regent Factory Agency, 1036 0 St.
12th and
N Streets.
Beg to call your attention to the very low
prices at which they are selling
The NEW BOOKS to be used at
the University during the second