WWBM THE NEBRASKAN. A WecMy Newspaper Issued Every Friday Noon by dhc University Publishing Association. Kntorod us Second Class Mall Matter. Geo. M. , L. Townc Managing Editor Stewart Kdltoi-ln-Chlef ASSOCIATKS: NT.WS. J T. Sumner Kdgar Chirk. Clinton Ihirr. LOCAL. KdK'iir Crnmh. Cracc MacMlllan. Ada Whiting. Helen Woods. It. 1). Andreson. Clyde Van VtiHr, Benton Pales Alumni The NcbrnsUnn will be setvt to nuy xlurc&s upon receipt of the subscrip tion price, which Is one dollar a year. Contributions nre solicited from nil. News Items such ns locals, personals, reports of meetings, etc., arc especial ly desired. The Nebraska n will be glad to print any contribution rela tive to a general university subject, but the name must accompany all fiaich. Address all communication to the Nebraskan, University of Inc-braska. "Uuy a Nebraskan" and see if you ean find anything which looks like the admission the Hesperian has so much to say about. Ye editor could not find it. A belief, you know, U often born of a hope. cheerfully and willingly as he has done in t he past, for nil which ho cer tainly deserves the greatest praise. Kni'siis University has just adopted a new and length ty eonislliitioni for Its athletic association'. 'Phe new plan has several good1 points about it, which will dou'btlcss unify and purify their athletic .'ports. However, ('hoy have so much machinery that It is likclv to piove cumbersome and un weildy. In this association there is a graduate, faculty nml student mcin b( c-ilil). The officers arc president, vice piosldcnt, secretary and n Irons titer., who is to hold his position by virtue of Iris olTiCe ns treasurer of IJie University. There is to he a board of direct oiN, consisting of eleven members, live of whom are students. For the direct supervision of sports there is a general mnniigvr, who Is subject to the ojrard of directors, but wliii has under his care nil the team managers. Ueshlcs tfliose (here nre (cam iiKinnsreivs, (earn captains and eiirht standing committees. All of these furnish excellent places for as pMng young student but the scheme ns a whole I open (o the criticism, (hat where there nre so many heads i( will 'be almost Impossible to place responsibility. Nebraska's plniv, plne ii!5 upon n board of control, enuslst Inir of "ve members, the entire re "ponsiibiMly for all (he athletic inter ests of the University, is Infinitely simpler and has worked ndmirnbly duriny its first half year of existence. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. O. F. LAMI3EKTSON. D. D. S. Lincoln, nkii. Urmlunio or Ohio College Duntul Surgory. Ollleo, Aloxiindor block Hooms !M nml 21 COU. TWKLKTH AND O STB DRS. GIFFUN & SMITH Telephones 285 nnd CU8. Hooms 8, U nnd 10, Ollvo Theater nulldlng. LOUIS N. WENTE, DENTIST, ISO South lllh street. Hooms 20, S7 nml 1, llrownull Ulk. Phono 530. Kansas University has a dramatic club of which it is rightly quite proud. Its work has been of a high order, meriting the success which it has had. The Nebraskan suggests that a similar organization could succeed equally well here and would be of in llnite benefit to those .who have dra matic ability. It would also exert its inllucnce in bringing that most de sired and desirable thing interest in the University and University enterprises. Kiuimis University also lias a plan designed especially to arouse u. uni versity spirit. It is to have during the year three convocations of faculty and students for the purpose of discuss ing subjects of common interest. One such convocation lias already been held and is reported to liavc been very successful. The others will be watched with interest, for any plan which succeeds in getting all the stu dents together and arousing in them a self sacrificing spirit will be hailed as a boon. Kx.iminntioii.s are on the order of the week. Take our advice and devote long hours to sleep. You will pass a Letter examination as a result. it will be necessary, too, to register again in order that you may pursue undisturbed, certain courses whioli you ir.ay choose. If you are wise you will select sixteen hours, which you can carry with some credit 'to your seli. If "von follow the fashion, how- COULKGKS TN GENERAL. There are 21 Universities, 1,020 pro fessors and' 20.700 students In Ger many. Northwestern University has tin en rollment oT 3.000 which is the third largest in the United Slates. The .Mandolin and Glee clubs of the University of Iowa made a. most, en joyablc and profitable trip throughout southern Iowa nnd eastern' Illinois. All along Hie route they received' the most enthusiastic welcome. Another trip 'has been arranged' which promis es also to be enjoyable. Iowa deserves much' credit in 'tihis line, and ean rightly be looked upon by neighbor ing schools as an example worthy of following. Frederick St en nice, a Detroit, mil lionaire, has presented to the Univer sity of Michigan his unique collection of musical instruments, numbering neary 1,000 pieces. Mr. Stearnes 'has been collecting for fifteen years and has spent upon his-, treasures some thing over $25,000. The present value of the collection for the University lies in the fact that it exhibits, with hardly a break, the evolution of three great types of instruments from pre historic times down to the present. In this respect it ean rival the most fa mous collections of this country nnd of lOnrope. The collection will be placed in n room fitted up for it in the museum building, and a complete cat alogue, lavishly illustrated, prepared by Mr. Stearnes, will soon be publish ed by the University. MEANT ROUND TRIPS, PERHAPS. The I'rooknian has heard of a Scotch professor who had been advo cating the advantages of athletic ex ercise. "The Roman youths," he cried, "used to swim three times across the Tiber before breakfast." The Scotch professor, noticing one of lile auditors grinning, exclaimed: "Mr. McAHister, why do you smile? We shall be glad to share vour amuse ment, j The canny Scot replied, "I was just J thing, sir, that (he Roman youths must have left (heir clothes on the ' wrong bank at the end of their swim." ! The Athletic Union, of the State University of Iowa held a regular meeting a few days ago, at whiiai the following aiiieiwl'inent was Mihstitut- DR.J. L. HODGEMAN, DENTIST. 110.1 O Struct. Special rntes to Students. The University of Nebraska SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Ja bolter fittod than ovor boforo to give artiBtio instruction in Voice Training, Piano Forte laying, and all other principal branches of Music, DR. j. T. McNAY, DENTIST. Teeth Extracted without Pnlu. Office: Cor. 11th nml O Sis. Lincoln, Nobraska DR BENJ. F WEST, GENERAL PRACTITIONER, Office: 103 O Street, Over Fitzgerald's. Tel. 410 Residence: 1735 Euclid Ave. Tel. 643. Hours: 10 to IS a. in. 2 to 5 p. m. Specialties: Diseases ot Stomach nnd Kidney. DR. ALBERT R. MITCHELL, Hooms C7-8. Students will receive full information by ap. plying at the School located directly South of the Campus, and can enter at any time. Tuition is the Lowest Consistent with Instruction. WILLARD KIMBALL, DIRECTOR, Estates we Made by Syste?natic Savings. Hurr Illock, Lincoln, Neb E. L. Hoi.toke, M.D. It. A. IIOLTOKK.M . D. Kcs. Telephone 1. Res. Telephone 423. DRS. HOLYOKE & HOLYOKE, Physicians & Surgeons, Onicc. 127 South Ilth street. Ollleo Telephone 42 Lincoln, Net). Telephone 6&5. P. O. Box 031. DR. C. A. SHOEMAKER'S Private Hospita 503 South tltliKtrcct. Special attention to diseases of women. Ev ery convenience for hurglcnl cabes. DR. CHARLES D. CHANDLER, U.Of N. '92. 1231 O street. Hours: 8 to 10 a. in-, S to 4 p. in.. 7 to 8 p. in. Sundays. 3 to 4 p m. Phonos: ortlceKiO; res. COft-1710 D htrect. Lincoln. Neb. J. E. MOSSHART, M. D. Spcclii Attention to Errors of Refraction. Practice Limited to EYE. EAR, NOSE and ..-...- win li.tll -f'lli. inul n Ttinni limirR as tlii. committee will allow. Life will wI ,'r :tln if ar,',1 1 In- a bunion to you ami all your!, ,':' "" "' Hhtc sliall be an Ath friends. You will not have lime to do , i',!' AIvMry Itanril. wliitli shall con ..,n,i.w, wii -in,i iTnivi.rKiiv ii,t.r- isist of the following members: The ill" iiiiitt - ' -- ...., ipvtuinc wen aim uiuvltkuv est, you will scarcely know there are any. iiiaiiarerh of the foot ball, ba.se ball, and track teams; the president of the Athletic I'liion, and four faculty mem ber, one to 1m' elected by flic faculty of the Collegiate depart incut, one by the faculty of the Dental department, and one by the faculties of the Medi cal and the Homeopathic Medical de partment,, nnd of the department of 1'linrmncy jointly." Y. M. C. A. RKCEITIOX. The members of the Y. M. C. A. pave a pretty reception to the law studrirt- at Mr. F. M. Italic. 1040 S divot, Saturday evening, .Tnnuarv 14. .mum in me imv -urn many academic I ntudcnif attended. Part of the even ii i , , . . ,'.,.4. f nwM -ttWirK- l,mil,l Tinve. "'- "" "l"""' '" ffeHing JuionimentB i nn.i .'. -..... - j ililMMr nn n i,il1u - " " ....rr. short time ago F resident Harper of Chicago University demanded the difmial of Allen Orey Hoyt. editor of the rnivenuty of Chicago Weekly, bcfi.imc of an editorial lig1itly crit icbing tlu; University niitboritief!. Tt Kccir.K impowtible to justify such ac tion on tlie pai't of a college presi dent. Had this officer been one of a lonv series of caustic criticisms, tlierc might linve been cause for such vio lent action, but it was a first and nllpbi offense. That colleire editors everywhere should etffend their sym- petb to Mr. TToyt and tiliat the Unl- THROAT. 1I3IO Street, - Lincoln, Neb. DR. J. F. STEVENS. Office 1 1340 street. Office Telephone 420. Residence Telephone 424. Lincoln, Neb OrricE IIoukh: Sundays: 10 to 12 a. m. 12 to 1 p.m. 2 to 5 p. m. 3 to & p. in. TEACHERS AND PROFESSIONAL Exniuino the Policy of tho Now England Mutual. Tho Values arc ns dofinito na those ondor8od in your Bank Book. This Company has boon Chartered 63 Years. G. W. NOBLB, Mgr., Phone 328 1041 0 street Turpin's School of Dancng. Children's class, Saturdays 2:30 p. m. Ladies' and gentlemen'sclass, Mondays 8p.m. Assemblies or Advanced Class, Wednesday Evenings. Tlio Academy offers advantage for eotUlion clubs, private parties, etc. Is newly furnished and decorated. Will bo rented at reasonable rates. For further information address, ALBERT TURPIN, &S. The new Term nrglns January a, 1809. COLLEGE men everywhere are invited to send for the Washbuin Souvenir CaUloj. It contains nearly 300 portraits of artists and collegians, besides giving some account of the construction of Washburn instruments and a complete list of net prices. First-class music dealers the world over sell Washburns, or Instruments may be Obtained from the makers LYON & HEALY, CHICAGO. A. D. WILKINSON, M. D. Office. 21 and 25 Hurr IJIock. Rex., WO South 17th Htrect. Telephones: Office, Ofl; rehldence. f2. dtlVVultv in fillincr tne vacancy, are results not to "be wondered at. t-'oini' time ago The Nebraska sug gested that there wa need of some one, higher gifted iir several ways, to injure the organization of a glee and banjo club. Some one, evidently, has t alien this as a reflection, upon Prof. Kimball, which, of course, it was not at all. That Trof. Kimball is willing and even anxious to do all he can for swli a club, every one knows. That ha has been of great service to the dobs in the past, goes without say ing. But it is evident also, that Trof. Kimball can not go out among the studct.lfi and find a club. That duty must devolve upon some student with enthusiasm and ability to organize. Such wa the service performed by Hany Keene, long moon ago, and for wWch he is most gratefully remem herid in Ncfbraflka'n toadrtions. Such another 1n needed now. If om one wJK get a club -together, doubtlcwi Prof. Kimball wiW do Ids part, no The urize was one of Tririiiinond' work. Titer Miss Turtelot and Mr. Maxwell gave read ings, which were olso grealtv onioyed. Ili-frcfllimcn'tR were served. The Y. M. C. A. were, generouslv afisistcd by the ladles of the Y. W. C. Ai ChaTccllor MacLean has received a ppuv cf the souvenir sonar hook pub lished in Manila nnd written' by mem l'CTS of the Eighth army ' corns. Ainorcr Cho poncrs. some of the best are bv Tra Kellogg, fonnerlv of the university. Dr. Leonhardt's ANTI-PILL Cures Nervous His, nSPnoiV,p?,U?n: DlllouDe8. NerrouB Ills f re Advlwry Dpt. for Patrons. M. B. KETCHUM, M. D., Phar. D. Prof. Ophthalmology, Otology nnd laryngology. Lincoln Medical College, Offers a thorough, private courhc In refraction. HectucleH lilted. Office, 220 So. 11th m. Uoure, 0 to 12:30-2 to S J. R. HAGGARD. M. D. Residence 1310 O street., Tel. 212. Office, 1223 O street, Rooms 17 and 18, Over Miller & Pnlne's, Tel. 635 NEW WASH DRESS DR. M. H. GARTEN, Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, 1025 O street, Lincoln, Nebraska. E. S. KING, Vlao Watch Repairing. Scientific Refracting Optician (Graduate) 1800 O Street, . . Lincoln, Nob. Choice lines of Wash Dress Goods for early spring wear are now on our counters. Percales in a large assortment of new and beautiful patterns in light, medium and dark colors, 8 1-3C to 12 1-2C a yard. Zephyr Ginghams, both of Scotch and American make, 10, 12 1-2, i5 20 and 25c a yard. MILLER & PAINE. IT IS THE "STYLE" And "QUALITY" about the photographs made at the Elite Studio That mako thorn f atnouo. All on ground floor, 226 So 1 1th 8'