The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, January 07, 1899, Image 3

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    i LOCALS.
, oltnt Vu)t Vorm Hl(m'' 18,a U
jotoDon'sCafcSoutni lltfli.
nngiirnl pro.
Mil i'r'J
. .Y. Vrltlny ovonlnff.
Thc frli'iiilfl of oomnnny 1) will hop
ilny, Jn" W Kl.
senior lml will not bo lioro until
ifllrtt of the month.
.f.,nr llnrhor Biient wsveral days
I, t,o vacation in Omalin.
K Alex. m. Tel. 845.
T K. Pinsain, '08, jrreotcd Unlvoral-
f friends durlntf Id vocation.
n. k l. Anclo. practice limited to Skin
Dd Urinary Diseases, 1400 O St.
i,f, Word was continent' at
Ionic by Ulncss lust week.
Knillv Wocks spent part of i" vn
tiion wltti friends in York.
tt,.,.( 1 a Honors have a nice lino
,,,,.,., rather dancing shoes.
1...... s.vlu-wlok, '00, spent several
.- r ' i'sl"8 wee' iu 1'incoln.
1: !, of agriculture opened
i,,.m!.i 'in large nucminncc.
n, l I.. liamsdcll, sldtv and1 gonlto-
Uwry d mniscs, 137 So I2t BU
m. I has returned from Illinois,
,jipu- .he lias been visiting for some
II roll v" '" . wi.ii "
itMiuri Nt week and has not yet re-uinod.
Ginierons liuncui uoom, no oouwi
!rentli. Oion day and nigQi'U
n. 11. Allen, '07, has been promoted
0 captain In the Third Nebraska reg-
. II. Halt has left scnool nnd hao
Accepted a position with a loan firm
H this city.
Sanderson, Sehurcman & Davis start
Wr discount sale .Innunry 2d. ou
mdM take advantage of It.
The Chleneo Ilecord has extended ita
tonation of dally papers to the class in
rarnalism until February 18th.
R. II. Graham. '97, principal of the
Arapahoe schools, visited his ..lplm
Mm Omega brothers last week.
The Nebraskan, 50 cents for the rest
f the voar. If vou pay cash In advance.
Ltave subscriptions with any editor.
Pr. IVdorie Clements was unable
to moot his classes last week on nc
orant of Illness.
Beta Thcta Pi fraternity entertained
teelr friends with, a dancing party
May evening.
Will Green has returned lo Kansas
by after a three months' tussle With
typhoid fever.
Dr. S. E. Cook, practioo limited to
ijt, ear, -nose and throat, 1215 O St.
The Legislature is now in session
ud n pood many of the members are
Wri about the University.
V. K. McLucas, '9G, superintendent
0! the Central City schools, visited
University friends last week.
The late book of Marion Crawford
"Ave Homo Immortalis" aas been
diced in the University library.
RKhoos olT, Wobstor & Hogot-H.
Huy your hIioch now nnd mivo 'M
centH on every dollar -Foot Form.
Colored collarH id, the- Armstrong
(nothing Co.
Miss Lulu West spent the holidays
with Miss May Dorrlugton at Falls
Students in thu winter course of ng.
rluulturu register in room 101, main
Wo save you money on first cltuts
work, (inrdnur Tailoring Co.
Miss Mabel Hayes visited with Miss
U Sclle in Ueatrlco during U10 Christ
lima vacation.
Alpha Theta Chi gave Its third' an
nual banquet at the Lincoln Qiotcl last
Monday evening,
Professor llodguuin Is not yet able
to resume his duties, but his condition
Is somewhat Improved.
Wo liuvo the genuine Improved Wols
buck liuriKM'H. Ktmmioyur & Co.
Ml km Margaret Winger visited her
sister, Mm. S. M. True, in Tceumseh
during the 'holidays.
Chancellor MacLenu addressed the
Kansas State Agrlcullurnl college at
Manhattan, Kansas, Friday.
Sigma Chi initiated Morris Llcb
inan and Charles Patterson the last
Wednesday before Christinas.
Win, N. Fletcher, '89, ut present
practicing law in Great l:ills, Mont,,
was seen upon the campus Friday.
The Tailor shop under the Hock is
hind ticket office have the very liest
workmen, and charges are lowest.
Miss Anne Minor of Winchester, 111.,
has been visiting her sisters, Mrs. W.
O.. L. Taylor and Miss Minor.
Misses Emma Outcalt and Margaret
Whedon spent the Holidays in Fair
bury, the gusts of Miss Cora Cropsey.
Pev. Cmpperfield addressed a meet
ing for young' men yesterday at 4 p.
111. 111 ueuan nan. special music was
12. L. Metizn, '9S, Is working in tho
life Insurance business in the southern
part of the state. He will enter the
junior law class next year.
Our immense stock of up todato foot
wear i on". Nothing reserved, every
thing goes. Webster & Rogers, 1043 O
Mrs. II. IL Wilson entertained the
junior and senior girls at a reception
at her home , 1544 Q street, on Satur
day afternoon from 3 until G.
Dr. Bessey addressed part of Pro
fessor Luckey's pedagogy students
Wednesday afternoon upon the "Best
Methods of Teachintr Botany in the
Public Schools."
Miss Hattic La Grange of Fullerton,
nn old University student and former
ly a member of the class of 1900, is vis
iting with Miss Carrie Thompson of
the University.
See our ndortislng columns for
Hook stationery nnd music sale at
Horpolshcimcr'.s this week.
Call and see our new stock of elec
tric fixtures.
ING COMPANY, 215 So 11th Street,
Gregory sells Coal
Best Quality. nost prlCQ
l'hono 343,
latorcollcKliito lluronu
Coltrcll & Leonard
472-478 llrnnduny
Albany, Now York.
MnUorn of tliu
Caps, Gowns and Hoods
To tho American CoIIcrcs nnd Unl
verities. Illustrated manual, samples,
prices, etc., upon request. Gowns for
the pulpit and the bench.
A Valuable Suggestion
for Christmas
You can givo
Fountain Pen
to your friends as useful and
appropriate holiday gifts ami
rceeivo their overlasting
thanks for your good judg
ment in selecting tho genuine
nnd best.
They are mado in a largo
variety of styles, sizes and
prices to meet every require
ment. For sale by all dealers in
Greater New York.
L. E. Waterman Co,,
Largest Fountain Pen Manufacturers
In tho World.
Most Perfect Protection
at Lowest possible Cost
For Premium Rntes write or call on
HORACE G. WHITMORE, U. of N. '06, Gon. Agent,
tho shoos thoy buy. Poor shoos croutoa commont that
will kill nny Bhoommi's trntlo. It pnyB to soil shooo
M'lit your customors am rocommond to thoir frionds.
That'a jiiBt what I urn trying to do. And boforo you
buy ngnin cull in nnd oxnmino tho BARGAINS I
liavo to oiTor in stylish, up-todato Shoos.
Dealer in Men's and Boys' Shoes.
113 North 11th Street.
Northwestern University
i SGH00L1
The high standard and progressive
methods which have given this
School its enviable reputation for
over thirty years are carefully main
tained. For circulars of detailed Informa
tion address the Secretary,
Twlnv Professor Fling gave nn nd-
Idrtss nt Wymore nt the opening of tbc
mw high school building at that place.
Miss Kstlier Smoycr, who is teaching
in Superior schools, renewed ncquain-
tonce'i nnout the University during va
Ned Abbott gave an interesting
talk on "Methods of Teaching tbc
mind" before the teachers of litera
ture during the meeting of the state
teachers' association.
Mr. Roy Sawyer has returned from
Nashville, Tenn., where he represented
Nebraska chapter of Sigma Alpha Ep-
ilon at the national convention. He
Charles Homer of Lexington was I visited Kansas University on his way
ialrn sir-lr nt Ills hnmp rhirSntr the hoi- I back.
Dr. N. S. DAVIS,
2431 Beartiorii St., -
Hays and is unable to return to the
C A. Fisher spent his vacation in
'tour of Utah and Colorado in the In
terest of the Government ceoloffical
A mi 1, many of the students have
bffii 1 . 'mated since the holidays, on
tcc-uuin uf the small pox scare
thronjji,.,iit the state.
I Tln- i.' and eirls' basket ball
teauiv nt Omaha in the near future
The .liiiuor Annual committee are so
lit'it uiir MihfinrintinnR for the -jOin-
TJert Pcvis of Falls City is in Lincoln
is of sufficient interest to be given
looking nfter some legislative in
terests. Mr. Kevs was n student at
the University during the years uo
and '96.
Twenty per cent discount on all onr
fine suits and overcoats. We handle
Hart, SchafTner & Marx and Stein-Hloch
Co.'s clothing. Armstrong Clothing Co.
The University was pained to bear
All the Periodicals in one.
"No other publication in the Uuited
States of its class, is of equal value. No
one who desires to keep abreast with in
formation on all lines of current interest
can afford to be without Tub Literary
Digest.'' Kansas City Times.
Illustrated Issued Weekly.
It is the realization of a busy man's ideal.
It saves its readers time and expense, and
it broadens their minds and widens their
outlook. It pleasantly satisfies the thirst
for the latest and most reliable informa
tion of the world's important thought and
doings in all fields of interest and activity.
Topics of the Day, Letters and Art, The
Religious World, Chess Dept. Personals,
Science and Invention, Foreign Topics,
Miscellaneous, Business Situation, etc.
"To the student, the man of letters, or
the manufacturer it is alike an aid and in
spiration. "The American, Philadelphia.
It presents all sides of important ques
tions with the greatest impartiality. Con
denses, digests, translates, illustrates from
nearly 1,000 periodicals. Gives broad out
look of political, scientific, literary, and
religious topics. Gives best writings from
f00 of the world's best authors and writers.
Sample Copies free. $1.00 Per Year.
Send for prospectus.
30 Lalayetto Place, N. Y.
The Original and Best
Clarkson Laundry Co.
in- 1...J8' and girls' basket rail - 0f Miss Jessie Pierson,
i 1 ihe University expect to meet 01 'c "-,,"", nt 1?1 Paso Texas.
i iwi v w r a lmnlict balliwluch occurred at ua iaso, exub,
. ',. , : W". ' ",as'Ct Da" January 1. 1899. Miss Pierson entered
!! nt Qninhn in th nenr future. JUiiuiu.) i "" ,
and remained
the University in '93
here three years.
. r nt ?1
brer.,: P-cuare of anybody with a I History taper ' a
ff.l Jtllow book lilfe unto a check Momjj Hg $$'.&
0K' 1 350 per pack. Book and Stat, Dept.,
Lou Picketts has returned from Herpolsheimer & Co.
Washington. D. C. Ue was the dele-1 m
fate of the Nebraska chapter of Phi
Pelta p)ii to the national convention
ld in Washington the last week in
C L. Sovereiirn. who has been cou
nted with the sugar school for the
Past year and n half, left some days
"8 -or his home in llockford, 111.,
'tere he has a position in a refinery.
" many friends here will oe sorry
H learn of ..lS new move, yet all unite
-0 wishing him the best of success.
Marshnli Tfioii nn -Trti.n Ti. "Rocke-
jeNer have presented the University of
Wlcago the two blocks of property
jcrth of Fifty-seventh street, between
tuis and Lexington avenues. The
Property is valued at $335,000, of which
Marshall Field donated $100,000 and
)Vhu D. Rockefeller the remainder.
Special attention given to
121 North 13th St.
Don't begin wrong. It's just as easy to be on the right side, and
it's cheaper. No use paying $5.00 for shoes, you can save the
$2.00 profit. We sell Regent Shoes at $3.50, because that's all
a good shoe is worth. Factory to feet, is the way we do it. Just
as good as any $5.00 shoe you ever saw, and better than the
average. Hand welted, latest styles, correct shapes, but only one
price, $3'S
....Regent Factory Salesroom, 1036 0 St.
About Trousers . . .
As a rule Trousers beat the Coat and
Vest wearing out, so we keep extra
ones. Just now we are making a special
discount on i rousers. bee tnem in our
east show window.
The B. L. Paine Clothing Store
12th and
N Streets.
Beg to call your attention to the special
January Clearing Sale in
Books, Stationery,
isic and Pictures.
Sale Commences on Tuesday, January 3, and Lasts One Week.