THE NEBRASKA A WwJnly NfWNiwpor Issued 15i,y Vrldny Noon by tilio University Publishing Association. Kntorod as Soooml Class Mai! Matter. Uco. h. 'lVnvno Manntflivg lfclltor M. 1. Stewart UdMor News Dept. John T. Sinnnvr.... Associate Kdltor 12tl7r 11. Clark Associate Mltor Uco Ikirtlot t Associate Kdltor A. M. Hull ... Cartoonist 11 far Cnunlb 111 tor IxwtiU DepU Grace MkidMlMniv AewooI.Vto lllitor 11. 1). Amlresoit' Associate 1-Mltor Clinton Itarr Associate IMltor F. llixuvn Associate lHtor F. K Onion ta... 11 Hr Alumni Pout The Nebraska!! will be somt to tniy mldwsa upon receipt of the mibserip Hon prk'e, which Is one dollar n year. Contributions arc solicited from nil. News Items such as locals, personals, reports of meetings, etc., arc especial ly desired. The Nebraska n will be glad to print any contribution rela tive to a general university subject, but the name accompany all aruoh. Address all communication to the Ncbraskan, University of Isc-brnskn. game here. This appeared hi the l'alo Alto Dally of some little time ago, but space now j A settlement of the game receipts at the Thanksgiving game was made yesterday between Treasurer Flokert and Manager Kverctt Hrown, of Uerk eley. The total amount uikeu In was $1(1,(11)$, dVltor the joint c.vpenses were deducted, the sluire of each uni versity was found to be $7,0(50. Last year $(t,&U wa secured 'by eneh university. The Nebrnskan publishes In another column an interesting letter exactly as it was written. No comment wnl be necessary, as it furnishes its own explanation. According to the S. U. I. Quill, a good student, is known by three tilings; he can begin to study when he docs not like it; lie can study when he would rather quit; lie can quit when he ought to. The Register Annual, published by the students of the Omaha high sohool, comes to us in nn enlarged form. It is full of high school enthusiasm, witty remarks and school facts. As a whole it speaks well for the editors. Foot ball in the University of Penn sylvania this year cleared about $32, 000 for the athletics of that institution. This puts the association out of debt and starts in on a fair way to prosper ity. Kach member of the team was presented with a gold watch charm in Hie shape of n foot ball as souvenirs. The subs received silver ones of the same style. The publishers of the wiiam Jew ell Student deserve a great deal of credit for their Christmas edition. It is bound very neatly in a red cover printed in black. The front piece is in perfect harmony with the time of year. The editorial part of the magazine is of the first class, dealing with literary articles, Injok criticism, and college notes especially. The Nebrnskan again has a com ment. It Is because the University has no glee, mandolin or banjo club. It would seem to the casual observer that there was absolutely no reason why there should not be a nourishing glee and mandolin club here. It Is fruitless to assert that there arc not musicians enough at hand. It cannot be that from 2,000 students sixteen could not be found with suflleleut abil ity as singers to deserve a place on n glee club. There Is a reason, however, why we lack such clus, It is simply because there is no one to lead, no one to make the club and make it succeed. It might be well to post a sign "Want ed a Man," with the necessary quali ties of leadership, to pioido tne en thusiasm and direction which will in sure a worthy club to represent Ne braska's State University, it is a chnucc for sonic one to make for him self a name which will always be re membered in the University's traditions. PROFESSIONAL OARDS. MHS. L M. SKAKIXU, M. D. Practice limited to Diseases of Women 'iuul Children. Dillon i HttftO St. Hot.! t8l3WtNhtnR(onSl. Hon to i S lo l. m. LINCOLN, NKIIUABKA J. M. LUCAS, DENTIST. 1Mb mill 0 sis Tolaplionu IM. Lincoln. Nob LOUIS N. WUNT1I, DENTIST, 130 South Mill street, Hoonm , 27 Hint I, UrowncU Mil. lMiono M0. DR. J. L. HODGEMAN, DENTIST. 1103 O Street, Speclnl rates to Student. ANOLOGY. Kx-Govcrnor Proctor Knott and a lXinville lawyer were u..cusshig the rival claims of Sampson and Schley to the credit of smashing Ccrvcra at Santiago. The lawyer took the ground that the honor was Sampson's alone, and showed a tendency to ignore Schley. The govornor listened. "Your position on this controversy settles a point of conscience that has worried me many a long day," he said. "One day, many years ago, I was walking through the woods with a boy friend when we saw a rabbit run into a sink hole. We stood around n while, and I left to get some fire to smoke him out, telling the boy to watch while I was away. "When I came back the boy had the rabbit, 1 promptly took it away .from him, claiming that it belonged to me because I had told him to catch it if it came out. That was fifty years back," continued the governor, "and you arc the first man who has ever agreed with me thnt the rabbit was mine." DK. J. T. McNAY, DENTIST Teeth Kxtrnctcil without rain. Onleoi Cor. 11th ami OSts. Lincoln, Nobrnsba DR I312NJ. F WEST, GENERAL PRACTITIONER, Omco: 10 O Street, Over FllrernUl'8. Tel. 410 ltosldcnco: 17M Euclid Ave. Tel.MS. Hours: 10 to IS a.m. 2 to 5 p. m. Spticlnlllcs: Discuses ot Stomach and Kidney. The registration statistics of the col. leges of this country show that there has been a very great falling off in the members who are taking work in the technical schools, while there has been a corresponding increase in the ac ademic departments. This is a some what significant fact, showing that there arc fewer college men now enter ing the professions of law, meoicino and the like, while more are entering the various avenues of business. In the Xmas edition of College Top ics, published at tiic university of Vir ginia, the editor takes occasion to tell hs readers that the last senior class of the University of Nebraska had a "sneak" day, at wQiich lime the seniors went to chapel with tin horns, dolls, etc., and that on that day the tint was "When I was a child, I spake as a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things." It was strange that the editor should have noticed this so soon. For his benefit, it might be said that this "sneak" day was dur ing the month of May lost past. The following short clipping from the Palo Alto Daily of Leland Stan ford University shows how vastly dif ferent is the support given foot ball in California from that accorded the Patriotism is rampant. A ten-year-old German-American boy told his father: "You're only a Hessian," and an Englishman's son told his und, "We licked you once and can do it again." Easy writing is sometimes easy read ing. I write with a fountain pen, a "Waterman" Ideal, the best I know. No bother to hunt up ink, find a sharp pencil or decipher your "copy." It's always ready, flows easily; no need to shade your letters. Handy to write a note or address, on the train, in the streets, anywhere. People complain that other pens are frauds; mine isn't. You can fool everybody once except those who use a "Waterman" Ideal. All the Baptists and Prohibitionists use them. Charles F. Wingate in the New York Sun. DR. ALBERT R. MITCHELL, llooms C7'8, HurrWock, Lincoln, Neb E. L. Hoi.YOKK, M.D. R. A. Hoi.TOKK.M . D. lies. Telephone i. lies. Telephone 4i3. DRS. HOLYOKE & HOLYOKE, Physicians & Surgeons, Lincoln, Neb. omce. 127 South 11th street Olllco Telephone 4!. Telephone 085. P.O. Box 051. DR. C. A. SHOEMAKER'S Private Hospita 503 South lllh street. Special attention to discuses ot women. Ev ery convenience for MirKtcnl cases. DR. CHARLES V. CHANDLER, U.OfN. 92. 1231 O street. Hours: 8 to 10 a. nv, 2 to 4 p. m., 7 to H p.m. Sundays. 3 to 4 p in. Phones: Offlce3i9; ns C96 1710 D street. Lincoln, Neb. J. E. MOSSHART, M. D. Spcclul Attention to Errors ot llcfractlon. Practice Limited to EYE. EAH, NOSE and THROAT. llSlOStrcot, Lincoln, Neb. You can save $1.25 on a $5.00 shoe, $1.00 on a $4.00 shoe, and so on down the list-Foot Form 1813 O st. The January Kioto, which started out with an edition of 1,000 copies hns since been increased by 300. The next number will be larger by several pages and 1,500 copies will be printed, the work being done by the Ivy ross. Miss Bored "Mr. Staylatc, do you know why you remind me of an oak tree?" Mr. Staylate "Is it because I am nutty?" Miss Bored "No! Because you are so late in leaving." Princeton Tiger. Dr. Leonhardt's A NTI-P LL Cures Nervous Ills, Constipation. Ulllousness. Nervous th. and Pill Habit. Action nofoKV costlveriess Doubt it? Trv It SamnlH? Prr Advisory Dcpt. for Patrons. DR. J. F. STEVENS. Omco 1130 O street. Ofllcc Telephone 420. Residence Telephone 424. Lincoln, Neb Ornc Honns: Sundats: 10 to 12 a.m. 12 to 1 p.m. 8 to 5 p. m. 3 to 5 p. m. A. D. WILKINSON, M. D. Onicu 21 and 25 Hurr Hlock. lies., 020 South 17lb street. Telephones: Office. CM); residence, 082. ft flic University of Nebraska SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Is butter iUlotl than ovor boforo to givo artistic iiiBtruotion in, Voice Training, Piano Forte laying, and all other principal branches of Music, M. B. KETCHUM, M. D., Phar. D. Prof. Ophthalmology. Otology and Laryngology, Lincoln Medical College, Odors a tb.or.mph, private ourse in refraction. Speotucles tilted. Ofllce, 220 So. 11th st. Hours, 0 to 12:30-2 to 5 J. R. HAGGARD. M. D. Itesldencc 1310 G street., Tel. 242. Oftlce, 1223 O street. llooms 17 nnd 18, Over Miller & Palne's, Tel. 635 DR. M. H. GARTEN, Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose nnd Throat, 1025 O street, Lincoln, Nebraska. E. S. KING, Fine Watch Repairing. Scientific Refracting Optician (Qraduate) 1800 O Street, . . Lincoln, Neb. Students will receive full information by ap plying at tho School located directly South of the Campus, and can enter at any time. Tuition is the Lowest Consistent with Sound Instruction. WILLARD KIMBALL. DIRECTOR, Estat es are Made by Systematic Savings. TEACHERS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN! Exnmino tho Policy of tho Now England Mutual. Tho Values aro as dofinite as tlioso endorsed in your Bank Book. This Company has beon Chartorod 63 Years. G. W. NOBLB, Mgr.t Phone 328 1041 0 street Turpin's School of Dancng. Children's class, Saturdays 2:30 p. m. Ladles' and gentlemen's class, Mondays 8p.m. Assemblies or Advanced Class, Wednesday Evenings. Tho Academy oflers advantage- for cotillion clubs, private parties, otc. Is nowly furnished ami decorated. Will bo rented at reasonable, rates. For further information address, ALBERT TURPIN, & The new Term begins January a, 1899. VSUfeNTc Prices from $15 Up. JK i, H ife M ) iMJkw azA Best 1 x R ' ASM -9 fr SX-r JHO'IHBHBBh the World COLLEGE men everywhere are invited to send for the Woshbuin Souvenir Catalog. It contains nearly 300 portraits of artists nnd collecians, besides civing come account of the construction of Washburn instruments nnd a complete list of net prices. First-class music dealers the world over sell Washburns, or Instruments may be obtained from the makers LYON & HEALY, CHICAGO. Our Great Semi Annual Clearing ale . . . Will commence Monday, January 2, at 8 o'clock and close Saturday eveningt January 7th, at 10 oclock. It will be a good time to buy anything you may want in the line of Dry Goods. You are invited to come and see for yourself. MILLER & PAINE. IT IS THE " STYLE' And "QUALITY" about the photographs made at the Elite Studio That, make them famous. All on ground floor, 226 So 1 1th St. 3T "1