tt AlA II Hi iliKAvSKA rfllVKUBITY OK NKBHAM v . MNC'I.N, DKCKMHEK 12, 18,.. I'M'K .'i 1 - s 111-- ...!- . i in I" I.Li N Js t jflL. M 01' I li- I F-NERAL REVIEW OF FOOT BALIS ' ' I '"- w !,. ,, ,,lv " i i - mi. I ,.,!,. In '1 .n . i. 1 1 1 i pi. ,, , .,.! ,,,,. lltci llltf the ), v l.,f u.,N, .. x . IV slow awl did ii i !..i.r tin ii- i,,.ii lw.,.i. thnx allowing In. .iiy in meet them WELCOME TO DELTA UPSILON tics of the Individual Plavr nrl T'if?t, ,n "" '"""i,i MviMviiinm " u, ,,,,,, ... .-.,... uiy iiiuiviuum i laytr ana i .leir lllh ,,,,, ,.. n, ,., Still Another Fraternity l-nicr Our I miversitv Ideft of the Team nf ,h',, tn'""'" .,, k,. ,,u i.-mi ,.,, . , , u tno ,enm or m.i t m ,,,,,, of ,,,.. ,:;' Which is An Excellent 1898. 51 il-STIONS FOR ALL-WESTERN TEAT tin- K. I1. .. I th- 1' ouch i 1 1 1 I hi l 1 111, Ii . . u-w of the Team, nnd the Causes of the Slump nt the Close of the Reason. rail season of "9h i. ,1 thing. nnt iiinl tiir. ., u'i'ineul "I tin I ii 1 Wiih 11 went linHs. fear. ; ,l,s ' s i Hie delect, .if 1 1 , ii-.uii, 1 mini mri.imn ,i. ,,.(I . 'I'll II I.I. I . I U. I ' -111 I ' 'I ideas, beside- its n n main In sonic uN ii lins 'l.llOll till' pcisomiel imuli iH.issjirv li iir, and ruliiuj on, of nlavei ri. -. ' tin i'iiiisc or thi Wllltnuis .11 ii,,. Mid, I 'i 1 1 1 tine 1 u. Id's h nfi ..-.-..... 1 .111 i , ,, 1 1 inl . 1 . i,,' 1, n ., tli I I.. I - I .V I'll 1 1 . II, v 1 ..,, ' I '.lilt 1 1: 11 ' 11 li.iu. . v ' , i-,i 1 1 ml . . il i.i.i 1 11 I in ; v,. l,v . ' .'I 'I,. ,,. I .11.. .. i' Iic-l week hi imi ii,i I-. 1 ,,,..11 1,. 1 I illl" I III' l.ll li'l .Kill i I till llt'll.M' ll HI ftVI. f ll.l'f, 'I0 ' ' I ' V ! K I, ,11 !! i IMll Addition. CONGRATULATIONS TO TAU DELTA OMICRON. 1,. .M 11, v.;n Their Fnithlul Work Rewarded nl Last and I heir 1. .'i num. mi Alulitv Recognized. llMIII I in' Nil'l.i ..I lllllll'l .'I Delta I () I 'I In' IMillst lf ,1 , 1 Imi was lii.i.iil in-stalled l.isi Vri- secret, ' i. Hen whicn ,, ,. "' ' "l mi . ... 1 into :i 1, .,t .imj.I f ,-. se'1-..lll Ills! ''' CWMlinf." .1! III!' Pi M., 1 tK0?l I -, V St (.1 llSt 1- 11 Ll1,)., 1, .1, illi.i ... 1 ( i'!osi'i) .mil 011 thr whol, howi-d up re- , moms in the Itr.lcc block, imwr of ,j,),,, "s.,.eiul V-Yit. nt limn ttnthtniv i'mt lx " I'lie team wan inmrly o'itii)Kl It ' mat Knhlv well ,- ivmih yunr I'if H-cii t h ami O .vMi'vtw. I'littil b Nebraska ntn- v. .is ntvlolH'.11 tipil wi-l. u, "'Id. Hr fl. wvi'ti inolir-s him' wVlgbh ' '. ,.,,-,., n,,,,;, ,..,. . .1.,. nwilt h I'-.., mt.s. J;i'"N HWMU'iv .111.1 othn i,ws., '(; '1'. tlw K.. UukI, 111 x,,r,.s It, Wi'.iriltr ll)Hllvl. Illfrll s,.;ii,,l t..m.i ;,.. , .,,; ;u,l 'i'-"' twins i, j fi.iiii.ii ii in s:u 1 . i an l ' I It I" I IH'l'. !1." im.inp thnl claws wh.i riMiltv .1 tin K4)mtliitnf aixitii ..I It 1 in' rewnit for thr ilivustntus ..! liy tin trom h.i.s lui'ii fur in tiriotis ;i s 'h mil iii w 11 .if M' t 1 Oll't lit nti'iTrt lulu w i' 'i a sin ill' ' I aion am! smnlnr n tutlis .il nihrn .! I. ...... 'I'l... ,,. ,lti 1. . . 1 j . ,. li..:..lfi.. A ... ,. (1 I r ............ 4 , Hi's, -t-s. i ihi'mi', n. ii. iiji8iiilr a ."" "-' ' - ."-r"n I ifnj(Ml , '"'. mini . nriiais n . .'.nm'win, j , ., ....(Voiition in l 17 t Tro ,,,,. ,, iiiiiisvii t.rmn Mill r,,i ;'""' "' ,M,,T,y ' ivwirn next , 1.1 .MassaclHis,tt jnmituitv f TcoH- j 1 ., I num. .,tnihTM Si lllli. V'.iflfc. ij ......... 11j.... .1.1 li.i Wli.ii. iiL..I I'. ... .... ....... In.. .... . ,(... r 'I .. ,., ,IT, Fit .. a. ' .""- " iv. "ruin- tins , cat , ... i, .. r..-.. ...I ..11 ii.niiirii, , ni,i,iij. ji, ,i , ti.ruBxi; .h'ihi nwiii iiaiiiiMmi colM'iW'.s n in -st'iili 111. 111. 1....1 ...... l!A.t ' I...I.1 !..., I... ......1.1 I .M.... . I. .. . .... . 1. . ' 1 . ... ." I. ..... I. II .. BS .n ' ... .i.i in,,! .ii, ni.ui' I'viN'm'iii'i' .ii.i 11 , ,,iiiiii Him 111. 11 1111 i in- natti last .M'.-if lie ,i.s a mpinUn' ( ti,.. I'lnt 1 nun to lTim- W . lianis in .Irawinif into ilw tOil VN ' s''.VAn tonm ami plisl ,01 .ml from ll iiiH 1 hi. 's '" 1 "I'm. in- is ivwM , ilu- ii'ciuv. ol urt ..n- 1.11.. SIV f,'H ,41" "'"' "'Ifhljs isn p,,..,,,,. i,. in- r-t'iiiMsl This innsi 1,',. "' IJ- uixli'i nlfil .i.s to whotlii'i in v I mii .r,i.,t si,, '(vniv ni i(,, i,, '.n n! Iiinl him 11 s,.,K,i ,,, ,,,,, ,,.,, Irs or nn ofhiT his.ntin ' ",I7 ,s uo 'l"'i'' Ik- will tn.iK L' :illo'hcs to M. i-.ii- " brillmnl i'nni'1 1: ln Ki, ,s ,,,, ,,, i.n ,s.,isms of ii.s.-loss .v.'t li.irin- ' lmvr l"'l' li' li- Htarliil. H, nt-. insl o lonjr Xxii athl.M- Vk'l .m.hitij: m j,.miI t,. .1, .,'! other M-liool vvont i-olw ,fJ?) &r" "" "" "t .iry plao and our tonm will 1'i.lsbtirv, lm t;i,K'i is niii.-i.'.m itTcnrs. 1 lintxknn hs now taken con- . (.rouble to flil out some f 1 .limit, of players, Mndeiro. ii.mi, hop tiff that the eye, of ' 1 ndent.s may be eiied to the ii harmony must prevail. A 1 ini'stions wiik nenti to enoh man 'he team, with a request that he i 1 all nnd return tijcjii, The last Hi asked wn for ntelr5nT!iilon ' -'s team aiul hmv it mui1i1 ... rn nnpiMM'd. Sotni' refru'iieil H -Mfiniv tliis, tftliem express - f n ! x As ;i , hole e en itnetil i.s iliviili'd. .some blain ' ' lis. . . .I hei 'inii' In 1 IIh ' "-.hi "i ' 11 a- .1 in. 1 ' '. ,1,1. II -I HI T ' 1 ii". - l.l't trillls (in ,'.,ih ..' J.. , 'ooili.ill 1'it'i'li's .iiui athli .l.ll Jl ! . . Ill I i..l t I'll 1. ' 1 n en the team lie i twe.i lis 1 1,1. st.i ml -l tl'fl 1111,1 11. il weighs ini pullliils K01 s,s .in. I troud i'aHaiiu' hi ii. I IpKll I'l lie VN I'Kl" I II . .11 11 is en. il nut Hi' '. I. now '.eilu'i- nt ' ' . 1 ii'i-s n.i.l ",- ...... .... ',,.. -..., u'.iinst tin Inline ' .1111, ha- .1 pMiei'.il fa t 1 1 1 with both 1.1. iters. In oal k:ekin h 1 reeord iineijii lied Bin - the present "-'eaisoti. 1 1 ner. ij-iiai'il. (.Miitot receive 1 ii.i'im' for hi- work. He i.s' .1 vimi old. six feel and hitrli ainl weijfh. '-'1"' ' f.ieUt unitinp to jrive idMini.tye haul 1 be ove.r- H - football abilit, however. i s quickne.svs and imuien.i" He ha.s leen in school ftve I of whieli he liu.s plnye.1 tellll. Me f-lls lie IllltlKS ... ,..,i t-.. fiiinniMv mritli miiv ,,-ii- 'I'll.- line i'ii, air.-msi tips the b.aan at 1- i.s tin- strong , : ---iit ii-.i.-k.'i. ;' -ticietieies. r-.- ' ' - "ts" .-.-.. .. . ....-. 1 1 1. -,, i.-uii,-,-.i 11 j ii -h'h le,; 1 Katiin (Virnel . 'HO. nnd li. II. O How- , nion e.nisti-tutin wa;. .1 i,ipt,,i .,,,,i ; lands. ColiVMle. 'Ts, eit., . ' sh-n-h , i,-,l ",it, s, , sM 1 ,,,,,, , nm. 1.1 if :weiit on, mini okl. 'is IIH and is tii- te.i miie mehe!.. In Ii 1 no 1 i iti t- ,.eri .iltliouih it in hit. ''t 1 , 11 in eol.efie He will return ne 1 r.u In 1 re,. 1 1 .1 (,. t he I , .1 III 1 e thinks aHi.n' 111.- -.Illle .1 Mil .'.liels 'l smiii-mI t,. I'. ei'sn sp.i.i ,,.ii Li, k . ( mm lriiur (oi plm-es lie nrptss more puine.s fxi' the sri.,11,1 .li-ien t hioiiirtiont lhl i'n- ln elinti- lllinili'l i, I ihe lo.'.ll alum' The ll'esi i h.ipti i .hi 'I'hoina.s 1. l.ii tin, 1i ed li.-m lh- lel.teis (deei .is,-,: ), in . Miller, '.i,, ll, '.. Ji.itn, w is jigpt,( V"M ' i. n. rn ott. '"i", it. ii. u.i, !,, pin-.., ,.M i.. i ... nii -.i... Cinton Hart i . ii .i -,ii. i' . . i .li i !. s I . U ,,, ' 'HI: . I . St m hoi ii. "in : V I. linioii, in is 'dl ; .1 KuieiA 1'. !l Kim . 'i'i; '": H. U. nn, N. ''. '' ' ! . '" ', i. r i..,. I,, r M. IIviTiit i1; )' MM- t huin 1, ester. '0'.1 . 15. '. VHMjBBHiVspK,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHJH i liSjLSHCa. ILtk' m -Ji i lT ' . k. Xjtvft... ci' . - s, ilH KIEdBbS ' st l. .i - " ' f. i 3b ilHBiLLHiilBfluiW. ' iMrTf I i ii wi . 'BFikJKBv' 9 " OMOSwitJUsHtc"- ? i Ik1L.l.LiiHbvIiB it i.i ea i . . 1. I. ei i . Itf nil. -M li n dilTi-n n- ' .., 1 1 1 ., i, . - ,i ,','t e, iM.'iil , "ft he s, ,,. v . o ,y rip. s.i; ii- ,, .( mil l i i I : . I'liliuli .in J. 1 I I i.v . 1 1 . r i , , I lti.M I s ,u , , I I In I.i". I ! -' . I i ' . . i - : ' h. i : I i HI. -Ill ,- Is, 1 I'.tHs w , ; , ' le r. . . -d .in.! "est, is i. euu,' r nieel n;s. . nnii - ' 1-, .iMii, .,;: ;:,.,. ;. ,,,., Inn.- i,i imrt ieular i-.m-. to in- ii Tims the priaey of ukis- bu-.n. s, snioia! orgiiniations i ,,!,seri Vj line present ii..te the sue;. , thirt. three aetive ami 11f n , thapt. rn, Mith a toiaLineiul'in ,', brt' fi,r0u men. the rtei ., e.xjei in ii Hi Id w rtli it- Itij.. the utn pte, ie. 'I '. ! II. 'I i . Ni III- Mi II M I ."v .1 iSs, old, f-i li il last eai nin of this e.i in.'' - ..ill .in.) le n- a piMilne, l 'lie Im'J showed Mil' 1 1 ' n a lark of inti'i i-si am ,.i both and the fe-'t that th- ' a tendency .o I 'i'K'' ""'" pnaltiun to another .-ntiiivU He will not return tiev, ,,'iiir marked iiupnoemeiii ' hat I ea I'ln II uiHeii the othei i. uatil. is oldest men upon the lean., -"-ed hi- twenty-sivih birth- - not so la-rfiT (,v ' urrier ,.s :.mhi pnnndh. Heigtn siv uiehe.s Like Tinner aniin, nit.' his lifth jc.r in colleff -i emled his "fchiid sear up He will not Im- back next ret-. ird lo 'he team Hansen follows: "There :in exiel- rial ami up to the '...n.e of i- trame worked with a spirt . . t l. ..... i a l . ininatioll tnin won m pen-, a place oil Die team n- the lirst .ini. IN wili return net eai. I,iul pin nli nee M-rmil ('mi;- '" 'llv np.noi1 " the train In i ailed Mlenlioi. to th Voir's ,illead p'l llle-d mil. Hi ..'mi think-- 1 eveiv man in .'olletn ph, i.-a'lv .till' mu'hl to )et u.i! and :i,ai, ,- cnilliel il I. u " .1 .'''I f.e p1 n on ' he u an ,vl i riL'i i r I A Mi iv -' ' . ii . s . , . i , i i li ' m .. ii I one halt inches ami ,i e'l'li, I'm p iiiik' II"' p IV el fur ' ,..,.s ii llie Ihl'-IiI .schiK.i and upon .., v i ai s i i.iinpi"ii,hii ileven. II , , ' Ik iik-Ii in i i v '.i i He ..uses the point I hai 'In nn i, du not lnMow llie ilistri.l'.lim- id the eii.icll, "Tin i'imi li." he s:r- "ueiiie u-ed In eas.- w.'i's wht re a man lie. l wait tot I ,i v in. a l luli. ilese i n - in mi id l.i a Me. 1,1 Im 'he ivixi show iiie .it the i,,i i Hi- ii it triiif" cnerv h'.s ,mI uitiuie anil extra heavx weight, uiaih !; m an equal. iny man for the ti'a.n. I in- t. I I I p l.oi l,el MM V '. "!i veil' in i' I'' ilodelph i !l 1 it I k I '. I . i s , , , , , , , line. A., th, . riv -in. it "' ii'ic ofpii-M'tii.'il . -ind "'-.' . . v ore, weie iilled, aii!ie:iii1s I r, 1,1 (, dill I in versify, Mont te.i i and liom 'h I niM-r.sity at ,Netrwska neivintr ch.ii -lers. ihe onraniation of a kviht.iI ialiiiiiiu associa'tlOii uf th, pi'iet w., lordi'id detailK beiiiy lei to the e, u. I'ollai.l a. 1. 1 i liafle, I' it t, f, o.i, Im h I ,i- i-i.iiiieil. Jiidp- ". It. S' of of '':.'. ice pleikeil. ( ll if.. VMKs reejer'.l reeiden I 'a n 1 Atti'i the 'isia i,aijon cci-enioine-, I;, , I miatoi 1? l't utie , is mi,I u, n, d t-hi uipan.v id Helta Upailons id o., In . iciit ive nun ei Weti I t- lourneo to tin- Uiliijliet hall. the 1..I- ,i. n.'a.!i have ire ! the (Inatt. i lli a. e nun ii ii L' limn nn i in- ix.uu. , .,.....,. i , , , . . I, - uc ntv Mm oUI, h.cks an inch , 'Vw"f J1".?' "' T ,,''"'', ''"' ' ' '," N ' '' "hl '"- '" " ' " -' "" ,1 ,l,e six W mark ,ml weiph. JS.h. . J MU"' ,'- V. ",' '" .yh"" ' ' " '' '" ' - ' " -i- I,- wink i all the nion" ivuMrkable lar.v ',". ' n " a"'.'',' " "' ''" ' ''", '' "' "" ,,,,,';" 'N"'" vhen ,t is eoiiKidered that he has but '".V, S" "!"- ! h JVlta ' '" ' . , , "-r' '' ": " " ""'" '"" i in v i arV epirienie. A Ik ml the .nun. he Mn' "llie team of '', up i.i Mil' ret. nn ft. .in 4 In, trip, was the strotm'eM that ever represent Tin 'carlet and cream and tli li i- I teruttv eolois. tilni and I'onl in i. I Hill. 1. i IV idelice Ked i I I ll. I ' oil- , I t 1,1 ' I I I, il V (luWi i .1. ' ' tin si'.lf ami I'lea.ll. 1 lie SCul e I and K. I . i'ii me- wiu iet- tihih the team lost hope a se..i,d hiddr does not nol re tin- .- tin m the M .,. in ine out u lli.s sl,i, iiu'II, .I.s Kali- I s.i, riaim.s In i ti.iin tln.s eir ,s the! s i unrest .she has e i he1, v hilc Mis- I smiii I'eiUiinU va- than last- U'.IV." I "Attci this time tlie ruling oi alie J athletic Imard, the unjust critleitms of' i ei lain Hirtieti and unfair rejort, of I tlie nines all uiiiletl to di.scnurage the ........I. ,,1'hiinm. .iiii I ri.. nuc ri not train uronerb' 1 t hink . delie.ieucy uminl .uuttU iuii i iu i .uom . n he I Hake and Iowa ffames n be at tain soirit wu due lartreh Hcnedict has tinisbeo his tmini eii tj-iluiJ directly to the unfctiir Wck .enetal aiwtthv " the I'nivf-r- on the teiuu. He i iwenry ji a.r. oiu, . stinfi. 0f two 0f our nic li-team reined to feel the lack live lcct, mm n.e.ic. hik '.... k ,,v and Kiipport. Kootball, 154. He h . m ... . h preat repu tatij, ... needful, luuJt be a cvneral , for If U 1,,, a .i,..y a.t half. I e tv aftair v,)l not Pla' 10x,,l,;i" ,lt'st ear hl', .cum amid Ik- impioved by hv. I inu,tlVnJt traindnp tble nnd bv a morx eral a he a ffret favorite ?m " nfon-Mii-iit of ti-nhiinr rule, side nir. He y. Th" team was ...e all ili-v mus, have the sup- ', for the most part- better on offensive I'i ' i 1' It iUl- ' s , . , i I ef,pi. . i I Iii I'nil.idt Ipln i t t.i.v - H. II. 'I I i -i 1 1 is . n i 'iind.ii i li ipli i. Ilclln 1 jisilon. I; ii nil. if (in iisen' Mi iiibcr, 11. H. Xo.ves (nn I'm ml. I he F. "lem v. 1! ' i slndd. . , (,, .ioid SU'libiiis. (i'ii I nivi I - 1 . lh-ail lfeese. I in MI-ssi. hi ..I Delta I'lisifou. tien the iruiri.iui :. 1ie iniiuii-, la ks I.v stephei, ( rane, the nuvilist, sensitor I'.-. .... if Veruiiiui: i.oven.or o.n--1 i -. Sew .lerse.v : i n-v . mor I'ow i'-. '' ' a 1 d ol her w . k now ii ill, ii. i. 'i i,i I'.iHlv ea i r i ii oui on a- - ..-li ' ' i en for. ed . I.,..ii-e -of s, .me ' ' ' ' . I h'lin'ii -.. trt li tin i .- was v , i , i. i 1 he it i r pa i i u as e v mi liV ' ' i .I. Mill I- , "! ! '.. I 'li' hex I is .I i o: i trot s f ' i. a v . i. n lin nn-1 1 1 i. of tilt Oiiiicpou u -in -etv utn pii'M-nt from M'(iill with I'i id ( .i p" ii, an honor.!' v inenili. i of I'.-iia I'p-tlon t in- society ch.irti red n Nehrn.ska wat, knwa a T. 1). V'idrcw nit 2rt' ' I'-raterniiy .ludpv E. B. Sherwm. I ehrnkn siipi.r, I'I l-lta 'Tlu-ta. oiORt wd1(,iUla ijpotheKe. .lohu Wllon Bal- . sit-in 'hi. Hi-tn Tl .-t . I'i. Sbnna M- lin' , i phw rjisilon. l)i'!1a 'I, TVHa, J'hi part of certain nrofcaHore nnd mem- - , ':. . ''.' t"" .,,'' , i'Pl" ' -' Mpi: "" 'Mueffa, Kapjia - . .1 .. . . - . 111,11 L'll IU. .11111 L'l,t.ll'lllL:n Jllllll ill,-. V n iJiity frk-iidfc aud distant brother chapters. 1 1 Ik pleasantly located aid inks forwanl to a prosperous year in w bo, - Coniiniieil on nai'i olavers. "A httue more UnlversMy wpirlt o-n bets of the athletic hoard and le oritiirisni would !ntill more Interest on the part of the wtu dents toda-y and (Cor'niued on pane IS.) n. Alpha Theta Chi (local). rlii Delta l'h'i, Kappa Kappa, tjarottia. Kaiga Al pha 'Hieta, IVH Gaanwivi, Hi't.i Delia