The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, December 05, 1898, Image 1

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Voi VII.
Fkiok 5 Cents.
Delivered in Chapei before
Occasion of the
Some Suggestions for the Solution
Will Confront America.
On the occasion of the opening of
the- second term of the Law School,
Chancellor McLuln, of the law depart
ment of the Univcralty of Iowa, deliv
ered mi address dealing with the prob
lems connected with the government
of annexed territory by the United
States. The address was enthusias
tically received by all the students
Illtlti i;ifiiiu liiifiiu iiiiu fill tii.ijiui.
Chnccllor Me Lain said in part:
Wo ought to understand very clearly
Unit capacity for government, especi
i1...t ......1.1 ..........1 I., II. i... ..I. ,.....!
ally for government of other people,
Is not the only test of civilization.
People have attained a high -position
in the arts mid sciences and literature
and all that goes to make life noble
and worth-while, without demonstrat
ing any special aptitude for public af
fairs; and in these directions the English-speaking
people have by no means
as yet established any marked pre
eminence. Even in the ordinary way
of living comfortably and happily
their supremacy is by no means as
sured. We are In some measure still
lwcbarians as compared with the races
of the continent oT Kuro pe; and 1 am
not sure that we arc not better).
lint it Is true that one of the strong
est of the human desires is for individ
ual liberty, and one of the strongest
human impulses is toward the develop
ment of a government, which shall give
in the largest practicable measure this
freedom of the individual citizen. And
In this Held there seems to be no Ques
tion as to the supremacy of the English-speaking
peoples and the general
comparative excellence of the institu
tions which have been developed
among them. And If we shall look at
the Anglo-Saxon races and their insti
tutions as excmplillcd in English his
tory, as compared with the l.u tin races,
ami the institutions which they have
worked out on the continent of Europe
I think we shall have no hesitation 'n
entertaining the greatest respect, and
admiration for what the descendants
or that little body of Tiilonle people
which went to England in Hie Fifth
and Sixth centuries and duri'iig succeeding-
centuries esatbllshed absolute
dominance over the English isles, have
accomplished within those marrow lim
its. 1 am by no means inclined to give
all the credit to the Anglo-Saxon blood
The faculty with which in England the
Scotch ami Irish have become the fore
most of Englishmen and with which in
America Cenuanis and Kciindlnuvinii'.
and even people of races not Teutonic
have become fully Imbued with the
principles of what we choose to en. I
Anglo-Saxon intitutions, demon
sirates to my mind tnat the institu
tions themselves and not the blond of
those who live under tlu'in. have played
a most Important part.
First let us consider, however, for n
moment, in what the excellence of
Knglbdi government consists which
bus enabled It more successfully than
any otlu r government, to deal not only
with colonies of its own people, but
with alien races. The government of
( I rent llritain seems to be pre-eminent
in its capacity to foster and protect
i lie material prosperity of its subjects,
io give to them the largest practical)!'
degree of individual liberty, to estab
lish and maintain law and order and
to nrotect local self-government. Tne
Heltons are like the Honinns in their
iaNielt,v for great afVnlrs. but they
ililVer from the Konians in the recogni
tion of the rights of the people of an
nexed territory to enjoy the lnrg-est
measure possible of local well Deing.
To rigintly appreciate the dillicultiies,
real or Imaginary, which confront the
United States in entering upon the
task of governing annexed territory,
it is necessary to consider some ques
tions relating to the altitude o this
country towiurd foreign countries, as
well as' the peculiarities of its internal
institutions. As the first of tnese mav
well be mentioned want, haw been
vaguely designated as the American
policy, involving freedom from foreign
alliances and exclusion of foreign Eu
ropean nations from any further ex
tension of their influence in a he west
ern liemispliere. When Washington,
in his farewell address, warned his
the Law College on the
Opening of the
of the Vexed Problems which
The Address in Part.
countrymen amiinst. Comlm, ...,,. ,-i.,
ments he uttered words the wisdom at
which has never been fully recognized.
There have been ambitious statesmen
who wished for us a wider sphere of
inlliicnce. It was once urged that we
should join European powers in mould
ing tile future of Africa; but wisely,
as it seems to mo, we have refrained
from undertaking any enterprise in
volving the permanent exercise of pow
er beyond our own territory. We have
not hesitated, however, to assert our
rights as a member of the family of
nations to equal privileges with other
nations anywhere on the earth's per
iphery. Hue it seems seir-evldent that it
would be unwise for us to enter into
alliances offensive and defensive with
any power. Wo could not for a. mo
ment think of taking up another's
quarrels and we must therefore be pre.
pared to maintain single handed any
quarrel which may be forced upon us.
I see no reason, however, why our an
nexed territory should expose us io
quarrels with foreign states. It is not
likely that any foreign nation will seek
to take from us nny territory ovr
wli ieli our sovereignty lias been estab
lished. ,
In at lest one way It seems to me
the possession by the United States of
outlying territory will make for pYaee.
We have been so secure in our rciuot".
iiess from other powers mid our coin
pact news of domain that we have been
inclined, by reason of our supposed
security, to take rather a belligerent
attitude in our relations with other
countries. If we can realize that we
are not invulnerable, even though In
vincible, we may perhaps more fully
realize that our true "policy must ever
be to maintin peace, and to foster
among all nations the growl li of re
pugnance for win and violence.
The Monroe doctrine which haw been
put on a substantial footing tliroug-h
its recognition by (irean llritain in the
Venezuelan controversy, has so little
justification in any principles of inter
national law that it cannot, have bc.Mi
acquiesced in b, our ncigiihors with
extensive territory to the north with
out a realizing sense of the advantage
to her. with referenice to her European
rivals, of a firm establishment of a rule
which would exclude them from any
serious threat of eiiuroachiticnt upon
Hritish possessions on this coiitlueu'.
The fact that the announcement if
this Monroe doctrine was originally
made at the Instance of ( treat ilrtain
as against Spain and her allies and was
at the time entirely satisfactory to her.
Hut the most serious objection
which seems to be made as to the abil
ity of the United State to successfully
govern annexed territory, is, to put it
bluntly, just this: We are incapable of
wisely governing onreslves, and there
fore, n fortiori, incapable oi govern
ing anybody else. And especiaiiy II is
strongly urged, are we incapinble if
governing alien or subject races. And
l't must be confessed that our experi
ence With the Indians and the negroes
is not reassuring.
I hardly think anyone here would
insist t lut t this people Is inherently
less qualified for affairs of government
than' other English speaking peoples,
nor that our theory of self-government
has been demonstrated to be a fail
ure in practical results. It will hardly
lie claimed that our instiitutlons arc o
notoriously bad that it would be inhu
man and unchristian to extend them
into any territory where they have not
already been introduced. 'I i.c local
government in some of our large cltlis
and in some of our small ones as well,
Is far from ideal.
If It is said that we first ought to
govern ourselves before we attempt to
govern others, It mny fairly be sug
gested flint the order of our develop
ment mny not 'be entirely for us to de
termine. ' If you try to mnke your boy
a perfect little gentleman, careful of
his clothes and his flng-er nails, before
you allow him to have nny interests
outside of the family, or come in con
tact in any way with the broader nf
falrs of life, you will prolwbly either
make a little prig of him, wholly use-
ess for any larger purpose, or give
him up as it. flat failure. Don't remit
your efforts as to clothes and linger
nails, but on the other hand trust
something to the beneficial effect of
larger and stronger influences. A
months association with a hero or a
mint of alVairs, or a sweetheart, mny
do more to make a mini of him than
all your precepts.
The real problem which eon from s
us lit dealing with annexed territory
occupied by alien races is to determine
whether our institutions ean practic
ally be adapted to circumstances so
radically dlil'ereut to those under
which they have thus far been devel
oped. The people of the thirteen coll
ides were reasonably homogeneous.
Is it not possible that In the cIVort
to deal with territory the Inhabitants
of which arc confessedly uoi capable
of self-government we shall reach a
more satisfactory method of dealing
with those of our own people who are
also incompetent to trovcrn them-
selvesV It is a republican government:
wincn our rattier contemplated, a gov
erninent by olllcers exercising the dis
cretion of wise rules, not a govern
ment of unrestrained majorities.
What, then, is to be (be method of
governing those 1 nimbi hints of Ari
zona and New Mexico, who are still
little above the conditions of peonage
the Indians and Esquimaux of Alaska,
the natives, the Chinese and the Japan
ese of the Sandwich Islands, the ne
groes of Porto llleo, and If we acquire
a portion or all of the Philippines, the
ncgrltos, Malays. ;Inpancse and Chi
nese of those Islands? Plainly, wo
should, if possible, establish for each
a government which will secure law
iiml order, and thereby secure to each
individual his civil rights. Then for
our own safety and stability of the
rv Hi'' "wwiiil
ink1 .til . . y.vuWim
governments which wn set up, such
local participation in government as
the people nre capable of exercising.
Then we should we to it that there
Is religious iineriy mm mm -n"'
s extended among them as rapidly i.s
possible. For all these things our gov
ernment and our civilization niiiht
stand as guaranty .
The question or citizenship is per
haps the one Involving the most seri
ous t lpllcatlons. Hut citizenship
has acquired in the United States in its
commonest use a inclining quite dllYer
ent from that which it. lias among civ
ilized nations as the term is used hi
international law. All the subjects or
n civilized state are entitled to its pro-
tectlon, and the term citizen does not
necessarily mean tbat the person thus
. .. . . . .. , ric iimi 1 111 r iiiii k - . i i. .
described ownes no allegiance to i i.Yidmnce lo )Ut ln civilization again
other sovereign nnd Is subject to the , , ,t j t ,, ,t ,t ()U, We
laws of. the state. All the Inhabita. ' h t , d ,LlkV(! ,
or annexed territory, no matte w v , "I , llho
their race or color, will f Mlol tl ly ;.,',', .,.;en(1ll,r( of t,,,e Missouri
become citizens of the United States
when they are accepted as its subjects,
and thnt acceptance will be determined
by the treaty under which the terri
tory is annexed, in the absence of ex
press provision, all who are allowed lo
remain within such territory and elect
to do so, undoubtedly 'become citi
zens and entitled to tho civil rights
guaranteed to its subjects by our con
stitution. Moreover, nil who are born
within the territory of the United
States and subject to the jurisdiction
thereof will, by virtue (if the first sen
tence of the fourteenth amendment,
become subjects by virtue of this spc
clfln declaration.
(Continued on pnyo 4lj
Short Letter From Lieutenant Phil Russell.
Eager for Peace and Return to the Land
of Civilized Han
The Vaudeville Program With
ducing Performances. - -
Office of Brigadier General Hughes,
No. .', Calle Ileal, Manila. 1 1., Oct.
a.'), 18U8.--.My Dear Mr. Townc: Tills
matter of Tiie Nebraskaii lias been on
my mind ever since we entered Manila,
for I've been dead crazy to get Univer
sity news and so far havu't bad the
slightest item. This is the first year
within my memory that I have known
absolutely nothing of what was going
on In foot ball. The campaign: ex
circinent is at low ebb just at the pres
ent stage of the game initl the Inter
ests of college life are uppermost In
my mind.
Though J can't take any part in that
life my interest in it is on the in
crease rather than waning, and five
o'clock never rolls around without
bringing thoughts of the activity on.
the campus at that time and the lucky
fellows that are part of It. The big
git m cm are played away from homo,
are they not? But T can imagine the
push in the Cot-op waiting for the, re
turns, and ha-j. Ua'ny means of know
ing the result; (if the Kansas game,-, for
instance, I should certainly celebrate
in. the good old fashioned way,
though we can't cut duty as we did
Affair are dtfuldedly stagnant here
just now. Aguliialdo has been ordered
to take his troops further back front
.Manila, and yet he shows no sign of
obeying. There's a chance that we
may have an opportunity to drive him,
here's hoping. The Paris commission
is not popular here. They won't sot-
tie matters and trive rncie Mini a
hnt. tmntrino that will cover your sub
Rcrlptlon price. I wish you'd send' me
the back- files for thin year. T nm In
flic tisunl condition of a soldier two
weeks before pay dny, but If the foot
bnll fund is shy or -some other of the
numerous things thnt are usually on
deck, let me know, and I'll stand for
rniL. W. TtUSSELL.
,. ft
if l,,-,-,.. AVe'vc been in some rood mixes i m-m-m to oe uenveo trout atJiinfie
and the University men among the en-. woj'K .""' " i"Wff f records
is ted men of the First Nebraska havq ' Il11' l K-huh e plnycrt In the
" ',',.. et,.(v gymnasium upon every Monday and
1)roven then stun. Wednesday evenings. These gam-n
T enclose a money order I r do f ,! sbould draw
lnnu 1 linvoll'T Vmil- lot.TCI Hit, liatUl. . ,..'... ,
Its Complete List of Mirth Pro-x
Echo of the Iowa Game.
The following Is the program for tha
Football Vaudeville Show to be given
In the chnpel Friday evening, Decem
ber i)th:
Overture By the Cadet Band, Earl
Wehne, Director.
Stcbblns In a. marvelous exhibition
of club swinging and juggling.
Lincoln As M'lle Noir, Pavmler
Donseiisc, a skirt dance with very little
MeKlllip, (lillespic, Heghtol and Wil'
lains, the .Musical Specialty Quartet.
Woods The Hanjo l-'lend.
Ltikcy Ventriloquist "- "
Hill and Hooper The n.i.a of.-'ie
Iron Horse in their trick bicycle rid
lug and balancing.
Sumner and Sherman In their orig
inal, inimitable and laughable coined v
sketch, "Tlie Blind Bard and the Dig
ital and Draughtsman."
Cuseadden and Manchester In their
clever turn, "Hypnotic Ucvclatlons."
Olio (a) Knt ni uce of tne Landlord;
the plaintive prayer, "Wo wish our
rent, was paid." (b) The quartet re
turns from Kansas, "Three cheers for
the team that won the Kansas game."
(e) All join in the "Hot Time." (d)
The washerwoman's chant, introduc
ing the great "Ahem" song, (e) Mny
fTn'iir.s-l'eAg"Ouiig. trR-lf' uriiui-ija...'
accompaniment, (f) Challenge "Cake
Walk," led by Turner.
Seats for vaudeville on sale and re
served at the "coop," University Knse-
nent. Seats r() ecu Us.
One of the most gorgeously decora
ted turnouts was the tally-ivo which
bore the members of the Nebraska
chapter of the Alpha Tan Omega fra
ternity from Lincoln.
Every blessed mother's son of them
wore the scarlet and the cream, and
the huge white chrysanthemums, ecu
tered with red en runt Ions, adorned
each palpitating bosom. It was dur
ing the carnage that the Alpha Tan
did its most rohtifr't rooting. Politic",
Nebraska's left end, is a member of
this fraternity, and his star work set
his admiring conferees wild. In the
party were .Messrs'. Humphrey, Brown,
Hewitt, CI uver, Morrison, Mumiiu, Ar
nold. Lefler, Marley, with their guests,
(lordon and Martin. An exceptionally
coterie of manly, handsome young
Trainiifg has already begun in the
gyninatsluin for the field day in Hie
spring. Captain Benedict of the track
tain is inarshalllng the old men to
gether and looking tip new material,
of which therein not n little in school
this year. There iwi plenty of places
for those who are ambitious to make
a record. The records in some of our
races, especially the hurdles and also
the htimmcr-throw and shot put,
should be broken this year. Wesleynn
already claims the hurdles r.nd the
half mile and mile runs.
W. E. Anderson received n letter last
week- from Ira Kellogg of company B,
First, regiment of Nebraska Volun
teers. He said that he and .Tewitt IkkI
neither of them been sick n day since
leaving Lincoln. He attributed it to
the fact that both were in excellent
condition when they left here, just be
fore our field day. There are other
tutors. A little encouragement from
the. audience adds much to the soort
nnd the quality of the game.
V, O'Mnhoney lias offered another
$20 mednl to the winner of the outdoor
rentaithloii this year. This trophy !s
the only one, which is given for indi
vidual work nnd is worth a yenr's
training. Last year there were only
five, contestants. The man who wins
It this year will have Ho work for it.
ant cut uismst c crowd or snee-