LOCALS. Morrill vn Kdiwr Morrill vn In town liml weolt. Go lo Ion'a Cafe, Soutih lltih. Open ' v trlgfo'ts. Pho t'orrfhliitf lllllwi' 'hop will ho given December 10. Oo to Webator & llngoi'M for your $:t.00 and ifll.BO SIioch. , Don AUnniH ate Turkey under li'ls pnrohlul roof lit. Superior. Archie lleiw'iey Npcnt Thanksgiving nl his home In Jleatrlee. Onevln 1 Lamberlfton, Dentist, 1205 0 St., Alex. lllk. Tol. 215. Chancellor Maol.ean returned Wed no.sdny from Washington. Second ha ml books The Students Supply Store, li'Jl) It Street. Typewriting ami Mlnncogrnphlng Tho .Student? Supply Store. Dr. D. h. Hamsdell, skin ami gonlto urlnnry diseases, 187 So 12t St. Dr. 1. 1. AiirIq. practice limited to Skin nml Urinary Dlsenses. 1400 O St (1. II. ICIIsworth went to l-'ullerlon Wednesday to spend a week. .lessle lxin.slng eame up from i.ntts moutih to spend Tliunlnglvlng, Miss l.oeeh spent Thanksgiving with Miss llnlllo Wlkon In Asthlaud. Kdgar Clarke and II. 11. Shedd spoilt Thanksgiving at. Asn.aml. Prof. llrooks went to Minneapolis, Minn., Prlday to spend ten days. Mrs. Morrill entertained the mem bers of PI lletn Phi Friday night, Cameron's Luncih Room, 118 Soutih Eleventh. Open day and nltflvt. Vergil llarber went, to Omaha with Charlie Kngle during the vaeatton. Dr. S. B. Cook, practice limited to eye, ear, ii,oso ami throat. 1215 0 SU Webster e ltogors have all the up-lo datto styles In their $3 and $3.50 Shoss. Miss Jennie Douglass spent Thanks giving with her sister, Klien Douglass. I'M. Crumb left Wednesday to take the usual good Thanksgiving dinner at home. Try our Ladies' Cork Soie Hand Sewed SH.OO Shoes. Foot Form oiore, 12i: O St. A large number of students attend ed the football game at Council DlulYs Thursday. Dr. Wharton, of the St. Paul Metho dist church, led chapel exercises Tues day morning. Chancellor Mael.can went to the lUack Hills Thursday to deliver sev eral lectures. Mrs. Frank iehmer and Mrs. Fred Fngle spent Saturday and' Sunday with their sons. Our Men's $:t.50 wniw proof shoe is the shoe for winter. Foot Form Store, 121H 0 St. Principal 1. S. Cutter came up from llentrlcu Wednesday to spend Thanka giving at home. Captain Guilfoil ami his company hae been scut to put down an Indian uprising in Utah. We notice that Dr. Faine 'has bonglit ut the interest of Mr. Warfel in the 'clothing business. Delta Tan Delta are to give a danc ing party In Courier hall, Friday eve ning, December 2V lUanchc llnrgreaes went to Des Moines Wednesday to visit friends dur iejr Thanksgiving. Miss Randall. Miss MaeMlllan and Miss Schwartz spent the Thanksgiv ing recess in Omn'hn. See our line Uni. letter tuul note pa per. Hy jacket, 10e and upwards. The Students Supply Store. Harry McKilllp and ltoy Schick spun their Thanksgiving vacation at their homes in Seward. Dean Hessey spoke on "Christianity nml Science" at the Congregational mmi'li isumlny evening. Mabel ltiekcts eame up from Friend to visit her cousin, Kim Uickets during tin Thanksgiving recess. Piank lluckstatV has quit his Uni crity work and will not be in school again until the second Semester. Dean IJeese of the law school is fre HiiMitlj mentioned as a possible can liilute'for United States senator. 'i In- Misses Tukey, Cole, .Jackson, Mat oiiiIhih, .Inynes spentThanksgiving Mie.uion at tilielr liomes in Omaha. Mis Quaintance has alwut com pleted a catalogue of the Alumni, gi ing their addresses ami occupations. I'hi Gnmmn Delta fraternity enter tflinei their lady friend, at their clmp 't Mouse with dancing Tuesday eve ning. Prof. Dunkaiihon of the state nor mal at Pern attended tho academy of wiiMico meeting at the University Sat- uruuj . The Xmas box has not yet been sent as oulors are expected from the gov ernment bringing the regiment Qiome ajram. Prof. Crabtree returned Monday 'roin the northwestern part of the state wJiere he bad been inspecting 'gl Schools. Ituinstead Tuttlo have Just re ceived a large lino of neckwear worth from 25e to $2,00, liemutlcs. Some thing new every Saturday. 1141 0 t. A good many of tihe High Sohool toiic-hcrs wore in. the University Tues day as the High School wim Hooded because of the bursting of the water pipes, Supt ,1, W. DliiHinore of the Healrlee schools, and Mrs. Dlnsmore spent Thanksgiving In Lincoln. Supt. Dins more attended the mellng of the acad emy of sciences. Vlwlt the Metropolitan Hnrber whop. Von get first class work nt low prices. ,llitlr cut, 15e; fJlmtupoo, 15c; nh'liven free with tickets. 1218 0 street, 11. J. Uobluson, Proprietor. The annual meeting of the academy of Science will be held Friday and Sat urday, .ovcinncr 20 ami 27, Atmrcsses on Funit and Flora of Argentine Ue publle will be delivered by Prof. Law rence limner. When we tell you we have the best Men's $11.50 on earth, we mean It. Webster iv Hogers, in III 0 St. Tim Oratorical association met In chapel Tuesday afternoon and elected tlte following oflleers for the year: President Tom Maxwell; Vice Pres ident, lioy It. Schick; Secretary and Treasurer, (i. A. Ileuedlet. History Paper made from 21 it. of lustinniev been attempted1 In this ciMiuin "Such a course 'has Just been de livered at Cornell by Oliarltom T. Lowls, esq., of (his city, the aim being to give a comprehensive view o' Insur ance (especially of life 1113111-111 In all Its nMoi'lenl and noil ileal relations. Among the tuples dlscuose were (1) gone 111 1 introduction; Insurance do llnod, (2) the theories or probabili ties, (II) the mortality tables, (1) the valuation of life contingencies, (5) premiums and reserves. ) the. ex penses of life Insurance, (7) sources of surplus; If distribution, (8) the termination r policies, with special reference to lapse and surrender, (0) the select Ion of risks, (10) the law of Insurance contracts,; gambling and fraud In Insurance, (II) Klnlo super vision and net valuation, (12) the sub ject of lire Insurance average; co-in surance clauses and reserves, (tin the regulation of rates, (II) the extension of Insurance principles to other sub jects, and (15) Insurance as a soolal Institution." Other universities as well as Cornell are now taking up this subject. Would ,t not be the part of wisdom for the University of Nebraslka to get In Hue with tho other leading univer sities and establish a lecture Course similar to that given nt Cornell?. 1IOUACF. (1. WI11TMOUH, '05. THE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Most Perfect Protection Lowest Possible Cost AT For 1'rornhim Rates wrlto or call on HORACE G. WHITMORE, U. of N. '95, Gen. Agont, FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING' iei MP8- Monroe hoyal, Hilled and Punched, So ner 100. In unbroken imekaire.s of W0 :i5e per pack. Hook and Stat. Dept., llerpolshetmer & Co. Alio llandolph, once a champion base ball player, and later a member of the glee club of "ye olden times," left, the struggling little city of West. Point to Its fate for a few days while be eame to see the University and eat Thankii Ivlng turkey. A 11111 HOOK AHOUT 1LVND INST1W M KNTS. If you are interested In a iband in strument of iiiiv kind, or would like to join a baud or drum corps, you can obtain full Infounatlou upon no sub ject from the. big Iniok of 144 Kgcs that Lyon & llealy, Chicago, send free upon amplication. U contains upwards of 1,000 tllUSMNUlous, ami r-ich me lowest prices ever quoted upon hand instrument. IntcrcollfKlnto tlurciiu. Cottrcll J Leonard 47-M78 llmndwnv Allmny, Now Vo'rlt. MiiUers of tlm Caps, Gowns and Hoods To tho American Colleges and Uni versities. Illustrated manual, samples, prices, etc., upon request. Gowns for the pulpit and the bench. Is now in full operation. Besides the selling of the entire wholesale stock ($4O.000 in all) we have in augurated a great sale in all the other departments and will give a uniform discount of 1$ PER CENT Beware There Is probably not a business 1 that 1ms had such a woudoriul i.evel opiiUMiluud has assumed sui'h magni-j tude during tho 1st half centurj as the business of insurance. It atlccts all. branches of trade, it removes the element of clmnec ami makes possible! the development and growth of large) commercial enterprises. It not onlj j provides for indemnity in case of loss 1 of nropertv for life but in addition to. fliis, as Professor Ely of' the Wlsoon-, sin University 'has very appropriately! pointed out: I "It. gathers throughout the length 1 mid breud'th of the land small sums, wiliic'h otherwise would 'be shmiU un- j productively or for only a temporary , gratification in the hands of the people who pay these sums thej arc 1 not capital mud would not become cap-1 ital, but with the Insurance company tihey become capital and arc used for the further production of wealth. It 1 nlTords credit to men of moderate' means. It spreads money throughout the country and It docs not tend toi vonoontrnto wealth for the building up of vas't fortunes. It is a form of co-operation by whteli men unite for' bonenciont purposes. In the ideal I contiiilou 01 society insurance must form an important part." Ought not, then, a business of. the magnitude and invortanee of insur-) ance have some place in t'he curricu lum of our universities? We 'have lec tures on commercial interests, includ ing commercial law, on social and po litical economy. Is there any reason Why the subject of insurance, wlnuii has so much 'to do with the commer cial growth and economic develop ment of tihe country, should' not be associated with these? Would not a more Complete understanding of t'he nature of insurance and the principles governing it be a vailuiiible contribu tion to the knowledge of every stu dent and future citizen? The follow ing from the Aevv xorlc evening Post will pcrhajw be of interact in showing the activity clrcwliero along tills line: "A few years ago the presidents of the leading universities were asked to assign to insurance a place in the lec tured annually given nt the law scliools. 'l lie idea found favor at once, and although instruction lias since been given at various law schools, never before this year, it 'has been said, '.Tis n un.verslty course of IM I. of spurious and fraudulent Imita tions of the Waterman Pons. Buy the genuine which has a record of in years of success, and has boon during all that time, as it still continues to be, the best loumlala pen over made, ami the standard of the world. Do not bo deceived by lnperfeet imitations, but. see that the pen you buy is stamped Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen and have it endorsed as such to vou by us or your dealer. All our pons are guaranteed. L. E. Waterman Co., 157 BROADWAY, NEW YORK N. Y. on all Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, and all Suits, Overcoats and Ulsters for Men, Boys, & Children. This is tho grontoBt opportunity over oiforod tho people in mid-soason to supply their winter needs. Seo thnt you 1110 among tho first to bo benefited. Armstrong Clothing Company 1013-1019 O Street Before engaging Music call on HAGENOW'S OKCHESTRA AND BAND, OLIVER THEATRE BUILDING, OFfice on ground floor, and get SPEGIAN RATES FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. 0nnnn nEDicm JQLLEGE Course 2S Weoizs. Fees $65.00. Offers great inducements to stu dents of medicine in the west. Methods of instruction most satis factory. Clinics in both surgery and mcdi cine held in the following hospitals in this city: County, Methodist, Child's, Immanuel and Presbyterian hospitals weekly. Catalogue sent and questions an swered by E. W. CHASE, Omaha, Turpin's School of Dancng. Children's class, Saturdays 2:30 p. m. Ladies' and gentlemen's class, Mondays and Thursdays 8p.m. The Academy olTcrs advantage for cotillion clubs, private parties, etc. Is newly furnished and decorated. Will bo rented at reasonable rates. For further information address, ALBERT TURP1N, "RS; Special attention given to STUDENTS HAIRDRESSINC, MANICUR ING, SHAMPOOING, SCALP TREATMENT. HAIR TONIC, TOILET C00DS 121 North 13th St. lectures on tho tlieory nml practice j Nebr., Continental block. If you havo not yet found u fountain pen to your llkltitf, try the CENTURY DOUBLE -FEED PEN. Wrlto for Circulars. A uood nuont wnnteil In every coIIvko nml lilKh school. CENTUHY PEN COMPANY. Whltowntor. Wis. illffiUlBI of Science )cl tih lhft XplKtmial.'ii Afint1nmv held its anminl meeting in tho chap ridny and Saturday, and ended wl oampict Saturdy night. Lieutenant Shut! of tho Third Ne hrnsUa volunteers, now in camp at Sa- "nh, Ga., is in tho city for a fewdays siting with old university friends. Ilello Wake up Have you heard of Lading's $25.00 combination suit enle? Jts on for 30 days. Call and get par MentaTs; with 13d Young, 1207 O st. Hi KICK IF YOU WANT TO! W to m m Sillily- Law AT Home lDXrucllonibym.il, id.ptfJtotTtrjr one. UtUioJi nproTM oj Irwintran- c&lori. Kxpfrteoee! ana competent Initructori. Tftiet irtra urn, oDij. Thrrt count l'rfnrto rr, builneti, collect. An ornortnnHr to better jour condition and proi-A nectl. Diuaenu ana graduate. eTerjwhcro. KUnl jewt uf luccew. full ti.rtloul.r. KI1KK. HI'IUCI'K rOllHKSrONDKMK BlIIOOI. IIK LAW, 07. Telephone Bulldlag, UKTK01T, B1CII. JMSr'ur i wMXs tr IT. 1 O t.11 .. ! J -k tl'T?r.ran...1' Cl.nn ...111 IVICK a root Ullll, or 11 iriunu, ur u puoi, u awguui uju win fk ofnn it nil rJolir Rot tlm Kxtnnsion bo o if vou wnnt to nut ili if in a good hard kick. Yon want a good shoo, a stylish shoo, jg M ImnH TOnltofl nnd hnilt for comfort, hard wear and cood looks. W iii Wo'vo got it at $3.00, and you can't find a $5.00 shoo to boat (R iHJf it. Wo soil direct from tho factory and save you tho dealer's (t) i$ profit. This is straight goods; no mistako about it. Seo tho $ ih Shoos and you'll know. J TWO TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN Lincoln and uburn, Falls City, Atchison, and Kansas City. City Ticket .Office, 1039 O St. H. C. Townsend, G. P. & T. A. F. D. Cornell, C. P. & T.A. o. F WRICHT, KAY & CO. Manufacturers of uIku urado KATEKMTY EMBLEMS RATEUNITY JEWELRY RATEHNITY NOVELTIES RATERNITY STATIONERY ItATERNITY INVITATIONS RATERNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS RATERNITY PROGRAMS Send for Cutaloguo and Price List. Special designs on application. 140-142 woodward Ave., - DETROIT, WICH- IE?,. &3 PdRBERHOP Students work a Siieclalty. 1144: O ST- Good Bnrbors.Now Furniture, Excollont Work, Wanted Solicitors for The NyBRABKAN Yon can make big money. Call at Univoraity Book stord". w m