The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, November 28, 1898, Image 1

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Vol. VII.
Pkiok 5 Cents.
The Thanksgiving Game Played in the Snow Before
A Crowd of Nearly 2000
Benedict Makes His Usual Long Run, Williams, Irwin, Kingsbury,
and Drain Distinguish Themselves.
The husky boys from lowu won tho
rhnnksglvlng game aim great is the
sorrow that fills tho hearts of Ne
braska's erstxx'hilo champion toain. The
scarlet nml cream was milled in. tho
dust by the old gold very much to tho
surprise of everyone, even of tho Iowa
enthusiasts themselves. All they
seemed to 'hope for was n close score,
ami such it was, li to 5, but that
six should be Iowa's no one dared so
much ns suggest.
Hut such is tho irony of fate and
though Nebraska could win from such
teams as Kansas, Missouri, Ames and
i)ener, she has lost to Iowa the last
game of the season. Nebraska en
thusiasts Who braved the cold and
snow saw a good game though they
felt almost to a man 1hnt the defeat
was unnecessary. Had Bruce, who has
proved himself a strong and heady
player in every game in which lie has
taken part this year, been played at
end instead of on the side lines the re
sult would almost certainly have been
different. Liebman utterly failed to
get into the game at any time. In
fact he has not shown good form at
any time this season and why the man
agement should retire a strong man
for the sake of again trying Lidbmcn
no one can guess.
Benedict, Williams, Erxvin, and Mel-
ford played their usual brilliant
games. Especially did li.w.ii lrain, at
. q.tnr'fjir, Vhstlng-u!r, "hluKvin ' -For
lown Griffith, Hobbs, Pence and
Shroeder did fine work. Iowa used line
old guards back play, which Kansas
tried against Nebraska to (her ever
lasting sorrow. Nebraska could stop
Kansas but not Iowa and the repre
sentatives of the old gold won with it
repeatedly. Iown's team work was
magnificientt The men worked to
gether like one great machine.
The crowd was good, nearly 2,000
people seeing the scarlet and cream
trailed in the dust. Only a few from
Lincoln were present, 'nowever,
probably not more than thirty.
The game was slow in commencing
owing to the tardiness of the Iowa
team, and after they arrived there was
considerable wrangling over the offic
ials. Nebraska won the toss of the
coin and chose the south goal with the
winu to thejr backs and giving Towa
the ball, nml at 3:44 the game was
started by Captain Hobbs kicking forty-five
yards to Erwin, who returned
for ten yards before being downed.
Nebraska did not seem able to gam
at first, as nfter Benedict had gone
for three Williams tried the right end
for one and igain with no gain and
the ball was Iowa's on downs. Wil
liam carried the ball from the guards'
back formation for one yard and the
same play again gave no gain, and
Iowa was forced to kick. A quarter
back kick carried the ball to Nebras
na's fifteen yard line with Nebraska
jiossession of the ball. illiams was
sent for one yard and Benedict for six,
and on the next play it was Iowa's ball
on a fumble.
S. C. Williams gained five on in
around-the-end play and Mortan four
' M Pennsylvania formation. Shrader,
Morton and Hobbs failing to gain, the
ball went to Nebraska on downs. Ben
fdiet carried for five, Williams and
Kingsbury for two each. Erwin or
three and Benedict for seven. Ne
braska was pushing right along now
ind gained whenever they chose. Wil
1 anis, Kingsbury and Pillsbury helped
along for fourteen yards, when the
ball stood for awhile and went to Iowa
on downs.
Williams circled the right end far
twenty yards and a double pass was
Mopped with a loss by Kingsbury.
Benedict stopped the next guard's
hack play with a two yards' loss and
Iowa was forced to kick. A quarter
back kick sent the ball in touch and
from the twenty-five yard line Erwin
punted for forty-five yards, which was
returned for Hobbs for fifteen yeards.
Williams could not gain and a quar
terback kick gave Nebraska the ball
fifteen yarcta further down. Erwin
and Williams made three each, Lub-
l'.KXX l. ." I'l.M". Ill I ll.l. V,,l,iii,.l. i,f K.i..iw. -ti 1ulil
No gain was miide on a double pass, " the University Noxembor 25-20.
nml Benedict made ten around the left , On November 2ft, Dr. Ward opened the
end. Erwin pluged the center mr six meeting by dollxerlng the president's
nwi lumiii Cm. ,i...... wniimiiu mini., address, cut it'ledy"" 1 he Fresh Water
u ball for forty-seven lne around the right, and for the ;'oeal Motion, of the World." Dr.
the left end and then next five minutes Erwin gave tlie best V1,1 N, "imiootlon U1i one of the
on the fifteen yard Hud exhibition of line bucking ever seen i-hief American stations, of which ho
rted a series of rushes the west as he carried live times in , hml ;'i''', fo' reason, qualified him
man one, Kingsbury two, Erwin three
and Williams one.
Then occurred the star play of tho
day, with Benedict for leading man.
On a beautifully executed double pus
lie carried the
a rds around
with the ball
Nebraska sta
which were fast and furious, and which
ended in htr only tuochdown, Pills
bury for fixe. Folmer for four, Wil
liams for two and Erwin for four yards
xvhich carried the ball to within one
,xnrd of tho goal. Hansen carried It
across, but Milford missed the goal
and the score was 5 to 0.
Hobbs kicked for forty-five yards
and Erxx-in returned txventy and again
Nebraska started doxvn the field
Kingsbury for six, Benedict four and
again the double pass xxas tried, but
this time Benedict only gained throe
yards. A quarterback kick xvas block
ed, but a Nebraska man fell on rlie
ball and it kept ngoing. Benedict cir
cled the left for three, and Pillsbury
and Williams failing to gain, Erxvin
punted and it. was loxva's lall on the
txventy-flve yard line.
The Ioxvans could not gain, and they,
too, had a kick, xvhich Hobbs shoxved
he xxa8 capable of lining by iiriving
tne Dan ioriy-nve ynms win vui.isv
ka'fl territorj
Hobbs kicked n gdul, making .he co)
0 to 5.
Benedict kicked off for thirty-live
yards, xxhleh wtuf returned ten xvh.Mi
the guards' bnekjplay xas again em
ployed. Five, llvo'j three nud one ynnls
were the gains when Nebraska got the
pigskin on a fumble but she could not
gain, and again lown had the ball.
On the net play Kingsbury injured
his ankle, and xxnis forced in retire.
Keasoner took his place. Left tackle
Williams poked his nose through for
the, Morton for eight virils, and Iowa
commenced to delay the game and w
kill time in hopes of haxlng the game
called on account of darkness.
A nuarterback kick sent the ball in
touch, and being brought to the txven-l
ty-llve yard line, Krxvln punted for
thirty, putting the men all on side " A
and giving Captain Melford a chance
to fall on the Imll in the center of the
iieiu. i 'in,.
i in
Interesting Papers and Discussions About Sea
Weeds and Mathematical
succession and averaged four yards at
a time. The ball xxas now on the eight
yard line, and judging from the rate It
xxas going, would surely have been car
ried across had not Knlpe, the coach
of the Ioxva team, came running out
on the Held and delayed the game un
til darkness made further efforts of mo
avail, and the game xxas xvon by the
score of fi to 5.
Williams 1 lib Williams
Griffith q b Dram
Hobbs f b Erxvin
Eby r t Kingsbury
Schroeder r e Folin-r
Morton v lib Benedict
Pence 1 e Lelbman
Williams 1. t Pillsbury
Burner 1. g Hansen
Baker c Melford
Brock wnyv r. g. Turner
Emerson Writes of the Banquet (liven in His Honor, the
Alumni Club and Its Devotion to the University.
ninth annual meeting of the I the Ueaglo aviate to regions in xx-hloh
rroi. uruner was at xx-ork. ad
dress was full of interest to suieivtists
and laymen iillke.
On Saturday, in addition to techivi.
cal papers, read only by title, Mr.
I'.niNt llessey read a paper entitled,
"How Some Plstles Close Up." Prof.
Sxve.ey presented the results of
"Obserx-ations on the David Meteors
or iM)b," .Mr. Lexvis described tho dis-
to give a cry complete account of
what are coming 10 be important cen
ters of economic and scientific investi-
eoxery of a new and rare xvorm, Mr.
Elmore gtixe the results of olKorx-n.-
guiion. It xvould not bo possible to i lions on the falling of leaves, aim Dr.
do justice to Dr. Ward's address In Woleott discussed "The ilydrachmical
the short compas of this notice. of .Nebraska." Perhaps tiio mot In-
The more technical miiiers on the
program xxcre. read by him only, and
xvill lie printed in tho proceedings of
the academy. Other Kipcrs xvere reail
in full. Dr. Woleott described
"Methods of Collecting and Preserv
ing Water-mites," gixing an account
of a nexv net for such purposes which
he devised. Prof. Betsey told of the
"Discovery of the Southern Mnld
enlui Fern in the Black
Hills." This fern xvas found
by Prof. Bessey and Dr. Clem
ents this summer at CascaiH hv South
Dakota. It is distinctly a southern
plant, and its occurrence so far north
is an ImjMirtant discovery,
C. C. McDowell of class of 07 lmsscd
tflirouirh Lincoln Thursday. He
stonned lone cnouirh to shake hands pond." Dr. Davis read a very inter-
Bncdlet fumbled andJjMi friend nSMhc nivcrsit.x le.sting aper on wie to One Corres-
Mr. El
more gave an account of "lliu bec-
ond Year's Flora of a Dricd-up Mill-
t cresting paper xx-ns piesentcd by Dr.
.. . i. ji.i.Miu:gs, OIV UlO "lilXWUl Ot
At the (business meeting tho folloxx--Ing
officers xvere elected: President,
Prof. G. 1). Sxve.ey; Vice President,
Dr. 11. Gift'ord of Omn.ui; Secretary
and CustCHlian, Prof. Uruner; Treasur
er, C. A. Lovelnnd; Directors: Prof.
Foroyeo of Wcsleynn, Prof. Poxxvrs of
Doanc, Pixf. Drownelt of Peru, nnwl
Dr. II. U. lowrj-. Several imixrtaintt
changes xvere made in tho constitu
tion!, by virtue of which !h:aftor tlie
society will elect a certain mimiber
of hounry meanbers. Seven wore
electwl at this meeting, representing
five departments of science; among
xvhom may be mentioned tho cele
brated' Dr. Otho Kunze of Berlin, who
has Wn idnnitifleil with collcotlng In
the state and has maintained very
friendly relations xx-itih Nobraska lx-nnists.
an Ioxva man captured the ball. After
a fcxv gains time xvns called xvith :he
ball on Nebraska's txventy yard line.
Uo start the second half Benedict's
kick xx-ns returned ten yards by Grif
fith, the auburn-haired quarter and
field captain of the Ioxvans. Ioxva in
the second half used the famous Penn
sylvania style of guards' back play al
most entirely. Several gains xvere
made by thiH when an attempted criss
cross lost six and Hobbs had to kick,
giving Nebraska Hie ball on her thirty
live ynrd line. Toxvu xvas penalized for
opposite play, xvhich was foloxved by
Fulmer circling the end for seven. A
fumble on an attempted double pass
three, Williams lost one nud xvith nine
yards to gain on the third doxvn the
bnll was passed to Erxvin for n punt,
and right here is where Erxvin lost the
game, as through the error of the quar
ter or someone the ball never came
back, and the bnll went to Toxvu on the
txventy-five ynrd line.
By nnotlier series of guard back
plays lown advanced the ball to the
fifteen yard line, when Morton circled
the end for a touchdown, from which
A special meeting of ihc Debating
Association was held last Wednesday
to consider the petition of the eight
men who had formed themselxes into
a division and asked for admission
into the preliminary delKites.
Although the time for entries xxas
closed the division, after some dis
cussion xxas received. .ie only objec
tion to this irregularity xvere upon
tiie grounds of constitutionality, the
constitution having been changed only
n fexv months ago and any deviation
from its provisions xvould require an
lunend'inent. However, by general
consent the division came in.
'Pills makes the ninth division or
M'venty-txvo men xx'ho have entered
the contest. If Nebraska does not
haxe some strong teams it xx-iil 'lie
strange. Now that the football sea
son is oxer let us turn our attention
to the next series of contents xvith our
sister Unix entities.
H. O. Sutton, class of '98, xxiho is on
gaged in pedagogical work in Grand
Island, speivfc Thnnksgix'ing wi.n
friends in Lincoln and incidentally at
tended tiho Palladian 'feed.'
United States Department
o'f Agriculture.
Ollice of ExjMriinent Stations.
Washington. D. C., Nov. 21, 1898.--Editor
of the Nebrnskan, University of
Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. The alumni
and former students of the University
of Nebraska residing in Washington,
xvere recently afforded an onnortnmK-
of meeting Chancellor MneLean and of
expressing something of their appre
ciation of his efforts, and of the efforts
of regents, faculty, and students ns
well, in advancing the interests of tho
Unix-ersity. The occasion xxas a recep
tion and banquet given to Chancellor
MneLean Nox-ember 17 by the Univer
sity of Nebraska club of Washington,
I). C. The club was also honored by
the presence of Lieutenant-Colonel Ed
unr S. Dudley, Mrs. Dudley ,nnd IX. S.
if there were ever any doubts regard
ing the fidelity of the alumni of the
University of Nebraska to their alma
mater or regarding the enthusiasm
xvith xvhich they hear of her successes,
sreh ribubta at least as regards our
Washington alumni would have been
routed by this occasion.
We have found that our colors can
grace a University nffnir in Washing
ton quite as well ns they can nt home.
Whether appearing in boutonleres of
carnations, in table decorations, in rib.
bon, in bunting, in boquet ..f. roses,
carnations, chrysanthemums,1 or as
near as may be in cakes and ices the
scarlet and the cream suffer no loss
of brightness, no loss of meaning when
transferred from home environments
to the atmosphere of Washrington.
That there might be no doubt of this
in the minds of student and faculty,
the chancellor xvns gix'en a scarlet and
In. This is the second discovery cream guidon which he cnrreil home
is rare plant in the United "Trophy No. 1" from the club in
,, illllll ten. XL lid bttui uviwuuw; t)llU
needed the toast to "Our Colors" by 11.
E. Gillespie, '90, might be cited.
We have found that the old yell
rings Icsh clearly and 1es strongly
here than there only so much as a ban
quet hall is less free thnn a foot ball
field and as thirty voices are less poxv
erful thnn nineteen hundred. Tt is no
less enthusiastic.
'We have found that the scientific
students do not forget that ominous
"undulation" which apparetnly ema
nrting from nnyxvhcre filled timid
hearts xxitfli terror in the days of the
"Lits and Philis tines." "Pie camis pio"
and "I am some" come as an echo from
the Sem Bot in response to a toast,
(Continued on pngo 4)
pondcuces," a novel mathematical con
ception, xxttiich he illustrated in his
inimitable fa--.1i ion. Prof. Sxvezey pre
sented the results of a determination
of the latitude of the university ob
servutory. Dr. Pound read a paper
entitled," "What is Hiytogeography?"
Messrs. ti. E. Ucdgcock nam" A. A.
Hunter presented n notice of Thorca,
a sea-xvecd recently discovered near
Unco I
of th
At the close of the afternoon1 session
i.lia Lincoln members entertained
those from out of the city and' their
xx Ives ut supper at the Grand hotel.
Dr. H. Clifford of Omaha presided.
Superintendent DLnsmore of Beatrice
Prof. II. B. Diincanson of Peru, Prof.
Hetssey and Prof. Davis were the
At 8 o'clock or at xx-flint stands for
8 at the University, namely about
8:4.") Prof. Brunor delivered the an
nual address, "Some Notes on the
Flora and Faunn of Argentine." Ar
gentine is one of the classical regions
to the scientists. Tt xx-ns there that
Darxvin drew the Inspiration of his
great xx-ork, and the most interesting
pages of his Journal of the voyage of