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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1898)
r The Gardoer Tailoring Co. Will save you $10.00 on a Dress Suit. $5.00 on a Business Suit. The tailoring and material the best in the city. C. A. ELriGREN, Cutter. We make Suits from $15.00 up. .The Royal Tailors make them for us at $8.75 to $15.00; our guarantee is on both. Join our Suitorium Club. Clothing Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired. Called for and Delivered. $1.00 per month. Phone 708. - - Southwest Cor. 11th & 0 Sts. A Few Sample Prices from The B0ok Department HERPOLSHEIMER & GO. Has heretofore been noted among University students for the very low prices at which all supplies were sold. This year, while lower than ever, com mensurate with quality, we have materially increased our stock. We are prepared to supply Text Books of all kinds at lower rates than were ever before made in Lincoln. Note the list quoted below. Rolfe's Shakespeare, per. vol Students' Standard Dictionary. . . . Standard Dictionary Webster's International Dictionary History Paper, per 100 sheets.... History Covers, leather back History Covers, cloth sides History Covers, board sides Fountain Pens, 14 Kt. gold, 69c, 89c and 98c, each pen warranted. Waterman's "Ideal'' Fountain Pens, $2.50 and upwards. Lead Pencils, polished, rubber tipped Black Ink, per 2 oz. bottle 50 Fountain Pen Pockets 8c, 10c and 15c 250 Student's Note Books 04 10 50 "University" Tablets 15 8 75 Ink Tablets, 80 sheets each 05 os Soft Paper Tabs, 500 pages each 05 I2i Music and Pictures 10 The "Maurer" Mandolins and Guitars are the equal in tone and workmanship of anything made in the U.S. A. written guarantee for 3 years is given with each instrument sold by us. Guitars 814.00 to $90.00 01 Mandolins 13.00 to 75.00 2'A Sole Agents for Lincoln. ITEM! OF INTEREST. A foot ball Kiutlevlllc Is to bo jrlvo-n December 10, Frlduv ovtMJnjr I'lil Delta Theta In Mated 'Mr. l'oo. The. IllhwtaWwlcyMn Artfus emnpll munlta the Nrnskn on the Harvard letters nppcnjnp from tltuu to time. The Dully ,'nlo Alto of htanford University ' invert Iso onmly, toilet inp and 'hot- hmnle sold 011 the dam pus. ( Krldnv Suiwintendeivt Spark of l-'nlrntoiVt brahrht thv Senior rtw of tike High sehiol up to visit' the Un'i- orally. The hmurunl address, of tue Ohwn cellor. deliver! In ISM. bins just, been put In prlivbiwHl 1,000 copies tfinve been eiit- oi. Prof. Ward went to Oiniilm Thuus dnv to nttendu meeiinjr of the- Hoard of'TniKtoes o' tihe Presbyterian Pcnvi nary ot whlrt he Is a member. A recent nunber 01 the 'luh Wo man" eontaiiM-un article bf Mrs. lo la P. Franklh, on "University Inten sion in the Uilvor.sit, of 'Xebmskn." Dean Wilsai Is trying to secure .1 room In one of the buildings to bo used tus a resting place for 1'he girlK. Such a noon would ccrtnintly bo a great oonvenrwo for those obliged to remain a'l tin t tvivensity all day. Princeton Fniversdty recently cele brated the oie hundred tlfty-scc-ond nnnlverwry of her founding. The address of tie day wos delivered' by President Dai I el C. Oilman. The muscun exhibits loaned to the exposition- hive bcem returned' and many new scoimenes added, among them, some vry fine live fish from the government. N 1 HE lMEBRASKAN Wants your Subscriptions. You can read your neighbors copy or borrow one from the mail box, but you had better get one of your own. There is something radically wrong with the Alumnus who does not subscribe for the college paper. It will only cost you 50 Cents sent to any address. k -Sweaters? Ve5 Sweaters, we have them in all styles and colors. If you have Sweater notions in your head take a look. PERPOLSHW CO the nnnura. pHMinG, Or Linens, Cuinaware, Cooking Utensils and Groceries began here Thursday, Nov. 1 7, and continues until Wednesday, Nov, 23. Tins event always creates the liveliest interest among discriminating people. The season's choicest productions are otVercd at Special Sale prices, while they arc yet new and fresh and while assortments are most complete. See daily papers for further particulars. f ITH THE DRESS GOODS The present season has been by far the greatest we have ever known, the output has far exceeded that of any previous year and the brisk and rapid selling has surpassed our greatest expectations. No more satisfactory proof of the fact that we oner the ngnt goods at tne ngni prices is necessary. Sievilcing, Jie Dutch pianist, is said in 11 telegruu from l&dhel to have been arretted ami llnd there beesuiMj he re to talo oil his hat to . priest who was parsing with the viaticum. Siuvieking- u well known 'here ehielly beoaiibe he dsappeared. suddenly at a time when to was expected 10 return to this country . Neither the orignial nor hit subsequent return caused half as much excitement among musical jieople as liis Midden disappearance. M. s5ieekinr doubtless hesitated to take on" his hut as he hat. been guil ty of such i mistake in the style of CoiiTeur. YYlken he first came to this country was the rage. M. Sieveking wis unlike the Polish pian ist, anleast it. respect to the length of his hair. There may lue been other differences, but this one would be no ticed in a photograph. So 'he disap peared. ften he returned the fol lowing- Kvui'liiK Imir v n long Pederewski's "had ever been. Hut by that time the reaction against long locks had set in, and M. Sieviking could not attract additional attention toy them. He even refused to disap lcar, and the wisdom of that .seemed plain, as he had already tried that scheme once, and its success as a re cter was jirobleiiiatic. So M. Sieve king remained throiigfli the sea mil in spite of the slight sensation which his long locks caused here. The reason of his to uncover at Ischl was per fectly plain to all his friends as soon as the, heard of it. Ker since he has allowed his hair to grow long with such slight results-, M. Sieveking lias been extremely sensitive about .'Show ing his K)ll in public. A sudden call to unmr wouUl have M-en enough to throw him into paroxysms of ner vousness. In spite of his great physi cal strength he is noto able to expose his long locks to the public without a certain amount of preliminary no tice. His misadventure at Ischl was the result of "this weakness, and his friends are delighted that the inci dent passed without more serious re sults. Xew York Sun. situ von coitxrcu. medium, 6CIIOOJ. Another step in the etblinhincnt of the Cornell University Medical School in- (Ids city has lieen taken by the sale, through McVicknr & Co. and1 II. S. lily & Co. of this city of Hie block front on First avenue. lietween Twenty-seventh1 and- Twenty-eightHi streets, to the "trusteee of the school. The medical college 'building will be erected on this nitc Part of the $1. 500,000 gift of Colonel O. II. "Payne of this city to Cornell for this school will be used in paying for the property. The rest will lie used in putting up buildings and in furnishing an endow ment. Xew York Sun, Sen. 14. Paine & Warfel. The state department is informed toy Minister Conger that tihe Rmperor of China, by imperial decree, has sanc tioned the opening of a national uni versity at Pekin, n connection) with which schools nre to be established in the provincial capitals, and education al institutions called the thud class are to be oopened in the department and district cities. Tt r believed that the currculum adopted; hv the Jap anese University will toe followed. XANTF.D-RKVKRAT. TKUBTWOUTHY vv pernn In thin state to manse our tvl neR In thplr own and narbv counties H Ir malnlv olflro work conducted at home. BaUrv straleht tooo a vear and cxrenaes 1fflnlte tmnafldc. no more, no leu salary. Monthly ITS. rteferpnees. Knolooe Felf-addrpRfifd Htampcd envelope. Herbert E. Hess. I'rent. Dept. M. Chicago. UnCC V cVin mnw Htstinrt nnd -6&S different lines of LADIES' FINE DRESS and STREET SHOES than can be found elsewhere in this locality; and guarantee to save you from 50 cents to $1.00 on every pair. HEBPOLSHEirotB & CO- TET THE. I CLARKSON LADSDRY before you tie up with any laundry. OUR WAGONS GALL ANYWHERE--ANY TIME.. WHEN YOU TRAVEL ALWAYS TAKE TH THE BEST ROUTE FROM LINCOLN, NEB. To OMAHA All points east. KANSAS CITY east and south. DENVER and all Colorado points. OGDEN and SALT LAKE. BUTTE and HELENA. PORTLAND. SEATTLE, SAN FRANCISCO and LOS ANGELES. Has the Best Modern Equipment. Pullman Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dining and Free Reclining Chair Cars. For Time Schedules, Tickets, Reservations of Berths, Call or Address, E. B. SLOSSON, Gen. Agt., 1044 O St.. J. T. MASTIN, C. T. A. Lincoln, Neb. H. G. BURT, Pres., E. DICKINCON, Gen. Mgr E. L. LOMAX, G. P. & T. A. Omaha, Nebraska. For Style, Quality and Price -IN- TAILOR MADE GOODS You should call on NEBRASKA PANTS & SUIT COMPANY, 143 N. 13th St. - Oliver Theatre Building J- ; Ul V. HfW