The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, November 21, 1898, Image 5

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I t
How about. December 10th?
Go to Don's Cnie, Soutfli lHJIi, Open
Jim IJurltH of lleatrlco wtm here
Don't fall to sou the college Vuude
llllniiR. Hoinoinbvr the nitim "Koot. lla'.l
The employment bureau is now in
the Y. M. C. A.
Dr. Ward addressed thu Y. M. C. A.
Tuesday evening.
flo to Webster it Holers' for your
$.1.00 and $3.50 Shoes.
Save your coin for the Football
Yaudeville next month.
Oncvin F. Lnmbertson, Dentist, 1205
U St., Alex. Blk. Tel. 245.
Dr. E. J. Angol, practice limited to Skin
nnd Urinary Diseases, 1400 O St.
Ten 1)1(7 at'tw b the nudcville
show -C'luipol, Deeember 10th.
Dr. D. L. Ramsdell, skin, and' genito
urinary diseases, 127 So 12t SU
Djeember 10th has been set as the
date for the Foot Hall Vaudeville how
Osimroii's LuncQi .Room, 118 South
Elevenit'n. Open day and nigiht,
Webster Sr Honors have nil the up-to
datte styles in their $3 and $3.50 Shoos.
Dr. S. B. Cook, practice limited to
eye, cor, tfosc and throat, 1215 O St
The first of its kind ever given by
university talent the Football Vaude
ville. Harry Culver and F. W. llrown spent
Sunday at Mr. Culver's home in Mil
ford. Don't come to 1he Vaudeville show
unless you expect to join in the cho
ruses. Dr. Lees is able to take charge of
his classes after an illness of two
Tr, our Ladies' Cork Soie Hand
Sewed $3.00 Shoe. Foot Form otore,
1213 O St.
Will Green of the class of '9S is very
sick with typhoid fever at his home
in this city
C. A. Vanscoy of senior law clas
has left school to accept n position at
Woodbine, la.
A $100 '1)0 bicycle, in good conrition,
for $10.00. The Students' Supply
Store, 1129 11 St.
The Y. M. C. A. expects to give an
other reception to the young men in
the near future.
Our Men's $3.50 water proof shoe
is the shoe for' winter. Foot Form
Store, 1213 O St. . .
Dob Mnnley is coming all the way
from Fremont to do a turn in the Vau
deville performance.
Football Vaudeville. Haven't you
heard about it? Xo? Well read about
it in another column.
The Talladians visited their friends,
the Orophilans, at Wesleyan Univer
sity last Saturday evening.
When we toll you we have the best
Men's $3.50 on " earth, we mean it,
Webster & Rogers, 1043 O St.
The Union and Palladian societies
gave a joint musical program Fridiy
evening at the Palladian hall.
John P. Cameron, one of the Third
Nebraska volunteers. Second Lieuten
ant, is in Lincoln on a furlough.
Orval Hickok. the famous Yate
guard, is coaching Northwestern
for her struggle against Wisconsin.
The Gardner Tailoring Co., does
first class work and tJie prices arc
reasonable. S. W. cor. 11th' and O.
Dr. Ward went to Omaha Wednes
day to attend the meeting of the board
of' trustees of the Presbyterian semi
nary. We hat Young's "Travels." "Der
Ixefie A Is Onkel," and "Evan Harring
ton" at lowest prices. 1 he Students
Supply Store.
Gilbert, who played left tackle ;u
the Kansas game, has resigned from
the Uniwrsity for the remainder ot
the semester.
Alpha Tau Omega initiated Friday
night lturr Latta of Tekamah and Sid
ney RolKTtson of Norfolk. They also
pledged Kd. R. Hickey of Lincoln.
Thomas K. Reagan, a former Uni
versity student, has entered the Sep
tember class of the American school
of Osteopathy at Kirksville, Missouri.
E. It. Morrison, '9S, second lieuten
ant of company "A" Third Nebraska,
is home on a thirty days' sick leave.
l!d has been quite low with typhoid
When returning from your Thanks
giving vacation walk the last few
miles. The car fare you save will en
able you to attend the Rig VaudeuLe
Maurice Hyde, '9S, has returned
home from Chicago, where he has been
working for an electrical company.
He will remain in the city until after
the holidays.
Jack Sumner, Will Raymond and
Earl McCreery left Friday morning
for Columbus, Ohio, to attend the Phi
Delta Theta national convention. Mr.
Sumner is the regular delegate and
Mr. Haymond and McCreery are alternates.
The University base bull cam had
their pictures taken last Friday af
ternoon at the request of A. G.
Sp.uilding & Co,, thu sporting goods
tlrm of Chicago.
History Paper made from 24 il,
Monroe Royal, Ruled and Punched, Fe
per 100. In unbroken packages of W0
33e per pack. Rook and Stat. Dep.,
llerpolsiielincr & Co.
Visit the Metropolitan Barber shop.
You get first class work at low prices.
Hair cut, 15c; rihnnvpoo, 16c; eMives
free wit:h tickets. 1218 0 street. 13. J.
Robinson, Proprietor,
The Alpha Tint Omega boys will at
tend the Nebraska-Iowa game at
Council Minn's by tally honor of
F. L. Humphrey of Pawnee City and
11. II. Littler of Omaha.
Have that overcoat repaired. Now
collar, etc., at Gardner's Sultortum.
All clothing cleaned, pressed and re
paired. Phone 708, southwest corner
11th nnd 0, basement.
An exchange from a certain Ohio
college .ways editorially, "Our next is
sue may be delnyed a week or more
owing to 'the need of our making' n
trip to Woostcr, Very s-orry, hutced,
that t'liis is the ease, but do no see
how it ean 1m. avoided."
It is almost assured that the First
Nebraska regiment will 1h' returned
and mustered out about Christ nvi.
This will be weleoine news, esjveeiallv
to the University boys of the "First,"
as it will enable them to enter school
Mr. lliltuer of the chemistry depart
ment, accompanied by eight, students,
went to the Ames experiment station
near Fremont, on Novi'mber 2, stay
ing ten days. The object of the visit
was to assist in developing the sugar
beet industry at that station.
Chnweellor MoeLenn is expected to
return the first of the week from
Washington. During' h5s eM- tihero
he was given a banquet by the Wash
ington club of the University of Ne
braska, ami presented with a pewnnnt
for the University.
It is probably unneoceiry to say
t3ia't a new flag litis replaced The time
worn emblem hns so long float
ed over the University hall. The new
one is bound by a braid composed of
cotton, wool, and platium, and is man
ufactured by Mr. Ilurlbut of this city.
Dr. Day of the mines and mining
building at the exposition has do
nated to the museum five large show
cases, which cost about $000, together
with a fine collection of minerals, ores,
crystals nnd rocks. These collections
will be placed with the collection of
Hon. C. H. Morrill. The cases will
supply case room and shelving for a
long time to come. (Journal.
John Dixon, '94, spent Tuesday In
the city greeting his numerous Uni
versity friends. Mr. -Dtxonairtn-4
ent practicing' law nt ebraska City,
and was the republican nominee for
county attorney of bis home county
at the recent election. He made an
eveellcent campaign, running a hun
dred or more votes ahead of his ticket,
but was defeated by less than twenty
The Uiiior-ity ha sent out the
county whohirshiiis for Uibse receiv
ing rbe highest marks in tne examina
tions taken Inst June. Tnosc receiv
ing them are exempt from all fees and
are: EnTl Stafford, Aurora; ArtOiur
FcnJow. David City; 1). L. Smith,
O'Neill; Ralph Ray, North tte; Al
i(e Sjwirks, Central lity.
The Argonaut is authority for tine
truth of the following bit of humor:
Upon Iraring that tJie navy depart
ment Mini naming new ship.- after
some of our college?., Yale, Harvard,
etc.. Admiral Dewey declared that he
had two ox-Spanish t-hips to reehristen
one of which would be called The al
lege of Physicians, and Surgconw of
Now York, and the other ilie. Massa
chusetts Institute of Technology.
After winming from our foot teill
tenun so easily the K. C. Medics
thought Kansas University would be
easy. They found tliei'r miritake
when i'iie K. U. scored, eas.iy outplay
ing them from tho start. The Medics
then tried their old slugging tactics;
fhe K. V. claiming that every man on
1ier team was intentionally slugged.
At last Smith, the K. V.' big guard
caught Lewis of the Medics in the
wry act of slugging, and delayed the
game long- enough to lay him out.
The umpire was in s injwitihy with
Smith, it seemed, and would not rule
him out unless Lewis went too, so the
game broke m in a brawl
Regent Agency, 1036 O Street
Intercollegiate 1
ColtrclU Lc iW
472-478 Ilroadtt
Albnny, Now Y
Makors of tlio
Caps, Gowns aid Hoods
To tho American
C oges nnd Uni-
versities. Illustrated
tanuai, samples,
prices, etc., upon req
est. downs tor
the pulpit and the ber;h
of spurious and fliudul
out Imitii-
tlons of tho W
iiornmn Puns.
Buy the ienulnc
which has a recur
of 15 years of
success, and has I
'On during all
II continues to
pon over made.
that time, us it stll
be, the bosl toumlah
1111 (I tho standard of
tho world.
Do not bo deceit d
by lunorfoct
imitations, but so
you buy is stampe
that tho pen
and have It endoi
ed as such to
you by us or y
ir dealer.
All our pens arc
L. E. Waternan Co.,
Course 28 Weens.
Bees $65iOO.
Offers great inducenftots tb stu
dents-of medicine' iiTHTtat.' ' - -
Methods of instruction most satis
Clinics in both surgery and medi
cine held in the following hospitals in
this city: County, Methodist, Child's,
Immanuel and Presbyterian hospitals
Catalogue sent and questions an
swered by E. V. CHASE, Omaha,
Nebr., Continental block.
The Way to Go
to California
is in a tourist sleeping car personally
conducted via the Hurlington Route.
You don't change cars. You make fast
time. You see the scenery on the
Your car is not so expensively finished
nor so line to look at as a palace sleep
er, but it is just as clean, just as com
fortable, just as good to ride in. AND
The UurJlnetou excursions leave Lincoln at
6:10 p. in. every Thurhduy. reach! ik San Fran
cihco Sunday and Los Angeles Monday. Porter
with each cur. Excursion manager with each
party. For folder uivlui: full Information cail
at B. M. Depot or City Office cor 1 0th and 1 1 St.
G. XV. UONNtCLL, C. P. and T. A.
XVSat'? Yes you can buy
- as good a Shoo in every
respect for ... .
$3.00 or $3.50
as $5.00 will buy in any other
WHY? BecaiiBe they only make
these two shoes, and sell direct
from factory. One pkofit
WHERE? At the
The Gonneticut Mutual Life Insurance Company.
For Premium Rates wrlto or call on
HORACE G. WHITMORE, U. of N. 95, Gen. Agent,
Come in and look at them, examine the
goods, the linings, and the way they are
put togethen try them on and say
whether you ever saw their equai for the
money. Here is more style and better
material than you will ordinarily get in a
made-to-measure suit at thirty-five dollars.
Think of buying suits like
these at $10, $12, $15 and
$18, and every one warranted
by the makers,
iif tii' 1 i"i" i
Our prices are always lower on tho same goods than other stores
name. Fine suits at S7.50, $10.00. 812.50, $15.00 and S18.00, that will
cost you more than twice our price made to measure, and you don't
have to wait an indefinate length of time after leaving your order
for our suits are ready for you when you are ready for them.
1O13-1O10 O Street
Before engaging Music call on
Office on ground floor,
and get
The University of Nebraska
Is better fitted than ever before to give artistic instruction in
Voice Training, Piano Forte Playing, and all
other principal branches of Music,
Students will receive full information by ap
plying at the School located directly
South of the Campus, and can
enter at any time.
Tuition is the Lowest Consistent with Sound
Turpin's School of Dancing.
Children's class, Saturdays 2:30 p. m.
Ladies' and gentlemen's class, Mondays and Thursdays 8p.m.
Tho Academy oilers advantage for cotillion clubs, private parties, etc.
Is newly furnished and decorated. Will bo rented at reasonable rates.
For further information address,
Copyright, 1898.
By lltrt, Schaffncr & Marx.