The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, November 21, 1898, Image 4

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(Contlnneil from Pngo I).
The game WUH grand foot ball.
There wiih less punting tliuii In any
l.reviotiH game. In fnet tliuro whs al
most no punting' at all. Line bucking
and end runs constituted the play.
The llrst half was nearly all Nobruu
1 it's. Twlco thoy forced the bull ovoi
tin- Denver goal line, once when Moor-.'
missed his tackle and onee by hard
line bucking. The crowd, which in a
mtleable fact, mipnortcd the Demerit-am
loyally. It did , however, to no
mall until the llrst half was nearly
over A fumble on the Denver forty
jnrd line gave Clay a chance. In a
hi'cond he was racing up the lluld. A
Nebniblni player made a dive from the
st niggling mass, but fell fully four
fii'i short of the ilylng player. llefoiv
1 v could get In a stride Clay was a way
lu . oad reach. Seventy yards ho ran
ii the goal posts, gasping, as ho fell
l.tlween them, "Ain't I ever going to
;-tt there?"
The play acted as a hope-giver lo
the Denver men. This stands took up
the Denver cries and the man threw
tui'insttlves Into the game with a spirit
iliat had not been thought poMibh1.
I he piny was almost at the close of
the half. Hut the ginger it gave the
Jural men lasted through the seetrid
li.ill, and the team )ouuded into Ml
Mailing line for steady gains. Moore
whs a power in bucking, soineMnii'w
M'iug clear over the line. Smith and
Power.- were ulho in it Smith playing
It nger, showing some Chicago athletic
asMieiatlon form. Popular Hilly
I'fouts, the player of season's ago,
showed how he used to do it, runiiu.g
like the wind, hittnig the Hue with
urrillc force. Davy and Doueette
worked prettily against their part of
the line, making way for the lwick-.
Patrick Gallaher made his first appear
ai ee as a line man, and was out-play-i
1 by Kingsbury in the llrst half. ( would get through the Hue ail
tight, but. the massive shoulders .f
Kmj.'.sbury warded him from the nn.i
with the ball, in the second half .Mr.
(iallaghcr showed his stun" by giving
his man more than he wnnteii. The
giant, Turner, had a picnic in tin
first half. The Nebraska red of ills
waving plume shone oxer the plays
l;ke Dob IngorsoH's famed orltlnnini.
of war. Hut In the seeend half he
in fewer of the piny and was unable
to repeat the trick of throwing his Xi'i
jKunds on a player already down. In
fact, he bore a distressed look, as
though he had found something in his
part of the line that did not please
him. Kingsbury, 1'illsbury, Folnier,
lknedict and Erwin reaped the great
est honors for the visitors.
There was some scientific work with
the fists in the scrimmages, but it was
ory carefully done, dohnson was rul
ed oft" by Schwartz in the second hnl;
ou a charge of slugging, Schwartz
coming up as though lie had intended
taking a hand himself. The offense
amis, to soy the leas, n doubtful one.
There whs a lot of warm talk along
the side lines over the decision. Thr
long list of close Denver contests had
not prepared the audience for the
closeness of yesterday's game. Fi -i
ut of six who entered the grates ex
pected to see the Denver club defeated
b a big score. 'When It took the brm"
that followed Clay's run it niadi
friends of everyone on the grounds
including a lot of Houlder people who
had come down to "root" for Xebras
a. The closeness of th? game was n sig
nal for an enthusiastic mob to rush
on the field and give Clay and Pfout.:
tr.umphn rides on shoulders. The
play in detail:
Nebraska won the toss, and took the
nest goal, giving Denver the kiekotf.
khnsou kicked to Folmer, who not seven yards to the rhlrtyTvi
yitrii line. After a couple of very shoil
fjaiiis Nebraska tried the quarter b.u-u
Kick, I'.rwiii getting the ball and bei'ig
stopjH'd in tiie center of the field. Tur
ner tjxik. the Imll three yards, being
t. ckhil b Smf. Dig Turner an 1
Mclfonl in.idc a hole tilirough the left
in center and gtit through patfnll the
plajeis lint Moore. The latter failed
in his tackle and Pointer seorml a
i iicliilnwn. Mclfonl kicked an eaj
noal. Nebraska 0.
.lolinson kicked 11 Pointer, vli i
Ik uiieeil llie Imll over his head, s1r!l
mg Drain, it bourn ed oil' the latter
.tiid ( l.i fell onli it on t'he NcbitiKk.i
iliirtv -three ard line. The Denver
men then burked tin- line stetulily
Si cks made a hole for i'fouts who took
1 xe yard, on two plays. Here the ?
bta.skj men recognized Mr. flul higher,
but laughed. Down to til it Nebraska
fifteen ard line Sinlth took the ball.
'J nen Moure got through the left guard
lor si cn yards. Te.t yards and one
v.rrd were made and Nebraska's line
in Id. Once Uie vibltors struck the Hit
fur no gain. Then Honedict dnshH
t trough an elegant hole, Elliott going
a'ong as interference for thirty-five
arils. Moore caught liim l)j' a prcity
tsirkle. Kingsbury t iolt five yards and
! rwin seven, bringing the ball to the
( nter of the field. Twice the line win
tried with no gains. Drain ripped oiT
eight yards. Hansen opened a hole for
1 llsbury for five yards, and the Den
ver twenty yard line had b?en reached.
Kingsbury got three yards on left
tackle, and then within a foot of two
v arils more. The last down was called
with one foot to gain. Erwin took the
imll to the thirteen yard line. Pllls-
br.ry gained two yards and Folnier
one. The later cried out, "Some one
hit my head," and time was taken out
while ho got a knowledge of his where
abouts. The Nobraskans were getting
hurl In the scrimmage, but hung on
like unplensant things, To Denver
their persistence In gaining and in
takug a rest after each scrimmage wis
maddening. Henedlot took the ball to
the live yard line. Plllsbury was
tackled by Davis and Doueette, but
pushed ahead for three yards. Klines
but ry got over for a touchdown, but
Smith blocked Melford's kick for the
Johnson kicked to Drain, who go'
bark three yards and fumbled, Clay
falling on Hie ball. Clay circled Poi
nter's end for ten yardB, big Turner
striking Clay with his body and
knocking him out almost completely,
lie took the usual two minutes and got
points made against liis team. John
son's kick waa fair, but the ball hit the
left goal post nnd bounded back. Ne
braska 11, Denver 5.
The balance, of tha half was short
and marked only by a run of fourteen
yards by Pronto,
Tie second hnlf was all Denver's
way. The line had learned how lo
'hi mile the big fanners and went at
them for business. Ervvln kicked oft
to Moore on the ten yard line, lie gn
back four yardB, tackled by Plllsbury.
Pronto got ten yenrds through left
tackle and guard, big Turner getting
Into the play, but very weakly. Dou
eette and Davy Btarted their elegant
work on the left of Nebraska's lino
and steady gains were made. Moore
showed surprising ability in carrying
the ball, alternating with Pfottta In
k '&3Jtr4ftrj3lfiftulJ9QH
TTH liV ' 'THIE.
. d HMEfaSHlY
up rather weak.- The ball was on Ne
braska's twenty-nine yard line. Here
it was lost on downs. In the first
line tip Deneilict got away from all
Denver tacklers, running- fifty yards,
where Moore broke .ast his interfer
ence and downed him. The sensation
run was folowed by the greatest event
ot the day. The Nebraska qunrter
fumbled the ball nnd when the players
came together in the mixup it was
si en jumping over their heads. Clay
saw it and skirted the bunch. 1'ne
the gains. It was the same story
straight up the field, the only change
being an occasional charge of the
right of the line to feep thnt part of
the Nebraska team on the lookout fcr
it.i own business. Smith was not used
sj often, btit always with a good gatu,
keeping his feet well. The crowd sung
"Hurrah for Mary, hurrah for the
Hurrah for Nebraska, that don't give
a yum."
Ho went. Smith wont to quartor
and l'owora caino in at half. Klngi
bury gave up on the next lino und
lleasoncr went in, Tlio latter started
in magnificently, holding his part of
the line well. Hut the attacks were
mostly on Hansen. Doueette had him
where ho was helpless. Tito old Har
vard center would throw him bodily
out of the way, making a hole for the
runner. Waver backed him nicely
though Plllsbury and Garrett formed
a tnndctn nnd throw themselves
against the Montana boy again and
again. He merely snook them off and
Doucetto cared for Hanson. Down to
tin nineteen yard lino plain line buck
ing was used, nnd then I'fouts skirt til
llarrettc's end for sl yards. Woucettu
opened the Hansen door again and
Moore took three yards. Smith work
ed right through end and tackle for
three yards. Moore played right on.l
and tackle for the same. Tho ball
lay ou Nebraska's two yard llm;.
Moon; kindly laid It over the white
washed Hue, though a Nebraska man
tried to kick It back Into the gridiron.
Pest missed an easy goal. Nebraska
U, Denver 10.
There una but live mi mi ten of ploy
loft, but it wn made remarkable by
wonderful work of the Denver men.
Hetntllct kicked to Clay. Fair's inter
ference helped him back twenty ykirxlts.
Moore jumped two yards over t'ho line
and then made three yanls Uhroug'h
Hansen's doorway. Pfouta hit Kings
bury for three ynnK The crowd elt
up the song of
"Ne-bnudm, Ne-brnska,
She won't come here any more."
Pfouts s'howed iiow lie appreciated
tiie music by getting around Garrett's
end for what promised to 'be a touch
down. Hut. a sprin'ting Nobninkni,
Full-lKK'k Erwin, caught his after flic
hud run thlrty-eieht yards. - .te "mi
ller cover" timer of Nebraska declared
time was up, but HurjKe's watch
showed three minutes of playing time.
The difference was split, and Powers
split the nir for twelve yards. Tiie ball
remained around the tfliir
ty yard line until time wns officially
called. The .summary:
Denver. Nebraska.
Davis, 1. e r. c, Pointer
ita.-ituger, I. t.. .....,.,.
r. U, Kingsbury, itearioner
Sucss 1. gs r. g., Turner
Post, c c., Molford
Woticetle, r. g 1. g., Hanson
Davy, r. t 1. U, Pillsbuvy
Clny, r. e 1. e., Garrett
Johnson, Smith, q. b q. b., Elliott
Smith, Powers, 1. h. b
r. h. b., Benedict
PfoutA, r. h. b'. 1. h. b Drain.
Moore, f. b f. b., Erwon
Score Nebraska u, Denver 10.
Touchdowns Folmer, Kingsbury,
Clay, Moore. Goals kicked Melfard
1. Time of haives 25 minutes. Um
pire M. T. Sclrwarta of Nebraska.
I.eferees J. Frank Adams, of Prince
ton. Linemen J. G. Yonl for Nebras
ka, N. O. Vosburgh for Denver. Time
keeper Fay Burpee of Denver. Balls
passed on downs To Nebraska 2.
Foot ball has been aboli..ed in- Mi
ami University, Ohio.
- -T- -X. t'i ;
y?i'J & '" 2 7'MriiJBl',V Siitt m -3fc"JaL .. B .MS3Ki38ijJ
ball fell about ten yards back of where
it had been snapped. Clay got it and
away he went. A Nebraska man made
a dive as lie started, but was about a
yard or more short. Others fiock.nj
out, but recognized the uselessness oJ
pursuit The section where the Boul
der people were congregated went
wild, and over on tha side vhore the
long line of men were standing hats
and sticks were waved in a joyful ox
tiberance. "Too bad, too bad," was
Coach Yost's comment as he saw five
Smit iitook the ball five yards, thct
brought it into Nebraska's territory.
Moore got through tight tackle und
guard for three yards. The play was
along the south line and Schwar
rushed in, passing at Johnson, nnd or
dirlng him out of the game.
"You slugged," cried Schwartz, "I
sjnv you."
"1 didn't," retorted Johnson, "I
slipped and fell with my hand open."
"You didn't," retorted Schwartz,
"you go out of the game."
If your mule falls u pit on
Saturday, December 10th help him
out If you have no mule, or if he per
sists Jn not falling into a pit why go
to the Vaudeville show in the chapel.
At Minnesota you may cut drill
whenever you choose. 'Phut sounds
pleasant, indeed. You have to make
up the "cuts" under some coqwrol be
fore next drill night No commeuit
Praotlco limited to DIsqoror of Womon and
Ofllcet 1025081. - Itoa.t J8I8 Washington 8t.
Hours: s to4p, m.
IBth nnd O ats,
Tolophono IM. . . Lincoln. Neb
Hootns SO, S7 nnd 1, Urownoll Hlk, Phone MO
1103 O Strcot.
Spcclnl rates to Students.
DR. J. T. McNAY,
Teoth Extracted without Pain.
Ofllco: Cor. llthamlOHts.
Lincoln, Nebraska
Omce: 1025 O Street, Over Fitzgerald's. Tt:l. 416
Kcsldencc: 1735 Euclid Avo. Tel. MS.
Hours: 10 to IS a.m. StoSp. tn.
Specialties: Diseases of Stomach and Kidney.
Rooms 07-8,
Iturr Hlock, - . . Lincoln, Neb
lies. Telephone 421. Res. Telephone 423.
Physicians & Surgeons,
Offlce. 187 South Ilth street.
Office Telephone 422.
Lincoln, Neb.
Telephone 685. P. O. Box 851.
Private Hosplta
503 South Uth street.
Special attention to diseases ot women. Ev
ery convenience for nurglcal cases.
U.of N. '92.
1231 O street. .
Hours: 8 to 10 a. m-t 2 to 4 p. m 7 to 8 p.m.
Sundays. 3 to 4 p. m.
Phones: Offlce 399; res. C96 1710 D street.
Lincoln, Neb.
Special Attention to Errors of Refraction.
Practice Limited to EYE, EAR, NOSE and
1134 O Street, - . . Lincoln. Neb.
Office 1 130 O street.
Offlce Telephone 426.
Residence Telephone 424.
Lincoln, Neb
Okkjcb Houus: snmiiTS!
1(1 1 to 12 a.m. 12 to 1p.m.
2 to 5 p. m. 3 to 5 p. m.
Offlce 24 and 25 Durr Hlock,
Res., 920 South 17th street.
Telephones: Ofliee, C80; residence, 082.
M, D. KETCHUM, M. D., Phar. D.
Prof. Ophthalmology. Otology and
Lincoln Wedlcal College.
Offers a thorough, private i ourse in refraction.
Spectacles Utted.
Offlce, 220 So. 11th st. Hours, 9 to 12:30-2 to 5
Residence 1310 G street., Tel. 242.
Office, 1223 O street. Rooms 17 and 18,
Over Miller & Palne's, Tel. &35
Practice limited to
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat,
1025 O street,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Pine Watch Repairing.
Scientific Refracting Optician
1800 O Street, . . Lincoln, Neb.
. i