The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, November 14, 1898, Image 6

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(Uotitlmiutl troin 1'iw I)
MinlM mifl tilt' iNllI wi-nt U KnilfWlM
I II... Mitnaill l.ltl.lllfl
nnir niM' ! .nm iiim .wnm. i.,..,..,.
.(I .Minis to lll'lll'dlct.
id nriU for tin' nton
wIiimi la hi Im'UU'il
nniM'il mi unrui'tuniili
Wild IWOVtM'l'd
from Ni'immhu
Uy 1 In mill. It
tui'l'lu fur
short v" im hi- vviviiHiotl lite kiiw iintl
'i mi' wiin I'lilh'd for him to iwiipuniu.
( npiiiin Mi'lfonl iIiimi tooh iidvniil
,. , of IIiiuiIII'h 1iiiii, and Rout Wlll-uiin-
ihniiiifh hint ror thioo yard.
Short x' in ifm'tinn wan incrxNiHcd and
iiiinnlf i" ris. rroin tin M'rlniina'
tniu xx. i- .iu.iIii iiilli'd. Dr. WoodrnlV
rvainlin-il tin- Injiiffil iiumiiIiim' anil for
i lu llii t on' in hi lifi- Shorty llnin-
ill. tin- lanmiw huh' miiKiM'. vvH8 colli
pelli'd tn ri'tlti' i rum a jniini. lie vviis
. I, tlxi' niliinti' nftii Hie ni"Nt UW'U
It was iliMiNtiiiiw for tho Kan--ins
iy tin1 .xmmtf. ini'lii'rnid pln.X
. i- xximv ri'llnr on liimilU'N xxorU.
vxliii'h pronilVi'd to lie HiMiHiitioual and
i. ir a 1 1 nit- tin' ti'iini tooU a triiit
slump, toil Tipton did jroml xxoi'U In
Mmrtx'- plan'. WIiimi pla. wii !
sinniil Irum inaili' 2 ,x arils through
I hi' I'.MiliM', lull on tllr Ili'M phl, till'
Ni'oraHUniis tnmUli'il, loss(. Hft'iirlii
nHMiraiiiii f Hit' pljT-Kni xxith a tlxi'
x.inl pum 'ir Uiiiimih.
Tui'Ui'i xxiMit thronjfli tin- ihinlm
li'lt I'llil lot IHi' .Xllllls. Ilrss faill'd to
imi'U tin' lini". Tiu'Ui'r ix a lirllllant
inn sUiirl Ni'liriisUaV li'lt imuI for l.
i.inls Inn lli'ss I owl two xariN on thr
iii'M plax .mil IxniiMi made a quart or
l.,ii'l, M.'K for 2ii .viiriN, Ih-vxln falling
tn ri'i'oxi'i an.x ground.
It xxn now .WlimsKnV hull on iht IS
.it-il llni'. Williams inndi" two yiirds
and Krxxln iHH'kiil Tor I .van I but
StrlniriM xxus cnri'li'd hai'U llxi yard
lix Smith, jrlvlny Kansas tlu hail on
downs. Mom yalni'il llxi yards oxr-r
nurht tat-Ulf my! 'ii'Kor inudi 1 yaid
around Ni'hntsKaV loft imuI. lli niadi'
a .xaril and Mot..- pun toil lit) ymils ont
of bounds. NVbrnsha pitiiliifr tin' ball
on tin- in .x ariN lint. Williams iiinih
in x arils on a faUi and Iti'iii'dli-I ininh'
x anls inoiv. Wiil'.iitiis niiiih a .xaril.
biif Kiiiimik ht'lil Ihi'lr opponents on
doxxns and had poshomlon tf tlu ball
on Ni'brasUa's :tn yard lint'.
ftiM- a 7 xtird jrsiln by llarricon.
Mossi trli'd for a tlt'ld iron I from iunr
tlu- ','." xaril lini but faili'd.
Krxviii Ulu'd ont from tht' 2( yard
lini- to Oxximik. Tlu pijUin xx-n.s now
xvnrlu'd Imi'U to tlu 2.'. yard lint' by
Tiu'UiM', Wood xx ji id and Mo-m. whori
()nartrhat'U Ovximis Mi'Ut'd to lli'iu
dii't. In tin ni't tltivo plays tin oval
xxa.s ".mx i'ii to l'uMii'ilii't xxho made- 10.
and 2 .xwils. ivsprot'xi'lx. William
math' tn'.x-.irds thronirh Tipton, anil
lU'iii-dii't 'failiny to jrsiin. took tlu ball
(flX ir in
il.ii'hiK' tht'
1 1 ni'. NY-
mU'iIh, anil
1 lu'Wtii'i. ni'il Ni'IiwihU i w
I .xaiils on an oiVilili phi.x.
Lull on .tl ui'M. i an yan
hnisUti airalii punU'd in
HiirriHMii u'lniind fi.
Kan-tat aim tinted ami Ih-nvdli't ro
ntriii'.l ." .Minis. I'.tMioilli'i llnn liiadf
nlli ol 'III' ft ni' nun' of tin' uniiii'i b!
1 1 iff i xanln of tiM'l'ltoi'.X around the
left im.iI Williams and KoIiium' oach
niadi tin .Miidii, (.illbiM't ami TiiriHM
Mcciiivd I yards ttioh, tuul Kingsbury
wont inoiind tin' loft. tMid for a touch
down, n line run of .15 yards, (loal was
Kh'Ui'd In I'- mlii'itt's.' antiln Ult'lu'd olV, and the ball
hit a jritul post, Imiindcil bm-U ton
,x anls, and xxhn onri'lod in more by Pol
inor, xxho was tack led b.v Vxory. Af
ter short bucks, Koltnor was carried
hack 1 5.x arils h.x 'llcn. The Ncbrns
ka man seonicd unable to stop himself
as ho xxas pnshoil niphll.x toward Ills
own jfiml. Nebraska 1hcn piinled, and
Harrison, who etiunht the punt, xvas
tackled ami thrown m html that he
hail to qu.t the frame. Sllxcr tirnk his
'I hen ht'ttan a (jifat specimen oT lino
biickiiiff and lino linlilliifr. Silver.
Siinih Woiwlward anil Mosmi- plunged
the Cm ror :i yiirds onoh, and landed
the hall on the Nebraska 5 .xiird lino.
Then Nebraska held It. Three Iiinih
Kansas tried to puncture the lino, and
tin he thv.x failed. It was a remark
able piece of line work.
Nebraska punted the hall (Nick I"
, anls. The K. 1 . h.u'ks afralu bucked
the line Tor loiiff ffiiius. WiiimIwiiiiI do-in-.-
cspeclall.x jnnsl work. Plually
WiMidxxaiil was pushed uxor the lino
ror a tiniclidown In II minutes ami
oc kicked f:oal.
KaiiMi.s resumed the buokliifr lit
tics. After it fow sorliiiniiifris, Du..l
wont In to take the place of Sinitn,
who was caiifj-ht In the act of sbif!
fjlnf1. Tuckor xx-ont 10 tackle and
Itnz.l to huir.
Nebraska secured tho ball on hor ton
.xaril lino, and punted 50 yards, lies,
niailo a xcr.x bad fiiniblo. and the ball
hounded 2ii xards further. Nebraska
1 pla.x cd for vx-liul and ilarkiiis to a ills
1 affi't'cahlc otout.
Kitwill.x I'.eiieilict seeiired the ball
and ran' im yan Is. Willlanis followeii
i with a buck of 10 yards, and IVneilict
"eaine iifrnin" x-!th 20 yards around the
left end for a toiiehdoxvn. (loal x-a
kicked. nntl the frame culled on acciiuiit
of darknt'sis xxith two tnluute.s to be
plax oil. Score. Nobrask'ti , Kausiit. i).
flic lino up of tlu toams xxiis as fol-
, No'iraska. Woifjlit.
1 Strliifror, loft end 1T5
! Ilroxx. Icrt cnil lsl
iCilbert, loft tiic..c I do
1 Hanson, loft fruanl ....too
I Mclford, center HH
i Turner. roL'ht iruard ...211
V. H.
A. Per-
1'oluicr. ritrni end ....l.iO
Klliolt. quarterback ..112
Williams, loft half back. I fin
Henctllct. r't halfh'k. . . 150
Krwln. fullbat Itio
Kansas. Wolfrht.
Simpson, left end
Iliimill. left tackle...
WiMidxxaiil. left aiinrd
.Niosse, rijrht uuanl . ..
Smith, left tiicklc ...
cry, rifrht cud
Oxxon. quarterback ..
Tuckor. left halfback .
I'.ii!. left halfback ...
Moss, rifrht halfback .
Harrison, fullback ...
Silxcr. fulloaok
afn.m lor .. yau.s .. V11. Ixliifrsbury. riu'ht tackle.170
Ktniwiiu' iivtt t 1 1 ii It-ill 1 1 II I 111 .i.i VII 11 ' .. - . . . ...
lino on Nebraska's quarterback Kick, i
Mosse and Avory made I and II yards I
oxer fruard and around Nebraska's
nirlit end, bill Tucker lost .1 yanU ami
S'liqis-on failiiifr to catch the sljrual
lost I yard more. .Minm' tluxn laiicit in
Ins ir.x ror f-oal fnini tho 55 yard lino.
On thi kickout lloss innde a fair catch
on the 511 xaril lino and for the third
tunc Mosse made trv for a Hold fwil
xx h oh for the third time failed. Will
iams retiirniiifr the ball :i yiirds.
l'olmcr niailo Ml yards thrnifrh Kan
sas' rifrht end but Kauris braced up
and held her enemies on the nest play,
mid time xx-us called xxhile Kuiott xx-as
dnctorcd by tiho t minor. xxiU'.uins' c
recr arouiid end txhioh for a time
looked ihuifjeious. xx-as out short by
M.Ksse's lino tnckle. ICrxx-ln nindc no
fraiu on Tipton, but NcbnisKn was
rxen 10 ytirds for Kansas pla.x iiifr otV
suli- anil Nobnitakii had the ball on her
Vi xanl line. Ilonedlot b.x a brilliant
inn male ill yards around Kansjis loft
i ixl and Harrison alone siivisl him
from scoriiifr.
I he Nebrn.sknnt- xvere uoxv rushiiifr
iln K:i'.ii'- doxxn tlw lino on ex cry
plax and it xxiis evident that the.x
xxuulil s.Kin wore. Strliifjor made 10
Minis mound Kansas' end and the
teams frot a fresh breath xxhile Klliolt
bad his iniurii's nscii up. .xini m-x-in
made a half yard thr-nifrh oontor.
Striifji'i' xvent aiiiunil Kansas' loft
end foi xanls and Krxxln male it
his,t ilu'xii .mil fiaincil I yards more
on the in t pla.v. (Jilbcrl lost 2 yards
lut Kixxin n-i-iiii-iod enoiifrh to make
it Notu.isK.i's hist down and, tak'nifr
t u- hail a-rain. carriinl it sipiarcly bo
ixxi'on tin' nsts oxer W.'.cos. sctir
infr tin- lii'st touchdoxxn. Molford
KiokciI .in :isx froal and the score xvas
i. to 0 in r.ixor or Ncbniskii, xviih but
lixo niiiiutis left of tho tlrst half.
Mohse made a phenomenal kick from
tin oontor of the Held. bootiiifT the bull
sniiiir. I lioiwcon Nebraska's froal
,rts. whi.h eounted no point. No
l.uisKi U nked out from the 25 yanl
U.HMlxxan! who funillleil oil inc
mi,. I'.elii'diet fraineil 17 .x arils' left i ml h.x makiiifr a
1. nit .1 fjoiiiif ariiinio ,,fi... -..-.
. ..,... i... time that xxns loft
i . r... 1 the lull I down to
. . . ...-.I. ..f K':i ns;ls' iriial
was ailed and tin tlr-t half ended .
to o in fax in of Nebraska.
,1V for Kansas, ami I lie
the froal line. I'.ixxln
!i hx iii-i itj III Hi
.all into
5.07 V,
5. mi
no I
. x a I
ii oiiikI
XX It Ii u
xx hen
ll.i Kieki'd i
lllll NM'llI OM'I
,.i.-nh a hioh-ll II
the tii-il . II a i i.i i '" iK"-
i a nee ' ' "les. l
the lift" ' xard II"
hucks ii. l'.cncdict
II ll lv KICK
"llariis i'Olltl I
- ,1.
r i iiii-i .
lllll nil
(lill)i I 1
latifj t
and XM1S
n iiinile
t l.r.i-K
s ll lh
I ,11 ll 'till
1 ikon ba'-V
i t
ti. 'he
lll'll oil
hx Harrison.
mis through the
',. ball on a ruiu
i lino. Ne
i short "inns b;
i diet llarr.soii
I w is throw n xory
The Im II '""'
dace or the punt.
The seventh annual convention or
: tin American Kopiiblican I'ollofro
l.oafruc. xvhich xxas postponed in -May,
1 last, on account or the xxur, xvill bo
1 held at lmliauapor.s, Indiana, Novum
I her 17 and is, istis. The rcportiiifr oT
I tin work or the past year, con.sldcr-
iiifr the plans ror the rail campaign,
tlio adoption or a revised constitution,
land the rcfrular annual election of of
i llcoi's, constitute the chief items of
I business for transaction. The olllcial
program of the conxcntioii's incctinfr.s
will ho issued about November Mil.
rut follow nifr provisions in the con
stitution of this Lcafriie are of inter
est in this coiincc'inu:
Art. III. Sec. 1. Anx oifranieil l!e
puh'icnn Club of mix unixoisit.x in the
I'tiitod Stutcs. frrant'.iifr the deffreo cr
A. It.. 11. S.. I.I.. Ii.. or any other de
frrce of equal rank, shall be elifriblc to
mcmbci'.ship in this l.eufrue.
Sot. 2.- A club may be admitted to
uifinhcr.ship upon its own application
in xvritiiifr to the President or the
League or to tin I'linlriiiaii r tJio De
partment in which said club is .situ
ated. Sec. 3. The dues at membership or
each club shall he I'ixo Dollars a year
from cacli Leafrue club.
rt. VI. The eniiventioii shall he
eomposi'd of deiofrates chosen h' the
l.i'.iiruc ellllis.
rt. ll. Kaeh club haxiiiff a bona
iide membi'i'ship of live huiii'dcd or
iiaitou thereof shall be entitled to
Hie ilclcf-atc to the convention, to he
accredited upon l ne pnx incut oi .ho
i bib's annual dues (I'iw Do.aii's); and
lor cvor.x two hundred club members
or the fraction thcicof over txveuty
llve, in addition to the five hundred,
Mich club shall he entitled Ki an addi
tional dclcir.itc iiiioii the iia.x nii'iit of
Ian annual t.i ot I'im- Dollars Tor cacli
I additional d l frate. Ml such dues or
'tasis shall In paid before the report
of the committee on credentials is
road io the convention. The uioiiibiir
ship or e.n Ii collefje shall be reported
b.X the SeeietlllV ol siiell club to the
Si'cretan ol the club or the Leaffiio.
rt. Nlll The convention shall bn
the sole iihIl'i ol tin qualifications of
its iiioiiihi is ii, shall have poxxii to
overrule the acton of the Kseciitixe
Committee. No club shall be icp"'
sented by pros.x, except tin pci'snti
carryliifr'Ntich provy shall be u "' ,
tiinutis of the colli'Ko In xvhich tin siiul
elnb lu lie must lil'i'si ill i is''
itlni'ly, Hlfrncd .'I'l'doiitlalSi
All 0ltll)8 OXpt'Otltlfr tO HOIttl lh li'ftales
Ui this conxontlon are itrfrcd t" -" no
tlfv the President on or bebuc No
xouiber 7th, In order that the iirnnif
uieiit of tho profrrain tuny bo facili
tated. l-'or Inforinatlon relative to the con
xoutlon or other ltiiitters connected
with the l.ciifrue work, address
AKNOI.I) I.. DAVIS, Ptcsl.leiit.
President, Arnold b. Davis. I aixet
sltx of .Mlchlfran.
Vlcc-Proshloiits, T. II. lUodtfott,
Kno Cullcfjoj I.. H. Ilahlxxlii. I alyui'
sltv of MhmoMiins .1. I.. Klnch. Ollu't
( oiicfrc
Secrotury, K. Henry Wuroi
Dniiio I'nlxor.slty.
Troasuror, ('. A. A. .Modoc,
sity of Wisconsin.
VIoo-ProsldLMit. 15. I. U. s..
Whitney, Wllllnins CoIJoko.
National Committeeman, S.
kins, Cnlvorslty of Washington.
(iooifje P. McCulluni, I'nlvefslty of
Mlehifran. Chalrinan; (leoifjc . lllll
liifrs, Harvard Culvci'slty; I harlcs .Mo
Donald, Ohcrlln Collefro; Peico.x M.
Chainpafriio. Detroit. Mlchiffan.
Kd xx a nl .1. Ileiin.ntr, Coluiubiau l in
versltx, (Ihalrinaii; (.. I.. Ncwconihcr.
Ilillsiuilo Collofjo; K. W. Sat'Bont, I ni
xersltv of South Dakota.
W. JI. llodgkius, Dartnioutli Collcfju,
1st v.Mc, N. it., I.)
K. 15. Itoltuu, Williams Collefje, 2d
(Mass., (.'(iiiii., U. I.)
.1. It. bowls, Cornell University, ad
(Now York.)
K. K. Kurtz, Mtihloubiirff Colleyc Uh
(Pa., N. .1.)
babait sparks, Italtlinoro, Mil
(Del., Mil., a . Va .N.C.J
. u. Johnston. Western Kosorvo
I'uixorsit.x, liih (Ohio, Mich.J
C. F. Unicrlok, Vnnilorhllt fnlxorsl
IV, 7th (Intl., Ky., Tonn.)
A. O. .laoks.m, Cnixorsity of lliionis,
stli (HI., Mo.
K. .1. Ilcuninj,'. Columbian I'nixorsi
ty, Utli (Wis.. Minn., loxva.)
1'icil W". ha ryfiu, I nixcrsity of So.
Dakota, 10th (.s. D., . !) Vy.. Mout.,
M. .1. Stickol, Hakor Cnixorsity, llth
(Kan.. Col., N. M., I'tali, Ariz.)
S. A. Perkins, I'nlxcr.sit.x of Wash
ington, nh (Wash., Idaho, On.)
Philo .loncs, Cnixorsity of South
ern California, I.Mh (Cak, Nox.)
Hon William McMnlo.x. Don. Ilonja
m. ii Harrison, Hon. Chuuiioey M. Dc
pcxx, Hon. .lames C. Clarkson, lion. I.
ll. Kocd, Hon. .1. Sloat Kassott. lion,
llonrv Cabot botl-rc, lion. Kussoll A.
Alfror. Hon. Levi P. Morton. Hon. Kob
ert T. LlidOln, Htm. .1. '. Hiirroxvs,
Hon. II. C. Kvans. Hon. Thomas Carter,
Hon. Charles C. Cordon.
The Maurer Mandolins and Cuitars
arc now on sale Jit the hook depart-1
mout at llcrpolshcinior iV Co.'s store,
Those are the very best Instruments
on the market thoiifrh they sell at loxv
cr prices than other makes.
I he Hook Departnient', Horpiilsheiin-j
or A- Co., is solo tifjont in Lincoln for
the col rated Muurer Mandolins audi
( iui bus.
Since tho
ax no of a
rift or Colonel Olixcr 11.
Pax no of a million and a n.ut uvniars,
for the oatablisliniont and omtowiueiit
of a medical eollofro in -Now ork city, .
t.he co u a try prea& ha.s ayun Kikon up
Uic mistaken idea that ('orncll is the
rk'lieht unixoiVity in Wie country, i
wihcrciah it is reallx a problem of the
iriiKtccs to make bot.h ends moot Untiii
oially. The follow iur s...icniciit tif
what it cos-Us to run a bitr university
will ho of inloicsl and xx. hi.w Uic
extent of Cornell's income:
"Pho totnl income of t.. unixorsity
ror tlio year ond'infr Aiiffiist 1. 1MI7,
xvas $570. bit. ir xvhlcli tho sum of $120,
(IU4 xvas onlx from tuition.
More than Twice ihe sinn received f in
tuition was oxpoiKlcd in the payment.
r the salaries or tlio prorcwMirs, in
HtiMictors, and other emplo.xos, $201,
si i. A larfrc sum as larfrc xxas appro
printed to the various depart uicnts Tor
the maintenance or equlpin nt and
supplies ami ror repairs, $2ii:i,uitt.
"There xx-as added to tilio surplus
fund, from xvliich Iossck are made
trood. the .sMini of $2(5.001. Total. $552.
710. Notxvit'tHstandliifr the fact that
the Income Mils ,ear xxin. sxxelliil
utMi'l.x $10,000 abovo On normal
amount by premium, and inferred In
terest colc-tcd. xv e haxo loft xvrtill
which to carr.v on tho xxmU at periua
noii't iinprovcincnt the nnrrow niaifrin
oT $2:i.lo:.. There remained, however.
the sum of $10.0(10 from tho iiicnmc of
.he previous vcar still unexpended,
which, tofrcthor with the sinnll 1ml-'
ani'c above ritated. was iix'illa'blo to H
meet In part the appropriations: Kor
tin Iixdraullc labomtor.x and water I
linxvcr. 555.(100: for Lincoln hull. $).-
Olio. The appropriation for tlio Lin
coln hall addition wus afterward can
celed. ppropriatioiis luivo since bemi
made for the Sajro Moni"risil Olmpel,
Mol'se Hall and for other purposes far
hope we will bo aide to develop. With
cordial fiieetinfr.
Sovorul brokoii lincH of NKW, tliis HouHotrw,
LjuHus' and (MiildrotTH .1ACKKTS that iiiuhI
not lingoi' lioro, will bo on sulu for Ton (lays,
hoginuiug Tliut'Hduy, Novombor 10th, all in
0110 lot, at a discount- of
s I
Wo ptU'clittHod an nunionso lot ot 8iuii o SII
WAISTb at a big discount, i hoy conn mblaj
and assoitod colors, ovoning shades, 113 thl
arc samples it is ncodloss to say that tin v nro
tlio vory newest and most popular stylos, no tv
alike, values from $5 to 12, on sale tor Tl
days at a discount of ONE-TI11UD OFF.
There wero about200 Fur Collarettes and
Muffs loft from the Fur Sale of last week;
these wo offer now for Less Money than
good Furs wore ovor sold for in Lincoln.
Ask'to see them, cloak and suit department
before you tie up with any laundry.
To OMAHA All points cast.
KANSAS CITY east and south.
OENVKR and all Colorado points.
Has the Host Modern Equipment.
Pullman Palace and Tourist Sleepers.
Diiiing and Free Reclining Chair Cars.
For Time Schedules, Tickets, Reservations of Berths, Call or A i Iress,
13. SLOSSON. Gen. Agt., 1044 O St., 1. T. MASTIN, C. T.
Lincoln, Neb.
G. BURT, Pres., E. DICKINSON, Gen. Mgr., E. L. LOMAX, (, V & T.
Omaha, Nebraska.
For Style, Quality and Price
iKrnii. in this stiito to iminnuii our li"n.
noss In tin ir own mill ni'iirhv con titles. His
nuiliilv otfti'i work cotnlnuteil nt I101110. f nliirv
hinilu'lit wki u vuiir niul oximnsos dclliitto
tioiintlOc rid moio, no loss huIhtv. Montlily
$7!i lipf'-r. iicch Knaloo nlf u-'iln'snul
stnmiKil 'nwinpo. Ilerliurt K. Hush I'roet
I)upt. M I'lmiiiio
You Kliould iiill on
143 N. 13th St. - Oliver Theatre Building.