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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1898)
1 I rlii i" I'lmii An-'1 Dr. 1 LOCALS. ..rn08i Wijfculinnt spout Sunday In "(Jo to !))' Cafe, Soutih UDh, Open ,,iim- mi'' I" ,nl' m'w hulldlutf T,ifilin , v.iiiinn received ii visit .nun IiIh minor W.-.lin'.s(l,v. HS l. tmliill will spend Sunday tit h, r lltllK II OlIllllHI. Knpi'.' ''wmn banqueted till' fonthiill ,, T' l.v evening. iWvm l''. Lnmborlson, Dentist, 1206 jr. Illilll.V lllllWfslt.y KtlldcllKS i i. lit inlit 'I'miifliiv. Hurber, 'u. visited the Plil .lm boys Sunday. imiiI llui't Christie ir to otc TueMlny. Anuul, prnctice limited to Skin ladl'Muiy Diseases, J.joo O St. Dr, 1) I,, ltumsdull, kJn ami gonlto urlnsirv incuses 17 So l!Jt St- Kni i ' tiiil In, law 'lid, visited lils linitln ' iildn.N, No ember Itli. Qua' n's liiindli lUiom, 118 South Elcu'ii Open day nnd nigtliL . .1 tnitton has been visiting Ills uin-ni ii Koeu fur st'wnil day. I'll iiiiinu Delta entertained nt Difir ' iitr Imiisc Friday cuMiing. Dr. s 13. Cook, practice limited to no, wii. ivose and throat, l!21fi 0 SU Kilw i c linpln wns In town Inst week but i urned to Oiniilin Friday night. ,., i, H 1) iii)M te to Miend muMi relay ornl ,s !a, with rcliithes in Seward. "Dntili" Wells lins boon appointed Kiiit'ii.nit in tlit Cuttcd Stales regu lar iinnx. Tix niir l.ndie.s' Cork Sine lliind s-wimI !.in Slioe.s, Foot Form more, 121.1 II M. I'li'i Itnrber was mi Oiniiliit visitor Moml.n in the interest of his depart mow. Tin I'fond term if the I'nlverslty vliix'l if .M nsle heirins Monday, No VpiiiIm r 1 1. i In- rieshinenSophoinore ha. 1 1 1 ii postponed to Saturday, N'o- M'llllll I I'.Mh. We guarantee every pair of shoes topiw satisfaction. Foot Form Store, 1213 0 street. Curl hutV, -eeond lieutenant of the lliinl Nebraska regiment, is home for i few' furlough. .loiiii W'ilhird Lincoln of Hoston, 'Mavs.. i lormer Harvard student, lias rvj.nM n'l foi miixersity law. 11. .. Whinin of Kansas City, a grsid . ii Yaudcrhilt college, ealled on the Surma Chi boys this wwk. Mis (iruv Murniy of l.uur visited rvliitiw in tills city ami also looked in mi tlic university Frhiay. Picl (niilcy, '!)s, has aeeepted a posl iinn Mi the Harris Pros.' Live Stool; oi n company of Denver. Col. M.iii.iirrr Pisehof would like to hac .ill -indents having tickets to sell, turn rlii'in in to him nt once. that the new building is open, tin- iiniiean History Department is .ill tniiistorrod to 1'niversity Hall. ( li.iiui'llor Mnel.enn left for uipiiin. I). ('., Saturday to spend ten ilnjs .ii the agricultural meeting. dm Men's S:i.."iO water omof shoe '"i" tin -hoe for winter. Foot Form Moii-. 1.1 () St. Tin- i ccinWr iiuiiiImt of the West ern ( 'i-ge Mairazlne Is to contain an artii'l. bv Ueorge Shedd entitled "We.-. ..Foot Hall." Thf liardner Tailoring Oo., does first ivasoi fur -Minv Tin in tin lirarv ilicin Kri is t. for i ' IM'lll Nffti 1n' Sup, Itii iiroin Tlll'M jl'Ul'i Sin Tlu-t , l.iiu. anl i (I. turv ami eaii'.n Th, U'r! iii ii,, vein I h i ss work nml wie prices ore i i'.e. S. W. cor. 11 tin nnd O. 'HO bicycle, in good conrition, 'in. The Students' Supply .'! It St. f.vclers who put their wheels .Ks along the walk by tOie li lildlng arc requested" to lick evening, March 11, a concert held in the university chapel enellt.of the College Settlc i ,'kets 2.r. cents. c Young's "Tnivels," "Der Onkel," and "Kvan Harring- lnwest prices, i ne Students' "-lure. v Son's representative wns lie I'niversitv -Monday and with their line of fraternity mil novelties. l.iy euuiing Kapjia Alpha iitiatcd .lessie Maclarland of Klla Wirt of Council IUuITs, n Douglas of St. Joseph, Mo. llor Macbeau delivered a lec the subject of "Christianity 1'ieation" in the First Congre ' iuux:li Sunday evening. lust public recital by the I'ni- Si-liool of Music will Iw given Impel Wednesday evening, No- Hi. I'linncclhir Mnebeiiu H going to Washington Friday to attend the Na tional Meeting of the Agricultural OoL lege, and will be gone about ten days. Miss Nclln Cochran entertained the Delta (laiumiiH Monday evening at, bur home In honor of Miss Kihic of Pitts burg, who Is visiting Mends In tHils city. Uobert Ileltner Is Nebraska's repre sentative at the National Agricultural r.ii'iniicui association meeting Wliien , will be In scission nest week a,t Was,'!- i ligton, 1). V, I t Vbit t'liu Metropolitan Harbor whop. Vou get llrst class work at low price. Hair cut, Ifie; siliunipoo, lfic; shines ' free with tickets. 1218 0 street, II. .1. , KobliiRon, Proprietor. i ne Instructors and professors of t'i. Viiierlcan History departiuent hae decided to meet every Saturday at 10 o'clock a. in. to discuss inehods and de-, terinluc upon incuiis to check up thci work of the students. ( Mis busy Oreeu of the class of 'lis now teaching at Heat rice, sitent Satur day and Sunday In Mneoln. she its I I td the I'liiverslty Sat unlay afternoon and was warmly greeted bt main friends. Harwird Is going to civet at the south entrance of the college ,ard a nicinoi'tiil gate on which will 'be In scribed the names of the lla"ard nun who fought in the lute war. 'I he Phi Psls have sent Sherman; Wnlte a Christ mas bo containing, among other things, a large sword in honor of his recent promotion to the rank of second lieutenant of eonipam II. There was a joint debate In the chap el Saturday evening, November .lilt, between the republican and silver clubs. There was a small attendnmv, owing to the footliall celebration and the Thurston meeting. 'Plie- Sophomore-Freshman eont.-st did not conic olV last Saturday as ad vertised. At the last moment. It was learned that many of the men who had entered were not qualllled, so the meet was postponed until Noveinocr tilth. Henry .. Keeee, 'HI, of the law tlrni of (iilkliisou i lteeee, lefa for Colora do Springs; last week where he will practice law as the senior member of the tlrni of Keeee i MeArthur, both former university students. The Phi Delta Thctas entertained Mr. White ildriek of Troop 13. of the ltooscvelt Hough llidcrs, Saturday and Sunday evenings, November 5 nnd li. Mr. Wilddrick is a graduate of Co lumbia university, lie entertained his hosts with many interesting bits of troopers' life in tHic late war. A new line of neckwear just recived at Hu instead tV Tuttle's. Novelties. One of the best things known for the money Is a pair of itegent shoes for $:i.!); they are Ivetter man most of the .".-i.ti0 shoes, and as good as the best. o ought to see them. lOltd O street. At a meeting of the Accredited and Alliliated High Schools of the Chica go university, held in -hicago last Summer, I'm lessor mirnctt. lornieriy of this university discussed the Col-Inr-I3iseiib:ich (niiinnar. The Fdgren Fossler ticrinan Cirainmar was dis cussed by Mr. Max Itatt of the Chi cago rniverslty. Clark, Chicagr University's splendid half-back and base ball pitcher, was charged witli professionalism by Wis consin. He had signed the regular statement of eligibility for athletics at Chicago, hence his college IkicUcU him in his denial of the charge. How ever, under pressure, he nnally admit ted that he had received .$.10.00 for coaching Tnrkio College, Mo. A mass meeting was held "f chap el exercises Tuesday 1 1 e.eet a stu dent representative for the commit tee superintending the Cnivcrsity Hook Store. The result wns that three received even voltes each, so another election wns held Wednesday the five highest being eligible and .lolin lloose was chosen. Mr. Henry Karnes will give a piano recital at Wyniore under the auspices of the Fin de Cieele club, Friday even ing, November IS. Mr. Fames will give a lecture recital in the parlors of the Conservatory on Norwegian folk lore Tuesday, 'November 2:1. A musical treat is in store for those fortunntf enough to attend. At a meeting of the junior class last Tuesday afternoon it wns decided to retain Mr. YanValin as business inan gaer of the annual by a vote of .'II to '14. The societies have been tying to remove Mr. YanYaliii from the .lu nior Annual lioard because he joined a fraternity after the societies selected hiin as their representative IiituiinlloHlnto Hiiromi Cotircll & Leonard iW-ITH llrniulwiiy Allinny, Nuw York Miilo'i'- f iho Caps, Gowns and Hoods To the American Collets nnd Unl verltlni. Illustrated manual, snmples, prices, etc. upon rnpiest. Oovvns for tlio pulpit nnd the bench. Beware rMfHN), of spurious and fraudulent India thin, of the Waterman Pans. Huy the genuine which has a record of 15 years of success, ami has been during all thai time, as ii still continues to lie, the bosl loiimlnln port over miide, and tin- slnndnrd of the world. Do not he deceived by inperfect imitations, hut see Unit the pen you buy is stumped Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen and have it endorsed as sncli to vou by us or your dealer. All our' pens are guaranteed. L. E. Waterman Co., 157 BROADWAY, NEW YORK N. Y. The Gonneticut Mutual Life Insurance Company. Til 13 MOST PHUFKCT PUOTKCTION at I.OWKST POHNIIIIjH COST For Premium R ,ies write or call on HORACE G. WHITMORE, U. of N. '95, Gon. Agent, FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING' LINCOLN, NEB. Gnmrn HEDICI1L COLLEGE Course 2S Weeisrs. Fees 65.00. OtVcrs great inducements to stu dents of medicine in the west. Methods of instruction most satis factory. Clinics in both surgery and medi cine held in the following hospitals in this city: County, Methodist, Child's, Immanuel and Presbyterian hospitals weekly. Catalogue sent and questions an swered by 15. W. CHASE, Omaha, Nebr., Continental block. The Way to Go to California is in a tourist .sleepinc car personally conducted via the Burlington ltoute. You don't change care. You make fast time. You see tho finest scenerv on the ! globe. i our ear is not so expensively tmistied nor m) line to look at a a p.ila'cc sleep er, but it is just as clean, just as com fortable, just as good to ride in. AND NKARLY $'J0 CHKAPKH. The llurllniiton excursion lenve Lincoln at 0:10 n in. every Thursday, reachl n? San Fran clsi'O Sundnv ii nil Los Attack's Monday. Porter witb eneb cur. Excursion manager vvltb each larty. For folder ulvlim full inroniiatlou cull ut H. M. Oot)ot or Citv Olllco cor 10th and ( Si G W. IIONNKLL. C. P. anil T. A. ,s, l.anyvvortliy, a fonnor unlver "" indent and a inemlxir of the Slff n"j l.i lratcrnity, -.s a university WH'i tins week. l'l'-li-hsor Dartou of the United '"1 - 'eologlcal Survc- vvjis in the "'' Ucilnelny, roturning from a trip Ollll- ltlllfk llillB. l'r,,l. Ilajjenovv ban scemvd Mr. Oco. JJaniliii, t weii nown tenor of Clii ici for the next concert given by the 1 'iilliariuonle orclicstTn. llnvo that overcoat repaired. New ln'. etc., at Gnrdner's Sultorium. 'J clothing cleauwl, pressed nnd re paired Phone 708, southwest corner "ta nnd 0, basement. i i i i XAHAT? Yes you can buy jL as good a Shoe in every respect for .... $3.00 or $3.50 as $5.00 will buy in any other place. WILY ? Because they only make these two shoes, and sell direct from factory. Onk profit MAKKK TO WKAKKK. WHERE? At tho BUSINESS SUITS. Come in and look at them, examine the goods, the linings, and the way they are put together! try them on and say whether you ever saw their equal for the money. Here is more style and better material than you w'H ordinarily get in a madetomcasurc suit at thirty-five dollars. Think of buying suits like these at $1Q? $12, $15 and $18, and every one warranted by the makers, HART, OOHAFFNER & MARX. KK8RKaSR?n5?ra 83rarSaEiSE! i n tm V ... -.!"! I l-rjKNii as&&$$s;S g.ffigragfwt0fj GUARANTEED OLOTHINO. ESPol IE J II LM F0UR.BUTT0N SACK SUIT. Copyright, 1808. Dy lltrt, Sohadncr & Marx. Our prices arc always lower on tho same goods than otlior stores naiiio. Fine suits at $7.50. $10.00. $Y2M, $15.00 and $18.00, that will cost you more than twice our price made to measure, and you don't have to wait an indeiinate length of time after leaving your order for our suits are ready for you when you are ready for them. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO IO13-1019 O Street Before engaging Music call on HAGEN0WS ORCHESTRA AND BAND, OLIVER THEATRE BUILDING, Office on ground floor, and get SPEGIAN RATES FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. The University of Nebraska SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Is better fitted than ever before to give artistic instruction in Voice Training, Piano Forte Playing, and all other principal branches of Music, Students will receive full information by ap plying at the School located directly South of the Campus, and can enter at any time. Tuition is the Lowest Consistent with Sound Instruction. WILLARD KIMBALL, DIRECTOR. Regent Agency, 1036 0 Street Turpin's School of Dancing. Children's class, Saturdays 2:30 p. m. Ladles' and gentlemen's class, Mondays and Thursdays 8p.m. Tho Academy oilers advantage fr cotillion clubs, private parses, otc. Is newly furnished and decorated Will bo rented at reasonable rates. For further information addre, ALBERT TURPIN, Hpn2C0Nlnst;