THE NEBRASKA V WccMy NewsiMipor Issued 12very I'tulay Noon by Mm Vn-ivorwlty l'ubiishlnjr Assootntlon.'l Siu-oiiil Clans Mull Matter. (leo. L. 'tvwne MniMjrlivg Editor M. I. Stcwai: Ji'lin T. Summer djur II. ( lark.. . liischoll .Editor News' Dent. ....Associate Editor ....Associate lull tor Associate Ktlltor V M Hull Cartoonist tuir Cnimil) Editor Loc-nll Wept. in i.. McMillan Wn-ia'tc foil! tor ,. ..mi- Unit iMt Wuclato Editor j, D. Anilif-oii Associate Editor ,nton llarr. . llrovvn Assoc o Aw-ne'iatc Editor Editor 1 I'. (lenu mii-. . . Ktlitor Mumiii Dent The Nebrnshan will bo sent to any address upon receipt of the mibwrip- ' . ,. i 1 11.,,. ,. ,,.,,,- M11'1'1 " ib'WII to lion price, whieh is one dollar a jetu. t ( , i( ())(i Contributions are solluitetl from all. News items such as locals, personals, reports of meetings, etc., are especial ly desired. The Nebni&hnn will be giatl to print any contribution rela tive to a general uirivorsity subject, but the name must accompany all such. Address all communication to NebrnsKan, University of fsc-braska. tl- upon the inoniviry in a lasting manner. After this let every one get oin upon tiho campus and practice the look-step until It '.& perfceit and slug tin- wings until enough expression 1h put into thriii to mi in mote than tin- bare words imply. There Is not the slight est ri-owon why t'he university should nit arouse a Iiiltle of the emthuiinsin thai in so provident In the eastern Instl tutimis. t)ur football team cannot go (in forever in the way that, it ii.ii been go'ng up Hi the prewnt time. tu ileni always nvs that he will u it sup port a Inking Icntn; events here show that he is iuiI even willing 'to support a winning one. lien we are with the best in the history of the ciinol and at no game this ,eur have we had iiioiv than enough peoph- tin pay the evpenseti of the visiting timin. This is tlte reason that the Nebnisktin makes the suggestion about ()ma.ha. every one put I lie pptty class spirit to one iilc. j in! ii together to make th'. till- ila.v o'f the eiitire your tluni they sliovv their appreciation to the elVonis of tht-ii- footlitill team. I.u-t vein- a suggestion of this kind wn iiii-I vvVih riiwipprmiil by the stu-li-nlis in geneml. they soylng that low. i was to. easy, that such preNiiii- tnnix would lie use-less. It mnv well however, that Iowa ) I lie iiuiil score oi u past in- our nidge in inis and let us get out and stir up good old-time ehonl spirit. t two or th.ree hundred people ought to go with the Team anil cheer tin-in to I lie victory they so much de serve. Stand up for Nebraska. ! PROFESSIONAL CARDS. MRS. L. M. SEARLES, M. D. Practice, limited to Discuses of Women nnd OlilUlrcn. Onlco: KtioOSt. Hos.: 18l3WuHiilnRtonSt. Hours : '' to 1 p. m, LINCOLN, NKHUABICA VIII1M least V. M C A. NOTES. the has has With this t-siii- ii ml Nehraskati will appear I In- will give a better hi-ri-arter tin mi Momlav. eh.iiH-e !o g.-t the late iu-ws, Mu-ii'tv events. Saturday's games anil 1 In- .enraskiiu was unable to get Hit- -nap slmt view of Saturdays name that it hoped to have. It was ini nsMiiio to gist a kodak in Lawrence w tli.iut bu.viiig one and 'here wore nun.' on the grounds. The only indi vidual picture that could be secured was that oT Captain Molford. A plc uu of the team will appear later. i lie Alumni ot the University are touiug upon themselves a very credit able enterprise. If they can obtain the exposition organ for the chapel, they will have accomplished something of which they can always be proud. Of coui-se it must be remembered that Ne- oni.ska A in mm are not wealthy as arc the alumni of the older eastern sohfols. ..icy are all comparatively joung struggling for plnecs in rustling world, so the gift of an instru ment such as is proposed means much to them. A comparatively small number of btudent-s displayed a respectable amount of enthusia.-vin when tin- result of the game was an nounced last Saturday evening. A few were suiliciently interested to delay their supper half an hour .a order to learn the ii i in I .score. Hut the large majoiity ot our students were "in ah-I bcntia' and only appeared when a few of the more forward ones turned out upon the steel in the lock-step. Then two or three hundred appeared and proceeded to make times lively for per haps an hour. A bonfire was started upon the campus, and n few leaders wanted to burn the old street. car which 'has been resting peaceably up on the north side of t'he. campus for several years. When opposition was offered ny the night vvuichinun, the desire to celebrate our glorious vlc tor.v tin lied uio a pell-mell move incut io moll this iiiiiortunate individual. Of e.iiii'se, the student were successful in i heir undcUiking -uid succeeded in 'Heightening up the lire for a few min utes with the car. In suite of this at tempt at a demonstration, the fact re iiMilns that the University if Nebras ka. Is markiibly destitut. of school spirit, ii ib not only true ol football, but it applies upon all occasions. Ver.v few get out and do anything. Stlil tower. I'l such is noss- Ii e. tuovv nnv The mission work carried on by assiu-'ation at Ninth and . Mtnn-t never opened so .nvoiiib.e as If done this your. Ninety puolls are rolled In the Sunday ?chool, and most that number are In auiciidaneo at the service held each Sunday n!gnt. All members of t'he committee, about fifty in number, have ib-eidod to iimugumtc the annual coinuiit'teo man's dinner which will bo given so I lie. time during the !lrit of Decenibcr. This promiKCs to ho one of the linost a ll'n i is of this i Mi tu re over given by I lie association. .Many men prominent in association work- have been invu ed. among k.ioni are ('. (. Miohonor of Chleauo, (ienoral Seerctarv vVard of MlnneaiKills, V. " 'villis oi Omaha. no employment bureau which has been carried on through the executive olllce of the university has bi-e rans ferred to the Y. .M. C. A. This bureau will lie open to all young men in the association. All young men de siring work will please drop into the Y. M. ('. A. rooms and leave their name and nature of work dos.rod. An effort will ho made to bring tills mat ter before the eitiens of Li'ueoln and thus rondel- aid to deserving inning men. i ho members are highl'- elated over Mit fnct that the nutl-nrit-it-s have granted them the Use of the room im mediately east of tiie one which they now occupy. They still retain the oul one. 'this new room will he complete ly overhauled and tlitited uo in the lliu-st style and will servo as a parlor An elfoit will bo made to put in an outside cut ranee thus making the room easy of access. With this addi tional rmiiii. an outside entrance and other needed improvement! i'ic asso ciation wilj be nicely located in the verv center of university life. J M. I.UCAS, DENTIST. 15th una 0 sts. Telephone 153. Lincoln. Nei. LOUIS N. WENTli, DENTIST, 130 South I tth street. Kooms til. i.7 mid l, Urownoll 1I1U. I'liono MO, DK.J. L. HODGEMAN, DENTIST. 1103 0 Street. Special rntos lo StiulonU. DK. J. T. McNAY, DENTIST. leetli Mxtrnctoil without I'nln. Oillco: Cor. 11th and 0 Sis. Lincoln, Nohrnska DK BKNJ. F W1LST. GENERAL PRACTITIONER, Olllce: KWi O Street. Over Flfuonilil's. Tol.ilO Kcsldenco: 1735 Euclid Ave. Tul.M3. Hours: 10 to 12 n. m. 2 to 5 p. in. Specialties: Diseases of Stomach and Kldnoy. jsB0UT YOUR WINTER OVERCOAT ... Think and talk over the matter to-day; but don't stop at that; come and see just what excellent outerwear wo are soiling this season. i T "PKINE St iMKRFEL, A Few Sample Prices from. Tll(i Book Department HERPOLSHEIMER & CO. Mas heretofore been noted among University students for the verv low prices at which all supplies were sold. This year, while lower than ever. ,m mensumtc with quality, we have materially increased our stock. prepared to supply Text Hooks of all kinds at lower rates than wen before made in ijncoln. Note the list quoted below. m .ire K-r Kolfe's Shakespeare, per. vol Students' Standard Dictionary. . , , Standard Dictionary Webster's International Dictionary History Paper, per too shoots. . . . History Covers, leather back History Covers, cloth sides Hi'tory Covers, board sides 1-oiintain Pens, 14 Kt gold, 09c, Soc and 98c, each pen warranted. Waterman's "Ideal" h'ount.iin Pens, $2.50 and upwards. (Lead Pencils, polished, rubber tipped Hlnck Ink, per 2 oz, bottle DR. ALBERT K. MITCHELL, ltooms itr-s. HurrHlock. Lincoln, Noli K. L. HOI.VOKK, M.I). It. A. Hoi.YOKK.M . 1). ltns. Toloplionu 4.'l . Kcs. Tulopliono iii. DRS. HOLYOKE & HOLYOKE, Physicians & Surgeons, onii-o, 187 South 11th street. Ofllce Telephone 42 Lincoln, Ncli. Telophonu CSS. V. O. Uox 051. DR. C. A. SHOEMAKER'S Private Hosplta 503 South llth street. Special attention lo diseases of women. Ev ery convenience tor suridcal cases. DR. CHARLES P. CHANDLER, U.of N. '92. IS31 O street. Hours: 8 to 10 a. in-, 2 to 4 p. m.. 7 to 8 p. in. Sundays. 3 to 4 p in. l'liones: OilUt-399; res. C65-1710 D street. Lincoln, Neb. Till-: IDr.AL l-'t-)l M.vl.V I'E.N. We llrmly lieliovo, from niaiiy year.V constant iimic. that the ideal fountain pen if. the Waterman. "There are others," but it would take a great deal lo convince us that any otl1'' could K)Sf,ibly have the dlistiiitfulshou merit which attaches to the Waterman Ideal iMiuuiiaiu Pen. TIicm- are made in a fjrisil variety of sizes and styles to suit the particular fanev of any pei-Min. The cases arc plain, Hiniple, ornate aiiytliin- aiiytiue wishes. They are a very iiu-eful jien, and our esperieiico is that they arc the prop er pen for a person writing constan'tly, as hv iiwln them there need be little fear of writer's paralysis. Waterman's Ideal l-'nuululn Pen can lie had at al most any price, depending, of course, upon the oi-naiiieiitation and fancy of the purchaser. Their distinguished cliaraetepisties are, evoellcneo, ina tci'mls and workmanship, writes the uioniont the pen touches the paper, Hoesn t overturn' or skip, and is clcon jTe. MOSSHART, M. D. Special Attention to Krrors of Infraction. Practice Limited lo EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT. 1134 O Street, Lincoln, Neb. 50 Fountain Pen Pockets 8c, 10c ami t5c 250 Student's Note Books 0 1050 "University" Tablets , 8 75 Ink Tablets, 80 sheets each 0J os Soft Paper Tabs, 500 pages each n, ,2 Music and Pictures 10 The "Maurer" Mandolins anu Guitars are the equal in tone and workmanship of anything made in the U. S. A written guarantee for 3 years is given with each instrument sold by us. Guitars $14.00 to $..0 00 01 Mandolins 13.0010 ,'500 2'A Sole Agents for Lincoln Estates are Made by Systematic Savings. TEACHERS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN! Examine the Policy of the New England iMutual. The Values are as deiinite as those endorsed in your Bank Book. This Company has been Chartered 63 Years. G. W. NOBL,B, Mgr., PhnnP WR ROOM 10. rnone aza 1(M1 0 STREET J. H. Evans, Prcs. and Treas. C. C. Quiogi.k, Sec. and Mgr. The Evans Laundw tiling about athletics and the men who ly. From the ludepcndcint, New York, iM-i-i iiiem 1111. 1 nc .M-nrasKiiii ven tures the opinion tint t half of thcinean nut ti-i. Ikxw many yuuies have been jii.i.M-il this full, and uiaii.v 01 ilicin do not i-M-ii ItiHiw that we have 11 winning: I- .1111. If mu-Ii a Htnte of a tl Miles tiiiui - we will In- on a fei with dovvii- tri. thi Deoenilicr 1 11, 1 Ml. Iteeenitly xfinie students of tin- I'ni verwlty ( 'f Viryimia wilvlle nltciiidii:r a theater showed tlieir appreciation of the ontertalninem by present I nif the aetiii-s biiiiiiuels of slale fruit. Then 'don Minii'i-sotn. and every one In one of the actoi's dlscusxed the siiblcet -vest l-ii-tws that slie is about as "Student Hthles" with some iilniiini-sii ntliletically ncad as is potwililo. If we for vvhleh he was called to account be ever intend to do anything now is the I r re ri-nehlny- his liotel. The police tiinc. Let us stip imtitlng- oil" from I oaulut a numbor of the follows who vcar to year whnt oulit U have Ix-en 1 awsaulled liim and fined them heavily, done loiif-- atfo, and g-et oul nml do An iiivc8tl(,Mitlon will be held. -illlH-l lllllfr, DR. J. V. STEVENS. onic-o nimOhtrcut. Company Ofllce Telepliono an. Kcsldencu Tulepliono 4'.'4. Okkick Homes: 10 to I'.- a, in, a to f p, m. A. D. WILKINSON, M. D. Lincoln, Nub Sundays j 1U to 1 p.m. 3 to A p, in. OHIcu ii 11ml '.Ti llurr Hlock, ltuh IH6 South 17th Htrciil. Tuloplionos: Office, CH); rosldunco, (isi. M. H. KETCHUM, M. D., Piiak. D. Prof. OpIitlinlinoloKy, OIoIokj- mid l.uryiih'oloKy. Lincoln Vedlcal College, Orturs u tlioruiiuli, prlvnlo lourso In rofracllon. Sixiutiuiles titled. Olllce, '.'0 So. 1 lib si. Hours, ( to l::i0-y to l It is time that the students who iu leiiil to jro t 1 Die Tliaiikfiv ny yailie at Ouinliu. vhen we pl,i iM- rnlver 't,v of Iowa, are hoviunintf to make prepaiMtiuiin lint- the 1n.11.inn, It will 'la- rniii.-uiihcrctl In 11, , nMcnlt hi dents lluit a few i 11 iiii when we ' n i!i. 1, wo hill the 1 i' ii and the nnu-l At t'he National Convention of thu Phi lleta Kappa, held recently. 11 char ier wus (riiiii'tcd to ViiHsnr. 'I .lis is tho (Ii! (idleye for women to bo thus Jinn-ored. J. R. HAGGARD. M. D. Hosldenco KII0 G strt-ot., Tol ai8. ODIco, ViiW 0 street. Koomh IT mid 18, Ovur Mlllor .t Palno's, Tol. I35 DR.M. II. GARTEN, Pniutlco limited to Kj-o, Kur, Noto and Throat, 327-329-331 North Twelfth Street. TELEPHONE 199. - LINCOLN, NEB. a0JhC3 Prices from $15 Up. J&& u ffl MJ& A) x.'A p.-r Mizm w"" miasms. -rk imaa Wl' oM Ji in r'A?!C&'iy Xm. IWjtIi' --Tl y Zr tffi . i"lil tw" ilLvTiJ tho World COLLEGE men everywhere are invited to send for tho Washburn Souvenir Cotnlou. It contains nearly 300 portraits ofartists and colleclans, besides i;ivin(r some nccount of tho construction of Washburn Instruments and a complete list of net prices, KlrBt.claBs music dealers tho world over sell Washburns, or Instruments may be Obtained from tho makers LYON & HEALY, CHICAGO. Jilaved MIk-oiii 1 IH"-t NHtOIII ol I Minus thai hi n Midi llll (Mi ill 1, Nt 111 ilsUflli n.r ( I l'i 1 1 III 11 1 I" ' ' W llll ,1. .. ill ' '1 II III ll. '" 1 iriMiiycd for ' iiiMitiililoii. Tin. 'hat .1 lliei-l Uiy In- .1, he Lr yen out 141 d lo yn, anal tln do no) me, in id it tln-v 1 "-i oiii-e .111 I then lie laid 11 '"'' 'I" v niijrlit In Ii ii-1-(-i-d Dr. Leonhnrdt's ANTI-PILL Cures Nervous Ills, routtlpiitlnii liyKpi-pHln. HillmiHtiiiMK Ni-rv mm UN mi, I fin iia!,n Action not follow d livc-osiin-ni-s-. Dmiiit Mr Trvlt. Kiiinpli-N free liriii'ui-l-, j'-n nr 11 drcNH Anll-I'lil Co , Lincoln N l Pne Advlnnry Dent, for Pntron. IWfi 0 Hlrt-ct, Lincoln, NotiniKlm. IT IS THE "STYLE' ? E. S. KING, l'hie Watch Itopiilrlns'. Scientific Refracting Optician (Graduate) 1300 0 Mi-ret, . . Lincoln. Nob And "QUALITY" about the photographs made at the Elite Studio That make thorn famous. All on ground floor, 226 So. 11th St.