n-iE NE BRASKAN. Voi. VII. UNIVERSITY OK NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, NOVEMBER J I, 1808. Pkiok 5 Cknts. ATA f ESTERN PENNANT 13 NEBRASKA'S One of the Prettiest Contests Ever Seen in West Results, 18 to 6 in Favor of Capt. IYielford's Team. the WEkE ROYALLY RECIEVED AT LAWRENCE Benedict, Folmer, Erwin and Melford Do Particularly Brilliant Work. Woodward and Silver Kansas Stars. A i. i"i !""" ictor.v iii'ld I !- S;iitinhii. to admit last year flllti'i nort It it. wjis on McCook Kansas was loath tlia.t slii' was (t. Ii her hated rivals from the I'.ut tliiH time the result was was sure to sluj,'. ami lie wiih as Ins rcmitut on. If nnv one dri-Un. . There eotilil lie no mistake nml il- Kiiiimiiis. freely admitted that their t .tin hail been out-plnycd. It was a splendid runic, however. Knii"-! contested 'ir,v Ineli if the "rniiml. and twice it seemed likely that tin- - 'II- miu-lil lie a tie. I'.nt NebrnK- ka'- ileleiiM- was like a stone wall uln-li necessity llellia lllll'll. Twil'C ill I tin- -.ind half the hall was danger-, on.-l near Nebraska's jj-ikiI and twice , h.iv i he Kansas line held for no piln till tli Wall went to Nebraska. Saiuidnv's ictory sounded the ili-aili-knell of the Pennsylvania style i of pl.i in the west. Kansas will never iim- 'he eelnsie guards hack forma- tioi. .ijruin. It. vvnis hurled a(aiu and apim urninst i he Nebraska line, but ' tlir niajriiillcent defense arranged by I Co.nl, Vnst, with Captain Melfird be-j liiml ili.- line, sliiped it almost every i tiiin- iiil on the offensive Neoraska's plan i iijsIiik: eilit' men in the inter- f r ! . , - winked !.-.! ii t i rull. . I K.i ii -as' famed captain,' Mossc, did not -how any remarkable strength. In i fact w 'ien he carried the ball it wjis mi-rlv always for a loss, lie struck 1 the line too hifrli ami was piiHiied back ' for .1 loss eiiial to the length "of liis 1hkI His kiekinjr was remarkable , onlv uhen it did not count. Twice I from i In- kick olV lie sent the ball spiu n'uu i twecn I Ik noul post.. The tirst tiini i it crowd went wild as it thought hi- li.i.l -cored five points. His trials fur : 1 1 from the Held only resulted in ui ml' Nebraska the ball for a kick fr.Mn i lie llfteen vard I'.ne. K.i .!. seemed to feel the los of Ham who was injured early in the (.'inn. mil some were prone tu at trill- nle iii. failure to niiikc ,'iiins through tin- I ".- to the fact that llimiil did not ' i tlic ball. However. Tipton ulm it hitt nhice. nliived his i;i.-ll ion l i is hanl to i-ec how Ham hae done better. .-sii had wveuil bright and dial's. Captain Melford haudl-ii'-n admirably, lie found the ice in the Kansas line cpnckly etcd his ell'orl aaliiHt them His own play .too, was bril- W lien Kansas had the ball lie Ix'liliul the line and made it 'Ii- aimiusi the guards biieu for- that he as u'noil (lonl)ls it let them look at Colbert and r.ruc. An or br-Iiijf warned Ihc times he was Dually ruled out of the pune by Cmpire .McDonald. Wylie Wood rulV was in his usual form, lint he feels bad enough. The N'ebraskan will not add to his woes as it mifrlit bv simply ituntMiL' him. With outdid III and dance him (,'iven in honor or the team lint j a few of the bows were i In condition to .shlnc in tlic hail mom. The da, wan an ideal one and the 1 crowd reached nearly n.Otm. Kverv one i brought their vmieeK with them! loo. ami used them lustily. When Kansas made f-o.-d jmliiH Htcy ehccri'd and yelled and tooted their horns. Wlien Ni'hrnwka had the hall they j-nvi- "Hock chalk, .M.,vhawk. K. '" with all their tit f s lit. chrasli hud imilv a small delepiUon of rooter, but the.v hail aliuudaut np ortuir.ty to use' their t".nin and veils and they made them selves heard. The jjnnic wit a splen ditl one ni.d thorn' ihi miw it will no I mmiii foiyet It. The oIlleiaN of the pinie were as follows, and their work was entirely satisfaclor.x : H. K. Full., referee; .1. .McDiumilil. umpire: I'ottery and Cralitree. linesmen. The play in detail follows: I-'IHST HAM-'. Melford kicked olV III yards to ilnm III who returned It I! yards. Avery ti ied the 1'ne. but failed and Kchrask'n held the Hock Chalks for downs, sc curing the ball on K. C.'s :!." vard line. I'liliner and Stringer both failed to advance the lmll into Kansas territory I'sc two CNCi'tltilltls Kansas Unit WIhm-I.-ii niaile ii nimi'tei'h.'ii-i.- herself in showinj,' tlic team Kick for in ards. .Williams secured .-li il cm N. slii i il i IM'.i ami at ., liai " pliiv in v 1 1 in. 1 1 H Still tin f.-t. liin th. M1 I'lll r. iiin k.r Km Win mi u I'll II tiiii. en 1 1, i Inm I'll 111:. il. li v, .it tl In- ,-, of l Ill-Ill l Up h. 111. ami Iii- iin I I. HME& "r". ',l V, M '6fefcJ9WHR u9b I'K9S3K-v tyjy TB r iflfffraw i nl . aBC PPPIWWWIWWHl . u. MP rsntlp HHninflHg :'P Kil4v HARVARD DEFEATS PENNSYLVANIA Newsy letter From the Nebraskan's Correspondent At Harvard Tells of the Game There Saturday, Nov. 5. OTHER EVENTS AT THE EASTERN SCHOOL. Harvard's Pride in Roosevelt Professor Dicey' s Lectures and Gossip in General. not far amiss to say that there nut' Ih'.mr that now holds Un it Is is justt studenus ul ti'iilioii, and that is foot ball. The bljr fr,,,,,,. ,,r the year, for CainbriilKc, is a lliiiif-- of the past, but that docs not mean that it has ceased to be talked about. Vcs, llar vaid won from Pennsylvania at last, and all because the players k,cicd the hall liili in the air and' over the heads of her opponents. Harvard's spectacu lar plays at the very outset da.ed the crowd, and players as well, and seemed to eiiMt a spell over the I'cnitHvlwinin men. The teams play each its own peculiar Ktnne. but as far as compari son is ponsiblc it must be sa"d that I'cnns.v iMinia played better on the line than her opponents. It was in punting, though, that Harvard ex celled, and when Harvard semt the ball away, up high and toward the tfoal. a seeiultifrly ea.y lly to catch an return, rennsylMinia's men invariably fum bled and failed to return iia.-l vard swift end runners. Hut that pime is worn out. Ail Harvar.i s hopes arc centered for the time belli"- in the u!h that Vale will defeat Princeton. Then when the tfinnt.s mcetaat New Haven and all Harvard It g'oinfr ilowm -these two fricnds-a-rainst-nic-nt h ers will contend for championship with a more contented-wit h-oui-selves frelMK President ICIiot niif-ht walk back and forth all day throuh the yard ami not one student lu lifty would dotV his hat or make a sin. Thirty-two men from the last ruil mitliij,' class at Yale are rej,--..Mcrcd in the llrst ,car class at Harvard l,.iw Kcluiol. I have forgotten of my promise h speak of HadelilVe, ami then, too, Well eslcy is so much more inU-rcstinK'. and only llfteen mile away, .lust iuiaine how one who has known onl.v the co-ed. I'liiversity, felt when shown through Wellcsley's bniut'fui ruiiiids and buildings and you will appreciate my silence, a must lilting word to close with. OHYIU.K II. MAHI l HI .Mellen, Caiuliride, Nov ember s. SKNIOH-l'HKSH.MKN r'OOTP.AU . bast Siiliii'ilnv afternoon the ..eii'i.r- I I I !.. . j. . H liar-1 ",r,""il" classes mei in inc iiliai luinr tlmi I ll"" Wi' "f tlic class leafrne to decide ine scnooi cnaiupionsliip. Ihc (fame resulted in a ictory for the l'resh incn by a score of PJ t4) 0. Notwith standing: the score tilie freshmen had t'o play for what they fyot, as tlic sc- i, --- ....... ....t. ..., .... ,. .-.. niors played hard and .strong until the time wa.s called. I lie touclulow n were made during the llrst han, neith er team scorini- iliiriiiir tin- second half I 'frln- if 1 dare tc w Harvard I . A ! r ml ''fnnwiHie crowd was celebrated her victory over Ponnsyl- ' "" "'' '"' "" ;'" "'lis well v-aniaV I notice the Huston papers do h"1"" " '' .' "'l'",,s- ,"' "I""',' '' not in.-nfon tl.ts lliii-,1 l..lf of ,,,,. '".iM,(l themselves thoroughly le- liiiiii. which is i.1.,v..l over in ll,.Htk.. I !"''''" ""' '" ""' "'"' "' " between the hours of HI i. ,n. and :i a.! '"'-"'"'" p '"" wlnHi was re nt., and possible the tnulitions o, llu- ',!!',,,,,1 "iV v"' . " "'i'"'' ' . . collet- rorlilil that Its secrets be friven I l '" 1N.",,V " 0,,,,,,.",.,1' "KJI to the world. Surely. t,.o..Kli. there ''u"i l(,r. lii. fr.-i-limiMi. I he latter would I... i... harm Vt-lllmr V,.!,,,,-!,,, '"'''I1' "l,s wIli'lli'V' '"' ! til.- ball (.APTAIN AM I.HJId). I. Itcucdict. though, did the v my of the whole yaiuc. With f Ncbnwku'x wplend'il lnlr- l-e would break tnroiiyh tlu-i ! then unaided would slip past ' -as pla,veit in a scciuinyiy 1m- wii. 'llis to. Ml and CO yn I ie the marvel of the yanie. r iilwi played a remarkable ''nijr nest to I'enedict. .Sebras- - uroiiud yniuer. ICrvvin ami "in and (illberl all did Mpleudid In fact there wan not a weak ii the eleven any where. i wiih prone to complain bc- cbnjlwi took out ho inueli v. vll WoodriilV In his UMiial Kt.v Ie a- ,'(iiltterH" ami "liable pla.v - ' wind." Coach Yot retorted was Milislleil as lonir dm the 1'iit 1H to 0. However. Nebraska 1 -I' out coiwtldcrnble more tlnii- iiisiih but Ihere vviiM rwim for iner went into the yanic with " ankle ami wrenched It mi badh vi'.v iM-yMinlnw of l lie ya me that i. I M-arcely slanil mi it. In spile ". hiiwever. In- staved in I in- .''"He In tin il. Wbi'li he (I d trive !iiul to be catricil olV the Held. .i- a wonderful exhibition of .'I'M ii-iiiic as II may hci-iii he played -ual fiit uanie lu spite the .in I.,.. ii.. .... ..I n r.nnni whs iiisii in. in .i Hi. iii'L'iiiiriii4f of the j"inic but ila,ved '" "" tid. ebriinUii put lu ill! one i-iili-iiii.il. Iti.n.ii. In iiti.im ii( SI I'MiLrei'. wliili- KaiufiM put in four. I "ie wax JuhI one dark blot on the ""in. Kiiiimiik had one in. in pla.viuy "'t'lr Inckle who never ouyhl to be al !'",' d in a foolliall (.'lime. Hi- ""' lh siniili and Mpenkiiit.' in liiihlesl terms. ;"' is a brule. Scvei.il of the Kansas ""- 'old the writer before the (runic i s. ' " students about the jolly fun of break ing (nit street car windows, si ippiny the plays at the theaters, kidnapping che-tniit venders, and but I will n vt for a "college itiurlesy" exists. At any rate, ".lack and a IteaiiKtalk," that is a play, and "Heyij!ilds,"that. is a very fasli'inialile bar. shall be spared such cruel publicity: they sulVercd enough it what is known now us the "C. of P. ciM-aiKide." There still exists some Mitt rest in things other than football, though, and It is presumed that this interest and seemed to pu.le the seniors who wen-slow in shipping' him. Im... w'lio played ,'iiard for the freshmen, was a, "pudding" and the seniors soon found it out, making' repeated piliis t li roiirh his teri'!i(ii',. Ills piayiuy was snine what (lirly at times which was the only feature which marred the (raine. 'i'liu heniur jilaycil a tilV yame und had ini roved wonilcrfiill.v since the junior pimc. I'.arr, McCcc, Warner and (irlnilh deserve special mention SI nick played his usual frame, hitting the w lor a .'(Kid iln hviiciill, . lie was niirt in tin- nrsi nan. mi w in eve ii v 'it ii is inn iimc . .,. , ... , .... ,. i illbrl...... Juki now. t'liouyh. .,v ! I'1""1' """ 'f """ H'' "'. "" '.- Is considerable .'round for the b.-IVf l w" "- rollow: that John Harvard p-tsdowu from his 'niors. Pusitiun. Ireshmen. chair every niht ami coaches the MHn'i' I. e Ncllsou tcom while they sleep. Naturally the M ""! '; ' Minuter keencKi iiiteiesl in taken Mi the cam- lluvvksby ,.l. x ' cut iMi'in. tn New Yin-li. Itoosevell. liar- (iflllitll e Pascllbioeh llll NIHHAKA CHAMPIONS IN s( HIAA(il I INI . ihiVii Mi New Yurk. Hoosevell. Iiir- ii rd elaiins for her own hero. I'or did In- not rrailuate Mi "0, enter the New York assembly in 'si, and now, though the Madrid papers way lie was "liorn in llaiirlem, i'iui.'ratcd to .inier ica. and was educated in a coiumcrc'iil college," is he not destiui-d to be prcs iilentV they say. P.cylnniu).' Novein l.cr Ullli Mr. Hoosevell flvi-H a einii-m-or lectures Mi the Lowell I nst 'Lute sc iles. His Kiibject is "The Wewlern Mnvfiueiil oT the Ani.M'Iciiii People." s thc-c are popular leclurci, tickets liiiiiL' riven out U) thoMi- who IM'Mt eall fur tlieiii. the ticket illslribiitlon bids lair to be a very lll'teretlMl(r Weill'. Tin- lecture! of ProfeHor Dicey I have .ili'i.'idv meulloiied. Ikwldoi tin se which lie it (fivliitf lu the law ..!..... I In. In ii'tvtn.i' a i-i.iiruii of Ijiivv- I i II Institute lectures on the Compara ' live Study of (ViiiKtltut'oitM. lu tills ' ihiiim' of' cifrlil lectures he examines , the I'IIL'IIhIi. r'reiich. I'imikhIiiii and Swiss couHlltiillons and parliament- .ii'Ikmi and our v liiiverninent, A Htir I ball and was tack- 1.1 It l.l'I'lBllll. X 1 I I 111 It IU 1.1 III Ul Iiiii'i the line beiiif tackled by Tuck- MiniL'ir made but onu viird on -mil ol the liv llni'i'ii-on. UlSll. Ml. ) IHI.. H"' ' Hill-in - - "" ...1..1...M ...1 .1..1. 1.1 ...... 1,1 ..111 IW. 1,1.1.1111 tl'tlll HIKIIK I HI Ml Ml- II- - HI 'IIU I'l.iii ...... iIichc lectures is that af Ihc very lime thai Profewmir Hieey wan leeltir',n,' on the r'rruch cdiimIII iition, the l',rencli i'iildiu-l was I'eclL'llillL', At Ihc llrsl of Mr. Clunp's lectures on the Ideal Wointuihooid fiinii Slrikcs- pearc I lure were Hlxtecti avoiuch pr true Koiiilicrii hospiialit. Tln-.v tint Ihc train with a band and a choice as sortment of yell.. .Scarlet and blue .. .. ,.t .....11.1. ....... I ... 11 t I 1 . Il4 l.lll II.... ,1111. ill i.iiiip-i- in uiiiiiiiniiinii mil I in -' ''" "'f.' i ii. .hi. ..... ..iiu ,1111,1 -r ' , I r I 41 It .llili nil.' ni.ii. i.i ".... I had not foitrotten Ihc Hcarlet and iici'imiii of Woodward's tackle uli cut tonne man. Al Ihe next leclure n.i ... ..i. ...i.i.i i . i. .. I i . i . . . t .. .. .1 : .. . . ..i 1 1. 1 ... .. ..... ereaiii. i lie coacu which carried inc Ncbm-duiiis to ihe hotel was dceorat'd til, ii Wi.llin t, i Itll ulH'Okl IlMfl II k.D1 , ...til'li1.'l lintl t ll'll llll lit i'1-l-l- ii lilt wiuii n IH .. ii- ' onmi Mini , ' it iii their decorations and on Mc( nl , l" al. Ileiiediet l.ikiui.' Ihc oval, but In Held one (.'mil was siipposcii in iii'i'ui'.u-i vv,i. iiimDie ii miiKe inc ncei id witli il, thoiitrh Ihc colors were sad i I. faded. In the. cvciiiun a reception' (Continui-I ("i PiiL'f Oj ii'i-oiiiit or HMiwaiil s tackle wao rllt () run- man. At Hie next leciuri1 ,a- ln't.'iiiiiiui.' lo (.''! into the piiue in ihc propni'llon was th!rty-lwo to one, mud shape. I ;u.il Villi IllilV .'Uess wllV I llll Hot Know V .. Ill "1 .. I. .1 ll.ill lll!llll 'I flltl. I , I'.ll. .1.. I'.. Ill III llll, lllll'll de 'i fake trv f"i ..IV Hie nroiiiii ti'.u at Ihe third. Sixtci a lliousaiid pcpolc and turn In d their hats Kitnn (iiiveii H Wolco'M came I'icld iliinnjr the (,'ailic. lull rln I lev vvli Sullll Warner r. a Peek Kulii r. t Mesamlcr Sawyer r. e Picrson llarim.u I. h Cortel.Mm llarr r. h ( raiulull Strnek f. 1) oss. Jl'NIOH C.SS MKKT. The junior el as held a special iuciI Mik on Tuesday to connldcr the man agement of lilie Junior Annual, a pro test iicaiiMt Mr. NnuYnllu actiiif.' as bu-'ui-MH iiiniiap'i' IiiivMio' been inade by snine of the society element. It was claimed by those who asked Tor III resignation that he was elect ed to represent I lie siieictici as one of the huslucfM lu.iiiacei's of the Annual. As Mr. YniiYniin has since conucetcd hluiHcir with a fralrriiil.v , il was. nr .'ticd that he was not and could imt be t'lieir representative, and so his re tirement! form the board was dc inamleil. Tho clans discussed the matter at some length. Those who asked for his ii siyiialiiiii a(lin'tteil Mr. YanYalln' .il IPiv and failed to nrnv iuce tdi class that it was the propi'i' thine '" "l,v him. Some p.'i'Hiiiial feeling was shown li,V liiemliers of t'.li't t'n mi - H'li'tV, who an- the most active in tli iiuititer. The i other HOcIetleH were ilivnlnl on I he ! ii'i I inn. 1 1 tu it st i i i I i 1 1 (' mil I'or Mr. ;an'alin as thc.v rcencnii ' ' vvoiiih and think il would lie un in-t to him, i.i In ha- ilic.idv ilniii n H- li work.