The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, November 04, 1898, Image 6

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i oiinmiuri from I'nuv' i
llfi I 111
lll -,11.11
W V -
i t.i restoro tin- equilibrium.
iliey uuuoniplltdi tiii.s ny ad
in i
, i
cicetrlu motor
11 locomotive on
I In' telephone hits certainly
Mill .1 chanije ii "' hum iuhi. oi
nun liiiNiiu'.ss. Ir.ivclliiiy moil
i, . iiilljjcr KO lieci n. 'or till!
.Mini an lining -ii in hia oll'lcu
, .mim im wltli a customer 111 a
u,i . ii wiili .ntisluctlon.
, I ,, I ul rtilil'l'vlliull belvU'Oll
iii n.ihi m.iy niiir dny im use
i' ill i iiiii im ni.iy in pronunciation
iiIiimii uii' i.. unity. I'reei oni of
iium-f In li. mi i Im iiceoinpli-h-.Hirii;
will linl tin telephone tin
Hum' .' IV I li.lp- it will even l
.1 .1 IIIIIX OI'O.I I l.llllilMiM' ai IC.lM
i.i,iiii- trim. ii inn-, tnronuli nt
in- VI. i m icif mnpii I'. Ml.'
ip tin' n i -i ' "'I.' ! tin. I u-f
if wor..l. i li''i i icily li.i-
,i Ullill'l' -NNtl'lll ()f
'II. II tin lllllll .Hi' I III' x"ll
ii .mil ,i. I'.iii. will in pii'
-..i mm. In -i ledum Hi- u.iiiii'-
llllll- .' II. Hi lloll.UCll
f i 1 1 l w .ii Ui-1 - n i ii'i'
i ,iin. - ul ..ll. i.
. ii 1 1 W ll
, ll ll. Ill ll
, I .1 III' lllll I -
ii - i .mi elm mi' ii.hi
I n i tiiliim nt.i.iiii'i .
i jin ii . l' lllllll'l . uiu tin 1imii-
iihi ..' p.iuii n t n-ci i icity i. iliat
. iii.sT inn ul enel'tfy , .1 ll'lltll,
ii H. i iii'i-n ill M'lupi'il wiiliin niu
1 1 1. 1 i',ii', .H' tir-t I'ikI' Iniviiitf
m-il upon 'in miIiccI li i Mir
. Mimi ry nmii (iiiiiii IC mi 1 1 i (I in
l.i.iijx i. in neither In1 i iraifd
i'i i ' nxi'il. I lir i! n. lino inn' not
i i Iri-I ,'ii'i' ii IIM H'. y i ll.lllflfs
hi. i i
I -ll
'purity as JitiH never buuu attanu'd he
mic. A uiuious ti'ituiru oi uif I'lieuu
i'iu siili- of i lectiiulty la the lii.iniifue
lino of calcium euibUlo with which to
compete with olueHrlu Ug'iit In the
irnJMi ot iii'i't vli'iie. Uhunileiil reaellouH
u p.nie of!'" the ininiiMi' battery wee .he only
all our rail- available s-oiuee of the electric cur-
I'L'lll tor lining ji'iua, mill nil' Biuiugu
or soeondaiy battery Illustrates tliu
tnuislorinatlou of electric energy Into reaction and Its retuinsfor
million into Kloo.
With the improvements ptmaiblc hi
storage baieries many problem In
traiispoiiation will bis solved. The.
Iioim'Ii'ms carriage might relieve the
lioi-e even more than the electric ear
h.i. oone. Then, too. the art of lly
iim might bu'oine a reality, ll would,
iikIcciI, taki a (light of the imaginu
iiun to ay what Hiich a revolution
w ii ul do ti.i- civilization.
In iifiriniiiuic. cleetrielt.v ha, been
found io promote plant tfrovvth. In
in, my ul ihr nil Midi us bleaching
.mil tannin-', electricity hue come into
(Continued from l'niju I)
grntiilatory letter which hV1iiiiieli
had written to the Chuncolloi' when
lie was under the Impression that he
could not be present at the exercise.
Letters of congratulation were re
ceived from all over the country fiom
college presidents, from noted engi
neers, one from Chancellor (inllelil
which 1'iincellor Macl.ean read, from
senators ami from men of national re
pute and dually a letter from Presi
dent Mo Kin Icy was mentioned.
The exercises closed with the sing
ing of the two stranzas of America by
the audience led by Prof. Kimball of
the school of music, and the benedic
tion pronounced by Chancellor Mac-Lean.
1 1 ii-. 1 1
.im. - i.
mi it .
I I lie
i ml
il.H ,f!
VI 111 III'
ll M.
The v. iiin
. iiiii t ..I hi
I ii'iiii '" !'
pIlV hit l.lll"
in pel i. .il
inir a nun i
il i Icetricity in the treat
ac i onl hist hcirin-
I 1 lllllll l
1 1 . i . - in. i i.i i ti-i
lil" ol I III' VOn-i
i' ii ii.iplir.igm '
p. i ii. i in ui -ell ii1:
t ,. i pii'i'i-c'v i- i ilone ii
Id .. i .1 - mho:.' l.'ii'-- waves
' i. iiili- liiimliiv iii (he
.i il.v ua
witli in
distant' I
ii .li.iii' w 'vi ov ;i revt-r-c tisiiifc-
li i in i ' .nil I I'c I'.Hlnr w.n l .iil-e t hi
.1 , i t m io ns.iii- witii i he erv
w -,ioki-.i in'. i :ln li-l;iiii lraii-
ii '. i I'll. i. Jl.. p iwit of i he voice
ii i . i 'niiiv il" null.. i';i ii 7.' pioveil
li ' i. Iiiiiu .1 In liH. ill'l!! plopellv
; ' ipin.i! in of tin ii'i nit lelr-
p... i un.'i a Ii .in In- ihiiiiI
tl . 1 1 1 i ,i Imi.'IIii pi.n'eil iH I. ii' It.
'I'i - i- i i'ii . a ii i iiitii i.'ii ot pow.-r
a ' i'i.ii form N'i.i.n i to I'.utT.uo The
-illl I .1 I llV Ol till' ll .1'pllOIH' lllllll to
til. power eiren ' . a.'-u in l he ne
of i ii rii.itiii1.' .in i. 'ill- wIih'Ii have
.ii . . - '.. i ' I Ii ' i '' i'i 'eJl'l'ITX
.ii niu. Ii our i-ii-riiieer- arc onlv jint
!e ii inn:.' io line ailv,intau;(Miiisl in
Im -j .1,-1 iii. I 1 1 i ii-ini--ioii of power.
'I'I' woi .1 i- waii'iniiff N'iagai.i. and if
tli. hi. i iakiiiir i- a Mic-
I - . -pi. lid of power l rali-nii-.-ioji
p. .in-- .i!l l miixi rapid. A' V'H-fara
tli' I'oiiililiniw are oiiicwliat li1Ticnlt.
(.iiK-i- the piice uf 'oal at P.ntl'alo i.
i'Mrelnel lov. lii.ikilit' coin pel it ion
UMll llie stl Mill ellril,e -I'VCre.
l'i--iliii-1 in, iv jileiliet tin' exhliilK
tion ot . ur eon lieliU. but Ihi- cannot
'op i lie ili.w of niu river. and
1 ' ' the . .--I liilit uf ileiiinf
li' .' Iroin jmivm i li lue.iiih of elee
ti 1 1 .. In tin- in- l hi i finiinl the
gl' iii -I iii!ini! i.t th:il e.m be
ploiliieeil ll i lnili( liirtieil to (relit
iHl'.ilit.iye ill eleetrie flir.llieei for
Mliellili-' letruetoi'V die-. Kieet I ii'il y
ha- (.'iven in. tin- nev metiil a.iuiii
miiii in Miflicieir ipiiintitii- to wr
r.nit it mort eMemleil ii M. in ). artn.
The a rl of Meldilijr by fleet I ieit !h
oin- of Die -rrratfM ae'liieveiiieiit' y
i- mean. n.H.ils i-au u- joineil a by
oilier priH'.'hh. When electricity
ii oiiiei- cheap eiioueh our lioinex
' ll im- li.-.ited i, , , , trie niili.itotK and
" r POwkilli: W Ii lie ilone fleet niSlll.
Htll Ihl- Jflfii' . nli.uieeliiflil of Olir
' m fort.
Thf electric inuioi i. ili-
I'ltK'lnr all Mli.ifl iftf aiwl lieltinjr. ef
l'tirnr ureat e oiioiniex in faetunen.
Hi the lliot-t i oliMlieliotlH ll-i of elec
tric powi" i ni our Mrffi i i K .iv-.
which have t ev i.lnt ioui.ed iiifl'ie'in
o'.i- eitv htreftk. '1 lie i-jiplt i i-i- mat
He -illTereil from ilepreel.j' ion of it.'ite, hut our people been
.en L'l'e.iter (.'.'liner- fiom the mhi-
.ippicciiilctl by our be.t
1 1. use h.i iiccn largely
hciclofii. c. often do
harm .i uiioil. The
hcalthl nines- ol eh trie liuliliuu; is
well l.uo.xii. the'iL'i"- ot a trol
i' rub io ilil ami oiimr .ilikc are
.ippri I'l.iieil bt all. Io mii irci . Prof.
I tiii'ii ; Lit ii li.i- I iirni-lic.l ihe keenest
oi in-1 runiciit.. in hi- t.unoii- X ray,
wnicii hiis been made of Mich great
viiliie ni our recent I'hi- ray has
upM't our ideas of ti.iusptirencv . since i opaipie as coniparcil with
wood. Miovving that t ranvparcney Is
on. .i relative term However, that
t'iait'M of i ryMitls. the diamond, retain-
il- tr.i i. spa relict even under the
The Mibthty of cli'di icnl pheuome
tia reipiiic- the highe-t menial ability
lor it- appreciation and application to
i he ii-cful arts. h I'oiild lie shown
'.i.i! i.i .illy all -tuilic- arc of import
. lint to the i lecirii'.il ciijr'niecr. The
model ii .1 n u.iri'- .hi i--euti;il to all
v:in v i-h ti keep allien.! of the
t i nit - The ancient !.itiLruai.rf eelll .eiiioviil troin electrieily. but does
not the veiy vvonl electricity come
from tin iii'ct'k. and do not the let
ter of the dieck .iilihabet iliiiliiiuate
if ill- the p.ijjcN oi our tet luniks? I'.uc'Iish
i- needed fo.' the proper expression of
our ihoujrht-. while mnthimil ies is
the foiindal .on of ail theoretical elec
tricity, and will no doubt assit in fur
I hei advanei- in tin cieiiee.
Todiiv w are about to receive lis
a g'.fl from the 'ate the new- M echini-
in piione 1 1 . . . ; .i ( Art- Hall ! n that It Will
I in- only power is ' a -ouree of enliirhtmcnt even If
vvnich eiiiiM'). the i it doc not provide electricity, 'lliis
vibrate In-fore a i fine biiildini; will nurelv be a stitneliiB
up wave, of elec- Io all who liencllt hv its
-late ha done her part,
Miss I'M im llarphani will entertain
a number of her friends tonight.
The Phi (11111111111 Delte are to (five a
hoiixe-wariiiiag l''riday evening.
llallie Wilkoii and Selnia W'lggcn
liorn spent Sunday in Ashland.
,i, . no., mil. ,i- .i pump m. iv put
r ii imiiioi i.' ioiil'Ii il doe- not
i .ill w.itci .
I lie III. I ny c i iil.'. - "I III .i ' nlo
M I I. ' ill ill' 1 1 I I'll I II ill IV ilk ill
lil! I i . .Hill i '. ' i ii i I I'M il V i II I In
ill. .. pi I'll. I ,'- ' ' Il.'l'olll. I C.ll
i ii.ii-trati H i y i ie of eh.iuire.
ii i v ; i ke . i W lii.e ' hei i
- .in . p i i 'I. ' i. -- 1 1 u. tu i he
1 ie -y ot i in-, ii i- a
.- :.ii-i inoii' li)fht i an be
i i i i-i! from i ji.i'ii .i iiiiiii m 1 of iil-
ir t.'.i- ' oin mil iii ii ira- en-
i ii i n tr . ilvi.imo. f iirni-lii ntr
ii.ii) ti e'..t!n' l.nnp-, than ca.i
,i i i.v iiuii i, j 'ii .',!.- d'ii.'l'iy ill
i i.i-. Pcill.p- I lie most ...'.. .Ilif 111
. of ' tt'-forin ii ion of
. i i- ii t in. iv iii'l ii' liii piioiii'.
I'll! Delta Tlieta gave an informal
parly Saturday evening- ax a substi
tute for the tally-ho party to the (irin
ncll game.
Ladies' Fine . . .
The .Mi-xes (icre ciiteriaiiicil I'ues
day evening' for Mix- ' ropxey of l''nir
bu ry.
White drill
liiMih Store.
I nivi isity
liny your hoes of the facloiy and
save one-third. Uegemt $:i.M and I 'ni
verniiy .fll.tK) men's shoes are the bent
money will buy. Agency lo:i(i () street.
A game of foot ball will be played
Saturday upon the campii ImMwccii
the second team of the Cniversity
and the Lincoln llig-h school. This
will he an exciting contest a- both
team- are in excellent shape ami arc
auxi.ius for victor,.
use. The
let us (Do
At the reirular meeting of the col-.
lege -ett lenient Ihi.ll.l I.i t ,l t II riiav I
the work ot forming the eonim llee.
aud ;ippoinl in-r eluiii men for the -aine
WHS eompleteil. Ml. I'.'llllplet. .r. i
We-.'ott . iiiiI Mi-. Xiira Davi- were,
us. pl'i -elil. '1 he loliowilig MM'xis
wele .ippointed ui- e!i. i I lllrll of their
I'e-peet it e I'omillilti'. -
ii'i and Jr--h .1,1 i ill I oil need into
"ir liniiics. H i .' i I i --il,!e lit
.'trieity. S.M I i i ii vcuif uffw ., iiie
. phone and . mm- i.ulvv.iv eti ml-
inlo count. , ,, ,,,.- wi; m,,l,e the
vantage- of c,; j;f,. jt ,(,,,,(,,,.,,
I will Hi , to cheek the ii'lit ra!i.a
" "r " i.opnlatioii in la i ye ciiifK.
' " " " I elcetni v have al-
" " ' 'I Ii. in'! ii hand. (Jne of
. tor ! In elci 1 1 ie cur
' ' . . I i inn ,il pi ... i ... of
' ' IVotn tlii- I , rj ,.
- ... t-ifipfd 1he elect ro-ileponifton
met il- i, on ;, ;,n L, .,.,,, ;,, -.
I. M. Weaver, chairman of ;n
plv ii'.liiliiittee.
Mi Wescnil. chairman of the library
eoiiiiliit tec.
I. .1. K'ng. of the instruct
ing ommil tee.
Mi- Wii1 will act oil t In -ocial
colliinil tee.
Mr-. Kosflcr. chairman of the vi
itiuir committee.
.Mr-. Franklin, chairman of the dec
orating committee.
Air., llodgumu. ehairmau of the Mow
ing committee.
Mi (aw, chniriuan uf tne children'-
eoiiiiliit tee.
Miks ICIinorc. cliairinau of Oie inn
s', c I'liitiiiitt tee.
Mi-- Nora IhivU. chaiiiiian of enter
tail meiit comiiiittec.
l-'.ich chainiian will select four uit
istali1 committff men to aid them.
M'-- ora Davis lia- iiained Miss (Sod
dard. Mi ttrsicc hiclcr. Mr. Clyde
Mai tin and Mr. diirret to act on Iter
eoininil Ice. This lomiiiil lee will give
an 1'iitertiiiiiiiieiit on Tlinrwlay light.
Noviinher :i, at the (irahaiu Taylor
hon-e which is io In- the oHOiing
night of this yeai- vtark. 1-l.ich lueiu
lier of the hoard i- e peeled to Im
prewnl and aid In tin- pnnfinin. Sev
eral donations were received at lat
in cling. box of luiokii from each
of tin- following: Dean llei-w. Dean
Wil-on .mil Mr. Wfstc ruinu. lui
Imiiiiii v. i- loaned bv l'rofe-i-or (aid
wi I i'lolen-m I' II III III olTi-l- a eoli-
viv.iiii to t li-i-i material I rum over
the lily a- tin- woik not loliliued
t i tlii- I niver-ilv alone, but i-. fur c
i ry Imily ill the city .
Mr. .1. W. Seal -on ha- done Mime
food work on 1 he in-t i'm-l intr cum
in tiff in -ffiiiiug about :' Ifctiirci
vthii-h vll Ie given at the I. lil ha tn
lav mi- hon-i during the year. These
leftui-fs an- of an instriie live and In
iciesiing nature. Professor Polk will
sec what can Im- done toward organiz
ing a cooking cI.iks i'nil r lyiiiisiiig
w ill i-. in t,e pos-ilul 1 v
The second of Ihe series of concert -by
the Philharmonic Orchestra was
g-ixeu at the Funke wpern house Tue
day evening, Xtivemher J. The orch
estra linn been much improved by the
addition of French horn mid a b.i.--xoon
The low nfteli useil by the la'ger
organiaiions Ihroug'hout the cn.tutry
has Iwen adopted. Prof. Ham-now i
to Ih congratulated on the -mooilincs-aud
precision which marked the play
ing of each selection; specially pleas
ing were the siring nil in hers "I'ntr
Aete Cavoltc" and "Old Folks at
Home." .lie siloislx tvere .Mr. Charles
llagcuow. violinist, and Miss 1,'o-c M.
Ilcilig. emilralto. Mr. Charles 1 1 age
now was never ilea rd to better ad
vantage. The audience greeted his
work most enthusiastically, recalling
the young arti-t twice Mi-s lleiiwig
give two iitiuliel-. "loiiiiai- in ie
Pay-." from Miguou and a group of
songs, ltarllell's "A Dream." "uf
F.wig Mein.' (auto and a Weli'h song
"All Through the Night." The latter
was cMpecially enjoyable.
The Mnurer .Mandolins ami (iiiitars
lire now on Mile at ' be I sink depart
ment al llerpoxtifinier A- ( ti.'s store.
These are the very best iiiKlriimeiits
on the market I hough they sell at low
er prices than other makes.
'Ihe Hook Department, l!erolshe'nii
er A' Co., is sole agent in Lincoln for
the eel .rate .Mnurer Mandolins and
SliXlll-.ll MOll FOOT HALL.
The Senior-Junior foot ball icanis
played their scheduled gutuv upon
tlii campus lant Friday. The gnine
wan niu of the tmost iutereiHlng
ever played on the cuuipiia.
Tin seoie was (i io 0 at the eiul of the
I'h e play in) of the teams was
ahoiii eiptai. During the game each
team had tin ball vvhhiu a few feet
ot it- iiMiuf nt's goal. At the end
of tin game the Kenjor had the ball
a ihe Junior's territory but were
I. eld in Ihe latter for four down.
The Seniors protested the game,
mil ii was awarded them by Ihe Ath-
tie hoard. They, however, tdiowcd
ihe piop'-r -piiit and offered to give
the Juniors a chance, bill the hitler
were unable to get their men to
gether Ml the time .et and so forfeited
'he game. The line up was as follows:
Our Ladies' S unl S.'t.fiO Shoes me tin
talk of tho town. Tlicy aro nnulo tip m tho
vory latest stylos, fit tho foot and ,,.. t
Kvaii Harringtons at lowest cut
prices at the Students' Supply Store,
II -".i I! street.
. !
Hoard reduced to jW.WI li'Jii-.:'.",' N. i
lllh. Kopcr iV l''unk. solicitors, al Sin-
dents .supply Store.
wear tiHtially found only in tin- S?4.00 nn.i ;., m,
grados of exclusive shoo stores. Wo s ,,u t
a dollar on your shoos and carry stylo to be
found no whoro olso in Lincoln. Prodi, tmns
of America's foremost factories. Stv' - aiui
valuos lit for a (tioou, and low enough iii jirico
for everybody.
- - - at Department Store Prices
We invite you to inspect our unmatch-
able assortments of Cloaks, Suits, Furs,
Millinery, Dress Goods, Silks, Gloves,
Corsets, Ladies' Furnishings, etc., etc.
before you tie up with any laundry.
. . . . . .
. . . q Ii .
.. r a .
.1 ii a ion..
Plow head
lleeder ...
.llllllH , ,.,
aiiion ........ I u .
I. on
isiis ....
Watei linni
Itvai. .
of doilllf , Collet 1
iik vmiiU iii i i.uiiiiiir.
.ilnc I loonier
r t Itain
1 t Minium
v h I In rr
1 h Ilarinon
f h Stroelt
re Sawyer
I c AlefJee
To OMAHA All points aast.
KANSAS CITY oast and south.
15KNVKK and all Colorado pointi.
Hni the Iiait Modurn Equipment.
I'ullman Palace and Toiiriat Sleopors.
Dining and Frou Hoclinint; Chair Cars.
For Time Schedules, Ticket!, Koiurvations of Uurths, Call or A-ldres
1. 13. SLOSSON, Gen, Agt 1044 0 St., J. T. MASTIN.C. Tj
Lincoln, Neb.
II. G. BURT, I'res., Ii. DICKINSON, Gun. Mgr E. L. L0MAX, G. I'.T
Omaha, Nebraska.
I'm 1. -.,! ( iiihvell li.i- ii.-,-1, ,M,k- ! I'"'vc hundred thoiiiuiud 1icIm 111
iic uti'i ihe 1 .-ori of the college !- '' n1 I hi me (Miiier. Monroe Way-
111. iumi rcccivco at 1 iilvci'Kiiy M00K
vv ni-rwian In thin mate U' inauiiwe our IchI
"'."iii tlictr own (ii)'l ni-nrlij- wnuitlen H lw
iiiHlnlv otllro work t'oralurtcl at lioine. Pntiirv
HlnuMit tl) a year biwI i-xih-iiwii ilellnliH
Wiiiutliii- no more. n Ickk Hiilnrv Monthly
7fi Id-fen nces Dmi-Iom- wlfieiilrcKi-it
-iiiiii it i-tivi-loiM- IIcrlK-rt V. Hi h Trent
I" I" M flili-HKO
For Style, Quality and Price
lleuieiit worker ill the l''n.1 and will
i .1 'I jn iiiltil .',1-i-u of ii(ij;ci.tiiiii
'o 1 1,1 iliiVeii-iii eoiniuin. . - to aid
' I" in 111 mull. 1 ii their wm L
o iitiiin w.i- t.ikeu l.nvifil renf
1 .' 11101I11 1 In iii'i owiuy in l.ii-k of
i'i ll v.Im. h.ive iiioiMM lor thin
inioM' hhoulil turn It in to' Mr. Mills
'- OOll .1- Hl--lllf.
V011 kIiouIM call on
J43N.J3thSt. - Oliver Theatre Building.