FRIDAY AFTERNOON EXERCISES Interesting Talks by President Morrill, Chancellor MacLean, Governor Holcomb and Dean Bessey. STUDENTS DISPLAY MUCH SCHOOL SPIRIT Members of the Freshmen Especially Active In Maklnjj Them. selves Heard. It vv riloim frHi'ti' .iii-h i'i lllll" II' iroinh" .ml l i till" I M HUM" .1 iinii t HI'. I ' PiriTt. .ml "I i';ir v Mil hiiiir ;ii ili hi tlio afternoon Unit tin cx- w.o- (it its height . Kcited i, .mil props jostled against '.. r. each trying to be llrst in ..ulcr to force himself into re even if the people in gen ii' ibliioiis of his presence, lew minutes after )i o'clock, . rsit, band miiile its appear i plumed ii few inspiring selce-i-' south of the tii(i in bulhl- v absolutely remarkable how i Wehn lins i.iNe.l the stniul 'hi important fiim-tioii. In in- by, it was .ilini'-i painful mpelleil to listen t i it but now ne entirely fill III i-i it , I ictri lining nf tin- vcar better ian..s?. In presenting the building to the I'liKei-slty, he olVored very sin eere cougnitulutlouii to both fncul t. mid students for Iho most substan tial structure on the campus. With n few earnest mid well ehosen words, the ehaneellor ncceplcd the gift, lie said: "Your Kxcclleney, Mr. President and (ieutleiiien of the Hoard of lle Rti' . I'VIlow ('raftwmen of the fac ulty and I'VIlow Students and Friends of the I'nlvcrsity : "With thanksgiving to the (iier of i i.v good and perfect gift, and to the " pli il i-hravK.i, ii behalf of the Invti-ty. I. unity, alumni and stu dents. aeeept, when the legal scttlc- pernianent liinm-Mlsslstiippi and inlor natloiuil exposition. It will bu the per inanent. sehool of tins people, tlio foun tain head of progress Im theory and practice, the preparatory nchool for another exposition whose peace jubl lee will celebrate not. onh an at pres ent u united nation free from section alism or north and south, east and west, but nNo a untiled nation. In vention will lmc bound all into one with something more than bands of steel even by iutercomnuiiiieation as quick as lightning- of thought, speech and islblo presence. Ind ention and the .solidarity of humanity will have made one capitalist and lab orer, classes and manses, the Ameri can from I'oito Hlco to the Philip pines, and mankind the globe around. "Of this glorious prophesy yonder plain pile f brick and niortor' is the ( IUNCH LOR OK). 1. UC II AN tin n it IK' III. I IW1' 1 1 Mil ll ''llllll I. I'M I p llli Ml. i ii... n ir.'ln ii.ailti' I'rcs.le. .'.'UK i i been m former c.iiv after Milis' practice. ll of the I ii-d on Friday gave an ccel-i-iiation nf llie talent 1i be H the I'liivcrsity . From now patriotic student can swell Mist pride and way "Our band." i lie concert ui llie caiupils, --urn was lornieil. which ' the armory. This was i (iovernor lloleoiub anil i Morrill of the Hoard of Kc I lie were followed bv 'ha ii- iiii nls shall iM-eii made, the tenth buililing iiiuii the campus. It shall 1h ii.-iiiii.I " I In North Wing of Mechanic n- Hail." until the libernlitv of a legislature that knows no north wing ami no south shall give us a complet ed College of Mechanic rts. The sig nificance of ihe name is realized in the fact that a college of mechanic arts is Imriie in llie bosom ot an institution of culture. This fact is the sign-manual of a modern university . It is the culmination of a century ot progress IIAIu.lE. Ul:SSEY. visible sign and seal. Mav it be an inspirat.ou to every instructor and stu dent. May it be one or the cllleient nieiias by which the University ma lead in nrlnging In the new era pro phesied. "As a hall of mechanic art, it is primarily lor the use of the industrial college. I thci-forc set apart the building lor ihe special uses of that college, and commit it, with hearty congrainlations, Mr. Dean, to Un charge ot yourself and your col leagues." Inn. ( harles K. P.essey, dean of the industrial college, responded in the following mood: Mr. Chancellor and Friends of the. 1'ii.versity : Thirty-six years ago con gress provided for instruction in the hranches of learning which arc relat ed to agriculture and the mechanic arts ami required the states to provide i ne necessary inuiiiings. "In joung Nebraska, as in the older states, the earliest buildings were those for more general uses, where the demands for room were greatest. Tints, for more than a decade the needs of nil departments in all colleges were met in this university by Uni versity hall, with its thirty small rooms. 1 hen Chemical hall was erect ed, and for a few years, in addition to supplying lalxiratoriivs and lecture rooms for chemistry, it hospitably gave space to the growing depart ments of botany and physics. "A little Inter the state made pro vision for the increasing needs of the militarv department by erecting- Oram Memorial hall, in compliance with tlie requirements of the congression al act that instructions in military science should Im- included. Simul taneously Nebraska hall was built to give room for the .icvclopiuciit of ge ology, agriculture, .oology, entomol ogy, horticulture, as well as for bot any and physies. now crowded out of JLaaies ' Capes Jackets Purs and Suits. AULLERcfc PAINE. Latest Shades Wogtvoyou a vory oarnost In Invitation ;to visit our Cloak and Suit Dopartmont. Woaro showing an assortmont In .Cloaks, Fur Col larottos and Suits, which wo think surpasses that of all othor? Lincoln storos combinod. Dp-To-Date. . WE HAVE :THE BEST $3.00 "T $3.50 SHOE ON EARTH WEBSTER & RDGERo 1043 O ST VS CORNELL" jTfi I S ' JL---. PHW" " in ' ' -' i y f - 'f "T t if" ' - '-" fmSor -jM n ' ' 1 1 "lriOBr'ffrrviMBK War 'jsOtSW tQ'lt - ; . Smeh ' 'P' fTf( T " " i' I e;ui ujh l'lfsidcnl ( liap-. "I' '-1 'Ii.- Washington I iiiwrsity, St. ''"' 1 Inn cjiine tin- members of the : "", diiiiini students, seniors and' 'i a.... ... i ... . . ." II I. I l.....t.vl. . I... I......... .....lL.. mj - ''...iiiji ine tuni'i rmiHH.'n. f""Mi-iabi. gelling was done to show I1';" '-l-'ss spirh wiik not dead. " '"e iiiniory the eliancellor nitro M'4'd 1'icKideiit Morrill, who gave the """ ! the building from the time ''' l""l""-ed in the legislature in ' "' pn-M'iit date, lie then took up R','1; "l"it of the building committee. H,,'. , K'Ml' ''"' tig'ires received for the . "" wlneh were all too high, then " r"'Mii'ning of the bids and the final ("""nj.' of tl. eontratl. This was ti " " ' "uiiimeil up in a statenient ' i tic. t thai the appropriation m., (M-tedcd to tlit- amount of UllOMNO AND DKAWINO HOOM m eiliication Mr McOee. reviewing the last fifty years of iiiericaii sci ence, well said, "Practical men became thinkers, thinking men became prac tical, industry was regenerated, and the real glory of the Victorian era be gan." The greater gloiy is about to be revealed of an era not reckoned from Victoria hut from the victory not only of American arms, but also of American invention, industry and ed ucation in peace. "To the eye of the prophet, this day with the dedication of the mechanic arts hall crowns the peace jubilee of the Trans-Mississippi exposition. The Iniversity of Nebraska, now generally recognized as the leading central trans-Mississippj university, becomes in tin lofint i-eiivi- jf the donl the t luiucal hall by the rapid grownth of tin department of chemistry. In Nebraska hall there developed early in the present decide the germ from which sprang the electrical and mechanical engineering department. Sis years ago these swarmed out Into the engineering- laboratory and there made such growth as soon to demand and secure much additional room. Then came Library hall for all dopart incuts, the plant house of hortluulturc and botany and the farm and dairy buildings for agriculture. "Truly. Mr. Chancellor, the record is an encouraging one, and when you add now this noble north wiinr of me chanic ari- hall we ca.i do no less than say the young state of Nebraska lias done litr part well. 8 HERE MAY BE.... Places as good to trade at as our's, but certainly none better. Suits and Overcoats ready to wear and made to order. EST GOODS.... For the least money at &J&atfkwdJ8ptr Mayer Bros, The N ebraskan.... Nezjct Week Will oontnin all the news of GAAITt) AT LAWRENCE. It will also bo illustrated with snap shot views of the Kansas and Ne hraska Teams as they will appear on iMcCook field at Lawrence Saturday It will also have half-tones of the teams or individual players. It will bo a:i edition that you will want to keep, and every student ' in the University should have one. You will want two, to oend it to your friends. It will be on sale at all the book stores 'or 5c.