THE NEBRASKA A UtrKlj Ncws-paper Ismued l-hwy IiiiI.iv Noon In tiliu Un,lverlty I'lili'dslilng AwKInt.on. Knuml as Second Class Mali Mutter. . Towne Mnnnfflivjr IMHor Geo. M. 1. Stewart IMMor News Dopt. John T. Summer.... Associate hill tor K,lplv 11. llnrlt Associate hllMor A . llischolY Associate Kvlltor A. M. Hull ...Cartoonist Cniinfo Kditor Loeuil )eU !.,. McMillan mK'hilo lSiMtor iHOiui- HarKctt wwlnte hMl.or K 1) mlrwon KM?lntc Kdllor (linton Hnrr wocta1o IMltor 1. Iti.iwn wHlato 11 Hot y r ( I. nuMit. . .IMUor Alumni Dent The Nebraska .. uc .r. . . nddress upon receipt of the tfubscnp , Hon pui'c, which is one dollar a year, . I llio Nebrnslcnn will be sent to tiny Urn unbuttons are solicited from nil. Mews items such as locals, personals, repmu. of meetings, etc.. arc espeoial j dew ml. 'Hio Nebrusknn will be B,ad io print any contribution rela tive to a general university subject, but the name must accompany all siuh. vWret all coiumunk'atier MebrasUn. diversity of 'jraska. to Vrt dilliciili of computation. The protcc v , i ., h. won live names thin lion which this vnlunble species of VlMi.sUa h.i won me g. ,,.,, ,..liins i the hands of the ml has iioi mi Mu-. " ",- ',(-, vni live panic and lost none. I lie - in.glc Saturday betwiMMi the two xx ii, a miglin battle for niprcmac.v. 1, Ucpitl.liiMii (ollegc league , ,i liidi.niapoli. Iiidi.iiin. No- 1,,, ,, ic ami IT. Surely. Nebraska .I,,,,. , I in- rcnrcM-ntcii incu. 1 m ,,.,,, ,,b ,hat "VyZZ ' , ,,.,!,. uhile ..1-'... should tak, ", ",.... -1....!.. il. I.- ''niK'rate which wo I J!: c fo c iiluiia.stie -tit- 1 '1 in II Ml 1 ' V,L,"i,0t Mslmnolbc. T SitiniU. l"it it was inipoasum. 1 .-t ....... u . 11 inn lPiiiu ... ....UK nmiiii trive iiotnintr i ii . one-third fare, which i mil mini . . tii. in "in- anil 1 1 j'-.-.r. 11 mi iiii" n 11 uiiiio i ,. -7.i0. llnil ip .."": I l, .1 u i.l.l bine yonc. . prnt) aB U(p ani nw only ' 7 mi . i, : oriL'inal. It is clearly appiiroJit. even I, tm I-.iM it is different. Ilieicxnc to ,m1,ltomi laMiinn. that the evi. n . 1.1..I -"uc "l,0,'1IIVJ"ri, ig'fltMil intent of Uick'c imitators was to ,.l..v i -V foo1):!'11-, N , '., ,nnv. , deceive and to profit by the other ., ,y J.-..11.I- the alwa s .inn M. 1 . jin,.111inn: vrl iM.PMlw of n mere w ,n.. ...,d cariv immense ro s, ,,.,.,,..,, ,lim.r,.ll(.(. . U,e design of Dm mike 11101. and ""','"',, iIP oriirinntor of tin- water mark in t. .x . . nine ai... . "'' " , ,..,,. i.f Hie inline la-t n- "lim .iii r "".. 1 . ii, ,.,.ii.i malic a rati- or one- s.Mh tii.- regular lare ... .... ,lc-n1- 'iit '" fir-e. Had we 1 t.. in ljivvrenci I I I M V ill ....- stu- beell , IckS (riM 11 .ll 11 i I'.'- -- . than tw.i dollar- for Hie round tup. a train ld vvo"1'1 ,,,m' &""' As ,h none can tfo. 11 vembcr i-siie of tin Kiot ' ' i..4 Mmiiliiv. and arai ,v credHable niMiiber t hoi K 1 ,,t ... .rl as was tin ' V',,,,' fr ISvii. . The situations in .Mr. 1 nr- hers "lb. t unVi taker's &tor "'''' lu ,,,,,1,,,'v ..M-nli.iii. Mr. LHiini'i s . ,..1.1.. ......tluir 1 innirll .1 , I .- a Limn theme (Ul.i is vi ii,!.-i.-I utr. and the poems are .roo.l 1 . 1 -..iiMil.Tinjj one ". x. 1 4 -11,.. eoneluslon that tlie il ""V ..'.. s'.:.. ,.vt time, l'rob Kiote can improve new uim-- ''"" iiMv because of ihe wry excel lent 1b- "'"'." A . , .... 1'iiili- too sue in ijcKinei v.-ir . ,. r . jnuel,. ( l,i. .lyu colli-ne- ha.e a new im.1i ti.l... 1. 1' isclleye n.jrlll. The llltfllt ,,f o. -nlier 29. nearly 4.000 htudPiit railn H il 111 music hall and -ui.i.h made 11 ltr noise for a tune. (h...e. vv.i- ilien turned ,nto order for 1 fv jnonieiits while some hilarious vve:e nuule. The students ini-l.iiiir 1he sleeiiv iiolicemeii and de- liirhtintr eeeedintfl shihIIUo.vs and ni.niKi-lves. Such performances seem n '..4 41..... ...... ,.imiUv 11 LTCHt 1,1 1 toiiK m I lie sin-.-, r-, ' . r,,,il J 1(- do mcie than ciin he done Ull( upwrnvis. Nenrly all of these jn ii in i.iher win io muse college spir- noH w.M-0 Intonilixl to wl! for t least t mil to stir up einniiMH"' jm.) '" ' . .. ... ! -I-I,..., ... ..i ,.iv nuns in the stlKieiH s l.K vh rh -v ill nevir be foljjrotleli Tlllise . i . 1, . , .. .. real en llejre spirit roused . . . i i.iu iti4itll. i itii-ni, ci.erisii ...".ij" ""- , , unit is connected in their mem- , , ,11, slid, events. CtinM we do like ,.,- ,(l,ke Uiis in Nebraska? 1 Jo xvr.ter verily believes that sliould the "i.n-itv eleven defeat Kansas &0 to 0 tin average student would take it as , ,,n,ple mailer of ooiim-. II.- would Lanll' do so much as to hu.ld n bon fire J he Nebraskan is indeed sorry that ,t is called uiKin to criticjee eyerely the action of any orffaniJition in an other college. However. Uie action of the (.r.nnell team in Tefiming to 'dr-.y , i,f-.iln last Saturday was so man ,fMh nnjustifiable as io call for most l.nifrei.t critielBin. In Rood faith the V-lmivka management Mihcilu 1 tlie iniiiii Hi (irinnell for last Saturday and held the date through oUier ami betur Sirnes were offered. Griimcll. without even the nlindovv of a goml excuse, refused at the last moment to eome. (irinnell Hrst suggesti'il llrcn ner of Des Moines for umpire. Ne braska objected beeauso of the ex pense oi bringing him liero, mippos lug of course that some one equally as satisfactory could be found nearer at hand. Two members of the nUitl" of the Omaha Mee were proposed, one. a Cornell man, the other a Princeton man. (irinnell was asked to propose others, but did not. However, the manager of the (irinnell team tele graphed to the Hoe and as'ed If those two men were "competent and just," to olllclate at the game. The lice an swered that they were "competent" and because the word "just." was not milled driunell refused to play. This is the (irinnell manager's own ver siou of the case as given in his letter to llisehor. After this Manager llis ehof olVered anything they would ask for If thev would only play the game, because to fall to play meant larger llnancial loss to Nebraska, lie even told the inanager to tiring Itrenner or (irinnell men to umpire the game, and still they would not come (hough there was still ample time, (irinnell prob ably feared defeat and wished to i.nsi tlm reason while her reeori ,., ntion vwnI( ,lim. ulVl.rcd s It now will had )u, in.l lu,(1 1H ,, rt ,, i ,i,t, ii.....: ......... ?,: in it iwili ft tiMim Hnstiuirs irame. " m . Such a team ought never again to be considered In nnv college in making up its schedule. "I'luiictluii of American Trade M.u!.-." was one of the topics dis cussed at a recent trade convention held in this city. This is the subject in which the stationery trade is deep Ij Interested. In certain lines of this trade the value of n trade murk is er, great. What it actually repre sent in dollars and cents and how giviH a damage is done by infringing m.mi it is soinethluir which is most -, -.:.... r Ml.,1 ,,i W 111 1 II I I IIU JU I ,1 ,-... .f " ...... liinitcil. The cimmiiui- increase of tr.idc mark lit. gal on in the courts i-ic.iilv (Iciionstiaic the fact Unit fiaml .mil infringement have increased .mil ilcvdoM-il with the development of our domestic commerce. (iniinoii 1imn-i ilciiiiiiuis that tin-re shall lie . ..... ii.:,. toward be icr jTrotociion of business men, wlloM. vllllllWe tra,,c llinrk. Bhould no loiiiM-r be ptv.vevl iihiii 113 trade vnn- ,inU. nml uho'nrp nlVordinl nractlenllv no r,,lrcs when so injured.' Here we l.. il W of a writing ,H.,.er man- e.inntcd a certain nter marl., which i . l,l,1l,. 4mlintv1 mid mm nun, ...... -v.-.. - -- -o - ", ;'";.".; v- """ .....i. placed in greatly inferior pntier, much .i4:...i t lV iMirlinil im- " ' . . IL " 1,;.,ln ,,nl tlio Tmltaibrs , has been unable 1. ctop tlie 1 ... ..,, ., ,. r ..rn. Ymi .t .11 :i. ml I'er cum1 01 bold inliiiijieinent ha- reecntly been liroiiL'lit 10 the notice of the trade. The iii.inufaclurer of Hie oiiriiial ar ticle e.ilhil it. we'll mi, the ".lone- ." in'1'oiiipnnviiiyr the nnine with a picture trade mnrk. The in frinyer dcliberatelv employs the same picture trade mark, adds an arbitrary word, iiuikiiijr it the .lones' 'No Plus I'll.. , " 1.1,1 1..1I111S nil' hl nrtlele U the orl , ,,,, thrp tm im.. nt. dc Hiis Imldlv and without any npparf ,, 0j ennwienee. But It Is rip .ui (... ,,- the law alVmil any rtmtB? . 1 (IOCS cut riplit. re- Vroni the nienenii Stationer, net. .J". A VI N) AT A NORMAL IMJIOIC ijiienyo s jarjrenn miisie umw iw tV i,.iy. lmve bought for a fraction of 1. .l. ..ll..n D4,.l, f, I'nl. Cliienjfo's lai-jrewi miisie house, Lyon n i-ii, uir mum o"-n " ....... -. ter V Co. Thew splendid pianos 11 ro 'itiered wiiiiout renervc mini mi m sold. In thin lock are numlu'r of new Stelnway plaiins. and hundreds of new and m-coiiii hand pianos Including instrument of the follow injr well known miikeh- Sierlinjr .lliintintoii, . U. ( Iiiim'. Vf. 1'iwher. IVriier, Chlckeiinif. i. W. Lyons, etc.. oU. Ill Miire pianos thei-e are fine Wined In- Ktrnineni at 2S. iu. uu, ami up wards. In uprijflil plano.llft imrtm- .,,. i 100. $13(1. $14(1. $150. $1ft5. wK vino and upvviird. In ltaliy r!in,w1i untun n1ro isnr1lll(Hl at 250 IsiuVtli. Ilt.ia. f.lM.fl4r ull liri, IK LrfMMl oliiti noulf be to order one f 4l...uj. iil'in.ik l,.iit'i.,.r ll.rf. :..1mI Win .f ii t0 Lyon A- Henley, ifowmer. 1liey will semi von a I st niKl lull jrt lemurs up on application. Any piano not jirov injr entirely witisfnetory may 1m re turned ul their expense. Address simply. Lt on & Ilenly, Cliiengn. Dis tnnee is no obstacle in taliiny ndvnnt ne of this remarkable chance to ob tain a piano, for in proportion to tlie saving to be made 1he freight olmryes are Insignificant. Write today no as to avoid dis8ipointnien1. Dr Leonhardt's ANTI-PiLL Cures Nervous Ills, CouNtiiiatliii. Jly-tx ps.a HU'ousiji-hi. Ntirv ouhlllsund f-'ill Action not followi U iv costtveiii k Houtit it r Try It KumpleK fr.-l- llmiTiLlk -r.i or u ilrcsh (.0 , Lincoln Ni-Ij Anii-i'in Frte AdvUo.y Dept. for Patroni. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. MRS. L. M. SKARLKS, M. D. PmuMvo limited to Dlscnsos of Women nml Children. Ontcot JiKfiOSt. Itos.: ISISWnshlnRtonSt. Hoursi 8 to I l. in. LINCOLN, - NBHKASICA J M. LUCAS, DENTIST. truii nml o sts. Tcloiitimic 1M. Lincoln. Nob. LOUIS N. WENTE, DENTIST, 1.T0 South lltli street. Hootns SP, S7 niut 1, Urovvnult Hill. Phono NW. DK. J. L. HODGEMAN, DENTIST. 1103 O Street. Siclitl mtos to Students. DK. J. T. McNAY, DENTIST Tooth Kxlmetou without Pain. Oltlce: Cor. lltlinmlOSts. Lincoln, Nohrnsltn DK BUNJ. F W11ST, GENERAL PRACTITIONER, Ortlce: KWT. 0 Street, Ovor nt7(,ornl(l's. Tol. 410 Itoshluneo: 1735 Kuclti! Ave. Tol. MX Hours: 10 to IS a. in. 2 to lip. in. Specialties: T)lsencs of Stoninch nnd Ktdnoy . DK. ALBRKT K. MITCHELL. Itooinndt-s llurr Hlovk Lincoln. Ncl K. . Hoi.voKi:, MO It. A. H01.VOKK.M . 1). Ites. Telepliono -HI. Itos. Toleiilioao . 'JRS. HOLYOKK & IIOLYOKE, Physicians & Surgeons, (Mice. 187 South lUli Htroot. Olllro Telctilione 4S. Lincoln, Keli. Telepliono CS5. P. O. Hox ftM. DK. C. A. SHOliMAKEK'S Private Hospital. fioa South nth street Siioolnl nttentlon to (IKensoh of vvonion. Kv ery coiivonlonco tor .urleal uasoh. DK. CHARLES L CHANDLER. U.of N. '92. 1331 O street Hours: stolOu. nv, 'i to 4 11 in.. 7 to fi p.m. Siiiidiiys. 'A to 4 p in. l'liones: OntceXit): rt-s Ot'C 1T10 D htrtot. Lliuoln. Nob. j7e. MOSSHART, M. D. SpocUl Attention 10 Krrorb of Kefractton. 1'rui-tli-e LlmJted to KYIJ. KAi!. NOSK and THKOAT. li:uO Stroil, - - Lincoln, Nob. DR. J. V. STEVKNS. ouico ll0Osirot. Oltlcu Tolei(ino 4t0 ltuiWuuoe'J'oluiilioiio AZ4. Liu col u. Neb 1 Oriioc Uoujib: Sijmiavs: lOto It a. id. Itto 1 p.m. S to ji. in. S to 6 p m A. ID. WILKINSON. M. ID. Oliloe, Si nml llurr lilock. Hii., 180 South I7th street. Telephone: Oft to. OH); residence, OSS. M. H KKTCHU.M, M. D , I'iiar. ID. 1'rof 0ilitljliDoUKjr. Oudojjy im1 LsrytiKoliwy. Llneolu Mudicnt Collude. O0ei u tlwrouiiJi ;aivnio toure in rofruBllon. SH.'claoloii lilted, ufllw. aSo litliNt Uotirs, ii to isaso-tftor. J. ii. HAGGARD. M. D. IteKlileiu-o 1310 G itrtwt., Tel tit. OBloe. laao street. Itooin&JTiUHl IU. Over Milter & 1'alnoX Tol. KB DK. M. H. GARTEN, 1'rautlco llmltwl to Hvu, Kar, Now and Throat. MS, 0 htreel, Lincoln, Kuliraka. E. S. KING, Finn Watch Hoimlrlnir. Scientific Refracting Optician (Qraduate) 1J0 0 Street, . . Llntolu, Neb. $5.50--- la what wo clmrgo for OADET UNIFORM PANTS. Mntorinl and lit first class. Mado by our own workman. PHI N E St WHRFEI. A Few Sample Prices The Book Department HERPOLSHEIMER & CO. Has heretofore been noted among University student rnr ,u, prices at which all supplies were soUK This yfi e'S ' niensuratc with quality, we have materially increase otir sS-v? prepared to supply Text Hooks of all kinds at lorn ra J ",C before made in Lincoln. Note the list quoted below CVKr Kolfo's Shakespeare, per. vol Students' Standard Dictionary.... Standard Dictionary Webster's International Dictionary History Paper, per 100 sheets. . . . History Covers, leather back History Covers, cloth sides History Covers, board sides 2 50 10 50 8 75 05 i 12 10 I Fountain Pens, 14 Kt pold, One, Soc I and oSc, each pen warranted. Waterman's "Ideal'' Fountain Pons, $2.50 and upwards. Lead Pencils, polished, rubber ! tipped 01 Black Ink, per 2 01. bottle 1 Estates 1 are 1 Made by Systematic Savings. J. H. Kaxs, Pres. and Treas. The Evans Laundw 327-329-331 North Twelfth Street. TELEPHONE 199. .- - - LINCOLN, NEB. VVft'SfcH Prices from SI5 Up. f?iWW 4t vMa&jg m - -iiTf rvnk JMm Ule SlpEvJtJ' World COLLfcGE men everywhere are ,ved to send for the Wa.hburn Souvenir Cntaloe. It contain, nearly 30o portrait, of .rti.u and colIeEIans, beside. KivinB some account of the construction of Wa-hburn Instrument, and a complete list of net price.. Obtain"";.8,erBthe """ W "" WaShbUr"B' w "- LYON & HEALY, CHICAGO. IT IS THE "STYLE' And "QUALITY" about the photographs made at the Elite That make them famous. All from. 50 Fountain Pen Pockets 8c, .oc and ,sr Student's Note Books "University" Tablets ,,, Ink Tablets, So sheets each. . ..... Soft Paper Tabs, 500 pages each Music and Pictures The "Maurer" Mandolins and Guitars are the equal in tone and workmanship of anything made in the U. S. A written guarantee for 3 years is given with each instrument sold by ns. 5"!: 814.00 to $90.00 Mandohns ,3.00 l0 00 Solo Agents for Lincoln. TEACHERS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN! Exiiniino the Policy of tho New England .Mutual. The Values arc as definite as those endorsed in your Hank Book. This Company has been Chartered 63 Years. O. W. NOBLJ3, Mgr., Phone 328 ,n ROOM 1- t041 O STREET C. C. Quigclk, Sec. and Mgr. Company UBM& Studio on ground floor, 226 So. nth St. 04 "5 5