The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, November 04, 1898, Image 1

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Voi,. VII.
PitioK 5 Cknts .
New mechanic Arts Building Dedicated With Appro
priate CeremoniesThe Governor
and Others Present.
A Scholarly Discussion of the Part
the Modern World and
Hi. List Friday the students of the
t, .i-n,, aided by their Iricuda,
.in i .ill ny the faculty, board ot re-tni-,
aim scxoral oi iliu men proini
i.mi hi polities throughout tlie state,
(iniK.iK'd tin. north wing of the new
Mi. , .iii.c Ail building. J he event
xvas one of nniver.sal interest through
oui tlie stale us well us the Unixer
sn.x so Hull, a moderately large num
ber of people were present to eelebrute
tin iml. There were not so many,
liviwcU'i, (us would natnnUly be ex
ptied npon an occasion indieuthe of
.sun pnulie advancement.
1 In lueiilty had fully anticipated
iin great ainoniu of interest that the
liiiifiit body would take in the uf
la.r, consequently hud made the day
en v of general freedom and dismissal
from all classes. The Freshmen, es
piually, showed their spirit and turn
ed out in goodly numbers. The eom
nuttee of tlie faculty having the pro
gram in ehi.rge, had spared no pains
to have the best of everything obtain
anle. From morning until night there
was a eontiuual round of rejoieing
upon the campus, Everyone came to
enjoy thenu elves mul apparently did
so. Jschool and elass spirit was tit a
in iMiniiin. This enthused the visit
ors, so that the excitement naturally
The first ati'ntr.of the day was bold
at 10 o'clock in 'the morning in the
ehpel, when l'rof. .Morgan It rooks, of
tin' Electrical department, made the
inaugural address. The regents, the
chancellor, the deans of tlie several
eo..eges, and the members of the fac
ulty occupied seats on the rostrum.
I lie electrical engineering students,
who hud attended in a body, occupied
m its near the front of the room.
1 u li of the latter xvor his colors.
1 u-h of the latter wore colors.
lie gent von Forell opened the eer
wlucli the secretary of the board of
regents announced the action of the
Hoard in nciepting the resignation of
J. JJ. Owens, professor of electrical
ukI steam engineering and the ap
pointment oi Morgan Jtroolo of Min
neapolis, to fill the xaeaucy. The chan
cel. or, acting in an oll'ieial capacity,
then proceeded to declare Mr. lirooks
a-, regularly installed professor of
c.iiirieal engineering, and presented
nun with appropriate remarks to
Professor llcsscy, dean of the Indus college. The latter welcomed
li in heartily.
l'rof. lirooks now proceeded with
i s add'icss, which was to be the event
the morning. His discourse was
l'n "Electricity and1 Enlighten
ment," and was as follows:
"Vi are all fnniilinr with the xvond-'-
which electricity has wrought in
' in. Hi-rial world, but perhaps not
"ll'nient thought has been directed
'' tlie influence of electrical inventions
poi our eivilizaton.
W Ms Electricity? We have the
' - of hearing for the jn'reeption
' Miiind, sight for light, and' touch
' r tlie sensations of heat, but we have
1 ' . i-lal sense for electrical phenoni
i. i.eni'e we may understand why
n-tiieity has been so much behind
"i r sister sciences in development.
I he definition given by Tyndail to
1" at may be applied equally well to
i ictricity, "A mode of motion." In
deed Ju-at and light have long been
riiiigni.ed as different manifestations
of the same motion, and now eleCtrlc
J' can elnim to include both llglit and
heat, since they are believed to oe
f'Ujns of electro-magnetic' energy.
The intelligence of ninn clearly
-hnwii by his invention of deliente
measuring instruments so well adapt
ed to their work thai we now have
means of measuring electricity with
even greater jireeision than we can
waxes of light or heat, or even sound.
Practically, all the progress in elec
trical engineering lias oceurral witli
"i the present century. Nearly one
hundred yenrs ago Davy discovered
the are light, and fifty years ago.
King in JSnglnnd patented the form
of lamp since known as tlie incan
descent lamp. They did not come
into use owing to -the pbgence of any
economical means for producing flic
Which Electricity Has to Play In
in Modern Education.
electric current, and when that means
was found in the dvnanio. which
came into use about a quarter of a
century ago, it was found necessary
for Ediison in this country and Swan
in England to invent the incandescent
........ ....,-,,, .. im- iwiiii.-i ,
had been forgotten.
Electric liirlit inir has now become
so common, that we scarcely realize
the short time that it has been in ex -
tensive use. Tlie erv rn nidify of its
iii'lrodiiction proves its value. It is by
far the cleanest, safest, and most de
sirable of all forms of illumination
and would supercede other lights cu
tirely should our engineers succeed in
making tlie cheapest source of Ulu
munition, which may well conic to
pass, ltesidcs- the convenience of
electricity and i'ts elegance for pro
ducing .spectacular effects as will be
admitted by all who have seen the
Trans-Mississippi exposition in the
evening, it if the safest of lights. Tn-
deed for certain places, such as flour
mills nnd powder magazines, it is the
only light permitted, tlie magazines
of our naval vessels being dark before
the introduction of electrict lighting.
You will say that "electrical" fires
are frequent. True, but they are due
entirely to carelessness or reckless-1
HFrl T in1 iri'TininiiiiT''
ness In the wiring of buildings. Kqunl
carelessness in jiljiing would cause
ecjual destruction from gas fires.
The first application of electricity
to attract wide attention was the
electric telegraph, invented by Morse
sixty years ago. While the value of
(lie invention was known, it did not
come into rapid use, as is shown by
the fact that fteen years after wire
were run, there were but six messag
es received ut New York daily upon
other than business matters. This was
not due to exorbitant rates, although
the tariiV was somewhat "higher than
at present. The wimple fact was that
the public hnd not learned to use the
telegraph as we do now to announce
a foot ball victory.
One New York' merchant Oio early
realized the value of the telegraph
was Cyrus W. Field, through whose
untiring energy, coupled with a won
derful faith, was due the laying of the
first Atlantic cable. After Innumer
able obstacles which would "have
crushed any man without extraordin
ary pluelc, ihe laying of tho- cable wns
successfully completed in 1858. The
first incfange flashed across the ocean
I was prophetic of its value to civillz.a-
-J a '1 fllU.gS it r jiijlll
tji.j.u.""" tm. i . j ijjii h 'f-.. --
vrfr:' in uj rr: ft - aj . -
tion. "(llory to find 'in the Rightist;
on Earth pence, good will toward
It is fair to my that misunder
standings nre the frequent source of
disputes even hetwettn nation. The
telegraph has been Mircemnftil in pro
venting many a trouble from this
source by removing the cause before
serious results had accrued.
The poult ion of our nmlmxNiidnra at
foreign courts has been relieved of
much of its former resnonslbllitv bv
reason of the telegraph, and uegotia-
tons can now be concluded with
'much great ei rapidity. The publicity
due to the telegraph has doubt les's
done much In do nwnv with Miieliio.
elian policy nniong'dlphnunts. since
Unix uiiiii in ii Kiaiiii me icsi oi pun-,
lleity. The telegraph gives our nu-1
ii. hi Kii-n.iT power in ciivi-riniii-m ,
'ven in tlie distant I'hllippines than
" f ''' thirteen colonies over its
muli territory. In the prevention
and detection of crime, electricity has
made a fine record.' llcsidcs the burg
lar alarm and watchman's clocks to
deter the robber, the telegraph has
,"'"'' ' possible to follow a niurd-ercr
acros). the ocean, and provide for his
reception upon a distant shore by of
ficers of the law. The telegraph has
maile extradition treaties of the ut- j
ninn vaiuc.
The fire alarm telegraph service has
neen the means ot saving immense
amounts of property; the weather bu
ii can has been of great assistance to
agriculture and navigation even if it
has niade an occasional mistake. The
distribution of standard time from our
! astronomical observatories to all eit-
its and towns of the union ov daily
hnials is of far greater value fo bus!-
nes than h generally supposed. Tt
- i - - -
- ZmaznmamBmBaaimEassmBBEsms
r. gg&&
--"- j
i.s. of course, of special utue to our
railroads, since upon the accurae.x of
file engineers xvatch depends the safe
ty of our trains. .Some years
ago an attcniit was made xvith mod
erate success to felegrajih to a mov
ing train. It was done without a di
rect connection and xvas a sjiecles of
xxirelcRs telegraphy. although very
different from tlie xx'ireless telcgrajihy
that is attracting so much attention
today. At jiresent a menwige has been ,
transmitted without wires over a dis
tance of eighteen' miles, and with
great expectation of greatly increas
ing that dlpfance. It is. hoxxever, I
probable thai Ibis 'has a field of its
own. and that it aviII never usurp Ihe
prcMcut tclegiph In the general
transaction of business. When the
rates for telegrams shall be reduced
to a low enough joint tben all h't -
inn,,, telephone has cnrfaih.l passe,,
uoi la el .. . our railways. Do t-
less this Is true to a certain extent.
It now rests w tl. our mec mnlo en-
gincers to so improve tin- railway
(Donttnueil on Pane 4)
A Large Crowd Greet the Head of. the Washington
University of St. Louis, Hissouri,
Last Friday Evening.
Congratulations Read
I-'rom All
The exercises of the day closed
with the address of President Chap
lain of Washington University, St.
Lotus, at the Oliver. His lecture
was schalorly and extremely Interest-j
lie-. h s snbieel in nir the "-ducat nn.
al Development of the United States."
The University orchestra rendered
.selection as a starter to the exercis-
cs. This was followed bv n double
quartet number. "The Village Ulnclc
Miiith," snug by Messrs. S. O. Will
iams, .lohu Kaiido'.ph, .lohu Williams,
Henry Haines, John Perkins, F. A.
iluinstcad. W. K. Tattle and Dud Gill
espie. Ah an encore they sang "The
Hold Fisherman," which whs muoJi
I he eh. ii. eel. or then introduced
President Chaplain, as being a man
lirticu.arly litted for making a
.-peeeh on such an occasion, he being
i patriot. Inning served his country
in the civil war, a professor, a practi euiiieei, and at the head of one
of the leading Culvei'sities of the
President Chap'.uin said ,ln pnrt:
"To an American it is an agreeable
task to review the history of the
I'nited States. It is with a feeling of
-litis faction that he watches civiliza-
'ffn mninn fosjfrfejfr
lion stride oxer our broad lands, lie
' hits ecjual jilenuure in noting the pro
jtcss oi national xvealth. the tiro
cess has been not a transfer, but a de
velopment. "This iidxanee in material jirosjiori-
has not caused us to lose sight of
the xvelfare of our fclloxv men or di
minished our patriotism, as is evl
deuced b, a.l the cries xe hiixe ever
been through.
"We haxe held to tJic winie form of
uovcriiuieiit that alxvayt. hud.
While the hngUsh people have seen
their jnixxer diWend from the throne
to the House of Commons. J'Tance,
t a,. ,,.. ........ ....Kinm,. ,1I1(i ii
1t. 5, nntions have changed
vv1), 1u. .ption of l!utia. With
I ll8 llu. c'on,tJt utlon has become a
,,art lf tj,0 ,.,,!,.. and we have less
jj - nntiiiailt.m
Jj f ,e JjJ
, 1orrltop . , wllleh ,nn.
, ,K k - , f, t
0ll,J0llv of peopo to whoin one ,nn.
.- .'', .,., :,,. ,
fads Into consideration it
is evident
Over the Country President
that we have passed the experimental
stage and started on a long, prosper
ous career.
"The colleges of England and Am
erica were founded for the same pur-
pose; that ot training men for three
uoiessions. Tils was tie onU ilciil
higher education for some time, deal-
'"K wun speculation more than it
HI with actuality and with ancient
'"' 'han with modern.
"Formerly an educated man was one
who knew certain things; now he is
one who has a certain amount of
mental training. In the old system
indixidunlity did not come into'play;
uoxv it is stimulated.
"The Stale I'liiversity hcljied m.iter
ially to bring about this change. Sup
port el by the state, it must respond
to the need.' of the state. Its purpose
is to bring out the talents of the
youths of the state nnd develop
them, to within reach of all the
opportunities to recognize the full ex
lent of then mental mnke-uj).
"Women nre admitted fo our
schools on a jiar with men. This is
a radical dej'nrture from the u"ieient
custom and its result has been thai
there are many more female students
in the country than mule, and the
average American woman is the most
highly educated woman in the
world. It it a faci, too, that the wo-
1 -.J1."'11 ",IS country are more highly
wr "QPihitfrtted thnir-tflitrfrneii' u,.sLiwof af
fairs the world has never before seen.
"After the first railroad was built,
mechanical schools began to come in
to existence. The first school of the
kind xvas at Troy, N. Y., the faculty
consisting of one man. Others have
sprung from this one.
"The aim of the scientific school is
fcsslon, and to this end the course of
stud.v is four years, consisting al
most entirely of technical studies.
Here is a chanCe for reform in that
our oxxn language is not pu into these
courses to a greater extent. From
this it results that the graduate in en
gineering is not looked ujion as the
ecjual in mental training of the grad
uate of a college of liberal arts.
"The great tendency in all modem
education has been to become more
jinietical. It is the sjiirit of the age,
and xxill xviden our educational jossi
bilities to include many kinds of spe
cial instruction.
"It is a part of the duty of educa
tion to hel solve the problems that
have been thrust upon us.
' Fducated men arc needed here, in
J our great cities, everyxvhere.
"Education will groxv to include
I more subjects as time goes on, and
' t liitt-ia will I w M ktiinilxi iinniwtn J An 1 .
!, 111 Wl, 14 dlVtlUI 11 If 111 ll. -JI U lliy
juactical needs of our individual and
national life. No shortening of the
time for education is anticipated, and
In time it should bring the people to
such a point that they may be enabled
to viexv the questions of the a, dis
jiiiKftionalely and eooly. The basis of
grandeur and duration is the intelli
gence and character of the people
and intelligence nnd character are
founded on education."
The octette then sang "The Engin
eer's Song," uud as an encore, the
beautiful ballad, "Spin, Sjiin."
In the absence of Mr. .Meiklejohn,
who xxtis to have rejreented the gox
ernincnt on thlk occasion. Captain
Michael of the state department at
Washington, made a few remarks on
the consular service.
Nelson JJ. Darton of the dcjiartnient
of geological surxey, made a few con
gratulatory remarks.
Frederick W. Smyser, of the 11. &
M. shojis at Havelock, made a very in
teresting talk aproos to the occasion.
Hon. A. IS. Sheldon, the man who
jniHhed the bill appropriating the
money for the new building, read a
poem from A. L. Uixby, which xvas
much njijireciated, nnd then told how
the bill was worked through.
l'rof. Holmes of the University of
North Carolina, xvas present ,' and.
made a fexv congratulatory remarks
xxxhJch put him in -xmpathy with the
audience at once.
Sujierintendent Jackson read a con-
(Continued on p;igo 4)