The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 28, 1898, Image 3

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i .' r
" 'mm
- IM
' 2 4
Hv A
' '4
4 ,i,l
-frr - zzzzz:zs:
, 'iCkjlo DWh Cafe, Soutfli llMi. Open
5im lliirrliijrtoii at. 'the .SiudontH'
-Jbncvln Ji Lnmbcrlwon, Duivtlnt, 1205
OlSt., Alex. ISlk. Tel. 24C.
U'K-iwInillVin In tho K,yinii(iHltiin
OlllWU'K I'loHI'll IiihI Siit.iirduv.
, .Dr. E, J. Annul, practice limited to Skin
and Urinary Diirnsui, i.oo O Kt.
Y,. V I II 1. 1. .11.. .., i.v.i...
jii8H-l IiIh lli'tn lirntlmra Hundny.
I. W. W. KHIIIMKMI, NKIII (Hill fTl'llltO-
iwiry dilHtiiiwH, mr So I a I, fit.
Onnirron'R Lnnclli Itoom. t IK Knniili
Eleventh. Open day and nltflit.
IIiiiih IVlrr l.iin nMuirni-Kl from a
ihImchh trip at dill-afro Similny.
A lrlllCI'Mil.V l'1'lllllllll'llll I'llll) VJIH
orrniiled in Hit'' cluipcl TiK'tftlav.
,": Ur. 8. 15. Cook, pmetlcu H hi Hal to
-eye, ear, nose and Mi rout. 1215 0 St.
'i .Incite Oooley 'lis liu.s Just ivtiiniod
('jmni n Hliort btiKlucHH trlii to Donvor.
Air, Van Villn is oiimI on ImikIiiokm
liurlflliiliifr to IiIh fraternity chapter.
Ailplm Tim Omepi gave a delightful
smoker at ll.clrrooniH Saturday nlKil.t.
( has. Kycr of Superior, a nub mall !
elc-rk, vIhIIciI I). M. .lack Admns Tiich-I
Univei"sity heut.hor Sale (lyinnsi
hiuii "JIkich 7.1e. l-'ool ''oriii Store, lfci.l
O Mih'cI,
All entries for Sophmore-I'M-erth-man clttse Satunlav, October
21), at (J p. m.
Wc iruarantee every nair of Hhoes
to frivo.itisfaotion. Foot Form Store,
121H O street.
Oliarlcs llowlby of Crete un pledred
to the vSitfiun Alpha lOpsilon fraternity
Aloinlay ,veniinp;.
'Aleik'lejohn, assltaut secretary of
-tv, looked In on the Kijys a few niln
utes IiihI Saturday.
H. Ji. Kimball, JMn K'appa I'.sl, from
Wayne, Nob., isited his fraternity
brothers tills week.
Hurt Ohri.stie is expected to enter
sohool next week, having recovered
from his severe lllncs.s.
Hoy Steele has been called to his
home In Fairbur.v hcouusc of the erl
,( -ouh illness of Ids mother.
Cataln .1. I). Hustle had charge of
.rthe. corps of cadets during the absence
,-of Alajor Weeks of Omaha.
Our Students' $: and $:!.50 shoes nrc
the best on earth for the money. Foot
Form Store, 1213 0 street.
Ohnrles 11. Morley of Omaha, jirlvate
secretary to Oeneral Manderson, spent
Sundny with the A. '1. O. l)oys.
The Sgma Ohis Initiated three men
lnt Saturday night. Airehie StiMtton,
Fred Stnittoii anil I). K. Ilnimon.
The Gnrdmer Tailoring Co., does
rst class work and tihe price arc
iiuDfjria.chj jv.ii.-urJJ.i.iii-iiiii'ii u. .
W. Martin law 'W Is a candidate
on tV republlwin ticket for coun'tj at-
lOriU',V " fRlllilK" Vlllllllj, ilium mui-.
JJuy only the revised edition of Kv
nn Harrington at StudeutA' Co-Opcra-ilvc
Hook Co., Lincoln, Neb., 225 N It.
The members of l'hi ICappo I'.si are
to attend the Trans-Mississippi expo
sition in n lody Satu nly and Sunday.
I). M. (larbcr '01, who was kept out
of school lust year by 'Illness will be
back for I'hc second scincsU-r's work.
'Illie Octoler "Seliool He.view" prints
an article on "Heccnt i'vducational I..'.)
liography," by our librarian, .1. .1. Wy
e.r. Maeinitlian announces a new book
by I'rof. V. VY. Crd of the tlcpartment
oY Horticulture. The title is "Hush
Geore Shedd has been npiwiivtcd
foot ball correspondent oi the Western
College Magazine, publls'lted at Kan-
kis City.
Kleven thousand copies of tlie bulle
tin for thu winter term of the agricul
tural sohool has been scut out over
the state.
Prof. AiinIc.v ttddivssed the pedago
gy slmlomtH 'Thiiralay afternoon on
tihe. subject of teaching English and
'Miss Lida Millar returned Sundny
from lCvanston, 111., wheiv sJhe went
to attend the district convention of
Kappa Alpha Tlieta.
Cluineellor and Mrs. Mnciiccni will
g'iw a wecpliion to the seniors of ail
collegvs thi evening n.t their home on
lOlevcnth and 11 hi wets.
Major nnd Mrs. Hmnbleton of tMo
Illinois exhibit at the exposition, -ftnd
Mr. II. T. Clarke of OinaHia, visited' the
University Inst Sntimlny.
C. 1). Stevens . of the Dtinver llnl
vewlty, viited the Heitn Plu-tn 1 fni
teirnitv Sniwlav. Mr. Stcveim .s a mem
ber of Uiiat fratei-nlit- at Denver.
T)r. Shcrmnn will address tho stu
dontH of pexlaogy this aftomioon on
"How lo Teach English and Knglfcli
Literature in the Public Schools."
Students Who wish to have t'heir
work done by irp-toKlate barbers
Should pnitronlze Shannon & Itobbims,
basementt, S, K. corner 12tfli and 0.
Much hitereot is maniiestcfl by tlie
Btudenlta in tiie class nthlCtdo con
tests nml some Interesting' iinl fouglit
football gwmes will 'bo played1 this
Chancellor and Mrs. MnoLean. iliaive
issued invitations lo the Seniors of all
colleges for a reception) lo be given1 at
Wveir home, 1037 II sereet, Thursday
The Taw Delta Omicron' local frater
nity received their charter for Delta
Upsllpn Mils week. The boys will have
inflicted n this order in' the ncW fu-tmre.
Olianeellor mid 1'rofcnHorH
Lyoim and Nluliolwon. wen., to Ainen
IiihI week 'to limpeot the Hiignr beet
plant mid tlio United' Slnten experl
menial Htalon,-
'lf yon wiint your f!oitliv pressed,
civil iicd or W'pulix'di In rood Klinjie mid
ill rciifoiil: riN', Inke llivin M 10.
H. liccd, 102(1 0 whvtil, mw KamoiiH
Mlllncry wtoiv.
A. H. Pciu-Hi' Iiiih reliirncd from
Olilckmnaiira anil Ik now In Omiiliu.
He Ih iiiiicIi improved in liealMi and
will probably rcl'iirn lo the IThIvoi'hI
ly coiirHt. next month.
MrH. Wlkon delivered an iiddreHH he.
fore the tirth miniial ini'i'tliijr of tijiu
.SVimiHkii KiHlcrnlloii of Women'
clubs, 'held In Omahn October III and
II. upon Unlvci-Hlty exteiiHlon.
Several of the ITiiheivltv nIiiiIciiIn
a.tteiiili'd Hi,, rejmbllenn nill ml tlict
Ml'. .... .1.. .... ij.. , .. ...i .. .. '. .
..,,,.-, inniiic mi i unin.v evcillllr IIIHI
IInIciiciI lo flic wicecheM of (I, . Mick,
lejohn mid .liule M. I,. IIii.wmiim.
IIAIKIAIN. KnwIliiHoirH "n
cienl MoiiarchlcH" (II cnx, seeonil
mini), anil D'Aulilu-nc'H "Minion of
I he lleforiiiatlon." C, w.l.. h.,...,i
hand), at the Student Supp Store,
,,. cm1.c,)lt ,.,,' NVw
eollur, ele., at (Imdner'H Sultorluni.
All clothing- clennal, prcHned and re-
I paired. Phone 708, Hoiithwest corner
I llh and O, basement,
.Miss (Mara A. Mulilkcii, "Oil, i.a.s been
added to the MlalV of tlie unhcliNlty 1,1
brary to take the place or .Miss '.Sam
(). lliirros, who has 'beciii clecled li
brarian of the Mnculh public llbrar..
IC. A. Harvey and l-Mo.l- Van Vnllii
uw attending the l'hi (iamiiia Delta
iiutloual convention at I'hiltidelphiiii
this week. They exepet to bilng back
with them a clmr!"r from this fni,(er
nity for tlielr local organliutloii.
Tlie local chapter of Tim Delta Omi
cron has 'been granted a charter from
Delta ICpsilon. Tills Is a due reward
for the hard work tlie 'boys hae done
since the local organization was start
ed. Ilurton W. Wilson, '00, has been
elected president of his law class at
lolunvbla, after having been Miere
only a month. This Is an especial hon
or as lie hud to compete with the rep
resent nt Ives of I In mini and Columbia
vWth are well ndvanced.
MMie Satunlay football gnnic with
(irinncll is promising to )(. mittc. mi
iit.lnictiou. The l'hi Delta Theta fra
ternity will attend in a bodv aboanl
l-his'ign's tally-ho. Several other fra
ternities will be present . a. body.
One hundred copies Kvan Harring
ton, the author's latest nnd final re
vision of 1S9S, a iv here. Iicwnro of
Hlielf worn and second hand copies.
They do noto Contain flic revisions.
Students' Co-operative Hook Co., Lin
coln, Neb., 225 N 11th.
Mr. V. VrMclrollglflon reeelmTTT
telegram Sunday calling him to Karl
lug, Shelby county, Town, to tMiniiKiign
in the Ninth judicial district. He left
for that place Tuesday morning.
VKsiit the Metropolitan Barber slibp.
Von get first class work nt low prices.
Hair cut, 15c; Nhianvpoo, 15e; shUnkss
free with tickets. 1218 O street. B. J.
Robinson, Proprietor.
The Otliiniwa .l,le Qimrteet of Chi
cago gave mi entertainment In tho Oli
ver theatre Wednesday evening. They
cmne under the liianagenient of tlie Y.
M. ( A. who semt out many compll
memittiry tickets which were made
transferable for lvservcd seats.
The college settlement board and
superintendents nut Saturday morn
ing to further perfect plans for carry
ing on l lie work, ('hairmans of tlie var
ious commit tees were appointed and
arrangviuent.s made for collecting stu
dent iloiKitious. The committee will
inett with the board next Saturday.
Wc 11 iv feCiling- tihe Matltlhews Piano
Co.'s stock of uiiKsic tlhis week ait 2c
per copy. Special prices on musical
instruments; gtiltwns, $2.-18; nmn
dolinis, .$1.48; bmijos, $2.48. Special
lots of TiOe iniisic, ier copy, 10c Miuic
a ml VUiU dept., Tlerpolwli'eimcr u (o.
Dr. Uoiseoc I'ouud, an alumnus of
the Nebraska State Ihiivers-lty, has al
ways Ik'ciii coiiNidered an authority on
American Motnny by Germmii scien
tist.s. He has lu'cn lX'cognflzed by Dr.
Otto K'unze in a veiry plwising1 manner,
for a fungus has 1kv.ii niimed after Mr.
Pound. This plant will hereafter be
known to the scientinc worlr ua "Ilos
coepoundia." Dr. Kunze's third vol
ume of the rvlwo Oeneirum rianitJir
um" contains several references to Mr.
I'ouud nnd an extract from several oi
his wnitinigs.
University - $8-00 Hanc' ed'
One Profit: Maker to Wearer,
REQENf SHOE CO., 1036 Q Stfect.
Interrollciilnta Uurcini,
Coltrell & Leonard
47I.M7H Uroadivay
Allmiiy, Now .York.
Muunrx of thu
Caps, Gowns and Hood
To tho Amerlcnn Colleges nnd Uni
versities. Illustrnted mnnunl, samples,
prices, etc., upon request. Gowns for
the pulpit nnd the' bench.
of spurious and fraudulent Imita
tions uf tlu Witllinnan Pens,
liny the genuine
which has n record of 15 years of
success, and has hucti during all
that lime, as it ntl I continues to
lie, thi bosl loumlaln ion ever made,
ami the standard of (he world.
Do not bo deceived by Inporfccl
imltiitioiis, but .scOythnt the pen
you buy Is stamped
Fountait Pen
and luive ff cjulorlcd as- such to
von bv us or viwr dealer.
All our puns nns ;imrnntccd.
L. E. Waterrinn Co.,
4? w
QAnnn ?
Course 28 weeks.
JPeos $6&.00.
Offerft -f'tefttnoMletflfemfitoetu
dents of medicine in the west.
Methods of instruction most satis
Clinics in both surgery and medi
cine held in the following hospitals in
this city: County, Methodist, Child's,
Imiuanuel and Presbyterian hospitals
Catalogue sent and questions an
swered by E. W. CHASE, Omaha,
Nebr., Continental block.
When You Write
To Your Friends
who are coming west to
visit you, just add a post
script like this; "Be sure to
take the Burlington Route.
It's much the best."
You are quite safe in
doing this because our ser
vice from Chicago, Peoria,
St Louis and Kansas City,
in fact all eastern, south
eastern and southern cities
is just as good as our ser
vice to those points. And
that, as everyone who is
acquainted with it will tes
tify, is the best there is.
Tickets "nd time tables
on application at b. & M,
depot or city ticket office,
corner toth and O Sts.
G. W. BONNELL, C. P. & T. A.
Lincoln, Neb.
The very Latest
Styles in Men's Shoes
The Best in quality
at any price
We make these shoes
and sell direct from
the factory.
The Conneticut Mutual Life
l-or Premium Kntcs write or call on
HORACE G. WHITMORE, U. of N. 95, Gon. Agent,
Come in and look at them, examine the
goods, the linings, and the way they are
put togethen try them on and say
whether you ever saw their equal for the
money. Here Is more style, and better
material than you will ordinarily get in a
made-to-measure suit at thirty-five dollars.
Think of buying suitsjike
these at $10, $!2, $15 and
$18, and every one warranted
by the makers,
WAUUrHM,ia 44A.?
i, i, Li
SAJi i i '
V T .J 1 r"Mi
rtiM ViW""
Our prices nro always lower on tho same goods than othor stores
nnmo. Fino suits at $7.G0, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 and $18.00, that will
cost vou more, than twice our price, made to mcnsui'o, and you don't
have to wait an indolinato length of
for our suits nro ready tor you wnon
. ' ..
Before engaging Music call on
Office on ground floor.
and get
The University
Is bettor fitted tlinn over boforo to give artistic instruction in
Voice Training, Piano Forte Playing, and all
other principal branches of Music,
Students will receive full information by ap-
plying at the School located directly
South of the Campus, and can
enter at any time.
Tuition is the Lowest Consistent with Sound
Turpin's School of Dancing.
Children's class, Saturdays 2:30 p. m.
Ladles' and gentlemen's class, Mondays and Thursdays 8p.m.
Tho Academy offers advantage for cotillion clubs, private parties, eto.
Is newly furnished and docoratbd. Will bo rented at reasonable rates.
For furthor information address,
Insurance Company.
yH Krf m ml?, fZjmyf-rQM
Copyright, 1808,
By Hs.rt, Sohadnor & Marx.
time nftor leaving yonrordqr,
you arc renciy lor tnoimg
--' r. ""..w ii .inifM
O Street
of Nebraska