The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 21, 1898, Image 1

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Voi. Vll.
Viuok fi Cunts.
The Appointments Were Read Before the Companies
Last Monday Night by the New First Lieut,
and Adjutant J. S. Sumner.
What the Board Is Dolus and What is Expected of the Students
And Friends of the riovement.
rvsiil li' i
day i if i
(KtMl i"
iiijr in.
but in
up In-
lllOU' '
o.M Inn
wteii -
Krf0l ' u
..ol In
(Willi I
II f'l-l
im-.. f-
vet-sin -ka.
Oi .
l. I u.
moiioi -take
- (T.
To oi-1
i major
pir !v
and Or
To ii
: awaited promotions were
nv tilie Itnttiulloin on 1iij4( , Mon-ma-.
Tlu corps of cadets Jitive
rliiT tin unnotified .state diir
! new of Coninianiutnt WooU-w,
..mi hv has returned to take.
.u-it'-s battalion titVuiivs will
my stnontlhly. It seemed like
1 1 see four long companies of
1 of fours each lined up in
In-- on tint armory lloor.
t'i Miuli a nuiniber driUing,
promise for iu I'xcehiMiit,
w.ili 11 comuinudniiil who is
1 in- tMi'm of culet lias a,
nIoiK before it. '1 . i npimin't-
. iv its loi.ows:
..titers Cor of Cilt4t, . ni
.1 Nebraska. Lincoln, NVbrais-iH-r
17, ISOS.
No. J.
Ml lowing appoints nul pro
.iif hereby announced, to
'. '' from date, a'.l otlni'r ajt
tv iin.l promotions heretofore
-la tilling:
.idot enptnins: Oadet sergeant,
1 1). Ilnstio; cadet soi
.1. el Stebbins. Otds Whipple.
. P.rown.
unlet first lioiitentint juwl ntl-
' jutan ( adet Sergennc .1. T. .Summer.
In I.. cadet lirst. lieutenant, and
quar:.i master: Cadet. Second. Lieti
tenai.; .1. 1 1 loonier.
, To V avulft first lieirtoiittU'tR: OntteL
Kirst s. iyeanlt.s !'. I,. Iijiin, Cadet ser-SKinf-.
15. W. Christie, .1. I'. Oleland,
E. II ( .irk. (i. K. Martlet t, W. T.
Sum'. E. A. M.-Croirv. Cloudo Wll-
To i.
dot s.-i i
To in
Oorpo .i
To In
ttul.t l
'li t.,
To M
kimt. I
'I'lie University of Chicago won irom
Meloit by the score of at-0.
'Plu- Kansas Uit.y Alodios played with
Mi.ssouri and won by a score of 1G-0.
Carlisle, Indian School
Williams College
Yale V ,
Newton Athletic ,
University of MulVali
University of .Michigan
Western Unserve Universltv .
Illinois '...
II. Sn
Hrow f . M
0. i
'1. i:.
wi;i ,,.
iiifii. :. 'I i
T.i .
I"-, .,,
i. K
II. M.,
IliCs. I
Will l.
e.idH M-.-oinl ileuti'.nanU: (J--in
.1. S. Sinoyer. ( II. .Meh'i,
i-pi.rul (. II. Von LMoiMtfehlc,
ulet serjriMiiU major: Ottilt
l l).n .1. Adam.
adet. ipartermaHitei' serfritin't:
iM.ra! (1. W. Kline.
.nli'1 drum major: Cadet. I'vK
.ailet llivt sertri".nlN: Cfide.t
'- I'.iul Wi'oks. I II. Wootl-
:ni Valin, A. .1. (lollei.r.
..i. let serpen n im: (nlut Cor
' U. KorMiM-yer. W. I.. Hall. II.
!'. I!. MWler. W. 'P. 'Phorne.
IM W II. H. Moaiv. V. V.
I. W. I'niivon, C. K. WllVinnw.
Il'imiiit'l, (Videt. Corpoml !'. C.
l.i'M I'vt. C. II. Uoot, .1. A.
' .1. I'loWliennl. (). A. Ijhi
:. 'ell.
"iineiiilatloiiK for eorponrx
nade by eompany eommaiiu-
i as possihli aiNl dhi' appoint-
v I be anmiuiieed hiter.
'."owiny assrtfriuiuMi't to eun-
- li reby anuoiiiKvd:
"l-niy A: (lipuilu .1. I). Ilatip
- I..euteimnti !'. h. Ifain, and
'"in lei l. Seeond Men tenant. C.
' ''. Tiiiit. Hei'Kxninit. I'aul
" i yea nit j Koiwmever, II. II.
K. Williams ami' .1. A. Sohir-
'Pile new eolleye M'ttlemenit boanl
is hVml at. work outliniinsr Ulie nrk
for the eoininj,!- year. Extra nieetinys
have been helld ankl wxirk luis bi'irmi.
present, lioard eoiih-lsts of rifej
"I" i.v 15: CapUi'in .loel teb
'si l.ieiiteiiainlw K. II. Clark
. Mi'Ci'i.ipv siMiiiii i .i.iiiiiin-
I--...,Tf kii .niir
"" Slllll-i.. I.'l.-t ..,,..,,..( A f
fi-yelunts II. .' Siuftih. I 'v!
' i . WilluuiiK and (). A. Dav
l. Miller.
Van Valin,
W. Pearson,
rn "...m.iiih nun . .1. jaiir,.
!. illicit., C. f' ri.. i
tv i .' viinini irio nrown,
" l.iuienants .1. J'. Clelnnd and V.
" )..-. ., .s!..y I l l . t -,.
t. ,' '"nil KIl'IIKMIIIIUII j, 11.
;iii. I ,,s,t
3'!,'. !'
. II ITtfwkt ,.....! f t ia
-- ..w.,. tiiiu w. a. uaviH.
' OlllM'liIlV' Hi ni..4.i:.. ti. l11.!.v
i---,t '. vtiffiti iii fnn tiinir
' '11 IlltillTJKIlfl li ftr If V
lltj J,,.,,. ,,-t sepjrean-t p y
-... fryean'ls
C. M.
troek, Ce)nkl Ijieutenauit
W. U. I lull. W. Ii.
I. I'n.inotions
iiwui ii r, c,., ia:tt.,.(
Hummel unltl .7. ,T. Plow-
in tilie banll will oe
C. V. WI3WKS, .
Comiiiander of ClidiitK.
IT,.! "f11 ('Heyo defontd Minnesota
niviTKlty by the seore of
Ri A' '"'viTHity defentod the
hide rnlv(.rHt.y team, 18-B.
Hilfiu TT..I ,1 i l
"niiurK frnin Amen, 11-0.
sops Sweey, Hill and Ca'ldwell fixim
Mie faeuNy and Ko'ln'rt Ijansinr, W. C.
IiIIIk, Kdnsi I'olk and lv...'Uh Henry
f i'oni the sJtudeivt body.
'Phe botinl 'has eleeted .Miss Harriet
Diiusmore as supe.ritvrendoiift of Ulie
youny woinsin's deixartnient and .livse
A. Sinoyer as siipenhuttMidi'ii't of the
youny me.nV? liirtiiHiit, ltyMt uiv
en eryviti willy1 a A"ork Keeuriii'y Ulie
nti'iiu'.s of Htudentis wl.o are williny to
aid Ulie work of serviny on eonim'Htees
or doiny active work at l.lie (iniitmm
Tiiyilor liouse.
The plans for securing fiiiwlw were
diM'UHM'd in one of 1lie meetlnys nirtl
the p'.un of inakiny yeneiiil iMiivas
of till' stuiK'iil body askinjr euli situ
diin't. to eon'triliule ten Centt.s was rtf
ommi'iiVltnl by tihe boanl. Work lihnt
hi lieynn in t.h'ls liiw has unit with
yenemil appi-oiik
A inevil'iiiijr was held 'Puelny. Oeto
'Iter IS. in which inm-li diseiiSKi'on look
p!uet!iiMl sevt-nil rei-oIutiioiiK were
a.KipU'vl. A eomiiiittee m)iii.stiny of
I'ro'fiwor (ald.weH and Mins II miry was
appoiiutiil liy Chairman Swczcy to con
fer w'itth tihe IxiiWi's' laeniity elul) in
i-eyjird to eolleye .settt'i'inent rk. The
siiperinltendenits were asked 1 reeom
ini'iid ehalrinan of the several eoinnnt
teetssind to make siiyye4tion in reysird
to any new eonniilthees tlmt they
tih1nk in'ccttisry, by tihe next inee'tiny.
'Phe bmrd fitl eiH'Oiiniyed by t.he
yeiM'inil interest tmken in tihe work by
eeryibody 'onne'ted with tihe nivivei
'ity. 'Phe. fneulty istaldny more inter
est, in tihe work than everbefore. A yrent
many of Ulie liiulies' lieulty club ex
m a diffire to tiike active jiart hr t'lic
work. Dnui 'i!n is auxioux to co
opi'iiaie widli the board aiml will pre-i-nit
a number of lok,s niiiat will be
rrt'fir: to (iliiidivii. 'Phe h'tiidenil:
pnuii'lM- tio dio a yreat amouiilt of oet.Ive
work tihis year.
A report- of iast yemr's work will be
rem I liefoiv tihe board' tv the next
llieetiliy. 'Phis will be puhliMhwl to
fl lb w jiifcit wlHal IllVis mtvemcut litis ac bihed in tikis eily uiufer dhe innu
afrenui(i of i univewlty board.
'Po educate the children wiW nwt be
tthc nh.iitif ijis;M of tihe new Ixmiil. but
uilihtir tm Inspire tihe ehildreu to a
hlyiher aim in IKe. 'Phey will nnike a
Ktroiry elVont to nM.mut iww ami lrv
trUar atltemlanitis to tihe (iraiham Taylor
IdoiiKc. The board does not intend to
yive up'tiheidea of educntiny tihe child
ivn, but 'tHu'ir main cybject wiM be to
Induce ilho eliihlreii to Vlilnk more, of
Ihe-incelves aiwl yet liheui Iw aHltend
ivyuhmHy arnd induce tu'em to htivc a
il'eire for an eductation. If t'he olillil
riin' ihave . desire to lea.rn ini'il Have
eontldince in tli'emscilvcirt Hhey will In
apt, to succeed in life. Ample opMi
'tun'i't'ies will be yivi'ii to tHiose iib'i'M
ren wiJm ciinnot at'tond this pulilii'
will (Vol to bdtil'er dheir i-oirtTitloiu
'Phir sewing c!as, which made such
itipiil ppoyrc ltHl ywir will be eon
tilnued' tiliis yx-sir. A eooli'lny cIiimk will
'be ylvcur ih an expi'imenit. 'Phe.s'
dliimw are expected "to yive tihe yoiin?
women Ih'IiUm nicanw of siH'urinltf u. liv
Iny. lor tUi yoiiiir nusn liiuiiiml
tirainlny clas will lie yivon, tui'd this
will yive them nHpmlloiis im Hlwv me-
I'lwiuiMi'. lii.e. Piofowwr l!iehiard In
Ntnonyly In. favor or oiiiilzlnr a vbm
of Mi In khikl and prnmlscn hi aid lr
the work is itiulurtmUoit. '.Mus lloutbn
wll tiHslst in tin. I'ooklny claim. 'Plic
ncvl niccMm of tihe board wii; H Sjut'.
uixliiiy, OcWhcr aa m S::m n. in.
.S()IMI()AI()K-.'lU'TrMTiT CT) , ust
1- I0(i yd dash-Ooo. Walker, A. .1.
Weston, E. I). Hurr, Htiirlt, Penwin.
c.-'m"'"' i,,T,' v''ll'''. Warner,
Stull, .rn illy., Ilntriit, Pepoon.
:i 110 ytl run- Aliintz, Alanck, Pc
poou. I SSI) yd-Alantz. Clinton, Mauck,
.1-Alllc run-Mantz, Clinton, olull.
mil yd liunlltM 1 I). iturr.
Heart t.
7 aao yd hurdles Warner, llwirtt,
s- Kunniny hiyh jump llr-witt,
lleartt, Swallow.
0 Kunniny broad jump lliywilt. (f),
l.cstcr, Wnrnur (f), Popoon.
10 Puttiny Kllb shot Diisoh brook,
Stull, Wallace, Lester.
II Kilb haminer throw liasiin
brock, Wallace. E. 1). Ilurr.
la Pole vault lle.rry, Alnrsh, Hurr,
l.'l Discus throw D a s e 11 b r o c k,
M Eoot ball kick.
bi Mase ball throw.
This contest has been postponed to
the original ca lander date or Novem
ber .", on account of the weather.
Entries will therefore be reopened,
to close Saturday. October SO, at. 0
All registration for physical train
ing closes Saturday, October Sit, .1 p.
in. Oyninastlc classes in physical
training begun this week. Attendance
about, forty men. There are three sec
tions: 1, s o'clock, Air. Price; II, :i
o'clock, Mr. Sti'bbins, every day ex
cept Saturdays; III, Tuesdays, .nurs
days and Saturdays at 1 o'clock, Mon
days at ia. in.
Over thirty men arc taking special
athletic training.
Owing to of the faculty
class Prof. Clements will work with
the athletic classes.
Classes in advanccdyjiinastics un
der Mr. Pryce, ta in number, is a very
fine showing for the first year. Eew
men being prepared for dilllcull work.
Appoint incuts for physical examina
tions are now open to all students of
tlie Cnivcrsity
Mr. lU" lvalues, director or tilt
pianoforte depart menu of the univer
sity school of music, gme tihe tlrst of
a M'ric of faculty reeltuks in the
ciliiMl htMl YeliNliy eventing. .Mr.
lvalues lm just been made a member
or tihe corps of teachers thls fall, lie
('omen from Chicago ami Hhis is. the lime Mint he litis a pea red before
an audience of liiin'Oiii piMip.e. .r
this reiiMin tilie liaK xwis crowdi1! witili
an expectant giitilieriny to m'c what lie
could do. 'Plie inoMt exivEvnt reeoiu
iniir.luticiiii tlliati 'had prci'eileil1 him
were fuiXyrcalied. Eroin tihe very
II mt iiiini'ber he was- a fa"o.rite witth
tihe n ml leave. His ivmnrkabU' power
of exprcswiou, his gniceful ami natural
p:K-iture. his ease in Hie exeeuit'iou of
tilie niot dill'ieiilt. lyiiiiNngc!. Mlwiwitl
him to be an invaluable ntrWlou no me
iiiiimIciU clivliis of binvolii.
r.aiif iwr lac tua 1 .iouomI. scanon
viro 'lyeing JMphfly (U'WiAipwl oy imc
inaniiiyciinen'i. oid Iwus ducui leeched
iroiu ilaincw O. Itxwlyeia, .tust ir
iptlu, tna'i Jit wis pivjiNibly tin'ier iV.v
1 1 ,ui' ai.w k. ,a.. 'iiniA la.'i. ii no lie wv..
I.IVIUIl IV.' llllll.ll III Ulll'V It'll. IdCliiC, IIji
in- .Mi oi.i., pltiAnl iMnce year, ami i
.iin.e toi luiis miiiimiu Uoilyer.s lias
.siacned taieV illiiiimpiixsiiip li cwillllU'ii
crfn tor t.wo yiai.s, kind is a promi-m-il
iiiakHldMle for cuiuh. of tihe 'var
sity aiul Ircfehmuii ereww next. cayn.
1'iie prcuimliKiry pnictHco of tihe fom
im.'I uimlidU'iets for jilticcs DHhlutl like
N'alc Hue has been, begun irl KeniH.'
Iiuakport, Ale.
.Manager IliMtixif i tryln-y to ur
nwige tor an uxumvioii 10 w.i.wienvc,
Kan., on November fi 'to 'tliu Kti.DKHn-Nis
linuskvi yanpe. A raitc of on'ts fare for
the i-oiiimI' trip can be secured provided
llfty people will go. If oiR- IiuiuIunI or
more will go It is quite certain a
vowcr mite can be seiMired. 'Phe ft ire
our way 'to Lawrence Is $.1.70. 'Phe ex
cursion woiihl 'iuv some Lime Eri
d.iy evening anil1 arrive alt. Uiwrence
.'int'tiithiy morning. lleturning 1ihe
ir.iin would Ickive. Uiwnsn'ce iSat.unhiy
ewuilnig ,uul riNU'li Liumlin .Sunday
inorn'ing Arraiigvinciiits can' Ik, made
for 11 .stopover a.t Ktinwiw City to all
who wHmIi. 1o ccc the une between
NebuaHka anil KaiiMis Ci'ty medic on
November 7. All persons' eonHeni'p'liil
inir like trip alliould leave tiholr names
wi't'li the NViibituskaii or with. MtmCigcr
Hisoh'of niti once t-o tili'niti definite, ar
rai!iyeincnt muy be made as woon n
The Representatives rf the Missouri School Failed
To Score Against the 'Varsity With Four New
Hen Playing.
Captain Mclford Does Not Hiss a Single Qonl-Nebraska's Work,
However, Lacks Ginger.
'Phe winning streak act. by the 'Var
sity In the game witli Hastings at. the
beginning of the season was kept up
last Saturday, when cloven husky Tro
jans from Tnrkio College were scut
down to defeat by the score ir a 1-0.
'PajVn as a whole it. was a good exlii
bitliju of the groat American college,
gailic. The visitors put up a good,
snappy specimen of ball and one of
wliuili they can wvll be proud. When
it Is considered that there are ontv
about two hundred students in the
.Missouri school and that of these a
majority arc or the weaker sex, the
result seems all the more remarkable.
Phe fact that they can come here and
mi, our icain, a representative one
of an institution ten times the size
of their own. shows that thev have
a grca't advantage over us in some re
spect. 'Phe manager of tl.r i.,.,,,,, wus
kind enough to explain to the NVbras
kan how they ennld do it. e said
that there was not a man in the in
stitution that had not been out at
some time during' the rail with a .not
ball suit doing his share for tlie honor
or his school. 'Phis is a good place for
sonic of our s'tudents to take a bene
ficial object lesson. If one fourth of
tlie students here would do Mint, there
woiddjie such a t;
as has never been seen in the mtlfn.
Hon before.
In the beginning of tlie game. 'Par
kin took the ball and made a good
kick, which Nebraska returned in the
same manner nearly to their goal.
This forced the AHssounnns to kick
again, but it was a weak one and Cow
gill had the ball and wass tartetl back
w.tli it before they had time to e.illect
themselves. 'Phey soon downed him,
liner which Meucdict, Kingsbury,
Pillsbury ami Erwiu were all given 'a
chance to show what they could do.
Each made a god galm and then Kings
bury was pushed across the line for a
touHi (IV)wn. A murmur wemt suong
tlie bleachers and an occasional crv of
"Hastings again!" was heard. Mel
ford kicked goal as usual and the
croutl took .stretch No. I.
The second touch down followed
close ujwm I'll- first ami' in about Ulie
same manner. This time it took just
three minutes for the Nebraska boys
to cross the enemies goal. I was
made mostly by bucking the ,ine and
a few- runs around the end. After
"I'liele" Hill hat gone through the
regular side play that always nets one
point, the score stood ia-0 'in favor of
the home team. Tlie third proved to
Im- of a more interesting character.
Tnrkio again had the kick oil', in as
much as we had been kind enough to
score. Eor sonic reason, possibly be
cause they had not forgotten tlie re
turn kick which hail been 'reviuslv
sprung upon them, they only gave it a
small shove of ten ynrds. wliere ii tigs
bury had been waiting for It. Erwln
now went at center In his usual fiend
ish manner for a good gain. Cowglll
kicked fifty yards which gave Tnrkio
the ball. 'Phey were unable to gain
anything so resorted to a kick. Cow
glll took it in like a fly goes at sugar.
Eor some time after this neither side
seemed able to do anything definite
and the play was mostly in the center
of the field. 'Phe 'Varsity llnally suc
ceeded In making another touch' down
by some fierce playing. From this
time until the end of the half, the
most noticable feature of the game
was the way in which Tnrkio began to
brace up. 'Phey put up a much strong
er game from this Mine on and the
speetatois found Mini It was not Hast
ings after all. The half was called be
fore any further scoring was done.
In the second half the improvement
of the isitors was still more apparent.
'Phey continued to grow better until
the iMiid of the game. Time after time
they struck our line for good gains.
At the same time the playing of our
team grew noticably weaker. 'Phey
seemed to 'be tmmlble ito Imutg tiogittilicr
and their defensive -work was far trom
gooitl. Ilefore 10i half wn.s ouit. Ill un
collected themselves enough to make
their fourth touch down, This,. with
the goal that Mclford kicked, ended
the scoring of the game. Final result,
Nebraska, at; Tnrkio, 0..
'Phe Nebrasknn Is sorry to say that
t must, maintnn that soin'eihing is rad
ically wrong with the team. Never be
fore has such tin abundance of good
...... iu.-i.-ii on ii.iiui as (luring the
1 present season. We Vim m thhlk
1 that It is the coach, for never before
have we had a more enthusiastic man
to make our team. We say this latter
with due respect to the men who have
led our boys to victory in the past.
, Air. liobinson. dur'.ng liis two .season's
work here, won for himself a p.ace in
J the hearts- of every loyal Nebraska
1 student. Ilcing of such a ilillVrciit
, t.vpe of gentleman, from Air. Yost,
'however it is almost impassible t com
I pare the two. Put the fact, still re-
mains that the team will have to learn
I to play together or we will not be attic
I to keep the. piMinnnt in Lincoln an-
1 other year.
. 'Phe lineup of players in tlie game
mum as ioiiows:
. ...r. e...
....r. t...
..r. g....
. . c
Kingsbury ,
Mclford ...
Cilbert ....
Pillsbury ..
'Cowglll ........ n. h.
titoireWtrr,t.-; : t. tr.r. ;:
Williams I. h.
Erwln f. b.
C. Waugh
. . . . Easton
. . . llaupt.
. . Clausen
, ... Porter
. . . Milliner
. Davidson
... ( ibsbh
E. Waugh
Alt the low! regular iuoethig. then ,1
letlc board called the itttentbrn of the
foot ball committee to the rules adopt
ed last year.
'Phe honor of the Cnivcrsity is
pledged to the strict enforcement of
these regulations. Nebraska stands
alongside of Michigan, Illinois, Wis
eons.n. Alnnesota. and seven other
lending institutions of the Middle
West, h.iiiud as are the rest b, the
signature of her chief executive.'
1 ne rules are to be found on r-. in I
and :i(H of the Cnivcrsity Calendar.
Eor the guidance of the foot ball
committee tlie hoard defined under
rale I:
"A bona tide student doing full
work" to be a student carying at least
14 hours. Such n student must, have
been doing this work for nt least the
first game in which he participates.
'Phis latter requirement could not be
made retroactive.
Attention was called to rule T also,
a regulation which has been observed
by the University in previous years
before tlie adoption of these rules by
the athletic board. 'Phe font ball coin
iniittev were directed to conform strict
ly to this rule.
It is tlie intention of the board to
render tlie name of Nebraska synonyo
inous w I tlh t'lie word Honor, in sports
as wcH as. In ail I things. Einmm'es hate
Iwen put upon a strictly business bas
is, the make-up of teams will be main
tained upon a basis as absolutely fair
and equitable. In sports as elsewhere
In 'the University upon solid, steady,
strong intellectual work. We have no
place here for sporty lounging t riders
wit h University work. Places on
teams belong to strong students and
their rlu.blis wliall not be interfered
with. We enn not Imperil our Univer
sity honor witlh otiher i ust i tuitions by
tiny'tiinitof pi-ofessionin.lisiinor
Half as many more men would have
elected physical training but for the
ultra strict enforcement of the rule
us to the number of hours allowed.
Students recognize that physical
training assists them in carrying' their
work. One of tlie ablest students in
the University, physically and mental
ly,' a man carrying two extra hours,
not long siimce remarked' 'tllitiit 'Mitt
could carry twenty hours and physi
cal training easier' than sixteen with
out." Last year students were nllow
od o carry, 'fi'lvis In addition 'to1 jilryskial
tnaliriny, regular Uiour of momttlail
ln'lVor. TJiust. yir tilie value of tlie lieflfl'tfli
of the student was thus recognized.
Why should It not be so this year?