.1 THE NEBRASKA!!. I'ri.hiN Noon by tilic I'lilvorslty i'ubllshliiK' AsHovintion. Kntoml as Foeoml Clis Mull Mutter. Geo. L. 'l)nie Managing1 Editor M. 1. Stewart l-Mor News Dop. .lohii '1 Sunuiior swocht Editor Kilgwr II. C'lnvk Associate Wili'or A. A. HiseholY Associate Editor A. M. Hull Cartoonist Kdgnr Cmnffli Editor l.oewil Dtrpt, liuiee McMIUnt jw)oUiti Editor Clnru Hammond ssoointo Editor (.corv llart.ett sswointo Editor 15 1). Awlnwon Vaeooiulo Editor (. linton ltnvr ssocfci1o Editor T. W. llrovv n ioolflU Editor F. I".. n.'inonts... Editor Alumni Dent The Nehrasknn will be sent to any address upon receipt of the Hiibsorip tion price, which is one dollar n year. Contributions are solicited from all. News items such as locals, personals, reports of meetings, etc., arc especial ly d...ed. The Xebrasknn will bo glad to print any contribution rela tive to a general university subject, but the name must accompany all such. Address all communication to the Nebraskan, University of 2c braska. it will not be long till the prelinw n.ii 10tvrtes a iv hold. Those wni 1mv wjnnnioiv. tdiouM lx tdiirrKi-ng alKiut 'tiiifir preparation. I'm- 1.MUH l.i.st Saturday Indu.gvd in too much fouling and oil' tide playing. Such tatties are altogether too cost.y and iH'sidej. ge.s the team a IkuI repu tmtion. t)i November r... the university tnm wil plaj KaiiMi.s at liwrence. With out doiibt. thi.s will be the grert g-.unc of the season and the one nliows all others that we want to win. Manager IJivehoff is making arrangements for a railroad rate low enough to make it Ksh,i'ble for a large inmilM. to go wiMi the iim. TJieiv ouglm to Ik r0( Xe a ember S. tim you go? ' There is 'a difference," said ex-lres-nhni ndursoii of Chicago univer v,t between knowing thing.', and Oci'iig ediuiited. He eplainel by say ing that then- are large nunibei-s of in. -n who are lvnlh walking .ncyelo jKi.ili.is. but are not educated .n ed nf.it.'.l man. lie v,in. is one who can Hunk clcnrU and eonsoienl i.iuslj . and e.in .- press linnself in iiersji.fuouh language. Tlii. is no doubt true and -indents Hli.oild think of it more than Hie ordiiuiril do. The attempted jiiHtifientJon of the f action of the liiion boys' deluing .bib in .lfiKiuneiiig the action of ihe ' late thlet ic aswieiation on the part I if the lle.sk'rian jilaces that jiajK-r I upon the side ol IJie disgriunie.l Kll tieuiiis and tin would-be 1kvo '1 . e nuealleil lor ail tuck upon l.ocoe l'.nind 4ib i deMrrc ooudemiiSMiou .iii.I ilie reM-niiiiiMit of overy ftiir inmded student in tile university. The artiele (li'K-ncs no titientAon, as l.hey show tiiroiigliout the coloivsii igno rance of Ihe writer. )le evidently did not read the noliitior jia.Hl 1. tlie mass meeting nor has he ery noticed Hie constitution of the athletic board, publ shed ever; jear iii Ui- miliver.s vy aleinlar. If lie did he would not utd -i li ridieiij.nis (jiie.tioiis in "lln. A. I'.im'IhiIV been rtelwt.-d foot Imll manager b;, iliih new board of triiH tees,.,M If the writer lias any iniagivlngs as 1o the iiiaiiuer in which the a . will V- conducted in athletics Uiis year, an llivpectjoil of t ll- JMTHOIlliel of the pn-MMit '.,... ..I ought t Mf hi mind at r.t. 1 1 is interesting to imitc that tin M!tM hiix iM.it taken nn mi-t in athlel-.s. een to mt ron iiuy t he kith bout-, ii'ti rw. his. nanie npM'ar upon the loll of 1 horn who paid lift)' cents for th benefit of athletiies in the uiiixc. siit The 1 itne wns ripe for Hiusi- )tl were wally in1trwtd in ithleties. for pure and eleini sjiort and ii't for polities, to take a hand a they did in Hie biM election. The action taken b the athleHe boanl hiHt Tuesday ndght oughl to commend itself to everj fair minded student in the iiniversify. In the jmst all the financial affairs of the tiiiiii nger. have been veiled tin -tera-s. Fn der the new rluc of Hie board, which fire published in the im'WK eol inrnis of the Xebraskjin tills week, ev er; one will know evfietlv how much there I in Hie treasury nd mv luueh in needel to p the debts. There w'll now In n eomjdete sys tern sue, n linv sueeinififii liusinis must hrwe. and -i 'omplete not of iMH)ks will tc Kept by il- iiimiHMul m'cix'Uu.n. Ilx' llnuiiciiii M-.-ivtai'v, too, couid not lime been more wisely chosen. Mn Wwtormnn, eeryono knows. Is thoroiiirhly caixnble "d the whole .iiilwndty whvll hne eourpUMo eonlldcnee in liiiu. lie will reeetw nil tlie Mitdi, pa, n U Ihi' bills ami make a weekl, riH)rt of the eomirtJnn of i the Irenstiry. This report, will he pul .Uhed In tlie Xelmustaiu. In tlie past nil kinds of bill have been mwii11 to the teiun msinngeva. iv iitHtuiH'f lust year (here wns a bill for n pair of nhoen thai ome one htul trough! and ehnrged lo the team. No one knows who got ihe shoes, nor whether they were footlmll shoes or putont leathers. I'luler the new rules of ilie board no bids will be paid oeept those liu'iirred upon the order of the secretary. It will be infinitely better for the team mnnnnvrs. They will not need to loose sleep for fear 1ihe, will not have money enough to jmy the e peiwes of the tnins. If (lie jnme do licit Miy for themselves ever, body will know it and there will be no orenaion for iiiijupst suspicion. Let every stu denl rejoice that at hist athletic sport are upon it tinn business basis. 'Plrt Ntntinin Tencflior, puhlisihed by .1. S, ltiuM and .1. V. CroRtfiM com tnins nilMeis by mnny of lilie lemWnip sslmwl men of tlie .tale. The nolo ni tielos by Prof, ltriuivr of Hie FnviHI t.. Slnt SiiKi,;.,iiid n3 J.u'ksoii, .1. Y. DinsmiVire. ,1. V. Snjlor. C. (J. IVnw of OmaliH mid niimv tMttiM. "fiitudie.s- 1n 12tnx)xnu Hi.mory-nivok anM limunii' Civilixation." 1v l'iof. FHur. pnllih.-.l by .1. K. Miller. 1jii Hlin. is ,v( const rueted as to e invnl unliCe o teaeliers of hi)ory in wliooN wlieiv tllir library is limi't.-cl nml iu diwd of gix-ta't liue to elasos wlniv tliii' HlrrtiTy is more vr less complete. It is a lKok eonltiiin'ing woll chosen) evi t4tuts fwni the soimvs of tHie ix'rio.1 of InMory whic'h it Cowrs: Hhriv i after rtioh sx-lculon n list, of from tflilxT to tvn pietion-s so elOll lis to eveivisv tDie tlionslit of the tuden:r. hi h'iis in'tT'otluHiom Prof. FMnir e jilaiiu. tlie source nirtJiodi. t3ie lnl oi--tory meitlliod' 1n 1iSsiors so 3..rrly and' indicates o minutely' eneh sitop to lw thkti lOinit onip wholly uiMicquaintd witih the metltlnirl eouM use 1Hii! hook without misgiving's h to the ivills. The Mnve jurizes for ilie Century Mhgnxine'sS enmlietirioii for tJie linst sory. jioeiii ntnd efsy omi to ti diiiiit.s wfliVi itH'eivi! tfliip degree of It. A., in T-OT. hnve bceai won hy .xiting wviinen. siClQiough more m.n tlwi'n wo mvn enUoml ihf cOmixjtltioii. Ta"0 of iBic jirle wiiuiws are Y.nssnT gradu ates, and one iV from Sinitii, 'Plie lvport of tQie ,oifieHtlon will appejiir in the Xovcmtr CenUTy.w4tIli tflw ijT s-ttwy. "A Qurs1Joii .1 1Inpl-iH-s." Iiy Ais Ounce M. Cwllnher of lvs(-e, Ol.. wflio irraduntcd at Vnssnr. 1! .. 1S07. it li the aim of encouraging literary aetiit among Colicne grndniiile. t'he ( .nlrur, will eotitinim. ti gi-e antimal h three pri"s of ?-j."ift each, oiwn 1o tin- .Hiiu'jM-tilioii of pers-ms wffio w-ee-e the depTee of ltaehc'.or of Arts in niiA aollege or uiiivcrsHy in iti I'uitisl Stales, the work to' be don. with in one year of gniduation. M.-si-.. llouuhio.n. Mifl'lin & Co.. of Itostoti. New 'ork and (liicngo, as loin,., oi iinme.iii.ite puttvlicaittan n No. l.'7 of their Hixer-sid lihMrature Sris "Ode on a (.rccinn I'm and other IVmmiis toy .lolin Iifv" I'npcr i-o.erss, i.'i '.nits, oiwl(l. Tililis lrook. w'hicili wi;5 he a most w.mtny addition to Hw 1-10 iiitmiieTK of Mie Kiverddt Literal inv St-riets uliriiady pulii;4)itl. t'miitHiiis in ndtlkion to l!le tiHe ioeni nKHiit n dreii of K.W3 pninis suilnllc for school j)uroe. lc.ld.i wwrml of t(h .crinM-ts. Aiiwvnj" them iiim, ben mentiiowVI, ''On Tirol Ixwikling iutjo Chapmnn's llosmpr." "Isjibelln." "f)de to a Xiphlringwlr." "I'iiiitIk of 1'iiM.ion." "Unew om tlie MenuiaidV Ttnern." and "ilyiifiion." Tlie limofc fi ik lieen edited with eis jMeiai ivlnlio-n to ihe -i.s. rvwun. witHi nintes: nunw (.f tiiie lonirer jkhiiis .oiita'in imt roil net ioti-: and tjioiv lia; b!i w rl'titen c-iccia.'. tor thi Ki t'hwi an eveelleii biotrr iphicnl skeit'h. Tin K-jtcniilM. .It.- IM'i,is;il' , iiiiiiiiM-r of 1th. Ki ll Kuu'lih -lub. e hi. t.iiii linn.' siM.i , : 1 iv sir, mi..' arti.'l.-s. T..e fin.il, "Xn r.i , f i.. St. inn. " ll. iv.'.-IH- lhnll. I,. 1- :i til ii'. .if l.'-.'riitnji lv , n 1 ,, ,,,. i,,,, ;,, ii' 1-' men k 1 ,, iilll '1 .liking.' friii tQi -I. 1 iii. i, .if HIij. 1 t.-n.U .Vtllflljs.' n ili-ll-M'.'tli r' i-u. IT ti I .1 lllllM. I111' ,lM l.lulft. t.l till. iiiii 1 it w i.'u 1 .11 1 1 inh rc.i I. Tm nii in. "( -imiiMis." h Mr. Iiij- i. 1. Kruw im-.iu- in hi),. dud rvaliy il'H 1 i .i.-l ci'1'.lit 1.1 jit n '-1km'. l"'l Nl I ' II i-m .1 (.iH'fu) iutimff 11 u n- r. iliiiy i'ii- ''ni In ll.irn SiJie.1.1 W iu-t.-iii-'l iii'i.ic--iinji ihroumlnotiit. proili h'IiIj IxwiiMe it i- ti ivcMtfie rtorv mill njipwi' .j-iM-.-twilh 10 Kiop rcsuffm. 'WllWMI l.rlllJKir-ll with MMTM- of Hi short rtorio in 11k- l.-iulln inntfn.iiR we fliwl 'thoivc in tin. Iflot. wt.ronj.'cr ill tllHMIII'. JiljL'll. I- in MMIItinlt nitwl mipNior in lit.nii-' 'xcpM(Jib(. Wo rontHzc fhnit tliii. is luii mitm. mt fully lirilhf Hun it. I. iiKurhod. Vi 1iop Mil. nNi'itii.'.'iiuuit will vmi1 innic tiliilfc liljiHi Mnnrtiir.1. 'Phi I'n.bin l.if. drill iK'sai 'I'hurwiuy oVloclf. wil) iii',.t for .'veiling1 t 7 PROFESSIONAL CARPS. MRS. L. M. SHARLES, M. D. Prnotlcc limited to Discuses of Women nl ClilMrcn. Oilleo t(KftO&t. Hcs.: 18l3VnsblnRtonSt. Hour: 2 to 4 p. m, LINCOLN, NKMlASlvA J. M. LUCAS, DENTIST. lMli unil 0 Ms, I'oloiiliono M. Lincoln, Notr LOUIS N. WENTE, DENTIST, 130 South 11th Street, Uoonis 80, 27 nml 1, llrownell 1UU. Tliono 5.10. DR. C. K. KEARNS. DENTIST. lIRlOStrcoU Hooms over VostornUnlon TolCKraph. DR. J, T. MCNAY DENTIST. Teoth Kxtrnrtctl without l'ftln. Olllce: Cor. lllhnnftOSts. Lincoln, Nebraska rl? MUM. F WEST. Onlce: lOiS O Street. Over Fltwralu's. Tol. -116 Residence: lTMKucM Ave. Tcl.M3. Hours: lOtot.a.tn. 2to5p. m. Sneolnltios: Diseases ot Stomach nnd Kldnoy. DR. ALBERT R. MITCHELL, Rooms er-s. Hurr Hlock. 1ncoln, Nch E. 1. H01.Y0KIJ, M.l). R. A. HOI.YOKK.M . . Res. Telephone 411. lies. Toler-hono 4i3. DRS. HOLYOKE & HOLYOKE. Physicians & Surgeons, Ofllco. 1ST South llth street Ofllce Tolephone -til. Lincoln, Xob. Telephone CsS. P. O. Box H.M. DR. C. A. SHOEMAKER'S Private Hospital. S03 South llth street. SjKMflal mtuntttici to ai-.oni.es ot -women. Uv ory convenionce for surnlcal cases. DR. CHARLES V. CHANDLER, U.of N. '92. 1381 O street. Hours: 8 to 10 a m-. S to 4 p. m.. 7 to b p.m. Sundays. A to 4 p m. Phones: Olllce 3!9. res. OPO-1710 D stn-et. Llutoln. Nob. J. E. MOSSHART, M. D. Special Attention to Errors of ltefractlon. Practice Llniltod to EVE. KAR, NOSK and THROAT. 1131 0 Street, - Lincoln, Neb. DR. J. F. STEVENS. Oniee 1130 O Strom. Olllce Telephone -itG. IiustJonco Telephone 4M. Lincoln, Nob Oi'i'iCE Hotiits: S DM) ays: 10tolSn.ru. IS tol p.m. S to h p. in. 3 to 6 p. in. A. D. WILKINSON, M. D. Otlloe ei uud 86 Hurr Illoeh. Ret... W(0 South 17th blruot. Tulephouet.: Ollico, (&0; rusldanuti, 'V3. M. B. KETCHUM, M. D.. I'lUK. D. Prof. OpttliOtuiology. Otolog y and Laryngology, Lincoln Mudlful Collogo. obt a thorouirti. privuto rouro lu retructlou, SjiectiioliH, lilted. Ofltw.SKifci ntbkl Hour.. 0 to l!:W-2of, J. li. HAQGAftD M. D. Ilctildeiut 1110 Gtret., Tol Sit. omee laa 0 Btreet. Room 17 anfl IB. Over Miller & Patau's, Tol. tm DR. M. H. GARTEN. PrHctlco llmliea to By. liar. Nobe unrt Throat, WS O street, Lincoln, Nobraslta E. S. KING, I'lno Wutoh RgpalririK. Scientific Refracting Optician (Crnduute) 1300 O Street, . Lincoln, Neb. CONFIDENTIAL, . . . Particularly to tho young man who thinks of buying clothing. Tho ono who docldoa to buy a Suit or Ovorcoat must bo In a predica ment If ho roads tho dlfforontclothing advor tlsomonts Our storo Is simple. Wo soil re liable goods, and aro ono prlco. Our gar monts don't got all out of shape with a few week's wear. prcilNE St iAsTSRFEi, The. Book Department HTOSHJMF.R & 00 Has heretofore been noted among University students for the very low prices at which nil supplies were sold. This year, while lower than c cr, com mensurate with quality, we have materially increased our stock. Wc are prepared to supply Text Hooks of all kinds at lower rates than were ever before made in Lincoln. Note the list quoted below. Wcssley's German-linR. Dictionary So 6o Wesslry's French-En. Dictionary Co Cassell's German-Ens. Dictionary i 15 Casscll's French-Eng. Dictionary 1 15 Cassell's Latin-EnR. Dictionary.. 1 15 Bessey's 3rief Hotany 1 00 Remscn's Elementary Clnmlitry. . 71 Graphic Algebra 1 -H Tisss-n.'. ullInAp it 1 .sl.r.lr.rt, f m I "-"C1"-' a W.......S., s.. o,s...s..v,w. . ,j ILauhlin's Mill 2 So Le Conte's Geology 325 Rolfe's Shakespeare, per, vol 50 Students' Standard Dictionary.... 2 50 J Standard Dictionary 10 50 Webster s International Dictionary a 75 History Paper, per 100 sheets. . . . 0 Estates are Made by Systematic Savings. 1. H. Evans, Pres. and Treas. The hvans Laundry 327-329-331 North Twelfth Street. TELEPHONE 199. - - LINCOLN, NEB. fm IT IS THE "STYLE' And "QUALITY" about the photographs made at the Elite That make them famous. All History Covers, leather back. History Covers, cloth sides... History Covers, board sides. . . . Fountain Pens, 14 Kt gold, 69c, Sk and 98c, each pen warranted. Waterman's ' ' 'Ideal'' Fountain Pens, $2,50 and upwards. Lead Pencils, polished, rubber tipped Black Ink, per 2 or. bottle J5. Fountain Pen Pockets Sc. 10c and 15c Student's Note Books "University" Tablets Ink Tablets, So sheets each Soft Paper Tabs, 500 pages each TEACHERS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN! Examine tlie Policy of the Now England Mutual. The Values are as definite as those endorsed in your Bank Book. This Company has been Chartered 63 Years. G. XV. NOBLE, Mgr., Phone 328 101 ostreet C. C. Quiogi.e, Sec. and Mgr. any Comp THERE MAY BE.... Places as good to trade at as our's, but certainly none better. Suits and Overcoats ready to wear and made to order. gEST goods .... For the least money at Mayer Bros. Studio on ground floor, 226 So. llth St. '5 10 01