The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 14, 1898, Image 1

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Vol. VII.
Pkiok 5 Cents.
J1 The gunies with wlc mul I'euiwyJvn-
Some Gossip About the Great Eastern School Its
Customs, Fashions and FadsAs Seen
By a Nebraskan.
Special to The Nebraslian Prom Its Regular Staff Correspondent
at Cambridge.
Tin u- Wax MIPulV SOlllo'tlhlllg peclll- concluded the Students were expected
iarh titling to the toa-jt "Alt Ijargo--, to teioss t he hall and outer Hli largo
allotted u tin" class of 'OS, nt tho last illiviny hall for the lufonna' i-eeep-alimnii
iMiiuuet, A Nebraska student Hon. 1 think, besides President El-
-ilinivm iMiinnct.
in Harvard university win orten icei
that tin- world has lost him, that Hie is
is "at largo" in a great unsympathetic
conmi'iiutj. It is somewhat niiitsiial
for India and Nebraska to unite on
any i'H' except silver but a bo ii
coiniMiiiniiKliip lia.s grown up between
a coram llrnhuian from Bombay, In
dia, a person well known to Chicago
and to Hiose who attended Hie l'nrlia
ment of lleligion, and myself,
we ;uv Iwith -studying at this, the
CTiMU-i nu-iicaii university.
li-odt and a few members of the fncul
ty, about Hfty suldonts, graduate rilu
deii'ts and tllie unsophisticated law
students, entered tlie dining hall. All
the others made a rush for tho yard
where t'ho Sophniore-Preshniniu rush
with tk lake place. Tins is somewhat
like our old nine rush only apparently
more senseless. There is no resisting
the sympathy, Jiowoor, for the prac
tice tiliait arises the moment you outer
1-ho old yard and see the thousandth of
people that line the walks awaiting
tine event. The thing itself is simple
all but the pnrl-iuipan s.
... 1 1... . 41.. ti!iiiitVL. lb.
,i hk.k jui -'";,; yough to
m tn. i.iw M-m, '"-" ;-. ICaehelass, grouped separately in solid
thai u.f new su,n .... B. ... ... ,,,inftinses Fushds rapidly towards the
KltMrnwrnncrac ra wipe Hi-- ,)tllcir. The appaivnit object is to cnish
wins .iiv z !'" j "; ,. VI 'the life out of the forineinost men in
W (1ml a room and to watch opening h Tiw miI obi,,n however,
even'- The lift day he Is Here, ..c i U Jo sce vJlIcll .. mn ..nlfch., (hc
sees vry few t-"- ""'. " Mn ,iher through the yard. It is surpris
afovv moiv. Then they begin to cone . quU-Wv one becomes really
in rapidly and they stop the. new wtn- jItcri,sUHl B0Jjnff fonr or five ImnH-
dcni on every vomer '"'. "..r" .,1 Imcs ranm tamih-r into om. sjlnir-
MTI --.- o
nla tire the ones that arouse enthusi
asm. Harvard expects to be beaten.
uinU will hae ready Its characteristic
indmereuec vvlien tlie tlufcui comes.
Tho green turf of the gridiron om Sol
diers' Field is quite different from the
hard1 Ixiro Held in Nebraska.
The Nebraska colors at llarviml is,
well, a thing of tlho future, Mr. Ed
nilsiton, '0 instruetor of Greek, lives
at 1158 Harvard. George llcnnrod has
returned to take graduate work in
chemistry anil lias moms in IVrkinn
Hall. J)r. Itotsfoixl, 'nstruetor in his
tory, lives at 13 Walker.
If J dared assume that your clliicf
interest weie in Harvard University,
1 Should continue m. infinitum or ail
nauseam to tell you of the many
"clubs, customs and classes that char
acterize college life in Cambridge.
Some of these thing you already
kfiiovv, oth', one has to be here ami
jMy "experience" money to tlnd out.
For instance you pay live Honors no
Uursor or "Hnrglar," tind you can find
out alnnit Focroft club. When
my experience has bjcomo a little less
vivid I may incntion it. Memorial, the
large dining hall tliat will sent over
hlx hundred, that, too, is interesting.
And lilien, Hananl flins tJit' original
Co-op affectionately spoken of as the
"i-ocri)", when you own buy a suit of
clothes, a eord of wood, a note Ixiok or
a ticket to the foot Ixill game. These
things and the street oar transfer sy
tern by AvQiioili you can, ride free. 1 shall
if lMu-mit'tod. seak fat anon.her
time. 0KV1M.K 11. MAHTIN.
Oct. 10, in Mollen St. Onmbrldgo,
The Boys From Iowa's State College Not Equal
To the Task They Assigned
Some of the Off Side Playing and Fouling Proves Very Costly
to Nebraska.
The game last Saturday wn of a
much more lii'teiestlng character than
Hie one the week befoie. The teams
were much more evenly matched anil
the men used more hoienco, the two
being the chief items in an' exciting
line up. When the Ames men trot
tod on the Hold at 3:30 they were
greeted with a goodly shout and a se
lection by the ningaphone double quar
tet, which had boon organized for the
given to the Ames lor an eye-openci.
i he ball at the end of the preceding
play, had been left on the end of the
Held. The 2sebrnskn boys, who had
previously fallen in at their proper
places, started the ball in. play, and
Williams was sent around the left end
and was half way down the Held be
fore the Ames fellows knew that the
Imll was in play. The triek netted
thirty -live yards. At the next play,
coini.nng poiiienoss .in u .isu, "i"y,w,t Hirhting heap
is Dune lln.lV .l lirsi you ico. iim ,i.iiir4. ,-,11,... is in Qnnbridsrv.
cated here you might le in Harvard
TClvoimng the student, old and . , ,,.; this because many peo
tot i I- only for a day. In a ory Hj.rv., ,i0 not tnow it, mm
shori iiiiM- the new student dlsl'ny- ljh(), ,, ,f vou (1M not nww heS,
?h hims f." that is becomes nWcj u that ITnrtiffo was
!.. 1.1 .,T.,i fliVim lltuP IMflV'T
i iiv Kit. . .. .-..-
lln t
one li is interesting to iittlt TJie nr
riv.i f the student body. Every eaT
frtmi '5isiton brings a doon or more
san i.iirned. robuM young friHowa.
Tlii v wear golf suits ami cap ntl
carrv the eoinentlloiml suit enwe, WHioti
not ii Ulie caiv tliey ai-e distlniguirili
ah'. mo. bv t.he peculiarly Harviurd
m. 11 noiu'ing vneir iin-. ruw"
is an explicable jmnidox in the so
itil,. I llarvsml eHiaTBicterlstties. ho
fl-muost Toi-i-o in Hils umivursity com
linin'in tends to create Individuality
ami vet you can tell a Harvard man
win ivor you see him.
( i in bridge i a biMiutnful pkice. You
we i in- tree- and fool the asswdatluiiK.
At nines one is impelled 'to ask if
Hien is not too much boldnoa in tllie
eugi-sitiioiis of t'hese a.ssViuiatiioms. liv
en building, old ami new inuservvs
some tradition. Most of the buildings
are ery old, but even the mew onus
are imi.t upon the nne severely
plain -tyle. It 5, indeed refrenflnlng
to om Win) Inn nQvvays lived in tUie
we-t io s-e this reverenee for the old,
not bt-K-ause it is the old, but because
it iv .iwvocjated with the early life of
tlie nation. A Uosrton man was tell
ing i'io oiiiIa iisteixlay how irrational
thus iNvereiiee was in lOngland wheit;
at l.ton tQie stuiden'ts sit on tSie name
nUi iiimiiiwij,ii iiih1ics tTiiit their
faihii- amd gniudfathors uswl'. Har
vard Hall was buiU in 17Gr and 1 am
not vi-t Hy)invigetl in my uet to
find on itUie benohe of that buWding
tlie mark of some very early olnws.
There is one tilling that a western stl
denit mm view wih a panlwnably sm
pi'nor air. That in tUie prdtenee of
Ihmii'l' in alnirry. It is not natmral for
tl' in uple to hurry and H U amusing
to - them trvriiiiir to niipcnr buwy.
Tin piiojde of IJoHiton stootl for hre
hons v-ateh'ing the Odd TVdlo-WK -M-rvid-
last monUi mirtl tflie.n witOi jrw
vnl iny lisuro viHnit tihnt mamy imw
lui is, ring to tlielr lioimas. Brnfiniess
v I- MiwjM-iideil; all the cars stopped
running: the jieople without tllie Ooasi
mipnt'iniee resigned thonipelvc to
tins enforeoil holiday and wniled pa
'"'iit until the cars TKUinil their
1'. one wsipiM-t, nt leaslt. the woleome
to new Ktiiiomi'tK seenied real to a KW
bnl-in rnfvwisltv sitiident, Bev. Ed
v nxl Everett Ha'le ga-ro tUie first ad
ilrow m pploton ehtipel Irnt Suivdlay
.- Tiimg Tt wan IndpHl, a ploasiire to
h.t-n again to this friend of TCebna--
ka The real reeoMion came Inst :Mon
dn evonliig '"l)loodv Monultiv." n
Rome mar kntow. The etudenti5! assom.
bll in Sanders theatre, ia remorlial
h'all arid tHiteo sbort addresses were
triven by President Elliott. Pwfeswor
Rhaler and' Professor -ToimeiH. TQiese
wldnf"u, fhotiKfo, were endured ratn
r than IWetipid to the injinnitlen't
freslnnen fter these exei-eiw were
for a long time in blissful ignorance
of tQie fact. Did 1 say blissful ignor
anoo? That is the Hananl student's
attitude. They scoff nt oo-oduontion.
l'.ut )erha)s I rfliall say more of lladi
clitTc some other time 1 know some
of the Nebraskan naleis would like
to hipsir a word about some of tUie pro-
It is gratifying to see tho manner
in whiuli the new athletic b anl is
get tiling to work. Dr. Ward was
elected president of the new organiz
ation, which fact insures us that bus
iness will lie aliened to in the most
iniproA od style. Every member of
the board is thoroughly alive to his
duties and all are making rapid
strides towards putting the finances
imon a firm basis. The board has
appointed a niiaiicliireet'oTflry,,inHl
are fortunate in securing Max- West
ternian to act in that csiiacity. A
standing financial committee has been
apiKiinted which is to have charge of
all moneys of athletics. The linnnces
will bo placed upon a Arm lxiis and
the strlotost economy will bo prac
ticed in all branches of athletics.
invasion. The idea of greeting the 1'illsbury was pushed across the line
for another touch down. Mclford kept
up his record by kicking an extremely
dillleult goal. Score, 120.
Ames kicked oil" to C'owgill vho re
turned the ball in the same manner,
'this, gave it to Ames, but they lost it
at once on downs. Benedict started n
rolling for us, but it was immediately
given back to the Ames boys on a foul,
i hey sent a man around the end
whom .Nebraska was unable to stop.
He went down the Hold at u groat rate
but was stopped just lief ore he
I reached the goal. They mished the
twill along after this, and in spite of
anything that Nebraska could do, they
made a touch down. Thev failed in
that they had a stone wall to run up i their attempt to kick goal. This made
against. 'Ihey then lot the bad on "ie score 1L' 5, in favor of our boys.
-0-w.iw. Our Amys yjwle live .ynirdu lil,-J-la AlBJjr5 -iJiU? --fiT0,,
visiting team in this manner origin
ated last year at the Kansas game
when Dob Manlev and three sturdy
followers, sprang a parody of ..ot I
Time on tlie unsuspecting public,
It was so favorably received that it I
was though". lest to repeat the per-'
forniauco this time. The result shows
that none of the old time popularity
has been lost.
4 ne yanic opened u .m.iohisu.i ias-iiig-
u ic urn -or i mi Kieiv olt. Xney
seim .i duvvn uie imo lor lorty-nvc
yauls lor a starter. Ames quickly
'atlioied it up and then yiu us an ex
muatiuu ot tnclr rapid nne-up. Tlus
vvoi-Kod admirably until they found
ready to TT-fy "Tbr" gosif, Cowgiir imag
ineil that, he saw the Ames man touch
tho lill to the ground and made a run
for it. The point was not allowed bv
Iho referee, and tho attempt was made
just the same.
Nebraska kicked oil. TJie km a
1 a. I
aroinid Uie end and trough the center,
mid then Stringer lost this much on
an unfortunate piny. This was coun
terbalanced by a punt which Ames
fumbled and by so doing allowed us
io rutin n the boil. Krwin made live
vnrds Ihrouuh the center. 1'illsbury
. . .. '......... ... :,..i ... .. .
enrriod it on, bin it was given to tne .--b wuhvi urn mia imek, ju-, .is
Iowa bovs on a foul Tin made live ,111t'h,Vrt! " ixrii u yUi t'ia at
vnrds bv end .lavs and th.-n funi- I ;,M- -'.- unoUier of the .Nebraska
bled the ball, llenedicl had boon " "' l "V Vheni but io no
, ....-.... ,.. i avail. . the tunc thev hail le.uOied
nangi ng aro. ... .u . . . ........ v ; tllc. ,,,,, of tJ0 - , J,.,. ,llllIMM1.
en o tiuiiK, and vvcjilt after t'in
like thih to distinguish hinisell, so he
ponied hih jirecoding iiorformnnce and
promptly fell upon it. ErwQn re
made five yards more. 1'illsbury made
some and then wo wore forced to give
up the ball on account of a foal.
Ames tried to make an end play, but
Stringer took after them and downed
the man, with a loss to the Hawkeycs.
The later then punted forty yards and
Cowgill was hurt in trying to re
turn the ball. This caused a few min
utes delay, but no serious couse
nuences from it. He soon returned to
and succeeded in sHorniing Oiim. It
Wt. u good niclwo Inn a long time in
I coming and the rooters along the
side 31nc fairly groaned at the poor
attempt,. Ames iinediailely lost the
ball on downs. After a fumble of an
end play Cowgill punted. Ames punt
ed Iwick to Cowgill, w-ho nin off tJlie
ilelil in hi-- attempt to dodge tQie
taeklersi. When Hie refeiee earned
tihe 'ball in, our boy-, tried their quick
line up pin, again, this time around
the opposilte end. The Ames Ojovs had
lot forgotten the tlurtv-iive yards
f-M)ik those who vvriteour textbook
'Hills wubjeet, too, 1 reserve, except to
suy thai' rrofewwor James gave uio
on'ly dieoring welcome to tllie new stu
dent, speaking oi wie wui " -diirerent
wleonie which tQie new stu
dent received, he wild, "If you should
die during the year," and he paused
wfhlle all a waited anxiously the con
elusion, "vou have now t'ho satisfac
tion of knowing that your obituary
will be printed in the Harvard Orim
aoii, and It will say that you were
known nn'd loved by evoryome in your
A man more familiar to you tfl.'aw
any Harvard professor is Albert Vornr
Dicey. Vinerian professor of law nit
Oxford, England. Professor Dicey is
at present here in Cambridge and un
der the ausipcees of Harvard law
school will give a course of eight lec
tures on the "Development of English
Daw During Hie Nineteen Hi Century."
Tucxdiiy the junior clas held thoir
Jlrst meeting oi the your. Mr. l'lovv
heml was elected sorgeunt-at-arms;
.Miss llushton, liistorian, and Mr. x'ills
bury manager of the football team. As
tJicre are four and possibly five va
cancies on the annual board, tlie editors-in-chief,
Messrs. itoper and Wood
land were constituted a committee to
make nominations for new members.
The class will meet again next Tues
day to decide upon the matter.
play as if nothing hat! happened. Ben- t:hat Williams made around the end
edict made live yards, lovvgiu iuckcu
foiiy-llve and 1'illsbury downed the
lovvn quarterback, who had the ball,
within live yards of their goal. Now
it, when the Nebraska brace became
the apparent feature of the
game. The boys realized that they
had a good thing, feo they held Amos
and caused Uicni to lose the Imll on
downs. Ervvin was then given a
ehtuioe to go through the center, but
little came of it. An end play was
also niiido with no lietter resultis.
Flniilly Pillsbtuy was wnt aeixiss the
1'wie for the firat touch down of the
game. Molford kicked goal. Score,
Tliik time Ames had a chance at the
kick oil'. The ball was sent spinning
down the field to Cowgill. Benedict
then kicked back and Ame. fumbled.
Ill lio tit happened along just in time to
fall on the ball. He succeeded in get
ing his hands on it in some unknown
manner and started for the enemy's
'1 he faculty made Wednesday a
holiday in order to allow the students
to go to Omaha for President's Day
at the exposition.
Thor will be no lack of althlotic
enlthnslasm in football this year if
the number who attend the practice
games h a true barometer.
it a preceding play. The lesult v-ns
that tUie entire Ames team were
wntU-hing like hawks, but at the wrong
enld. consoqiientOy we made a good
gain. Time was called a few minutes
'liter without anything more of im
P'o'i'tniiioe happening.
At the beginning of the second half
Am tv took Hie baill for th kick on.
15i'vvln got the beill, but being unable
to run vvfth it on account of the near
juvsf-. of the other side, he passed tQie
Iwiil'l Jo Cowyill. vvlho returned it by
a klfk. Amies made a few attempts at
endi center playv and made live yards.
Itefoie they could make five more,
however, tihey lobt the ball on downs.
Them Hnnie tOie prettiest play of the
game. Cowgill called Turner back.
Hciid!u-t was given Hie lialll and
followed Turner throughi een'tior,
broke away from thv- interefrenee,
and vvenit acrosc the Hold from the
center of the field to the Ames goal
for another touch dovvm. Tt was a
sHIar play, irnd the crowd went wild
over "Benmy." Mel ford failed1 for
goal, the fiivst one Hint he missed in
goal. There is not a great deal of
doubt but that he would have made K1 'li's .vr.
it, had he not happened to run into i Ames looked oil' again
Walker, a little fellow plnyhig quar
ter for Anics and one of whom they
can be justly proud. This confused
Elliott and he dropped the ball and
lost it. For the next few minute, the
Iowa loys put up v fast article of ball.
They made five yards around the end.
then loal half a yard. An attempt
io punt followed, but it was blocked
by Tleasoner and Elliott, who fell on
the ball again. A new deal was now
After a
series of see saw plays up and down
the field, ClnwgiTl trifVl for goal bv s
place kick. The ball won't squarely
over the center of the har, but the
play was not allowed on nCcount of
an oil' side play by Nebraska. Our
boys ooii' made another fourth down,
by sending Williams around the right
Tho rest of the game wa merely a
(Continued on paife 4i