K mm Ladies' Capes Jackets w y W Wo glvo you n vory onrnoat In Invitation to vlalt our Clonk nnd Suit Dopnrtmont. Wo aro showing an assortment In Clonks, Fur Col larottos and Suits, which wo think aurpnasos that of nil othoi Lincoln atoroa comblnocl. miLLER&PAlNB. HE STUDENTS' SUPPLY STORE . ROPER &. FUNK, Props., 1129 R St. OnP022Sr JLTT JlLiJLi I-IOTTIRS. A full line of Student Supplies, Text Hooks, History Note Paper and Covers, OUTI.INKS for American and Kuropenn History. WATKRMAN'S 1DKAI. FOUNTAIN l'KNS. M.COND-IIANl) HOOKS sold on small commission. TYPKWRITINC. and Ml M HOC. RATH INC. done at the store. Agents for CI. ARK SON LAUNDRY COMPANY. Leave bundles at the store. BRICK BLOCK HOARDING CLUB, 320-3.'.' North nth. Call and see us KOl'KK & FUNK. NOTES OF INTEREST. Dr. Mart in Van Huron Sfti'Wiiw, (1 .M'iii'8 OiM, is a law wludeirt at tlio MlJito University of Kiiiimim. Ho es puuUs t.o graduate nuxt spring. Jle Im1" alrend'y iveelveti decree from oMior eflllUtfUfl, IX Ik wild Mini Hit! hik.'ikMnii' of J)r. U. HiMiJiiiinlii An'drowH us profit li'till of llrmvit Ijiilwiwlty, will I ln lilio Nov. ICdwiml .'IiuIhoii, 1), I)., pantor of t'lio .ImIhoII .MlMIKH'llll HlMl'Oll, Now Yorn ('My. A. I' Monlinoroiiuy, who graduated from tlic university In is l, writes (rom tins city of Ale.vli'o to liuvu (lie pi'oinlHcs to remit iih hood mm Ins unit get Home Aiiilm'Iciiii money. There !r no place 011 M10 globe to wliloh Uiuh'er Mty moil lo nut go and1 tlie NeliHankniu of emirwe, iiuihI follow. .Mr. h. V. IJwart, Heoretury of the Oratorical iiMtodiiitlmi, Iiiih already when eliai'Re of the work and Ih work lug liai'd to Hccurc the pH.i'H Hint have boon oIV'.'hmI In piiNt yeai'N for this school year. Ilerchiforc the wlaaui'H of oratorical finitc.slM have not ulwayn ivonhi'd their miicH In full, bill a Htrong idVorl Im being inndo to have all I I he prlcH paid tlil-s year. 'I'licro ir nol net lor miilenal iinywlieiv lor conliwt mils In HiIh Held tliiiu hi our Uirlvor idly, and there hIiouIiI lie alargo num ber of them enter the contest. HERPOLSHEIPIEB CO. Special Sale o Dress Goods.. BEGAN HERE FRIDAY MORNING AND WILL CONTINUE FOR EIGHT DAYS... i ma.K Hireling of mUuIimhIs and faculty in 'helil In ('Impel Tumla,, at c cIiiiikm imur for tun tMirpose 01 electing a commlMcc 1i uil ili'rgc of t.liv colJt'gc steTI lenient work. The following' W(mc cthoMMi as inoniboi- of ihi coininitilce: It. ( Ionising. . C. IliiK Mliis Kd-lth Henry ami Mlw IC1- m folk, I'mr. t'Osslcr, Mic ivtlr piwldcu't made a diort rciwrt of 11' wo-K. ' lVluliu for i V wish V V WiitfMuiui h KoMtttum I'mt OU jh iih taken iu purl oxi-liuum1 HANNVS 1U5 Sl'OKl1. Nortluiist Cor ttUimulO Turpin's School of Dancing. Children's class, Saturdays 2:30 p. m. Ladies' and ontlomun's class. Mondays and Thursdays Sp.m. Vive Academy offers inUnntago for cotillion chilis, private part ', etc l newly (ui'iilslicd tual dooomtod. Will he rented at reasonable rates, lor further Information address, ALBERT TURP1N, i!J0NlnTO L " " Will H fcln'' ". Northwestern University Medical School... The high st.md.irds aiuI progres mc tuethois which have civen this .h ol ": enviable reputation for over :.- 5..irv ,,re arel'ulU m.rntamed. - ot u-:.i :. e icre:a' JLMd KX3vi H v V.i:..' J. F r X THE BEST SKILL THE BEST OF EMPLOYES. THE BEST STARCH. f&NM fJJ.K.iI:J V ! ' lit BEST LAUNDRY .dni: nili! w' hiHiiwinll. Willi ipnitn V.U. namic im niht '.liiuin. X. 'vue'l iiarniilmtll. AV inal1 nalket 3. pv -;tn CiJi up WJJ. K F Or N.S. DAVIS. 2'VSt Dea-DO'n Chica 'HRKST, UY LZQ Kui nu'i jX u1-:" 1 - m ll"ff il inHcn 1 hentp JKl "V cll WPt PnW xwrm jV m m till III si IIUK-ljfc cl.is whs hcldH yHr leyBTi tHcut, coBtii 1 win ten l Mi I MPtts yMer Met TvHF r 1 Dr. Ward, of the department loy.N. has heea hononl h, the can .Microscopical iciciv. lillv elected its secretary at the held in Syracuse, . 'N ., llicotlier oliieers- were: William t Krauss ' vice president. Vrof. V (ihmihas; second ice u. 1. uuuer or nn tivasuiTf, rafiuiH V; mirjr; esecutic com iitijre or Ithaca Dr. of Ryraeiiso, and D, Ithaca. r I. cut. Ilrst e 01 at. Dr. Mich.: rof IMtt- 'rof. . H. 'ord Meiver ioore of I'lli lii si HUH' cl.is was he Aftvr much ni' pi.u-tuv l lit ot s Pre lifs' , it the l-ivs man Fnciluv aft m-i i.m ami parli.inn iii- iHi tne iii;,. inir ( r- Cltas. . !'..tts; . Cms. ,.;: siv- . Miss ,ln ne.s; "ft 11 ir.iMiu; tiisisiuor. Hvory piuoo of Now Dtohh (IchkIh in LIiih linnao lm iliiiiiiiitiKI 1 VJ ttillll II I I Juiitii litiltiiiiinik .... 1 umuiwiiu 11 upuuuu j. nuu ivuuouiiuii, ami CVCrvl lino of goodH, ohoiip, inuditiin or high cIiihh, will ba Hiicriiiood during tliiH hiiIo. TIuh in an opportunity wniuit no onu uun auoru iu ovonooK, ior it inontisl that you arc otmblod to purohaso tho vory choicest productions of tho season, right at tlt hoginlngofi tho season, for loss monoy than, under ordinary circumstances, you could procure- tho tmmo goods ati tlio ond of tho year. SALE OF NEW WALKING HATS .... Is always in progress, and to say tiio least, tlio price named on tlio newest ami mopt popular stylos of tlio season, right at tho time whon thoy aro in grontost demand, are marvels of lownoss. See Daily papers! and Circulars for particulars. HERPOLSHER & 60. Ilacs 1 .f .ipMin tam. freshmen t.n I- II it w 1 1 Men li V I- 'llolltl' I' Ms ,n , ,,! C'.i 111 11 ii;ci . ,rd Stu . of the freshmen M. McDonald wag in the con- tlic rtfsh-Mipu Tilt ft ei!imon sutri- ''1 .1 ' irirc '' is. .mm !.ii j- .u in in t'l.i 3. ' - voc PtU. UlKiJ ill L :1()U Z- ''2. v J'5'J m" i M Zi Ji;m; .1. 1 'n in wcj ,4iTil u- Jl jMM j0i VWBh V WMilti jtltf s HhSAv ' " ftr ISA1 WICUB- 1UII. iSAa? (ElT , TmiiSI C992S- irtlrv 2"l(- b-L Sc C. PER ill OP t O ST. X n f th.- s-ii.L'vst footUill trains ,aw.i...la 'r the beaHi of Nnlc' ...... m u. jro tticrv to train -r ;.u' 'iniai "J?t;eirt Uaptnin," '- -auk 11 iik liiiikcy will eotioili -v iT ". Vu llatriw. Thero aro he- r- i iv pi. :.-is t,i. iVir, iu,t toy wm ' ' ' --i. .n,i tfiv appllwuitB ' - ti..'i t.o iav team to lh -m.- t u Huike. ,imt CupKiiii uuan.rjrUin .f ale will sand some sji tt vai ni.iuttss for (Haitians ou tihe jii. u:i:rraiou to lYnmwaiuhib. l.jii H.i kej's prlDci(al reairoiv for V . u to s to New Haven is, thv i -at hi biislifeevs will iiLVevs.si- - h. prtsewf in 'lonuwaiiihi. He maunder ami proprietor of a . - -.u. store iu that city, ami he s - . i- it wilt oe quit; invjiowsi tlo ' '" ifu for un kiivtth of - 1' .k uu aUuitloued till.- study v( .1 . .ja ,im joliitic ami ha so. urd u .ah to oufdnew. Thr ..im wnt from New Haven will jrt uiin-h praetice to Mirintiikgf and tfc- w .1 u? placed in u oitioa on fia- t-.-ii that thc will occupy on the lt teurn. They will fjer imiaters ou pt-.tm down the tleld when the hall t-nappt'l and will yet special prao nice in blocking mass plays. It is aKl that llinkey will tliroiijh mi the entire season coach the new team to lw organized here, ami he Hy give a good deal of his attention to the North Tonowanda Hich school J team wb;oh played for Mie Iriflisxthool igAuipionsnip last year witn tne .Main- m l l.lKil &VUUUI IL'.llll ilt IJ Some of the best men who will My get places on the team nliout orEantzetl bclonir to the Third Pork Yolunteem. Hinkey. who also played in eleven, will cvt a niiu'o on lcTn, wtiich will flgure In match games with the and Pennsylvania teams. TET TUB CLARKSON LAUNDRY before you tie ujd with any laundry. OUR WAGONS GALL ANYWKERE-ANY TIME.. WHEN rOU TRAVEL ALWAYS TAKE THE v n 11 u: TXZttn THE BEST ROUTE FROM LINCOLN, NEB. if -SEVERAL. TKUSTWOHTHY In Ihls state to mansire our bust. own ana nearoy counties it is rvoik coaduetcd at home. Salary a year anil expenses aeniUto , no less sainry. .Mommy Enclose self-uildresscil Beibort E. Hess, I'rest., To OMAHA All points east. KANSAS CITY east and south. DENVER and all Colorado points. OGDEN and SALT LAKE. BUTTE and HELENA. PORTLAND. SEATTLE, SAN FRANCISCO and LOS ANGELES. Has the Best Modern Equipment. Pullman Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dining and Free Reclininu Chair Cars. For Time Schedules, Tickets. Reservations of Berths, Call or Address, E. B. SLOSSON, Gen. Agt., io-m O St., J. T. MAST1N, C. T. A. Lincoln, Neb. H. G. BURT, Pres., E. DICKINSON, Gen. Mgr., E. L. LOMAX, G. P. T A. Omaha, Nebraska. For Style, Quality and Price .... -IN- TAILOR MADE GOODS You slioulil eull on NEBRASKA PANTS & SUIT COMPANY, j&", 143 N. 13th St. Oliver Theatre Building. m