The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 07, 1898, Image 1

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Vol. VII.
I'kiok 5 Gents.
Important Heeting Held in Chapel for the Purpose
of Putting Athletics Upon a
Sound Basis.
The Student Members of the Board of Control Hereafter to be
Elected by the Student Body Important Reforms.
On List Saturday morning' the Ath
ctic ,i .ociution of the University of
Xcbra: l..i became a thing of the past.
For soic-al years the affairs of the
asso'iatiKii hove bi.-onie more and
mor' tangled until It seemed that u! e
best thing to bo done was to dissolve
it. Tlio departments of athletics lisiv
heretofore been run independent, of
each her, each having a sejKirute
manncrr and trcastirer, who wn in no
wn responsible for the condition of
affair-" except as lie feM dis-nosed to
make a roKrt to the atihletie board.
There has 1hcu much dissatisfaction
willi i he way tlringa have liecn con
ducted, but nothing definite wis talk
ed of until this year. The aMnchment
of tin- gate receipts of the Iowa Ne
br.iK.i foot ball jjami' at Council
muffs lust year was a surprise to all
aid has acted as an eye-opener to
those interested in the affairs of the
association. T5y a comparison with the
eastern colleges it was found that the
t'nivrMty was far liehind the times
and plans were set on foot to put the
finances of the athletics on a firm ba
sis ard brinjr the stnnrtanl oT our
school up to what it should be.
The association was called to order
by the president, V. 12. Andreson. who
appointed F. Van Yalin. acting- crc-
Tin- secretary is asked to read the
fytii-: rv.ii.iioi.:
Wlicrcas. TliU nsrocinion has now
uruiucn mere form, having- under the
presfiit constitution of The Athletic
boanl no other function than the elec
tion .if certain ineinlMTs of the AUlnUl
klMKnd. to which all of the activ and
din-. control of athletics is now
W. L'.it.-il. and whereas, it is no long
er .I. -'r ihle to keep tin the orgai.iiii
1wm of the Student Athletic associa
tion -if the University of Nebraska.
in-- i' functions can 1m. siiitahly per
forin, i1 by the student body at large.
U--.,ed. That the Students' Ath
letic .---iation of the I'lmersity of
Nehrti-U.i be and hereby is dix-ont'ii-ued
l. i In- tietion of the meudwrr .'
the ;!-.- x-i.-it ion.
HcMilwd further. That hereafter the
meiiiiN-i of the AthJetic ImkiiiI heie-tofon-
ilt-etcd by the nwwejntlon bo
-le-i.-. Ii mas meeting,' of Ulic wtn
denu of t.hf Univorahy for the time
bcit.c .11 id upon payment to the proper
offjr .,f s,iid ltonrtl of tthc stun of .'0
Vtn .. ;i qualification to vote. t..o
mm,- i . b.jr the sum liyretfo-.o
chary. ,! for nnuual menibomip in this
) .'on. nny male nieiiOier of the
l'niti'1-r) be entitled to tote at siufli
ma. ii i''iinffs.
l!i-. Mil further. Twit live ti-iwfoes
If ii ui.tdl to wind up the affairs of
this a.x-iat ion. conduct the litigation
ww h nding in it name, and in jwir-ik-ular
ilie unit of Crawfond vs.
toie nwK-isitior of the University of
Nebtri-Vii. now jiendintf in the courts
of tine Mate of Iowa, to take possesion
of th- property of the association, ap
praiw and value the mme and apply
it or it. proceeds to the payment of
me ii-1 ts of tliis association.
After i he- rending of rowlutions
foe li- i 'vicn hvs o-peiiMl to tQie
lu-. Dr. TSoK-oe Pound, who was a
charter meinher of the nssoriation
!! wri organized in 1R90. was pros-
ami wtia nsked to wpeah to Wic
nenilter of Uic awHat4on. lie gave
k"n' ftnunini' riminiconces of the
wrjy i1tn of Uuiveritv athletics and
xjlBinl Ihe danger of continuing
Uw a-iM-isitinn nc it nvWlied. After he
whe ttup i nest ion was called for and
the m-olntions were adonted.
Tlio five member to act as trustees
of t5ie nwK-iatioii wore eleclcd. They
are: Tloseoe Tonnd. Otis 0. Whipple.
jw. L. Tohth'. A. A. liohoff awl Oeo.
Vremldoni AiwItcsoii immediatoly
'IU1 down and out. and tQie meet
I nv wh eoiivirrtetl into a map meet
I Intr.
0ti fl. Wiipple was riominaitcd and
Nti hairmnn. TTe appointed 12d
heprv wcrcinrj'.
A motion wjif made mid carried to
Troced 10 the election of the five fitu
li inimlerR of the AtWHiJc IkkitVI.
uiwimn-lv elected hv the athWic nsso
'iotlon. Tlie folloving men were electa
ed to lucnibciNhip on the 'boar"': C.
M. Storv, C. H. Williams, Joel StobVins,
V. 12. ritirk tmd l- Van Valitu
Uesolutions were hilrodiieed lvcoin
incndiug' that tflie Athletic board pro
ceed to put the finances of the athlet
ics on a firmer basis and the uso of
the warrant and voucher system ini the
transaction of all business. It was
also suggested that managers make
monthly reports to tflie lioartl. The
inectltwjr inssel thtse resolutions and
then adjourned.
T10N. 'Pbi-s timely ndinonltion h delgiiat
el for uu&ophistivMited h'tudciLiti w'lio
may lltnl thenKselves on t'ho Trana
.Ml.ssi.swipp! exposition, ground some
evening with a girl. Close, and earnest
study of this article may bo of great
value to the indigent.
In the first place don't do it if you
can help it. It won't get you nnv
thing. In wise it is unavoidable that you
should stare financial ruin in the face
by escorting u fair daiuwel along the
gauntlet of the costly blandishments
of the 'Midway, stsirt ti hitc in the ev
ening' as possible. Time means money
in this case. (Jet off the ear at the
west end of the grounds ami hold the
girl by the electric fountain as long
as you win. luti will be irresistuiblv
drawn toward the east end of the
grounds, mi don't bo surprised when
you feel yourself going', tlet up good
speed in goiu over the viaduct in or
der that you can get past Market's
without your girl reading the signs.
If you do this much you are very
lucky, ami the SI ran be spent other
wise. When you strike the Plaza remain
until the concert is oer, invariably.
Here you will spend thirty minutes
and save half sis many dollars. When
this is over and you feci a small hand
lugging on your arm, put all your
The Enormous Score of 76 to o Piled Up by the
'Varsity Boys in the First Game
of the Season.
The Game Causes Little Excitement Along- the Bleachers and
Side Lines.
lugging on jour arm, puv 1111 jourioup ,K)..& to .m. ., for aU K.. luissotl
money in one ioeket, grit your leMi,ust vwr. Vhot4iw or not they weirt
and start atolls' the east Midway.
rhe -Moorish theatre is not mne
tiioncd by Hunk Mueller and you may
be able to gvt out of taking' her in
Songs to Sing To-morrow.
Take vour Neibnif-htui with yon
the game tomorrow and be prepared thereby. Keep your back on the ier
to hi thee1 yells ami sing .nec man vilhigv-, and tell her the enetian
Miifr. It will stir ou up. make you
This gave Hastings the ball once more.
A slight improvement wu .eeiii in
their playnig, as they made twx g:ood
eiftl runs, the first time gaining one
yard and the second tiim. iu
i'liis Kittled our boyis so much that
they look a remark-able brace uud
gained the bui'l on downs. Cowgill
punted thirty yards uml then the is
itors" made borne more fruitdess at
tempts to gain gixjund. Hreod ospc
ciail putting' forth extra effort, .Ne
braska now took the ball and tent
Williams aixmud the end with iu He
home a wiser anil more determined carried it under the posts, but dropped
The Hastings foot ball team hurtled
in town hist Saturday fully determin
ed to show the 'Varsity boys a few
tilings about the game llchind them
they had si few sturdy admirers and
a last gear's record, in which they had
not been beaten in fact, it is rumor
ed taint they were never even scored
against. The latter fact nia, or may
not be true; we do not venture to pass
an. opinion. It is sufficient to say that
they received enough in one doe from
enthusiastic and insure you enjoying
the game. It will help the lioys ploy
the game, kick t'ho Iki.11 and make
Mush and milk and sunflower seevL,
That's the stuff on which we feed,
We're the hot stuff of creation,
We're thu Xebrnsknn aggregation.
Mary had a little lamb, ,
It's fleece was white as snow,
And everywhere that Mary went,
Tj! lamb was sure to go A
Iliiimh ror'Mn'rj-,
Humih for the lamb.
Hurrah for the teacher,
That didn't give .1
Hobblcl Gobble! Kaz.le! Dazzle!
S i s 1koiii! ah!
'Varsity! 'Varsity!
Hah! Kali! Knh!
Air Marching Tluoiig'h Georgia.
Once again we're on the turf,
And ready for the fray.
Once again we've come to sfliow.
The fanners how to play,
Once again we've formed our line.
We're bound to win the day.
While we go marching to victory.
Hurrali! Hurrah! for the X. .' U-.
Hurrah! Hurrah! for the loyal, brave
and true.
N'exer late, but nil to date.
We'll push the pi skin through.
While we go marching to victory.
If you think we're half asleep,
Or" altogether tame.
That is where wc'H fool you,
Kor we'll get there just the fcnme.
Ylvi-ry man is wide awake.
And "always in the game.
Wide we go marching to victiory.
Tlio iv. steady, lioyw. along- tilite line.
Don't lot those fannens through.
We'll break their tackles, run- their
iwl buck tflieir center, too.
We'll draw the royal mimele of the N.
S. IT.
While we go marching to victory.
Mr My gir's a Corker.
My girl's too good for you.
She's from the N. S. U.
Goes to aU th foit ball games,
Who told you so?
She i so fair and sweet.
And ithi you must concerto.
How in the world d'.iou find out?
Phc told me mi.
gondola with its wierd music like n Y.
M. C. A. glee club, makes your head
ache. You can inform her that you
would not dream of talcing' her on the
streets of Cairo without her mother.
This is a good bluff and sometimes
works nicely. If she conies from Wa
hoo or Vaixirais-o she will want to
see the big whale and you might as
well let her.
When you get to the junction of the
cast and north Midway you nave a
snap. Head her into the jKiwcr house
and explain the machinery to her for
half an hour. It doesn't cost a cent.
Gross the north viaduct at a good pace
tliure are resturants there, l'atron-
l ic 'the see miw. It is inexiiensive and
wastes a lot of valuable time.
And now. my boy, take warning and
don't .hoot the chutes unless you
outfit, lies entiro'iy with themsehes.
Our boys, did all that could be expect
ed of them in such a yhort space of
time. No one could hope to show
them in one afternoon all that it has
taken our boys years to lcariu
The score, 70 to 0, tells a long story
of its own. Our boys chased up and
down the field in a inanmer that made
the spectators feel sorry for their
respiratory apparatus. From the very
first they' kept scampering' back and
forth between Center and the enemy's
gen'.. Not even after they had the
game fast in their grasp did they stop
it. This caused u kick from the live
yard line. Garrett fumbled. Nebras
ii, however, kept the ball. Ituns by
Williams and Kingsbury sent it across
the line.
At the next kick off Hartt fumbled
le. Hasting 'had the ball but was so
I kicked iu Hartt followed- and re
deemed' himself 'by an excellent tack
le. Hastings had the ball, but were so
anxious? to get rid of it that they re
sorted to a kick. After this Williams
made fifteen. arils and1 Kingsbury
ten . CowkIU now yuve the visitors a.
little deviation by kicking a goul from
llus was
vurds. Tliev gained nothing, however,
for on the line up Henedict wns sent
around the end for ill) ycords. It
costs you ."0 cents to brralhe here and j H,,.,jUHj
your breath conies awfully quick. loo-.,t, ja
If vou cam press her nwnv a few feet
further j-ou can get her into
Darkness and Dawn. 'Iliis will scare
Soe-nlo Kid luii v. are before you
thing which no man with a girl has
over yet recalled. If you can't- stri..e
a moneyed friend by tflie time you fln
idi these, start home with her immedi
ate? v. It is n long wnJk iinto town.
to net a breatlh of air or a wonl of en- the field wth a placed kick.
eouragemen-t from their nmny friemt a now experience to them, but one
on the 'bleachers. that was dul uppiecialcd, as was
At the toss Captain Melfonl was j&'liowii a few moments later when the
successful audi choe the eouth emljKime thing: i tried again. Tins
of the field. HiiRiiiig'sJined up quictc-. time it was unsuccessful, on account
l. and tricil to fool our lioys by u'of the sjieed of the Hastings Ixicks in.
sivift rush and u lcick of onsy ten i blockiiig1 the kick. A drop kick from
the also resulted in a failure.
Time was called at this ppiii't with the
score 33--0.
Tiie second half was merely a rejie
titiou of the first, only more of a foot
nice. Nebraska kicked off. Hastings,
gained a few yards by end ph'.ys and
rlien iuntel. This gave Nebraska the
baM again airtl they proceeded to make
good use of it. Uy a scries of end runs
and confer rusluis, it was carried down
the 11 oAl for till another tuucli down.
After tlliis touch downs were made by
Kingxbury (:). IMHirtiury, Williams
and Stringer. Then in order to clo.-e
the game in gooil style and to show
Hastings that we had no Ill-feelings
toward I hem, Cowg-ill made another
place kick from the field. This ended
the first game of the season on the
home grounds. The score had reached
the enormous figures of 700, the
!urge-;t ever made by a University f
Nebraska tiun against any rival.
The Irne up of teams mis as follows:
find imprisonment for debt a pleasant j UMjkn ke toudl ,!,; i,t he was I'.ven line mre Miniu.i slol.M,, at ,;, nin frolu the goal
rcareil giri will start a man on ' l-nds -tarted 1he spectator.- on a howl
path of mendicancy in this jonrt. It w.,it t.olltt.,i ,,,,-tii lMMsburv was
oner the line a couple of min
tei Mt!fonl kicked an easy
gol wfliiti gave the game n good start
of 00. Huntings lined up for the
kick off again, but this time they had
1o trv any fancy
. ... ... ,..
her to ilontai ami saw win wniw 10 go li11.,1,1 .., rt ... ,rv .. fB1IM.v ,,1.,,-s
home. If you encourage her freely in jT,K, ,,., lnm,i it.m.,iit.t's s,rms
tills whim it may ic your life. thlrtv vnrds from center, but it wn
If slie d-ocfc nut get frightom-d "'"' ;t.vkleirtiv wann. so he punted it back
it is needless to my that your are nitWllUv wnA A nttle mixiip follow
ruinel man. The switchback. Hagen-i ; "fl, Pllteburv gained the ball,
bock's. All Nations. Destruction of the Afh.r two t.ilwi om'i ,,i,ITOf 15enedict
Maine, tlie naiiuiwi .-iwnnfr nun. "c'Kit. :, jrool run and a touch down.
Y. M. C. A. NEWS.
V. M. C. A. work Is still wkiig
high water mark. The suofpsw of the
wcrk tMs Tail is tlmt it is not helnc
kine bv n few but by the many.
ISUiV c'w are b"lntr organieil
inpldly. 'Hiere have never Iwen w
many men onroKwl in ihow o'.tu&er be
fore! II. II. Tucker, im I'hainuan of
I that oonmi-Uteo is having quite a sue-
' CCJMi.
The noon day program meetings
held at 2:1.' wicJi school dny. All
youiijr men get-Hnc out of whoo' at
that hour are iiwilrd to meet In the
The Sui'dnv ineotings mre ifiowirg' :n
ii.tler.Uini-e and interet. t)ii of the
font uro i the instrumental music.
vliMi trivet, a jingle to the ong mT-vicc.
eonwntion wil lie lieul -r
The Sophmore-r'realimuii contest
pi-omlMi to lie more interesting this
vi.m. i!ini iir. 'Plierc arc more con-
iKaitK liii tniiiiiujr and a number of
good men. will no doubt ne urougm
out for spring- -nHrk. New men wio
iutond taking In this meet , should re
iiioiiilwr foui't things: Pirrftr-rhat
the ihntc of the contest is October 22.
..,.,. ,..i 'niirit idi ooiwtcstnnt mus-t
have a phyUiil examination. Third
That wmtiwUurtK must be rcg'iXtcml
for ivg-uhir a-tllilotie training-. Fourth
luifnni ft lofclbck p. m. Octohcr 15. ET-
- -'Wml all cn'trces miiHt lie in on or
coni'iueneo Octolwr 17.
ory available man nhould oe gotten out
oitflior to take part in -Wic contest or
Hue Imj on the side lines to urge on
his I'liiMMiven.
He foil "Sit his wnv nUnio for sonic dis-
tcince. which sliows that the individ
ual piny for wfliich Coach Yost is not
ed, is belli;; put inrto thr i1ayers, to lie
Uf-ed wlien noeesHtvry. M"elforl again
kicked an easy goal. hieh niade tflie
score 120.
Hastings kick . off again for forty
vn life. Cowgill was under the baS
ami punted back. This gave Hasting-s
the litiM on the line iii.. It nroved,
Imiwovoi. that it was as easy for Ne-
flirnOui no niin irrawrtl wlien llast.ins
had the ball as w'lien she hid it her-
t-c!f. fbr they puVied team, ball and
everything iiwirly to their opponents'
This was anotflier unoNpectoil out
break to Hastings, so they promptly
mened up matters by losing the nail
on down. Nr4rnkn then made their
thinl toudhdown and Mefonl kept up
his good' work by kicking- goal afiiiii.
Score. IS 0.
Dy Wiis time our lioys wei-e begin
ning to grow tireil, on account of flic
HixfA amoun't of sjirintaiH; to wUHifli
they were Hiibjeoted, and hegnn to pkiy
more easily and aViwr nn e')erimental
lino. At the fourth kick off Hntrtiings
smt the ball down the field forty
Tlite sfati
if.. .11 . !.. 'V.t...iil,.i ITrfiidi nrliifll.
I'nMiiiTr "" " - , , .. t1 oj,i
Hon is entitled to twenty delegates yarus uuu " l"""t""JL ""-
ii ml it is iKMrllilo that the Tni wiK ' Imek tawnty-flve ly Cowg-il who as
1 il-e e-'tire allowance. uwml wan under it A series of end
The contest for membership hot ween and center plays followed. Garrett
Mio reds and hlues will close Saturday then punted for n yards which ga-ie
iMirht ami the loosing side will treat Hastings the ikiii. uney nni up ami
tn.e luvot'lntion to a Iwirrel of apples started a man nrouml t he ng-M enrt.
on the following hntimlay evening.
Any stndeiVt wishing' one of thoe
ilumniiifiil hand1 lnwik's can trot the
ime bv asking1 for it from any o"f the
Y. M". C. A. memhers.
A meeting- of ihe junior clnws will
mnn bo called for the purpose of oleet
incr four now members of the iunior
nivniinl boanl. Some of the menVbor
eleclcd last year have not rctunned.
Work on iMe annual has already bo
en n and it is ovpeetod that 1t will lx
larger and liefiter than the las one.
but Stringer was after him and down
ed him with a loss to HastingH. They
wion lost the ball on downs. T'illsbury
now made five yards and' Honed, i
thirty. At the next attempt llenedlct
carried it over the line. Goal was
kicked, making ihe score 210. At the
next kick off, Garrett. succeed d in
funvhling- the lxtll without a great
deal of effort. CowcM happened along'
rather opportunely awl took a tumme
on the lwiM- Whon he liad reeovore!
oiu wic imw. ! " .! ,- ! .
himself and his cquilllyrium, a lino uy
was brought ailwiut and a punt made
'Varsity. Hastings
Hartt ." re Heiler
KingHmry r t 15. Dailey
Hummel . r g Hrliikama
Mclford c e llorkcr. .
Haiusou 1 g Hurgcss
I'iHslmry 1 t White
Stringer 1 o llrouillette
( owg-ill q C oke
Honodiel rli .1. 15a icy
Williams 1 h T.rid
Garrett f b Viebster
As a whole the game was very satis
factory to every one, so far as the
home tixini was concerned. It gave
a very good opportunity to see what
kind "of material hod been developed
during: the two weeks' practice. The
most striking' thins nibout the work
was tdw gTeat interference. Tlie lxys
from IlJiHtititfs could seldom get with
in 'hailing distance of the ball. Cow
gWl sliowcd lietter in this line than
he did at any time last year. He led
nn nearly every end ami center play
and seemed to keep his head and hold
his temper better than he has hereto
fore. On punting-, also he was in gTeat
form. 'Pile two place klelfls from the
field showed what lie can do in ease of
omorgonov. Of ihe new men. Kings
bury made the most remarkable roe
ond. Eonr times he carried the hall
for a touch down. TTe followed the
interference well as long as it lasts
and wlieiv it had been destroyed kept
on alone. IMllshnrv nho put up up
a cront game. n won for him
elf a place in tHio ho-ir( of the
rooters as well as one on the team.
At right guard'. TTummrl wan a trifle
weak on account of his nlze. TTe
needs nhoii' twenty pound more so
that he can--baifcinee up Hansen on the
other side. TTnrht was t'onaidorable
(Continued on Pntro ?