Ladies ' Capes Jackets F urs Wo givo you a very earnest In Invitation to visit our Cloak and Suit Department. We are showing an assortment in Cloaks, Fur Col larettos and Suits, which wo think surpasses that of all other Lincoln stores combined. and Suits. FILLER & PAINE. THE STUDENTS' SUPPLY STORE ROPER & FUNK, Props., 1129 R St. oiE3sr .a.1? .a.XjIj :e3:o"ct:rs. A full line of Student Supplies, Text Hooks, History Note Paper and Covers, OUTLINES for American and European History. WATERMAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENS. SECOND-HAND HOOKS sold on small commission. TYPEWRITING and MIMEOGRAPHING done at the store. Agents for CLARKSON LAUNDRY COM PAN Y. Leave bundles at the store. BRICK BLOCK HOARDING CLUB, North i ith. Call and see us i&ux'J!.it a, x uiiv. 320-322 ggjgjjjtaigggl EywwrMliM $2 00 in value for i 00 cash A W.ucrmnns Fountain Pens ulJ inns taken in part ex. hanpo HANN'A'S DU STOltn. Northeast Cor 14th and O Turpin's School of Dancing. Children's class, Saturdays 2:30 p. m. Ladles' and gentlemen's class, Mondays and Thursdays Sp.m. The Aeailumy offers advantage for cotillion flubs, private part os, ote Is newly furnished and decorated Vor further information address, NOTES OF INTEREST. University Leather Snlc-0 -slum shoes Vie. Foot Form Store, I'-l.l O street. Dr. Ilnstinjrs imes to Omaha tomor ixiw to et the dynnmoinotcr which U on exhibition nt the 'Imposition. Mr. Alexander, former editor of the Kioto, and assistant In psychology lnbrntory, received n fellowship i" the University of Pennsylvania on has the sis in philosophy, prepared here for his M. A. A committee has been appointed by llhe chancellor to consider the care of the siuk in tihe University. This may lead to tihe establishing of nn Inllnn- nry. I Jr. V ll. imsungs is ciituniinn of the cominittco. Alfred Ulhnan, '08. come in from Xorth Platte Sunday to visit a fow dnys with University friends. Mr. Oilman will attend the New York theological seminary the coming' .war, whore he holds a fellowship. Prof. ". .1. Taylor, principal of the. South Omaha schools, who wootvevl his Ixivhelor'.s and master's degree from t'hi- I'nvcr.slty a few years ago, left Sunday for Now llnwn to com plete his studies in philosophy. Chancellor MncLcnu left Saturday morning for Iowa City to attend the funortil of President t..ITcr of lown State University, who died Iridny af ternoon. President Shatter wusvH known to many of our University pro fessors. .1. Xonnan Shrove, '06, and II. II. Alexander, '1)0, M. A. 'US, left for the cast last week. Mr. Shreve, principal of Xorth l.oup schools during the past year, enters upon a course of study at Washington, D. C, in the govern ment training school for teachers of deaf mutes. New song folios just received in our music department. Vocal duet, folio, each .(.')C. The latest collection of war music published at 50c will be sold during the following week for l.e. ' Pictures, framed and unfrnmed. cheap er thn.u anywhere else in Lincoln. Mu sic and Picture iJepnrUncuU Herpol slieimer A: Co. 1 F.arnesl 15. Holmes, '90, M. A. '!K for four enr.s city editor of the Stnt lonrnal. with h'.s wife, formerly Miss Kiltie Shakelton, who graduated at the winter commencement last ,ear, left Monday for I nris, Franc", wQioro Mr. Holmes will entei fur a doctor's degree in Romance languag's at the University of Pari.s. Dress PODS Silks ILLIJBY Fashion's Morite Fabrics, Fads and Fancies. Our claim to display tlio largest assort ments of NEW, this souson's Dross Goods, is being verified by tho over increasing volume of business in tho Dress Goods dopartinont. Knowing ones far and wido nro convinced tlint our this season's stock is tho iincst over brought to Tflobraska and fully roulizo th.o fact that tho pooplo of tho west havo an opportunity equal to that of their oastorn sistors to procuro Fash, ion's Kavorito Fabrics and Fancies without leaving their own state. In an Inspection of our assortments you will meet with many exclusive, confinod stylos Is Dress Patterns, no two alike and shown no where else. The present Millinery season is sig nalized by tho richness and real beauty of its creations. Not for many years has such elaborately beautiful and richly simple headwear for women been produced. The leading J?ari3 modistes are represented in our display of over 550 diiFercnt Pattern Hats. MIL LIN ERY TO SAY more is unnecessary. Paris fashions reign supreme tho world over. Rut we desire to call your attention to our showing of Walking and Bicycle Hats in all the newest shapes and colors. The Military, Cuban Girl, Alger and many other styles not to be found elswhere are displayed here. The beauty of it all is you have an opportunity of procuring the season's choicest and finest productions at DEPARTMENT STORE PRICES. Will ho rented at re.asonahlc rates. HI DCT3T TI1DD1N 1132 N Sfret. nuui.ll iwirin, Lin -icoln, Neb. The physical dcKirtinciit is great 1 '"'nt'itled by the way tho new courses nave been received by the stifdent-5. Tht following students have l.-iken ,ip tlie special work for gymnasium lead ers: .Misses King, Fowler, Mabel dune, Dorta Spurck, Hcatou, Hnrt7cl and ' UVhiting and Mr. P.errv. Messrs. V. j Northwestern University j J. 'fo1i"ll CrllfWil ' Pi"ofe.sor Avir.v, assisted by P.enton lulUltal JlllUUl... Dales, has jus! completed a wry able -ri i-i . ij .,i .......,,. iw-ork on "The Mctju.e Klcineaitt." for rhe high sandards and progres- tl. S1. of ,,Ivshimn fctIIllenls in ie sue methods which have given this i iabrntor.v . The book is to be in pamph- school its enviable reputation for over 'let form, similar to that by l'rolwwor thirty years are carcfullv maintained. NichoK.n for prejNitory .s4nieiu, i- : ...... i. r ...t ;t...t ;nx.. which is used in almost nil of JJie !. l'or circulars ot detailed intor- ,.. . , . ,., .. .,,,, .. ,. tiii i ii"vnr w mi nunit i in mii n is now in the hands of the rniviity Honk ( o. for pnhlics.ittan. Kverj student I. reqnlml to lake a phytijen evninintiu'on (liicliiig tiie After OetolHT 10. nm MiuU'iit huh . TET TjBZIB TWO TRAIN'S DAILY BETWEEN uburn, Falls Cit Atchi. and Kansas City. City Ticket Office, 1039 O St. H C Townsrnd, G. P. X T. A. F. n Cornell. C. P. & T. A niatton address the Secretary, Dr N.S. DAVIS, 2431 Dearborn St, Chicago, Hi. venr.' 1 CLARKSON LADNDRY F WRICHT, KAY & CO Manufacturers of bleb tirade HATWtS'ITY KMliLE.MS KATKltSlTV .lKWIJJtV KATKKN1TY NOVELTIES KATEKNITY ST VTIONKIIY 1 VTKHNITY INVITATIONS ItATKKMTY ASNOUN KMKNTS UATKIIN'ITY PHOURAMS THE BEST SKILL. THE BEST OF EMPLOYES. THE BEST STARCH. Three reasons why the. , BEST LAUNDRY ...does the ery best work with pract cally no wear on the linen. All work guaranteed. A trial makes a patron Call up 579. T0WNSEND & PLAMONDAN. You'll Finfl It's a M Place, FRANCIS BROS., CAPITAL - CAFE 121 North 1 1th Street. ciin make an engayeine.tM for uoh e. .uniii.iUiHi. Thio 4khiJ1 ik- n Headed to oJirly in the year. w that a sUulcnt nniy lR'gin at once to iepnir any de fects or wenknefeus :uil also so that he ma.A com pare his ph.vt.jvnl niKlii tion now with tlint in the tqriii,' af ter taking a year's vvxirk. Due to the hurrv in lioinir to iirh Send for Catuiotrue and I'rlrt- Lit Sieclul ' lw week ihc write Ui of Alphn Tnii tV-sliins on apjillcatlon Oiiiiijn vs accidenlnlv left oirt. We 140 142 woodward Ave . - DETROIT. WICH. regret till Miry mueh and exteiHl our aiHilojjie. to ilie buys. Thev an verv Ienintl. loeatwl in the .Muntoinecy bliK-k. The bovts who aiv MbMfit tills -r are 1. L. UIkv. C. 1.. Knb, 1!. 15. Went and 151 IJ.Moiriwn. Jiii. vvcin tlie titiripes 3i the Twentieth Inluntiy, i'. S. A., now at Kt. Mul'lierwin. C.ii.. Wei is iirwit brvonni ami JiorrlMn iitt lieuteiinnt of Co. A., 'Jliinl Ne braiMku. now nt .Ineksoiivllle. I'la. ThtuM' who represent A. T. O. in tho l'ni-rii.v tliis ywir are MlHor, Cul ver. Miniimi, Anyle, Ihvvht, Stde, Folliner, lifter mul llrovvn. nie faculty eoinmittee on before you tie up with any laundry. OUR WAGONS GALL AHYWHERE-ANY TIME.. Special attention ;ien to STUDENTS HAI-DRESSIHC, MANICUR ING, SHAMPOOINC, SCALP TREATMENT. HAIR TONIC, TOILET COODS 121 North 13th St. PAKPERHOP ST. Oysters, Fish and Game in Season. Student work u Specialty 1144 o Gool Hurt rs,New Furnli eolleiru HillenicMit work held a meeting hit .Sunday wilh Chaneellor Maclean. Tluj old board, onlHtin" of 1'rofejtf.ors JIodi,rmii. Sweezv ajid Fimklvr, reii- Has the Best Modern Equipment. ur. i:xllentVork ' deml ther n-jo.rt for the preceding Pullman Palace and Toui.&t Sleepers. T ifu-r rroftwor Caldwell. . , ... ... .u.,-... jiiiiu niiu ii itnuiiuuij; vidit vtta. WHEN yOU TRAVEL ALWAYS TAKE THE kTRKm wrrsm wr$w jj ofg&iS THE BEST ROUTE FROM LINCOLN, NEB. To OMAHA All points east. KANSAS CITY east and south. DENVER and all Colorado points. OGDEN and SALT LAKE. BUTTE and HELENA. PORTLAND. SEATTLE, SAN FRANCISCO and LOS ANGELES. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENOE. Open alii night. Give us a call. We make a Speciality of 15c Meals. If vou have not yet found u fountain iwn to your liking, try the CENTURY DOUBLE -FEED PEN. Write for Olrouliirs. A uooil anont wanted In every rolleno and bleu fccbool. CKNTnn PEN COMPANY Whitewater Wis 1 5233110 TRADE MARKS DE8IQNS, COPYRICHT8 Ac. Anyone vending & pketrh and description may quickly uncertain, free, whether an Inveution U protiablr iiutentable. Cuiuuiunlcatlcina Hrlctly confidential. Oldest Keener foroecurlrw puteuta In America. We have a Washlnirtou otlleo. ratenta taken through Muun it Co ruoulro peclal notice lu the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, teantlfully llluntrated, larpest circulation of SPr.0.'""1'110 Journal, weekly, terms fZXU a yeart ?., .?lx ""."'"' Hpeclmen copies and liAHU Hoots, oji 1'atkntb sent free. Addroai MUNN & CO., 301 Uroudwoy, Kevr York. Hill and Sweev vetv eoimtitiMed a new Iwrnrxl to rvpivwnt the fjienky in tli- eonliiiuHtJon of the work. Ily per 111JK8V111 of tlie Chancellor a nines nieet mtr ol the Indent lxxlj' hag bcon failed for tbe hour iiiiinedhilely fol low in.' cliajiel 011 next Tnosday inorn nifr. fir the oleotlon of four stndonti. who, wwh Me member of the faculty commit tw. hliall etmwtitnte the coui jilete bdiinl. New and old students alik" will bp Intercut! it the exjila iinUon and m'ujk of the movement. Mcmlwfi of the faculty and stuilontis wlio have bwome intcrtsfted in th work will join In the tfscniMt1on. WANTBU IwrKond neBRln their own and nearby counties It In SEYERAL TltUSTWOHTHY erKont. in thin Ntuto to maimue our bust nialnly onke work conducted ut home. Salary Rtrulubt i'M) u your and expenses letlntte iMiiatldc no more, no Iobh hulurv Monthly $75 Kef r nceh Enclose sclf-uddrchsed htnmied e nvi-loiw Herbert K Hess 1'rebt , Dept M ChicuBO For Time Schedules, Tickets, Reservations of Berths, Call or Addra, E. B. SLOSSON, Gen. Agt., 10 O St., J. T. MASTIN, C. T. A. Lincoln, Neb. H. G. BURT, Pres., E. DICKINSON, Gen. Mgr., E. L. LOMAX, G. P. & T. A. Omaha, Nebraska. For Style, Quality and Price -IN- TAILOR MADE GOODS You should cull on NEBRASKA PANTS & SUIT COMPANY, 143 N. 13th St. - Oliver Thoatro Building. ( 4