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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1898)
NEBRASKAN Voi-. VII. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SEPTEMBER 30, 1898. Pkiok 5 Cents. THE a THE UNIVERSITY IN MOURNING Three Young Hen Lay Down Their Lives As a Sacrifice For Their Country and Humanity. DEATH FROM DISEASE CONTRACTED IN CAHP. Supt. Skinner, so Well Known in State, Aiso a Victim Death has once more entered the tanks in the University of Nebraska, and in tihe last few days has taken ..ay four former students. Wells II. Skiitner, 'ihoiuas 1). Liinn, August Foss nnl Kay W. Johnson. Never be fore in the history of the institution have so many died at practically t:he same time. The University will miss them and will mourn with the af flicted relatives. WeHs Hawkes Skin ner was Iwrn in Virginia in 1S,"i5. lie sttulii"! two vtnrs ?.t Ilethuny college, West ir-iuia. and in 1SSC came to David fity, this state, when he took chargi f the schools for four years. At the end of tQitit time he went to Crete. From here lie used to eome down tothe University for a daj", once a week, and do work here in eheinis- Whl.LS II. JsKlN.NbK. try, jcix .!(,, k)1' ami Iwtany. In this w.i. he did whut amounted to a year's residence htudy and took his degree. The results of thb work he imme diately pot into practice in tfhc grades. He ew-n taught pupils in tlie second Grade to use the microscope. !! i Ian took up the study of liter ature. Naming the inotlhods used here and pu'iing them into life in the who.., (roiu the first grade up. He I ooiiivv study and the new nietli. , ,,f iiiiini,,.,. M-ork and applied 'ht-ii, Hi- i.i... up his summers to rlie iu ". jmrly because of enthusiasm, IMm tMauhe of his Xubrasku educa '' ' I partly from nveejsdty, as he "I'Jx'M.-.l i,U father mid mother, now 'Mi in Nebraska, for some time, and kpt a brother, a graduate of this r-bi.t-, in Germany for two years. He .,. a inokt capable, inn n in ndupt- liigm-r education to lower iniinls, f"(1 th,,f iruteiiHifying the work of towtr gradt-H, teaching his own teach- n awl haiing intimate aqcualntniiCe i eery form and exercise having 10 " Willi any erewlv ,1! wa a man moic helpful to the Profession, givirrg time freely to nil wf" une to him for personal assist ance. ' had 1)een ailing all summer, go- 'g1 to bed at some Institutes after his morning, exercise. He as tukun ill n Mh way t0 SchiiyJer, ui wh sick ? Wt'ek in ttio house of Superin- " nt 'enrws in Omaha, and died l"c 22d of September of typhoid Ter He was buried at Crete with the University and Throughout the of the Dread Typhoid. Masonie ceremonies, on the following Friday. In chapel on Thursday Prof. Sher man made a short talk, tlhe substance of which has been given nlxvc; and State Superintendent Jnckson said a few words. The following resolutions were adopted: Kesolvcd, That in the death of llawkes Skinner A. 11. in 1S90, A. M. in 1S9S from this University, the insti tution mourns the loss of one of the most beloved of it nlumnl; Hint the school men of the state will mips on of their most generous and able lead ers; that the world of educational literature already enriched by Mr. Skinner's contributions, will never know what further treasurers it would has iossesscd from his pen; that the youth of tlie state lost one of their most beloved and inspiring' teadhers. Kesolvcd, That Ave extend to his be- rftnvswl fnmili' nut In... ..ITnl I ....-...ill'. .. T, , , . ' , "".think, has reason to be proud of the hesolved, That we comment! "to all i ,.,... . , t?ood citizin-s pf Nebraska, his exam ple of unselfishness, in which like thht of the Master of men. 'lie saved oth ers, himself he could not save." Thomas D. Lurni, '9S, died at the home of his sister in this city on la .t Sunday at 2 p. m. of typhoid fever, contracted n't Chickamtmga. He was born in Lenox, Taylor coun ty, Iowa, September 2, 1S75. He at tended the University seven years, graduating in the classics last year. He intended to make the ministry his profession, and has always been prom inent in religious circles in the Univer sity, lie was a member of 'the Union society and one of the Tan . el'tn OmicToii society. Many were the friends he made while in school, who will miss him sorely, lie enlisted In company K, of the Second regiment i and was very popular among the boys I :it Cliickaiiinu"a When he left camp he was not well, but when he arrived here on his fur lough he went dicet to work ami the following Sunday preached at Staple hurst, and kept up until about ten THOAAS I) I INN. days ago, when he took to his bed. He grew rapidly worse ami dued Sun day in the presence of his relatives. The funeral services were held In the First I'resbyterinn church on ticsday. Co. K, Second regiment, act ed as escort to the body from the house to the church. Dr. liindinan gave the funeral sermon, after Chan cellor MncLcau had eloquently . nd feelingly said a few words. The oh u rob was tilled and many friendB followed the remains to the cemetery and heard the bugle sound "tups" as the coffin was lowered. The lloral 'f ''JBiiW-w emblein.H were many and were beauti ful. Stnpk'hurst church sent an offer ing, the Gates Ajar, and the boys of the Tan Delta Omnloronfrn'terniity bad an emblem in the shape of their badge. August Fos died of typhoid fever at Camp Meade, l'a.. last week, lie came to the University of Nebraska, from Minnesota, where he had graduated in 1S07. lie was u scholar in physics here in 'OV.i.s, and a member of the honorary fraternity Sigma XI. He will be remembered as a good athlete and geniel fellow, being well liked by all who came in contact with him. Koy YV. .Johnson, who died recently of typhoid fever, attended school here in 'Oo-'iin. Ho eiime from Crete and when the call came lie enlisted in the engineering corps and in the company which formed at Omaha, lie died In Camp .Meade, l'a. lie was well liked when he was here, and was becoming prominent in, many circles as an ath lete, in the iwttalion, and elsewhere, lie was here only a year, but in that time he made ninny friends who mourn for him. Tin-: iiaokxow haxd concert. The Ixind concert given at the Oli ver theatre on the evenii.g of the 23rd of September was a notable success, livery seat and evrry foot of nvnHabl standing room was occupied by a cul tured audience, whose behavior was in every respect admirable. A greatei compliment could scarcely have been paid director Hagenow and his musi cians than the perfect quietude and wrapjK'd attention accorded them throughout the entire evening. Although but two months have pass ed since the organization of the band a number of praiseworthy features might be mentioned. jjfThe leader, we . t..vuviii mij ill im'ii 11 iuuu., uiic spirit and dash of its playing, its fine attack, and alxive all the smootlhincss wth which the music was executed. Especially was this notable in their rendition of Meyerbeer's Ilugcitots, the remarkable finish of which was a sur prise een to his wannest admirers, admire rs. Those who take a real interest in this new organization hope that in time both the cornet and the cjarinet sections may lie strengthened. Fur thermore, collective music can be good only when the individual players are proficient. To become o requires study and experience. 'Hie double string basses, while not unknown to military kinds, was some thing of an innovation for the west. The elTcct, however, was very satin- faetory. v indoor band concert to score such a success speaks well for:all con eerued. Indeed it is quite within bounds to say that no suchrplayiug by a Lincoln band was ever liefore heard. ( LINCOLN FKOST '80 To the editor of the Nebraska n: It I was formly the custom for the several I University periodicals to contain a j column devoted to news conscrning the I Alumni. 1 presume that all the Un j iwivitj paper- still endeavor tk do this. J In t I have noticed that the scope of such news is nlwiiyj? vary limited, ' niid I hate irti doubt Mint oeciidontnl I items in addiltion to thowe "rustileu ! bv vour subordinates are not tinwcl- j - come. l'oi tliis ivuiuui, I Hike the llb- erly of (tilling your atitcatiion' to the recent uoiuiiuiit'ion of LnoIn FrosJt, '80, for th" office of Judge of the dis tinct count of 1ancunter Cfjiinty, Mr. Fivt ife one of the Alumni of vtlhtom we 'htive ixnou to lc proud, oh he hnls distinguished himself as n scholar, n Itiwyer, anid a politician, and hsis tui wii',is conducted hdjivsclf alt the -Ikit aaiul in jiolitics as a. scholar and one one of the sons of our Al ma Mater should. Withal, ho Uas ever Ikmmi c.nithusJns'tie in tiill UnSvcir sit.y affaiius since lis gnaduatlion and has been one of the men always called UKii in an emergency. On thSw ac count. I think that the honor that has deservedly come to him demands more tliron pnsHiii-g monifilon hi your obl innnn. HOSCOB POdN'D. THOSE WHO WILL PLAY FOOT-BALL A Brief Sketch of the Men Who Are Aspirants For Honors on the 'Varsity Eleven. TWO NEW QAHES ON What You May Expect of the Team To-morrow, And Throughout The Entire Season. In the past two weeks 'Varsity foot ball has transferred itself from the minds of enthusiasts to the gridiron west of the main building. The few meagre ideas of the new men held by coach, manager and captain have developed until now the men have reg ular line tips each evening. This kind of work began Monday evening and was hailed with delight by the men, nil of whom were tired of "fnlling on the Kail," "practice catching," etc. All l he new men were ambitious to show their metal, so that now the scrub is working even harder than the old men. Among the students excitement is be ginning to run very high. Each suc ceeding evening the crowd around the players grows noticeably larger. This shows the right spirit in the school, and if pocket books open up as fast to buy tickets' as lungs do to howl en couragement, a large Crowd cam be ex peeled out to see Saturday's game. At. the time of going to press defin ite facts about the team and aspirant are still somewhat LanLto, obtain, but. tlie following conclusions in regard to the individual players have been .summed up: Captain Melfoiil is back in his old position and in better form than ever before, lie weighs about 170, is strong and feeling remarkably well. Ho has great confidence in loth new and old men and seems to be certain that Nc braslni is sure of the jennnnt this vear. This is the last year that he can play footlKill, as his four-year limit ex pires with this season. Before coming lo the 'Varsity he distinguished hiin M'lf on the Lincoln High School team. Phis afforded him a great deal of ex perience and makes him one of the lxst captains we ever had. Hansen is back again keeping him eomjaiiy at lrft guard. He weighs about. 20.1 and, as for activity, he gets around like a kitten. Tlie old slow ness so noticeable two years ago is all gone mid he plays with a surity and confidence only fountt in old players. He shows up much lx'tter than at this time last year. Turner, at the other guard, is as strong as usual. He gets away quick ly and is very strong aggressively. With a line centered up with these three, the oldest and strongest men in tlie west, then can be no doubt, as to the final result. Tanner weighs J10 and for so large a man gets around with wonderful agility. He has-been having a little trouble with his knee which was injured n '07, but this will not lKither him this season. On account qf the absence of both I'enrcc and llnyward, there is a va cancy at both Hie two tackles to be filled. Kingsbury, of lost year's Wcs leynn team, entered the University wuiie time ago and appeared in uni form on the football field Monday eieiiing. He played tackle for Wcs leyau last year and was one of the lest men on ttticir team. There is not much doubt that he will get in first class form and make the team, as he is willing, good natural and a clean worker. The other candidates for tackle are Hummel and PillKbury. Everything considered, their clmneen are about equal, Itoth are products of last year's scrub. IMllsbury has a slight advantage in weight and is somewhat quicker n his movements. THE HOHE GROUNDS. He is a member of the junior class and his home is in Lincoln. He now weighs about ISO and is in the pink of condition. Hummel weighs 172 and is of a more soli-d build than PUlsbury. He is .showing up better than ever be fore and will make a hard fight to get his place. There is also n strong tight for end. Stringer of last year's team, Is back and is sure of his old territory. He will have to do considerable train, ing to get rid of surplus flesh and gain hi- niHluianeu.. For the other end, Hartt seems to be slightly in the lead. He is a product of the York High school and a member of tac iopho more class. He is built fora tr end according to the cjtIiIhS'U succeeds in finding (his nerve ' make a valuable man. This is & year's experience in his present pos j tion as he played elsewhere lion the High school team. obter, of last year's Lincoln High school team, will also be given a chance to show what he can do. He ' is not so tall oc,. favorably builkas. . "artt, being more heavy set and not so fast on Ids feet. He may be tried at full back on account ofhis bucking abilities, which appear to be remark able. It is probable that Liebman will also be put at end in Saturday's game for part of the time. However, on ac count of a lame knee which he re ceived two years ago, his staying qualities are indefinite. There are not so many favorable men trying for back positions as last year. Oarrctt, of the '00 team, and Wil liams and llenedict of tlie '97 team, are here in active training, and all are sure of positions. Garrett is trying his old plaee at full and s doing good work. He is slightly light, weighing only 155, but makes up for this by his great speed. He hails from Pawnee City, where he played with the High school team. At left back Williams is alsw very fast. His strong point is on bucks out-side of the interference. He played one year here and also on the Ashland team. ltenediet at tlie other half has had two year's experience. He can be mentioned especially for his ability in following 'interference or tackle. lie sides this line his surcness as a place kicker gives him a foremost place on the team. Schwartz has not yet come out on account of his lame knee received last year. From all appearances Cowgill will be at his lod plrtce. His work last year was very erratic. Ho kicks better than any other man on the team, but loses Ills nerve at critical moments. Ho has an advai, knge of weignt and a year's 'Varsity experience over tlio other two candidates, Drain and Tukey. Drain is another product of last year's scrub and Is one of the most promis ing men in footbnll circles. At kick ing, ho is some distance behind Cow gill and .will have to do some hard work to bring himself up in this line. Tukey Is playing somewhat foster than last year. He tips the beams at Hf and comes from ihe Omaha High school, where he made a good record. It is hard to say much aljout tlie other men nR they are very numerous and have not been practicing a great (Continued on Poire .