The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, September 16, 1898, Image 5

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Several New Faces Hereafter to Be Seen on the Ros
trum at Chapel Time.
A Fow Words About Our Professors f6r lib Coming Year and
Their Past Rocords.
The student nhvnys manifests a
grout umounl of interest in (Jic ad
vent of i now instructor. No innttor
whi,t. stutfo of school history H may
be, whether In the lowest grulu or the
IiI(t1u!hI stop of uitlvei-alty life, the tale
is always the name. 'JMiIh yeur the stu
dents tf Nebraska will have the pleas
"Vf JUiilK.,vUuj auvcrul now addl
tiioiiw. Each oomes with tho 1vgh
est . reuonnnoiulatlons, with thorough
pruylotiM tnilnlny and a strong- de
tonnlir.ition to make for himself a
place in the hearts of Nebraska stu
dents. One of tin." latest and most Invport
ant.addltlons to tlie faculty is Morgan
lirooks, who siieceels Professor Ow
ens in the department of oh'H'rk'iil
enyineerlny, I'rofessor Jlrooks has
just left the position ol presltlent of
Uiu Kleetrlcul hlnylnuering- uoiuptiny
of Minneapolis, lie lias also, for some
i oars, been a speelal lecturer before
thie.nyliiee,rlng students of the Uni-
ersity of Minnesota, lie is a gradu
ate lrom Brown university, having
taken there the degree, of Bachelor of
Philosophy in 1SS1. Later, in ls&II, he
was awaixled the degree of Mechani
cal Engineering by the Stoens Insti
tute ot Technology, Since that time
lie lias been doing practical work
which 'has enabled him to combine
thoroughly, theory and practice. In
1S&U-84 he was with the lllil-Uiark
company of Boston, in charge of the
gat engine department, lie followed
this during the years of 18b4-5-0, by an
engagement Willi the American Hell
'telephone Co. His work here was in
the experimental department, testing
instrument and apparatus. Among
other tilings, he tested ?,U0U miles of
wire used in the construction of the
Ural long distance l't'plKHi lie
made a thorough report ol this work
to the company, wlilch later proved
ol great bervice to them. In 1SS0-7, lie
was engaged in the Boston oll'iee of
the Electrical Accumulator Co. ol New
Xork. Ills duty was to supervise the
installation of storage ibatteries, etc.
I roni 18S7 until lb'JU, he was secretary
and treasurer of the Uas Lighting Co.
ol Su I'aul, vMiuj). At the sainc time
he was supervisor of the electrical sta
tion. Since lbUO he has been in business
lor himself. The linn, he behig the
head, hae tlic double object ol instal
ling isolated eleotrical plants and fur
nishing electrical supplies.
.Mr. lirooks Jias contributed a great
many articles to the scientiiic jour
nals of lute years, all of which have
been eagerly received, lie is also u.
member of several prominent national
engineering societies.
Mr. Wyer, our new librarian, l'ike
Mr. Brooks, come, from Minnesota,
having graduated there in lb'JO. Al
though an alumnus of the University
of Mimiesotu, he comes originally
froniKansus, having spent the llrst
eighteen years of liie in the "Suu
ilower jtute." At this ugc he moved
to Minnesota, where lie resided the
ten years following. The two years
which have passed since his gradua
tion, lie has. bpent in the study of
literary methods at the New York
state llibrury at Albany. During the
past year he has been on the btall' at
the latter place. Before leaving Min
neapolis he was connected with the
public llbiary there and also witli the
Minnesota State Lni,cndty l.brary.
In regard to the library here, Mr.
Wycr says that he llnih everything in
excellent bhape. The assistants have
lutely checked up all books und have
all other work up to date. The in
increased seating capacity of tlic read
ing room is to him a cause of much
jiibt pride. Kefonrhiy to his predecea
sor, lie says that he is sure that none
of the unpleasant misunderstandings
hist year will be repeatel.
in the mathematical department
Prof, llosl !). Moritz will succeed Mr.
Whitney. Mr. Moritz Is a graduate
of Hustings college, and for the pat
Jlveycnrs has been professor of math
emathlos nt that place. lie has lately
taken the degree of Master of Arts at
the University of Chicago, We are
borry to lose May Whitney, but he
kwes to accept a better position nt
the University of Michigan, where he
has an udvune'e in work and salary. He
expected. tfo complete his 'thesis and re
ceive the degree of Doctor of Pihlloso
phy at Chicago this summer. Besides
this change In the department the
names of tluiia Lough ridge, Mabel
Cleveland mil Allen Coninlou have
been milled as Instructors!. Ah arc very
well and favorably known In the Uni
versity anl need no further introduc
tion, l'rof. Davis, the head of the de
partment, sails from Europe on the
10th an id will (brieve here about the 1st
of October.
The dupnrliuont of lCcoiioinle Sci
ence also comes in for its share of in
crease. Miss Belvu llurron, a graduate
has been secured und judging from the
most excellent recommendations
which accompany 'her, we can feel as
sured that she will be a favorite. L'or
two years she was fellow in econoliucs
at the Lniversity of Chicago, since
wmch lime she has studied at the
University of California and in tier
many, she comu here from the L'nl
orsiti of Missouri, where she gave
cM-cilcnt satisfaction. All tlie old
stall' in this section have been retain
ed and are here wuth renewed igor
ready for their work.
In the "Gym" also w'ill be found a
new assistant, Mr. -Brycc of Spring
Held traiuiifg school, lias accepted an
received by the students, especially by
those lrom lied Oak, 'Jowi'i, as that
place is his home. Dr. Hastings in
sists that lie lias secured n jewel. We
hope he is correct.
There are several changes in the
old laeulty that will materially
strengthen It. Dr. Peterson has been
traiifelcrrcd from English Literature
to Uermau on account of increased
work in the latter Hue. Miss Edith
Schwartz will also urge upon the
i-reshnicn the necessity ol committing
biicli terrillc phniMis as 'i)u wie
cine Bluine" to memory.
Mrs. Eiiinia i'urk Wilson will accept
her new duties as dean ol the college
of women. This department was cre
utcd at the spring meeting ol tlie
Board of llegents und promises to be
very successful, lit is a step in the
right line and we hope that under the
management of Mrs. Wilson it will
exert a strong- beneficial inlluenge.
Miss ltosu Bouton, besides her duties
in the chemical department, will be
director of the cooking school. 11
this course fuliills ull that it name
implies it is safe to suy that in a very
short time ull the young ludles will
be requesting their young gentlemen
Jriends to try their angel's Jood, etc.
It would bo useless. for us
to try ito delineate Miss Bouton's good
qualities. They iire entirely too nuin
known to try to add any words of in
troduction. If s3ie proves as Wiorough
with cake und pic as she has with her
other duties in the past, everyone will
be sutlsiled and next bpring when tlic
dairy association meets to talk about
butter and cheese, she will surely sup
ply their famished uppetitcs with
plenity of doughnuts and cookies, but
wiitili No. t) holes m thcun.
(Contlrined from Puko l).
ful affair of this kind that has ever
been given in Lincoln.
Willi the busliicbs Mission of Tues
day morning the convention formally
adjourned utter re-electaaig the entire
grand council and voting thanks to
the many friends who contributed so
generously to the success of the con
vention. The greatest Interest, espe
cially us manifested by the merchuntw
in decorating so elaborately their win
dows, was a marvel to the girls from
larger eastern cities. But convention
was not really over. On Tuesday even
Iaj; came the Jnrmvull ,:wwuet at the
Lincoln hotel. Prof. llngonov's""or
chestnn played while the girls gath
ered in tJio rotunda and at OjSOMlss
Ena Jtlckcrtta, fcmatmistress, und Miss
Laura Iloutx, marshall, led the grand
march into the dining room. The ta
bles were urtistioally arranged in the
shape, of the letter Sigma and were
profusely decorated with roses which
had been sent by the other fraterni
ties. After the menu was served Miss
Iticketts introduced the following
I. To Pi, The Latest Horn
"1 charge you, charge your glasses,
I charge you, drink with me,
To the latest and newest chapter
Beside tlie western fiea."
Elizabeth Pauline Palmer, with
apologies to Mr. Kipling. Phi.
llesponse Blancho lloborla Torrill.
II. To the Actdvo Mcmbcra of Other
"When time which steals our years
I Shall steal our pleasures too,
The- memories of tlic past win stay
And all our youth renew." Moore.
Myrtle May Dickson, Upsllon.
llcsponse Shirley II. Smitn, Kappa.
III. The Greeks hi War.
"1 hnve dono as you have done, "that's
wlttiX 1 care; induced as you have
been, that's for my country?' Corlo
htnus. Mtlza Y. Marchand, Old.
IV. Pan llcllnfr-
"Whait's in name?" Shakespeare.
Dorothy Canfleld, Beta Nu.
V. A the Mystic Shrine
"Knoclcimg, knocking, who is there?
Wu'iting, will-ting, Kappa fair."
1fesslo Oaddis, Omega.
VI. The ElcuiMk-Lis
"0! lleur-de-lis bloom on, and let the
Linger to kiss thy feet.
0 (lower of song, bldoin An, ahd inhko
The world more fair and sweet."
Helen Wlnnlftvd Whipple, PAl.
The speeches were Interspersed witli
fraternity songs and the cveming was
the- happiest Imaginable In every way.
Uycn the fact that this was really the
farewell was forgotten because all ex
pected to meet the next day at Oma
ha. And many did moot. Tne Ku.ppn
Kappa Umnnin special left the Hook
Island station at 10 o'clock on Wed
nesday and the girls spent IS reck 1cU
tor day at the exposition. At 7 o'clock
all met for the last tfitno in the Japa
nese tea gardens. The cordial recep
sorvod tea and the hnppy reunion
make this one of the ploasantost mem
ories of the convention.
With this convention ended. The
Lincoln Ka'ppas nitunnod home at 11
o'clock Wednesdav evening and
Thurssday snf the visitors all on thein
way home.
The fifteenth national convention of,
Kappa Kappa Gamma will be held at
llamiard college in Now York city, in
"Senior Annual
A unique publication issued by the
class of '98, U. of N. Every student
should have a copy. The tribe of
Ninetiate, its book.
For sale at all the University book
Students work n Specialty.
1144 O ST.
'Good Barbers, New Furniture, Excellent Work.
Three reasons why the...
...does the very best work with pract
cally no wear on the linen.
All work guaranteed. A trial makes
a patron. Call up 579.
You'll Find It's a Good Place,
121 North 11th Street.
Oysters, Fish and Game in Season.
Open alii night. Give us a call.
We make a Speciality of 15c Meals
LINCOLN and Auburn, Falls City, Atchl
and Kansas City.
City Ticket Office, 1020 O St.
H. C. Towmsend, G, P. & T. A.
F. D. Cornell, C. P. & T. A.
Northwestern University
Medical School...
The high standards and progres
sive metlidds which have gitfen this
school its enviable reputation for ovw
thirty years are carefully maintained.
For circulars of detailed infor
mation address the Secretary,
2431 Dearborn St.,
Chicago, III.
The Most Important Feature of
a Successful Sbhool Year Is
In fact it is equally important if not
moro ho, than a study, for without com
fort it is impossible to do justice to your
school work.
By comfort we mean good Clothing,
the proper house furnishings and abso
lutely pure food.
Through a purchasing power that in
creases year after year, wo are enabled
offer you all these at prices much lower
than regular and in values unequalled
Ti&i-ir Tims
before you tie tie up with any laundry.
To OMAHA All points east.
KANSAS CITY-east and south.
DENVER and all Colorado points.
Has the Best Modern Equipment.
Pullman Palace and Tourist Sleepors. I
Dining and Free Reclininc Chair Cars.
For Time Schedules, Tickets, R( sarvations of Berths, Call or Address,
E. B. SSOSSON, Gen. Agt., 1044 O St.,
Lincoln, Neb
H. W. BURT, Pres., E. 'DICKINSON, Qi
. J. T. MASTIN, C. T. A.
Omaha, Nebraska.
on. Mgr., .E. L..LOMAX, g'. P. & T. A-
YOU want all of the
YOU want it on time.
YOU win find it in the NEBRASKAN,
JUST $1.00 PEfi YEAH.