The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, September 16, 1898, Image 4

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JJny Welwter & Jtogwr'tf hoo.
JJuvo JIiiwhBWorth, '07, won bcoji at
tlio cmnpUB lut Tuesday.
Oncviln Laniboi'UiOH, DcmLlst, 1205
0 St., Alex. Blk. Tuh 245.
Our Studeute' $3 and $3.50 shoes aro
Uie boHt on earth for Uie money. Foot
Form Store, 1213 O street.
For line toot wear wo are headquar
ter, Mot If'owu Store, 1213 0 street.
We gimrantee every pair of shoes
to give tfatlsfuotion. Foot JL'Vrni Store,
jttia 0 street,
'Hie Trl Deltas Jiehl their distrlet
convention in the city September 1,
i iind '3.
in-. H ti. Cook, practice liimitod to
eye, 'ear, iw i"i(l WwxkiU m6 O SU
The 1. M. ."id 1. W. C. A. hold a re
vuiiuuii lor uie laeuity and new btu
uuiiih in I"" etmnel lllKl ooiwonauipy.
ill0 hueieiies ul heal nseunuuiw m
uiuir nail'
wiiihioh'h Mimin itooin, llo oouua
luutuuiu. upon. ily and iiiym.
umti mio iu'ijcnt i-uutui'J Atieaei
niAi ha)K oui uieir mie oi mil miiocc.
4l aie o ia1 aa money win -u.
HMD u ot-
me American and iMirpean h.ury
ouiliiien me liunueu at me sauUenu
O111,1)0 oioie, llU ll sueet.
aHHWiilo NUio wwi lo uuive tUeii
wuik ." "i' i--uu'li UttPUOWi
HUOU.U pauonac wiKUimoii. ltouuuia,
ujauinoin. o. 2.. eorner lUUn aiKt O.
i on eaii buy uuyUiiuf you want at
any nine oi Ue uuy at tne otuUents
auyyiy owie. iou will never nnd iu
d'oois eloMid to customer.
vnwdncrj. biutonuin auilci presseu
:.(M, iniiru. xom. lupcu eveiuii now.)
Ln. until aim o. i'Jione 10b.
it i till right and well to "lleineui
iwr t.iit- .iuiiic," uut it is lor better to
,ou.miHjr Uie Students' bupply Store,
LiM n siieot, ltopcr x. .L'unK.
I'rol. 11. U. Word attended the grand
council ol i'hl Ueta Kappa at oara
wgii, iN. ; " September o, as uele
(uie irum iNcbroslia.
tuutur .li ItogciW $3 and $3.00
hiiiA-c uie Uie oeaiu
irts fcce.1' uud -Misi. liieuem, re-
iiocuciy, "wiicn was war Uooiorea.
7 -juiie nuuh, lain, wus 'tuie day on
wiuau we were murrled," rep.'icU ALr.
jnvkui., moodily. J uuge.
be;ie your laundry lor Uie Uark
bon lAiundry company at the students'
oiipp.y store, uz) W street.
juumatead Ji JL'uutle uae added
many new Uilnu to thelx stool., since
.oat scisoii ana aie an.aous u renew
Uie aciiuaiatauoe wrUi uueir stuUeat
inenua. .vny wuulb in Utnornuj anu
lurunsaiiia muy oc Uwcii ut uneai
awi-v, llli O ot.
WuUslcr te Itogei-'s t0oes aie Uie
it 1. rumored that a chapter oi r'hi
Uuuuuu Uclta will soon be insuuieu
m tne Uimersity, Uie caarter naMny
occu granted some tune ago.
Jim Joansoa, Ul, at ouie umo cap
tain ii Uie aiteity ea;eu, paascU
lauvugii Uie city WcUnesUay eveaiug
ou uis way to liiuuigs, ..Loau, uuvmu
jitei oeca musiLcieU out oi uai army,
lioiu ungsoy s uoop u. rougia riders.
uisuu-y i'aper and ioveis iiwie come
auw gunciai use. xou siu and. uac
uew, up-to-date coeis at ioigntoas,
ii-t U st.
ligihtrauon in the preparatory
wjuooI to Uie state has Ueeu going; on
uil week. Alieady Uie enrollment is
lully uuec umes as large as at tae
wait! u.iie last yeai", Witu prospects
lor even a laiger per cent ol increase.
uo to Uons caie, souua ilUi. open.
lUo students' Co-operaUve liook
U). naa moved irom tne uasemeat ol
die Unnei-sity lo new and commodi
ouh ipwrters at Wo iNorUx lilevenUi
bU-ect, jici tney are piepaieU to
turmoil eeiytauig uae stuueais need
ui Uooks, stauoiuu-y and supplies.
We huo the UesL $3.00 audi $3.50
alioea. Nebstur 6l UogeiTS, 1034 0 St.
Tlie latent hit "Speak to He, Aland,"
17c. Mi latest pieces at half price or
letter, l'liotogmphii and. piotuiea
liuuied at lowest prices in Luicoru, at
Music "ud l'loiurc Depanuueuit, JJer
loisaeiuir & Go.
WebaUi & ltogers wuuit to sell you
Ueoige C. Shedd Oioa just becai
tlected ureou of the ilfth. dJatrLct Wxi
Kuppa psi ixaiteraiity, and member of
the grand executive Council. THs is
oue of tine highest .honors la the fra
ternity of vwhlrth Mr. Shedd la a mem
ber. iockers for lunch; baaketa and
books at "Uai Book Store," old "co
op" room. . .
The Oliuneellor lxiturned from Ids
trip to the Uluck 111UH Wednesday.
Uullotoiis nunibers 66 and 60 have
Just been Issued by the experiment
station, lliey contain two articles by
i'rof. is W. Uard upon the subject of
U-ee pUintlng.
iMr, Henry lvalues, who Jiuk Ueeui
dnosen lor UJie head ol Uie plumo de
IMinuiien ol tne school ol .Luslc, la a
gonuiicunan ot line iuttaliiinen,ts, a most
iMiijWiuimt peatlormer, nuviing mlso a lo
gaL and coUeglate education, ilu was
uho piunist wiUi ltemenyl lor u yeur,
ttiid Jkis appeared in most of Ulie lUi'ge
eluic wiun great success. Air. luna-.
is an acijiiisifion and Wie School of
Mutjus is to be congratulated in be
curliig lliini.
Air. Itobert E. Alorltz, who has ta
ken Air. Whitney's place, oilers any
uf the following courses in higher
mathematics: invariants, lecture
course. Higher Algebra, based upon
Orystnll's text. Theory of curved and
twlalcil Hurlucoa. ll.glicr analytical
geometry, bused upon Susoy s text.
I'lojocinu geometry, bused upon Cre
mona s text, students expecting to
register lor uuy of these couiscs are
usUcd lo eoiiler with Air. AloriU at as
curly a date as possible.
Ihe suidunta' btiupply Store had
not couii'icd on 1 unublhiiii'g signs lo
cusiiouicrs, but they liavc beeia sup
plying them lur below cost tlhe lasit
week. Two of Uheir signs wei-e called
lor u ml taken away soon after being
put in place. However, tlhe proprie
tors say that more signs arc on the
load, and Uhe demand wiLl soon oc
fully supplied.
Signs or no signs the Students' Sup
ply Store will still do business iuu 1120
11 St.
Our supply of signs have run low at
the Students' Supply Store, but we
have an abundance of ull other stu
dents' supplies.
Shjns may not be strictly hi evi
dence at Uie Students' Supply Store,
but all other sludcuU' supplies are
plentiful. Itopor & Funk.
Will Heltnmn, '98, is teaching his
-tory at 15ca trice.
F. W. I'lpcr, '07, will assist Prof.
Ansley in English.
Jess lUwe, '97, lias a desirable posi
tion hi u Montana school.
0. II. Martin, '98, will enter the Har
vard liiw school in October.
1. S. Cutter, '98, is principal of the
Beatrice high school for the coming
it. W. Thatcher, '98, will teach chem
istry and physics in the Beatrice high
Mnud Hammond, '94, will return to
Yale to resume post graduate work in
tile classics.
Alubel lticketts, 97, is teaching sci
ences tuid allied subjects in the high
school at Friend.
12. A. Henry, '98, lias accepted a fel
lowship hi economics in the Univer
sity of Nebraska,
Al. 12. lliltuer, '08, will spend the
winter tin Wyoming us ossayer to a
prospecting company.
O. A. Howmau, '94, is principal of
the high school at Waverly. lie will
carry In absentia graduate work in
the sciences.
G. E. Klndler, 98, will act as prin
cipal as one of the ward sdhools in
Heatrice and incidetally coaoh the
ihigh school eleven.
Horry Shedd, '07, has relinquished
his work in the Lincoln high school to
accept a position as private secretary
to the chancellor. -
E. A. Plllsbury, '02, who took his
charge of psychology in the Univer
doctorate at Cornell, is instructor in
sity of Alichigan.
Anna Lytle, '98, spent a portion of
the summer in engineering work in
the Hlack Hills. He will teach next
year in the liigh school of Red Oak, la,
E. C. Elliott, '95, who -was lost year
Regents - $8.50
University - - $800
Latest Style and Best Quality. One Profit maker to Wearer.
REGENT SHOE CO., 1036 O Street.
principal of the high rcIiooi In Lt'iid
vxlllc, Oolo., has been prompted to bo
superintendent of schools In the waine
place. i
C. It, Weldon, '05, passed several
days of his summer vacation In the
city. The most of his time was occu
pied with the pastorate of the First
Huptlst church of Nobrnshu City. He
lias returned to Rochester, where he
will complete Ills theological studies.
C. L. Shear, '97, and Enisl Bcssey,
'00, linvc rctrncd froma summer's
oolleolliitf in the NortlJ and Allddla
park region of Colomdj'i, Mr. Shear
Iiiik left for Washington ip take up IiIk
iIiiUch In the division o Agrostology
Air. Uessoy remains In Iveoln lo work
Some Seniors Pleased The
"Co-Op" Investigation.
The Itegents of the University held
their regular meeting lust June m the
executive oifice of the University.
The business which was of most in
terest to the students was that in con
nection with the members of the se
nior class who had enlisted in the
army. There was some uncertainty
and considerable anxiety felt by them
as to whether or not they were to re
ceive their deirrces. it Uierufm-c.
lifted a burden from their shoulders
when It was lluully known that all
members of the senior class in good
standing, who hud gone into the ar
my, should receive thciy diplomas.
The report of the committee ap
pointed to investigate the "Ccvop"
was made and accepted. It decided
that the Students' (Jo-operatlvc Hook
Co. no longer tilled the position for
which it was organized, and that here
after, in order to promote the best
interests should be under the direct
supervision of the regents and profes
sors of the University, assisted by a
representative of the student body.
Itegent Morrill and some professor
from the faculty will be members of
this supervisory board. An election
will probably be held soon to elect
some student with a business turn of
mind to represent the students in this
capacity. The storeroom will be that
formerly occupied by the Co-op" in
the east end of University Hall.
Two hundred dollars worth of Wa
terman's Ideal fountain pens to se
lect from at the "Uni" book store.
Gen the official chemistry apron at
Uni book store.
Course 28 Weens,
Bees $65.00.
Offers great inducements to stu
dents of medicine in the west.
Methods of instruction most satis
factory. Clinics in both surgery and medi
cine held in the following hospitals in
this city: County, Methodist, Child's,
Immanuel and Presbyterian hospitals
Catalogue sent and questions an
swered by E. W. CHASE, Omaha,
Nebr., Continental block.
The 6 Trains for
Omaha and Return....
are DAILY except Sunday via
Leaving Lincoln nt 8 a. in., 10:15 n. m., 1:30
p. m., 2:15 p. m., 0 p. m. and 12:40 a. m.
Leaving Omaha nt 8:35 a. m,2:55 p. m., 4:25
p. m 4;S5p. m7p. m 11:55 p.m.
on Mens Shoes. '
The Gonneticut Mutual Life Insurance Company.
lor Promium Rates writo or call on
HOBACE G. WHITMORE, U. of N. '95, Gon. Agent,
Km Mwm!Mmw
19 H
Copyright, 1808, by Hart, Schaflncr & Marx.
We most Cordially Invite
State University to Call at Our
Fine Merchandise lo be found elsewhere in the State.
ROPER & FUNK, Props., 1129 R St.
OIFIQIISr AJ3? -S-XjIj ieiottirs.
A full line of Student Supplies,
Text Hooks, History'Note Paper and Covers,
OUTLINES for American and European History.
SECOND-HAND BOOKS sold on small commission.
TYPEWRITING and MIMEOGRPHING done at the store.
Agents for CLARKSON LAUNDRY COMPANY. Leave bundles at the
store. Solicitors for the BRICK BLOCK BOARDING CLUB, 320.322
North nth. Call and see us. ROPER & FUNK.
Is bettor fitted than over before to give artistic instruction in
Voice Training, Piano Forte Playing, and all
other principal branches of Music,
Students will receive full information by ap
plying at the School located directly
South of the Campus.
Tuition is Lowest Consistent with Sound
All College Text Books and Students' Supplies
in Stock. History and Theme Paper, and Covers
a Specialty.
Phone 08, - , 137 South nth Street.
of Cheviot Casslmere nd
Worsted, dark checks, plaids
or plain goods, finely tail
ored, seams sewedTbithsitk
thread and evety suit fully
and completely guaranteed.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
make their clothes in so
many sizes ifiai lite say to
every customer: "Perfect fit
or your money back ' Come
in and try on some of the
new styles cAre you ac
quainted with this trade
all New and Old Students of the
Store. No such Assortment of