The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, September 16, 1898, Image 1

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Vol. VII.
Pkioe 5 Ornts.
The Fair Greeks of Sigma Chapter Entertain Their
Sisters From Every Part of the United States.
An Account of tho Vnrtoua Doings of the Kappns During Con
vention Wook.
The national convention t Kappa
Kappa Gumma held its fourteenth bi
ennial session with Slgmu chapter ivt
Lincoln, Nob., August a-;io.
Tho oonvcntiun festivities liegnn on
Friday afternoon, August 10, when ot
thti homo of iMIfW Mabel KUilm.rdrtMna,
tt. 11. Wilson, dean of women at the
university, was initiated into Kappa
Kuppa Gamma. After I'lio ceromonj
tihe assembled Kappas went to the
Burlington station, whero at 5:45 tho
first convention, guests, the members
of the grand council, received a royal
welcome. They wore t once iwoutoel
by Aliss Lena lloutz, marshal of con
vention, -to 1031) G street, whore the
chapter house so kindly "loaned" by
l'hi Kuppu Psi, hud been made by
Aliss Mabel hud ley into a veritable
Kappa 'homo. It provedi n most fas
cinating pluco to tlto homo Kappas,
wlio improved' tho opportunity to be
come acquainted with tho fraternity
Oa Monday and Tuesday a. trains
were met ami thVi reoleving .committee
at the Lincoln hotel where tlho dele
gates were to stay, was kept busy
welcoming Kuppas from, cast and
wests By six o'clock the fraternity
register rtc almost completo aaul ev
en the niost enthusiastic wore satis
fied. The following Is the registered:
Grand President, Bertha P. Rich
mond, l'hi, Boston, Moss.
Grand Secretary, Carla Fern Sar
geat, Epsdlon, Evnnston, 111.
Grand Treasurer, Annabel Collins,
Beta Zeta, Iowa. Palls, la.
Grand Registrar, Aliguon Talbot,
Beta Nu., Columbus, 0.
Editor in Chief of tho "Key," Mary
Josephine Hull, Psi, Ithaca, N. Y.
Phi Boston University, Elizabeth
Pauline Pabnort Bostouv Afass.
Beta Epsilbn, Barnard' College,
Edith P. Strieker, Now York, N. Y.
Psi, Cornell University, Helen Whip
ple, Ithaca, N. Y.; Maude &, Blxton,
Beta Beta, St. Lawironce university,
Catherine Stmllinan, Canton, N. Y.;
Lucia E. Beaton, Helen iL Probst,
Alice Grace, Margaret R. Austin; Alice
Walker, Mrs. Emily S. Hepburn.
Beta Tau, Syracuse university, Afar
i&a E. Wright, Sprncuse, N. Y.j Susie
De Oen llrowm; Frainces Emcrs au
Beta Alpha university of Pennsyl
vania, Sarah Pleis Miller, PMlndel
phin, Pa.
Beta Iota, Swarthmorc college, Ma
bel Clara Gillespie, Swmntililimwe, Pa.,
Virginia Gillespie, Katharine PfeifTer,
Laura Cecelia APlJ'
Gamma Rlio, Allegheny college, Ger
trude Hastings, Meadville, Pa.
Lambda, Bucflutol college, Celia B.
Mallifion, Akron; O.
Beta Gamma, Wooster university,
Mymtle Eraser, Wooster, 0.
Beta Nu, Ohio state university, Dor
othy Canfldld, Columbus, O.
Botn Delta, university of Michigan,
Isabel A. Ballon, Ann Arbor, AEioh.;
Florence 'Wnilkar.
XI, Adrain. college, Addio W. Chase,
Admin; Miidh.
Kappa, Hillsdale college, Sarah M.
Putnam, Hillsdale, Mioh.; Shirley
Holmes Smi'ulu
Deltas Indiana university; Gertrude
Alunhhill, Blooiningboa, Ind,
Iota, De Paw university, Lena M.
ByaxU.Grccnenstel, Ind.,- xDes&ie , 0.
Cwnoess- .
ILu, Butler college, Ethel j2. Cleland,
Trvbigton; Ind.
Eta, university of Wisconsin, Grace
M Challoner, Madison, Wis.; Ferue
Rvan, Jeniny 0gllviev Eurtice Susan,
Helen Woaviuer, Carrie Dilatush,
Upsiion, Northwestern tunivprsity,
Myrtle M. Dielcson,- Evansitoai;, HI.,
Lousie L Tayior, Laura Odse'W'W
Epsllon, Illinois Wcsleyan unlverei
t iVjirgfiJiiia Q. Sicla5r BloiQininigttoin,
lll.i Margaret Cole, Clam De
MuliUs, Mra, May AblnvtU
Chi, univomlty of MlniCKOt, Llla
!. Maixili'lutul, Ml in w ptli, Minn.
Beta .ot, Iowa t,to unlveitilty,
Helen. Clapp, lw City, ltu, Kosm llen
deiou, Theta, uivlveivslt.y of Mlsruri, Ida
li. llowaixl, Coluiubla, Mo., 1'Uva Arin
sU)iig, Irene BUilr, Jessie Blnlr, Eliza
beth Schweitzer.
Omega, Kansas Mtate university!
Eangeliue 11. IUmwii, Ijawivnee, Kns,,
lii. lkiwei'&ock, Bnrtio lk)x'itioel,
Jetaie Guddls, Mnr E. Morris, lM'th
Beta Eta, Leland Stanford, Jr., unl
eivslty, Mary E. Morritt, Palo Alio,
Pi, university of California, Alice S.
Rising, Berkley, Cal., Blanoho TerrilL
Sigma, university of Nebraska Lin
coln, Neb., miuhal of con volition,
Laura B. lloutz, asslsUuit marshals,
Mary CyiiithLa Wiliiting anil Alabel
Riohaixics; delegate, Eleiv B. Gore;
chapter members, Stella M. Elliott,
Eniaua Outoallt, Nolle Holdbiviok, Mtt
lil l.iiwlloy, Ailolloyil WJdting, Doni
M. Hurley, Alice G. MaitlanU, rloreuce
Macl.eui Wiugei', Margaret 1 Winger,
Claiu lianiunond, Maude Risked', May
Colboa, Daisiy llouck, Anna Broody,
Cora C. Oropsey, Frances C. Gere, Jes
sie B. Jury, Edna Fay Wetzel, Eua
Katharine Klckcuts, Cirotte E,. Whe
doai' Ethel Collins, Nelly King1 Griggs,
Elizabeth SeocrostrUurdy, Uattie A.
'Maine, Eleanor Raymond, Stella xj.
Irwlu, Katharine Seothorn-itiller, Ed
iuh Leigliton-llall, Maricl C. Gere,
Martha Biu-ks-Uurley, Euuna Parlis
Wilsou, Altfliea ltobeits-Uaggard, Sal
Ue E. Groh, NelUe WhitenMarahnlli.
Canton Alumnae chapter, Dr. Lueia
E., lleaton.
Now York Alumnae oliapter, Mrs.
Emily S. Hepburn,
On Tuesday evening occurred the
opening reception, of the convention
at the home of Misses Florence and
Maggie Winger. -The decorations were
in 'the fraternity colors, dark and light
blue, wmall ponnamta being1 very ef
fectively used. Only Kappas were
present and the faimiliar colors and
pins made very pleasant the task of
"getting acquainted." On this occa
sion each guest was prcscnienl with
the convention pin, a silve fleur-de-lis.
The fraternity flowers and emblem,
the gift of Dr. L. Aukl, Columbus, 0.,
one of the fraternity jewelers.
On WYdnoMhiy evening ail immense
streamer In. the fraternity colors float
ed ironi the flag statt of university
hull announcing the opening of tho
convention. The dhapcl, .in which ail
business sessions were held, was a
constant scene of pleasure 'to tho vis
iting Kappas and the girls of Sigma,
for it had been' most elaborately deco
ra ted by Mrs. C. H. Gere and Mrs. I.
C. Ritflniiiids. National colors wore np
poprlatoly used with the fraternity
colors ami palms and cut flowers
brlghtoni! the rostrum. Tho exam
ination of credentials and 'the seating
of delegates occupied some time, but
fJiortly after 9 o'clock the marshal
formally opened the fouiitcemth no
tional convenNion. of Kappa Kappa
Tho morning session was followed
by am afternoon' of comtmittee work,
by t by 0 o'clock all the convention', the
mother, of tttic town Knppos anil a few
guests were enjoying n.plonlic tea on
tho iKvuntiful lawn rot the homo ol
Miss Enn Rickcjtts, Tttite oeniing was
spent most xltasantly in music and
dancing nnd was all too shlnit, for
fraJernlty makes 'tlhc fltrangors of
yesterday Uie close friends: of 'todU.
Thursday wxis olwo devoted to busi
ness but in Ulie evening Ulio fnaitoruiity
worhl of tflie univer&iiity nnd' many
ttown ieaplo wero dnvitouV to metib tho
visiting Kappas at Uio home of (Miss
tabe! Rlqhards. The flag; d'eoofationB
prevailed horc; pcnnlMa iu tho blues
being strung about Iffc court, Palms
and Ameac;ui beauifii were usoil in
pixfusloiu In thia Iwhso Ideal for a
muslcale, tho followiMprogriun wnis
rendered: ;
(,a) Lurmurlug Zif4iors, Jensen
.Mumauu; D) juwBenuiuz, .iae-
IIhwkII. MIslm Miiiiiln..
The Robin, Woarrf
Woodw. i
Mrs, Mark
(a) The First M
, Grieg (U)
MMy) Novlu;
iNimtu.rue, (May liv
(u VhImj (Mi ToiukU-
Cainxjns, Airs.
WliM t)xvu Jones.
Solo, Seleotetl, MJ jfilvuur
niond. J,
Ballade et Poloiwj Viuuxtoinps, Silence Dales, j (
Nympiiis aiwl She jwwls, Pm;ell,
Mrs, Marie Woods.
i'iauo Milo, (a) Llol lod, G. MoikoI;
(l) Pan Pawlorln, 11 'tioddaird; (')
Etude, G. Flat, Chop! , Miss May Col-
The eveiuiing was a .musical as well
as a &cial success.,' , s is customary
Miss Silence Dales' vi In solo was the
triumph of uiie ovoni g and who was
foivexl to resDondi fcomn enuoi-e. Slie
captiuxxl Jier audleuid nmoiv tliun evea'
oy piayuug exquisiiei; wie muuu iovxxi
"Suavwiee River."
It was pleasant to ill to accept the
In viita tlon of Kappa Alpha Theta to
a reception at the hoinc of Miss Emily
Weeks on Friday afternooiu llakus
unxl luulvei'slty colors made the hull
attractive andi in tQtc d tailing room
oluek und yellow, tlie fratoriuty col
ors prevailed.
The lawn, with its comfortable
johulrs and outiidoaa and dainty re
Ifreshment bootJi vvas tlie lavxwrilo
.place, however, oui the waran aftor-
uoon. Tho hospitaM'tjfi of Kappa A'ljma
luiota was tuiorough appreoiated by
the home chapter, gut pcitluapa even
more so by tho v&ftore since many
of thenv. canto-. frwti"'iJsHtfcwr aand und-
versitics, veixi cordial good fellow
ship among fraternities is a stranger
und almost an unknown thing.
On Friday evening occurred the
"prettiest party" tho garden feto at
the home of Miss Lottie Whedont, Tho
moonlight was ideal and the counltless
lanterns, tho duint.y gowns nnd tho
music wore suggestive of fairy
itself. A platform, on tho east lawn,
was 'tlie delight of 'those who wished
to dance and a novel ice cream booth
at the opposite side was not uupatrou
ized. Saturday was a busy day with bus
iness sessions both morning1 and after
noon, but many of the girls accepted
tlie invitation of Miss Jane 'Macfar
kuid and attended1 the reception given,
late in tlie afternoon, in honor of Miss
Dorothy Canlield of Columbus, 0.
In the evening came tho formal re
ception of convention, at the home of
Miss Clara Hammandi Again .the per
fect nighlt and extensive decorations
wiithln and without tho house com
bined to make the affair one of tlie
most pleasing of the week. Invitations
had been sent to fraternity people,
university faculty and. town) friends,
and the house was thronged. Hage
rnow's orchestra furnlsnckll music
throughout the evening and ices wore
served in the dining room whio.t was
decorated with scarlet and cream.
Tlie busy week did not keep the
girls from carrying out flic progiram
as arranged for Sunday and practical
ly the whole eonventioni was presewt
at Holy Trinity when on Sunday
morning Rev. II. Percy Silver
preached a most excellent audi appro
priate convention) sermon.
Oil' Monday morning before tlie
business session at 10 o'clock the
memliers of the grand council and a
few others enjoyed a tallyho ride and
a delightful breakfast at the Lindell
ns tlie guests of Pel Kappa Psi.
Tn the evening tho Sigma Chi frater
nity entertained at a pavillion hop at
the beautiful homo, of (Mr. Paul Fitz
gerald. The colors of the university
and of tlie two fraternities were ar
tistically need in tho decorations of
the drawing rooms, while tho dining
room, where ice cream and cake were
served, was In dark red. The Hnge
now orchestra furnished a concert
program 'later in tlie evening and la
tor played for the dancing. Tho party
was, the most elaborate and success-
(Continued on Pago 4)
Coach Yost on the Grounds, Excellent Schedule of
Games Arranged.
Something About tho Couch, tho
Tho .scafcoiiN have rolled around un
til the lime for root ball Is hero again.
Within toll next few days
hundreds ot students wll
boiutdli ctiko and plumb pudding oil
their bid of furo, Ulirow elgMivitioeviwes
away, miuIV. Ulielr eaiulles at It) o'clock
uimli take a mile run Imroto break
IunU Tneir bodies wll'l soon be knot
lul ami corded with strong, hard
mubOJUN and their' feoft skins tougihen
eu u oiury comb rub downs.
.MvudoiiH lau will cost their sweetest
.siuiios upon: lUicm, and uiiey wih
suia&ia tuo .line or due.
As Noon u. registration, week is over
line iiirieio.iiy ol Nebraska will be
uiicd willn cnUiusinoiu, for this sort
ml alili louico. IMie winning eievou of
last year seem to have in.' tilled in
'line Liutoiii boily a foot ball spirit
wtnUctn wid no l die from one season
lo aiiioUlior. Already laxrito topics
ot com among the young men
are Ulie piuupeetivo ciimdidates for the
team, tne .ows of the new coach anil
Uie scUieUiiie of games.
Stiong iiixlicatious iwmi. to a roou
bail boaswii m Mliich tlie natioanil col
lege gaune will bo supported more
tlnuu aieixMiore by the student body
aim! in wuuua nothing will be left un
done by unose who lollow its course
to give the university of Nebraska a
team which will deserve the honors
of tho west.
As liusTJeou aaihpunceu'ini these col
umns before, a new coacn. has boon
scoured to succeed Mr. Robinbon.
Thus gentleman, is Air. Yost. He ar
rived in the city from the east Monday
and is at the Lindell. Air. Yost is a
foot ball man In every sonbo of tho
word. Ho does not hesitate to admit
that he is a great enthusiast upon tho
subject. Loving the sport for itself
ho has devoted a large part of his
time for the last live years in
muking himself a mobtter of its priur
oiples iiu every detail. Ho comes to
Nebraska fortilied1 with as complete
a knowledge of tho game as any man
uTtllie country. Not only is ho a stu
dent of foot bull but a remarkable
pluyor as well. He begaiu his career
at the university of West Virginia in
1S94, whore he ployed on1 tho Lafayette
champion team which defeated) Penm
syivania and played the game with
tihe All Star team of Pittsburg which
was made up of Heffelflnger, "Biffy"
Lee, Trenchard, Williams, Erooko and
otUuer men of national reputation.
Last year ho coached Ohio "Weslcyon,
winning nhe state pennant witdil hSa
team and playing Miolugam a tie game
0 to 0. Mr. Yost, altaioughi originevtr
ing his own game for tho moat part,
follows Ulie Princeton stylo of inter
ference. ( -
Mu Yost hns paid special attention
to individual dtylo of playing and
while he does not take any importance
away from team work, teaches tilio
now individual styles of running,
buckling and tackling.
"Mr. Yost is six fcot ini heighlt and
weighs 195 pounds. Ho llias a re
markable physique and comes hore in
Uhe piidv of conditions
Tho Nebraska n 'has met Air. Yost
und founkli hini to be n genitlleniani in
nlll rcspecits, clover, sociable and a
friend after a few minmtes conversa
tions Tlho Nobraskan. assures the) stu
dents tlhnt 'they will find iMr. Yost a
typical col lego man who has tihe iiiiteir
esb of the foot lxalll team at heart, and
determanied to land the ponha'nit of
'98 with our team.
Tllie followimg cOmplimcnlta'ry notice
was givein Mr. Yost in the foot ball
Souvenir of Ohio Wesleyon':
"Air, Yost is one of tho great foot
haM men. of tine country. Ho is
a thorough master of the gome im ev
ery position on tho 'teams baUh offend
give and defenisave, is very tfliorougfli.
His great enftlliusiasmr inispines all his
mom; if or Hue is not afraid' of work,
but goes into tho positions anldl dhows
Pluyora nnd tho ProapoctB of n
li'is men how to play thorn. Coaoh
YoHt Is i gonial Clirlslian gonltlemsuv,
tvnkl it Js a remarkable fndt tlhat not
a single oath has been hoard om tho
IkiII gixxund at Dehnnaro during' tlho
pinot'ico o 'flho entire seasoiN Ho is
Whoilly Imparttid and loved by all his
men.. 0. W. U. congratulates horsolf
upon having such a couoh, and is will
ing .o iJiy a largo sum for his services
next seasons"
'llio Oli'io Stato Journal Qias 'une fol
lowing to say concerning tlho new
"F. H. Yost, the famous tacklo of
tlho uuiveijlty of West Virginia ankl
lxifayetto college, vho coaolioil Olio
Wosleysui lust season and gave Dela
ware a foot ball 'tcani that will bo re
membered with, pride for years to
conic, is being rewarded for his faith
ful and eliiclewt work us a player and
coachs Several proamnion easxorn.
men. were after the position of couoh
for Oho university of Nebraska team,
but tho plumb has been, afurded to
that hard working and earnest giant
of the gridiron, who is so well known
lu thi. Uil p-ijeining states. Mr.
Yost has leeji appointed coachi fxar
tlho Nebraska team ak.d. as ttio univer
sity has over 1,800 students ensroUod
it gives him plenty of timber to choose
a team from, and as 'the college game
lias gained a Arm foothold iiv .the west
numerous candidates for tho team
will surely be out. Mr. Yoet" is now
ini Parkorsburg, W. Va, but ins Au
gust will go to Lincoln and proceed to
build up a team as boon as the stu
ddnits arrive.
If Nebraska does not havo a win
ner this year it will be from1 tlie lack
of talent, as Coach Yost knows tho
game from A to Z, is thoroughly im
love with, 'his work, dons his foot ball
togs nnd gets out with, tho candidates,
giving realistic examples of plays. He
devotes no 'time to society wilion ho
can' be of service to the eleven, and
during tlie foot bail season can) be
found around the college grounds,
taking every opportunity to give tho
pli'yers individual coaching. Tho
many friends and admirers otf tlie
former Wesleyan coach will be
pleased to learn of his good fortune
in securing such a desirable position
and) there are none who doubt his
ability to make a signal success of the
AlBannger Bisehof arrived' im tho
city Alouvlay. He has been engaged
all su manor in fixing a sdliodiulo which
is as follows:
October 1 University of Nebraska
vs Hastings at Lincoln.
October 22 University of Nebraska"
va William Jewell College at Kanisus
October 24 University of Nebraska
vs. ALissouri State University at Col
umbia, Alb.
October 29 University of Nebraslca
vs. Gninnell College at Lincoln.
November 5 Uniiverwilty olf (Nebras
ka vs. Kan saa State University at
Lawrence, Kas.
November 7 University of Nebras
ka vs. Kansas City Aledice ait Kansas
Nbvemlber 24 University of Nebras
lca vs. Iowa State University at Coun
cil Bluff, la., or Lincoln.
Thoro is a strong' probability of a
gnmo with Atinncsota Stato university
November 12, at Lincoln. If this
gatmo is played it will be the greatest
ever played in the west.
ICnox college is trying to make ar
rangements to play at Lineolm oni Oc
tober 15,
The university af Colorado has asked
for a game at Denver between Novem
ber IS and 24, which will bo schednilod
if possible.
Manager Bisohof is anramgung for .
trip tk tQue Pacific coast durinig Ifliie
Ohiristimas vacation, playing ono gptmo
while going each way and two while
Captain Medfard will be in tho city
'(Continued on Page 2)