The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, May 20, 1898, Image 5

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    Ill tlto Gym.
The annual exhibition of th l:.v'
gymnasium cIiihhch took place hint
Saturday evening and proven a grcnt
success, l'rof. Hastings nnnounecii
Dint tlio object of the exhibition wits
simply to Illustrate the regular work
of tin classes, nnil show whiit. prog
ress hml boon accomplished tlnrttiK tlio
your. No fmioy gymnastics would i.o
attempted, lie thou iiiiiioiinood the
records inudo In tho nftornoon.
Tlio first thliignu tho program was
tho Indian Hub drill with Miss Char
lotto Clark as accompanist. Sixteen
men tool; part In this headed by Steb
bliiH, Thoy proved very well trained
and put up a graceful drill. The
spectators showed bylholr liberal up.
planso how inueh thoy appreciated
tho work.
This wis followed by a three-Inning
game of olly ball between the morn
ing mid afternoon classes, Moth sides
played well, the game llnally going ,0
tho nftornoon olass by a seoiv of Ul
to 17.
Thegcncrnl npparalus work proved
partloularly Interesting. The men
wore dlliUd Into the olasses. It. S,
Hunt led (lie work on 1 1n horse, V.
II, 11. Moot' on tho buok, Anker
httided (ho moil on the high bar,
Stebblns on tho low bar, and Nelson
on tho paraJels.
Tho work of all was excellent. The
only draw hick wis the difficulty of
seeing all tie worknt. the same time.
The ruunlnr starts wis one of the
most tntercsing features of the even
inh. Shiiiiu f the stnrt.s wens very
Tho ilrst hilling of tho battle ball
game result id In n score of !2t to 21
In favor of tho afternoon class, the
soend inning was omitted.
The fancy club work created the
greatest enthusiasm and showed won
derful skill Hunt. Davis, NoiImmi
and Stebblns took part.
Shane proved the strongest man in
tho strength tests, pulling up .21.
Melson made 20 and Moore 12.
V. V. Ityan led in the "F.lephunt."
Tho work of tho evening was closed
with the "pyramid" which reached i,
height of four stories. About 2.V) en
joyed the exhibition and -were greatly
pleased with tho work.
Dr. Hastings is about, to undertake
n series of unique and interesting ex
periments throughout the state, the
results of which will be on exhibition
at the trnns-Misslssipp! exposition.
They are to bo a thorough physical
examination of tho school children
throughout the state.
The work is under the auspices f
of the District Society of the Ainerl.
can Association for the Advancement
of Physical Education. The work was
inaugurated by Dr. Porter of St. Louis
who 1ms made exhaustive investiga
tions and has reached may interest
ing conclusions, which further i lives
tlgntion seems destined to affirm.
This society has had printed four
cards. Two of them contain ques
tions on Hie physical appearance,
form and development of the children
mnlc nnd female taken separately.
Another, intended for the parents,
has questions concerning the family,
while the fourth is for the instruc
tion of the observers. ICnch child is
given a card to take home to lie filled
out by its parents nnd returned the
next day. The children are arranged
in the order in which they sit at
their desks, girls and boys separately.
The observers stand in line. "Each ob
server has one particular -observation
or measurement to make on each
child. The children ikiss along in line
before the observers. In this way it
is expected to handle one pupil a
Parents are assured that no names
will be published in connection with
individual measurements and that no
personal defects will be pointed out
before the other children.
Those measurements will afterward
be classified and from the uveiagas ob
tained, charts and tables will be made
out, and will be placed on exhibition
nt the trans-Mississippi reposition
Those charts will show the tyi of
each age for the state of Nebraska,
viz: just what the normal child should
be and wil show the proper physical
basis for intellectual advancement.
Tor instance, Dr. Porter, in one exper
iment, took pupils eleven years of age,
throughout nil grades from tho first to
to the eighth, and found that the av
erage height nnd weight increased
regularly from those in the lower to
the higher grades. This connection
between physical and inU'lleotuul
growth Is one of interesting
and Instructive result whl.h those
experiment h are producing
Dr.llustilig ospoel to cnipl"V throe
sots of Instruments In his works,
enough students having nli-cud.v vol
unteered to uiiiKo i uis iioHsime. iio-
sulos Dr. Woleott, Miss Anne Spurok
and Oliver Cliaiubers, tlio following
students from Dr. Hustings' and l'rof,
l.uokoy's departments have volun
teered, (!. (I. lledgeoek, S. 1). Clinton,
Kliner Harry, C. YV. Tiiclor, It. S.
Hunt, K. H. Hrook, 1). 15, Thomas, II.
K. Tooth, K. A. Itoso, W..S. Ilallc.v, II.
A. Johnston, F. F. Mnlone and Mlsos
Sadie Smith, Mary Sullivan, Alberta
Spurek, Hertha Dowiilug.llorlha John
ston, Nona Johnston, Joinlo Pontor,
and Charlotte Aloxaiuhv. Kellogg.
Illsoy and Herbert had nho volunteer.
oil but have since Jolnodthe nrin.v.
The base ball team It charge of
Manager Ityou loft yosteWny morning
for Wyiuoro, where they played yes
terday. From there the; go to To
ounisoh, where the.v play today and
tomorrow, returning hone Saturday
night. Moore, lthoades, Kludlor, Itood
er, Cowglll, l.olbniuu. Khoi, IIHhs and
Mel ford have been taken, Hllss pitch
ed Thursday, Melford Filday. Tim
boys arc in the best of ouulltton nnd
are confident of repeating their recent
Manager ltyon is arraiglng n trip
through the state for the week after
examinations. Tlio sehodnlo will In
elude towns as Wnhoo, Fremont,
Schuyler, David City, Colmibus, Auro
ra, York ami Crete.
Preparations are being made on a
grand scale for the gieat game with
Kansas, whleh is to take place on the
campus May :t(l. The thirteen inning
game at Lawrence shows how well the
teams are matched and a hut tic royal
is eonlideutly looked for. Monday be
ing a holiday an immense crowd from
tho city is certain and of course all
I'nivorsity fans will turn out to this,
the great game of tho year and elieer
tho boys on to vletoiy. Captain Klud
lor and his men are bound to take ibis
game and should be loyally supported
by the .students. Tickets will bo on
sale Monday for only 2"i cents, al
though all neighboring rnivorsities
charge .Ml cents and Manager ltyon has
been advised to do the same, but he
decided in view of the recent expenses
of the students to place the admission
fee within tlio reach of all and count
on the loyalty and Interest of the
school to held pay the expenses.
Owing to the ii.r.ials Ci, war has
made on the b.iti'ioii, tli recent
changes necessitated by the enlist
ments and the general unsettled air
among the cadets, it has been decided
not to have competitive drill this year,
As the companies have all been chang
ed over so recently, no company spirit
or entlnisiain exists, ami the usual in
terest taken in the competition would
bo lacking. I'mler the circumstances
the decision to give it up seems to
have been wisest.
For much the same reason the $2(1
prize offered by the Fanners and Mer
chants Insurance company to the best
drilled cadet in thebntlllon. will not
lie contested for this spring. As inan.v
of the best drilled cadets in the school
would not be present it was not con
sidered fair to the company to decide
tlu matier as at first intended. For
Hint reason the contest will lie post
poned. Owing to the near approach of the
end of drill. Major True lias uooldod
not to fill the vacancies eieised by the
enlistment of Captains llcndy and
Haggard. The first lien oiiaiits of
their companies will eoinininil for the
rest of the vear.
(Continued from First Pane.)
by staying in the center ol the senior
crowd, was jirotoeted. but le found it
nil visible to put the only Ns enp left
in Itaiifjhart's pocket. I'lcsdeiit Mar
tin, fearing tliere wuild not be
enough left of the seniors for the uf
lernoon picnic, announecl their nd
journnient, and being a'rnid they
would be followed, muted that the
seniors, who did not know where to
meet, could find out from those who
did. After tlio adjournment several
seniors were hanging around trying
to recover their losses. C. T. Ilecdy was
noticed, seized by a crowd of juniors
and Kophmorch and carried to the hole
back of the armory. Into this ..ieedy
went, Kinton was near bv and soon
followed. Warren and Kddie Morri
son were dropped into the hole amid
howls and Fniversitv yell... Kodak
pictures were taken of the qunrU't in
the pit. It is reported that half a do
en reprcstntufives of the junior an
mini board ere on the soot, and sev
oral annuals wen ordered in iidvnnec
Kvorvlinily Bnyii Ho.
Cnsonrotn Cf.ndv Cuthnrtle, the niel won
derful medical dli ourv of the m - ic
ttnt and I'ofi'calmnr to tho taste, m 1 1 ''
mid positively on hliincvs. liver nnil iuvii
clontiHiiiK tho entire to, stem, dUpcl eeiiH,
cum inxnlnuho, fev.r, habitual imiHntion
nnd bllldgijijiu'NH. Please, buy and try a lx
of t '.X. 0. toilnv, 111, W. Ml cents, Hnliluml
Himrniitooil to euro by all ilrauglflts,
A"d Economical
ltouto to Southern California. Tour
ist, oars every Thurvh.y only $: for
double berth.
H. & M. depot. Till anil P strode;
city ollloo, eorner loth am 0 street.
G. W. Bunnell,
C. P. v- T
Bath Houso and Sanitarium
Cor. 14tk & M St., Lincoln, Neb,
Open at all hours, Day and Night
All forms of bath.
Maiuiglng Physicians.
$1.00 $1.00 $1.00
If at nny timo within n vear 3 on de
sire to trado for one of our REPEAT
ING cameras, wc will allow you $1.00
nnd take back the one von buy. Tho
repeating camera, is like a repeating
ritle. You photograph one pinto and
instantly place another in position. No
trouble or bother. You load it at
homo and Bimp tho pictures nt pleas
ure. Any child can handle it, Thii
is a new device never put on tlio mar
ket before. $3.00, $4.00, S.VOO, accord
ing to size mm number of plates.
A. H. CRAIO, MuKwannKO, Wis.
1 he Washburn IS tlio rnn nml nnli.
j make of world-wide reputation. Sold
oy mst-ciass dealers cvcrwvlu re from
?i5.oo upward. Imitated u-n- iv cly,
so be sure that the name "ilnna
Washburn" is burned upon tin- p .,,fe.
A beautiful Washinirn Honk coi't.ufi
iiiff portraits and letters from tin De
Hcszkcs, Calvt, Fames, Nonin a,
chi and loo otner famous artists .41d
teachers, mailed free upon requibt.
Address Dcpt. U,
Cor. Wabasli Am. and Adams St., Chlcaoo.
Auuts (or
Washburn instruments.
Also general factors Shaw, Weber,
Wegninn nnd Jewett pianos and Far
rand & Votey organs.
130 South 13th Street.
Northwestern University
Medical School.
Tne regular courhe is four .wars,
with conditions for advanced standing
This school elaims superiorit.v in the
extent nnd thoroughness of laboratorv
courses and in tho great variety of it'
clinical material and the methods b
wlllc.ll it 1h llki'fl lit lixmliimr l.i. ..;.'-
" - " .. ... V...V. ...,. i in-
ciilars of inforiuatioii nddress t In- See.
Dr. X. S. DAVIS. Jr..
2-113 Dearborn St Chicago.
There are a number of U. of N. men
now nt this school.
ToanhprQ Wantnrl f"r "r,,oiH i oi.
ICdbllClO ITdlllBU litcoM In vry Hl.U,.
Wo can UNO AOlhU in, null. No coiiiiiiIkhIoii
-lmref-l "" swlury AililrcNH. TJIh IHU'
KINH TKAOll Kits' AOBNCY, Lock l$ox
UOO, ChlfttKO, Jll
You Travel
Always Take
To OWAUA All point east.
KANSAS CITY Fust and south,
DF.NVI5R and nil Colorado polnUi.
(lDr.N uwl BALT LAKI3.
HUTTU and 1IIS1.15NA.
IFna tho best, modern equipment,
l'lillman 1'aluoo and Tourist Sleepers.
Dlntnir and free reellnlnir finite eni'n.
For tlino schedules, tickets, nworviitiona of bortliH, mill on or nddrenj
13. H. SLOSSON, Oon. Agt., 10M O St.
Lincoln. Neli.
S. S. II. CLAltlv, Pies. 13. DICKINSON
Rspovlenoo at this rnlvcr-lty hn proven thiit. tho
I. .1... ....t I..1.,.. I I.. ,. 1 . , . I. K
1 i nil rciiliiiic pen mr eniss room use,
writes ooiitiuuoiisiv wnnoiit siinuiufr
bo made, and nioiioy guaianteed
E!fc -
Auburn, 1'nlln City,
Atehisun, St. ,loscph
nnd Kansas City,
City Ticket office !020 0 St
H. C. Towm-md, 0. P. it 1 A.
P. D. Cornell, C. P. & T. A.
MP TRHPimi OTiiw
irAinffiT:' liit Kiln. .
shampoo. iv
,'E, 10.-. sr. FOAM. 10c.
It. ,1. Kolunson, 1'rop.
S SSlVl'Xt-i"l.?.2& !.-, -i !. X 1'' '-. . .'iWSCWiVVVK' -"W.K'3xttSS?i,i.l
ML rwP'5 feC V-iX :tfewZ.-3L Wjz M
B i fdoiiW jb -.
Hi v$ M
A. L. G1RARD & Company,
Dealers in Bicycles
05 So. 12th St. Lincoln. Neb.
Best Route
Lincoln, IScb,
J. T. MAST1N, 0. T,
Oon. Mgr., 13. L. LO.MAN, G, V. & Tj
1 1. IS lllMI,H reau,V Kir 1110 dnl
It. lias tiu in-si j.nitl pen that . MJ
rofuiidcd It the pen is imt satl fa ,J
Korsalc at the Co Op.
! vdi in No. 17,
"Stevens Favorite" Rifla.
" Take Down " model, ss-inrh inrrel, wriht
A 1 pounds. Carefully bored and tc J.
For ,aa, .35 nnd .33 rlni-tuc i.utral cs.
t7. Plain open sights, 56.00
18, Tartret sights, S8.50
Ask your dealer for the " FAVOUITT"
If ho doesn't keep it, wc will send, prep.iid,
on receipt of list price.
llooklct of small-bore cartridges free.
J. Stevens Arms & Tool CoJ
V.0. 1W.X ln
citicopun palls, nss.
Table board $...')()
U. ils 15 ct
MI3A1. TICKITl'S -;,0
The Model Dining Hail
MRS. RMItT. F15Ki:i D, Prop.
310 So. ISlh St., l.ini-idn N braskii
ssnfliiwiaiKBiissr'ffl'MSirtiii ir sl jo saoja
I Lunch Counters
K III qntith Glevcnih
f.3 '" bUlU" tlB'tll,,,
zmsm, m n z z, n 1.r. ? m,rm
"LwCSsitftJufJjri? n 1 .