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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1898)
to. Ill the Gym. BOYS' GYM EXHIBITION. The nnminl exhibit lou of the boy' gymnasium classes took plneo Inst Saturday evening nnd proved a if rent success. Prof. Hastings unnounccil Hint the object of the exhibition was simply to llhiHtrnte the regular worh of tho classes, nml hIiow what prog ress hnd been accomplished during the yenr. No fnnoy gymnast Ich would i(u attempted. He then niinouiu'ed the records made In the nfternoon. TJie first thlngon the program was the Indlnn club drill with Miss Char lotte Chirk ns neeonipiinisl. Sixteen men took part In 1iIr headed by Stcb bliiR. They proved very well 1 mined nml put up n graceful drill. The wpeetntorH Rhowcd by their liberal np. plause how niueh they appreciated the work. TIiIr was followed by a three-Inning game of volly ball between the morn lap and nfternoon classes. Both Rides plnjod well, the game llunlly going to the afternoon cIiirs by a wore of 24 to 17. Thegencrnl nppimifiiH work proved pnrtleulnrly intcrcs'ing. The men were divided Into live ckisscs. 11. S. Hunt led the work on the liorw, W. II, 11. Mooe on the buek, Anker bended the men on the high bar, Stebblns on the low bur, and Nelson on the paraJols. The work of nil was excellent. The only draw lack wan tho difficulty of seeing all tie worknt the same time. The runnlnr starts was one of the most interesing fentures of the even ing. Some f the starts were very unique. Tho first inning of the battle ball game resulted in a score of 24 to 21 in favor of the nfternoon class, the seend inning was omitted. The fancy club work created the greatest enthusiasm and showed won derful skill Hunt, Dnvis, Xeilson and Stebblns took part. Shane proved the strongest, man In the strength tests, pulling up .21. Xielson mnde 20 and Moore 12. W. V. Ryan led In the "Elephant." The work of the. evening was closed with the "pyramid" which reached a height of four stories. About 250 en joyed the exhibition and were greatly pleased with the work. PHYSICAL EDUCATION WORK. Dr. Hastings is about to undertake a series of unique and Interesting ex periments throughout the state, the results of which will be on exhibition at the trnns-Mlssissippi exposition. They are to lie n thorough physical examination of the school children throughout the state. The work is under the auspices of of the District Society of the Ameri. can Association for the Advancement of Physical Education. The work was inaugurated by Dr. Porter of St. Louis who has made exhaustive investiga tions and has reached may interest ing conclusions, which further inves tigation seems destined to affirm. This society has had printed four cards. Two of them contain ques tions on the physical appearance, form and development of the children male and female taken separately. Another, intended for the parents, has questions concerning the family, while the fourth is for the Instruc tion of the observers. Each child is given a enrd to take home to Ik filled out by its pnrents and returned the next day. The children are arranged in the order in which they sit. at their desks, girls and boys separately. The observers stand in line. Each oil server hns one particular observation or mensurement to make on each child. The children pass nlong in line before the observers. In this wny it is expected to handle one pupil a minute. Pnrents are assured that no names will be published in connection with individual mensuremeuts and thnt no personal defects will be pointed out before the other children. These measurements will afterward be classified and from the averages ob tained, charts and tables will be mnde out, and will be placed on exhibition at the trans-Mississippi Exposition. Theso charts will show the tyie of ench nge for the state of Nebraska, viz: just whnt the normal child should be nnd wil show the proper physical basis for intellectual advancement. For instance, Dr. Porter, in one exper iment, took pupils eleven yenrs of age, throughout nil grades from the flrwt to to the eighth, nnd found that the av erage height and weight Increased regulnrly from those in the lower to the higher grades. ThiB connection between physical nnd intellectual growth is one of many interesting i hi --- - mmm m ... Till n. and luntruetlve results which theso experiments are producing Dr.HiiHttugs expects to emplo.x three sets of Instruments In his works, enough students having already 'vol unteered to make OiIh possible. Be sides Dr. Wolcott, MIsm Anne .Spurck and Oliver Chambers, tile following students from Dr. Hastings' and Prof, l.uekey's departments lno volun teered. 0. 11. llcdgcook, ?. D. Clinton, Elmer Barry, C. W. Taylor, It. S. Hunt, E. B. Brook, D. E. Thoinn 11. E. Tooth, E. A. Hose, V.,S. llnlley, (I. A. Johnston, V. V. Muloit mid Misses Sndlo Smith, Mary SuUK-un, Alberta Spurck, Bertha Downlng,lertha John ston, Nona Johmton, Jeinle I'entzer, and Charlotte Alexander, Kellogg. IHsey and Herbert bail a'bo volunteer, cd but have since jolnedthe army. TEAM OEE AOAIN. The base ball team li charge of Manager Hyon le.fl ycsterlny morning for Wyinore, where they played yes terday. From there the go to Te eunisch, where they play todny nnd tomorrow, returning hone Saturday night. Moore, Rhondes, Kludler, Boed er, Cowglll, l.oibmau, Rhea, BIIsh and Melford have been taken. Bliss pitch ed Thursday, Mel ford Fiidny. Tho boys nre In the best of cuidition and aro confident of repeating their recent victories. Manager Hyon Is arruiglng a trip through the state for the week after examinations. The schedule will In clude towns as Wahoo, Fremont, Schuyler, David City, Colunbus, Auro ra, York and Crete. Preparations are Mug made on a grand scale for the great game with Kansas, which Is to take jJaee on the campus May 30. The thirteen Inning game at Lawrence shows how well the teams arc matched and a hat tie royal Is confidently looked for. Monday be ing a holiday an immense crowd from the city is certain and of course all University fans will turn out to this, the groat game of the year and cheer the boys on to victory. Cnptain Klud ler nnd his men are bound to take this game and should be loyally supported by tho students. Tickets will be on sale Monday for only 2." cents, al though all neighboring lnicrsltics charge 30 cents and Manager Hyon lias been advised to do the same, but. he decided in view of the recent expenses of the students to place the admission fee within the reach of all and count on the loyalty and interest, of the school to held pay the expenses. NO EXHIBITION DRILL. Owing to the inroad the war has made on the b.iti'ion, th. recent, changes necessitated by the enlist ments nnd tho general unsettled air among the cadets, it has been decided not to have competitive drill this year, As the companies have all been chang ed over so recently, no company spirit or enthusiam exists, and the usual in terest taken in the competition would be lacking. Under the circumstances the decision to give it up seems to have been wisest. For much the same reason the $20 prize offered by the Farmers and Mer chants Insurance company to the best drilled cadet in thelKitillnn. will not be eon test if for this spring. As many of the best drilled eadet.s in the school would not lw present It was not con sidered fair to the company to decide the matter as at first intended. For thnt reason the contest will 1h post poned. Owing to the near approach of the end of drill, Major True has decided not. to fill the vacancies caused by the enlistment of Captains llendy and Haggard. The first licircnants of their companies will enmmiud for the rest of the year. (Continued from First I'nge.) by staying in the center of the senior crowd, was protected, but le found it advisible to put the only 'is cap left in Itnnglinrt's pocket. President Mar tin, f curing there would not be. enough left of the seniors for the nf ternoon picnic, announced their ad journment, and being afraid they would be followed, stated that the seniors, who did not know where to meet, cpuld find out from those who did. After the adjournment several seniors were hanging nroimd trying to recover their losses. C. T. Reedy was noticed, seized by u crowd of juniors nnd sophniorcs nnd carried to tho hole bnck of the nrinory. Into this .needy went, Kintoii was near by and soon followed. Warren and Eddie Morri son were dropped Into the hole amid howls and University yolhi. Kodnk pictures were taken of the quartet in tho pit It is reported thnt half a doz en representatives of the junior an nual board were on the spot, and sev eral nnnunlH were ordered In advance. shw nil Ercrrboay Bay Bo, Caaonrctii Candv Cathartic, tho most won derful medical dlaeovcrv of the mn pirns ant nnd rofroalnnK to Iho taste, net n'Utty and positively on kUliipyn, liver nml bowels, cloniiRlair tho entire nyirnn, dlupcl cold', cum licodnoho, fover, babltunl cnnfulimlion nnd btUijnoRR, Plcnso buy nnd try a box of IX i 0. to-dnv; 10, 23. ftl) coins. dolilanU guurnutood to euro by all druggists, Reliable, Comfortable And Economical Hon to to Southern California. Tour ist, cars every Thursday only $3 for double bcrl'i. B. e, M. depot, 7th nnd P streets; city office, corner 10th am. 0 streets, G. W. BoittteH, C. P. T. A. BULPHO-SAL1NK lath House and Sanitarium Cor. Htii & M Sta., Lincoln, Neb. Open at all hours, Day nnd Night All forms of bath. TURKISH, RUSSIAN & ROMAN. DRS. M. H. & .1. O. EVERETT, Managing Physicians. ..CAMERA.. $1.0 $1.00 $1.00 If at any time within n year you de sire to trade for one of our REPEAT ING cameras, wo will allow you $1.00 and take back the one you buy. Tho repeating camera Is like a repeating rlttc. You photograph one plate and Instantly place another in position. No trouble or bother. You load it at home and Biinp tho pictures at pleas ure. Any child can handle it. This Is a new device never put on the mar ket before, $3.00, $4.00, $3.00, accord ing to size and number of plates. AGENTS CAN MAKE MONEY. Address, A. H. CRAIG, Mukwntmgo, Wis. RM T".T: MY wAshbuC" HANDGUNS Guitars-Banjqs, The Washburn is the one and only make of world-wide reputation. Sold I by fust-class dealers everywhere from i $i5-oo upward. Imitated extensively, ' so be sure that the name "George ! Washburn" is burned upon the inside, i A beautiful Washburn Book contain- I ing portraits and letters from the De ' Reszkcs, Calvd, Eamcs, Nordica, Seal- liii mm ioo oiner lamous artists and teachers, mailed free upon request. Address Dept. U, LYON & HEALY, Cor. Wabaih Ate. and Adams St., Chlcajjo. MATTHLW3 PIANO CO., Ancuta for Washburn instruments. Also general fnctors Shaw, Weber, Wegmnn nnd Jewctt pianos and For rand & Votey organs. 130 South 13th Street. Northwestern University Medical School. Tne regular course is four roars: with conditions for advanced standing. This school claims suncrioritv in the extent nnd thoroughness of laboratory courses nnd in the. great variety of it clinical materinl nnd the methods by which it is used in teaching. For cir culars of information nddress the Sec. retary, Dr. N. S. DAVIS, Jr., 2413 Dearborn St., Chicago. There nre a number of U. of N. men now at mis school. I cdbrlClb WdlUBQ Iocoh In v.ry HtHtM Wo can use BO thin iniintli. No roiiiiiilmilou oh.rK!l on milury AdilrrsM. XIK lini. lriktu TirAf11lii.,u, tf,HA,v v .. ikaIammm 1Iau1..I fm anlinnla iil ..i u jr.. . ". -- 4bA TfijrrtTTlVf.JW 3U0, OalCARO, 111, When You Travel Always Take The To OM'ATTA All polnta oast, KANSAS CITY East and south. DENVER nnd all Colorado points. CKlDtiN and 8 ALT LAKE. 1UJTTE nnd HELENA. PORTLAND, SEATTLE, SAN FRANCISCO and LOS ANOELES Hns the best modern equipment. Pullman Pnlneo and Tourist Slcopors. Dlnlnir nnd froo viwllnlntr I'lmlr- nnra. ?, ... ..."..'. i-or tinio sciieiiutcH, i.ieuots, resummons of berths, cnll on or nddred E. 11. SLOSSON, Gen. Agt 104-1 O St, 1 .tmwtlti Vn1 S. S. II. CLARK, PrcH. K. DICKINSON Villi, Mill, SSWISISgm - Experience at this Tnlvervlty has proven thnt tho WATERMAN IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN I J, 41,., .nltnl.ln ...... t 1...... .... ft I.. ..,. 1.. .. awr iiiu IlillHMl- lil-ll iwi lllion Kllllll um'a wrltvs coutiiiu.msh without tdinklnir uu nuuic, ami money gunraniccil TWO TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN ' LINCOLN AND iVuburn, Fnlls City, Atchison, "St. Joseph and Kansas City, City Ticket office 1020 0 St H. C. Townsend, G. P. & T. A. P. D. Cornell, C. P. & T. A. MP TRAPni S7JIM BARBER SHOP (Rnscmcnt llurr llloelc) HAIR CUT, loc. 1I.MR SINGED, 15r. SHAMPOO, I.-.O. SHAVE, 10c Si: FOAM, 10c. 11. J, Rubiuson, Prop. mmm av gqanaMwwy BOLE AOENTS B'. t 1 A. L. GIRARD Dealers h, Rj, !35 So. 12th St. The Best Route From Lincoln, Wc TTtt ....... I ,1. T. MASTIN, C. T. Gen. Mgr 13. L. LOMX, Q. P. & T.i lUO. III 1 IIIWUXH 1'OIUlV lOr UR(, fit! It hns the best jjold pens that can vciunitcu u the pen Is nut sntlsfni'lor .For sale at Uic Co Op. STEVEN 'AOI,tiK No. 17, "Stevens Favorite" Rifle. " Talre Down " model, sadmh barrel, weight 45 pounds. Carefully bored and tested. For .22, .25 nnd .32 rim-hrc cartridges, 17, Plain open sights, S6.00 1 8, Tarnet sijrhts, S8.50 Ask your denier for the "FAVORITE.' If he doesn't keep it, vc will send, prepaid, on receipt of list price. Rooklct of small-bore cartridges free. J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co P.O. Hot I0i CHICOPUU PALLS, flASS. Table board $2.50 Meals 15 eti -MEAL TICKirrS $2.50 The Model Dining Hail MRS. ROUT. F1JEEI 1), Prop. 310 So. 12th St., Lincoln Nebraska lyjiiMKiicut2niir,ai'itiii:nii:ain''.TiLlai.iid 9 DON CAMliKON'S S S R fcl feL Lunch Counter - III south eleventh MatWffMOil cnrr-'Tar - x r u. msm m 1 Trtl mliT FOIt MNCOLH. & Company, gj Ltocoln. Neb.