The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, May 13, 1898, Image 4

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    Iti the Gym.
The conloBtH Ju the kIiTh Indoor pen
tuthlon, which could not bo awarded
Hint night, hecnuHC of Hit slopping of
ho jrink'hoH, wct'e ilnr.lly prcHcntcd
to the wlnnem 1uh. Friday, when the
orntvHtR In doubt, won1 run once again.
Ah n remilt of ihlH, MIhh Alburtn
Spurclc Ih wearing the gold nicdul,
nwnrded to tho winner of the pentath
lon by Sillier and Paine. She scored
n total of DM) polntH. MIhh Ida Taylor
won tho Hllver medal, prenentcd by A.
J2. Spureh, with a kcoi-c of II 10, while
MIhh Eleanor Miller hud only ten
points leHH and eaHlly won tho bronze
medal. It might be said lu thlH Con
mctlon that the report that MIhh Mil
ler gave out In the potato race In utter
ly biiHeloHH. Quito the contrary. She
ran more potatoes than any of her
vompetltorn and made the best time
that evening.
Among tho iirnt. year girls, MIhh
(Julie carried oft the honors, rolling up
n totnl of ail points, thereby securing
a pair of fencing foils presented by
FltzClernld and Co. The second prize,
u tennis racket, from II. W. Hrown,
was won by MIhh Dorlugtou, with a to
tal of 240 points, while a pair of Indian
clubs, presented by C. W. Lclghton,
went to Miss Meserve, who had JJ20
points io her credit.
Hi tho athletic contest by second
year ghiH, MIhh Laura Strntton enme
In ahead, and secured a tennis racket
and tennis net. MIhh Whipple won the
archery set. Their scores were HBO and
nil) points respectively.
Tho HCorers wish It to be distinctly
understood that It was the fault of tho
watches and not theirs, that was re
sponsible for tho trouble.
Our baseball tenm celebrated their
return from their southern trip and
incidentally inaugurated their new
suits by defeating Washburn college
by the score of 12 to 10. The visitors
proved no match for our team, who
could have run up a much larger score
wire they not anxious to save them
selves for the Missouri game on the
net day. Tho game ulioundcd in er
rors, both sides getting their share.
The work of both pitchers was good,
despite the numlcr of hits made.Hliss
having much the. best of it. The fea
tures of the game were Heeder's two
catches of flics in the seventh and
Ithoades' pretty stop and put-out on
tlr it in the same Inning, and Robin
son's catch of CowgllU'.s lly in the
elj Mb.
.itohl opened up for the visitors by
gaining first on a hit to llecder that
was fielded too slowly. Stahl was cut
on" at second on (iophurd's grounder.
Baxter flew out to Rheu and Jinnies
struck out. Nebraska started their
run-getting in the first. After Reed
er's out, Moore got first on Gcphard's
error, stole second and came home on' hit. Kindler and Cowgill went
out at first. Washburn went out lu
one, two, three order, but Nebraska
added two more runs to their scon-.
After .lohuHon's out, Ithea goes to see
ordon a hit to right, goes to third on
Licbmun'H hit and Jlhoades brlngH
both horned Ilceder strikes out and
llhondes is caught at the plate on
Moore's grounder.
In the third the visitors begin their
scoring. Jrclan hits to left field. Jtol
Jiu.on is given his base on balls. Stahl
strikes out. Jrelan and Robinson ad
uince a base on CowgiU's error. (5ep
hnrd brings Irelan In. Baxter is hit
b, the pitcher, liarnes fans and then
Kennedy's hit brings in Robinson.
Stahl strikes out.
Nebraska comes right back at them
in their half and piles up three more
runs. Iillss Is hit and gets to first,
stials .second, advances to third on an
error and scores on a passed ball. Kin
dler follows on Robinson's error. .John
son brings in the third run.
In the fourth Frtoby gets first on a
wild throw by Iillss. Irelan's hit sends
hi. n fo second. Uoth advance n base
on llobinson's sacrifice. Stnhl strikes
ot t. (icphard gets first on error by
Cowgill nnd goes to second. Maxtor
strikes out. We secured nothing in
oi r half.
The TCansans got one more in the
fifth. Iillss drops Jinnies hot liner;
Kennedy hits safe and CowgiU's error
lets Jlarnes home; close fielding pre
vents further scoring.
Nebraska again draws a goose-egg
in her half. Kindler hits .safe, but fails
to get around.
Tn the sixth Iteeder makes two pret
ty catches of Stnhl's nnd Gcphard's,
files and Jlnxter goes out at first. Our
men fill tho bases in their hal. but
can get no further, and the Kuiismih
come in fpv the seventh. In UiIb inn
ing we ad(J two more to our total.
Ivlndler onciiH nn with n -tliri.n.lui.rrr....
and scores on an error of Frisby's, I
nnd Cowgill reaches first. He getH to
thlwl, 'litlo Johnson Ih retired, and
scores on Jthca's grounder.
Washburn got their last scores lit
the eighth. IiIh1i.v reaches Hist on
an error by Rhoades, Second on
Moore's fumble, third on error of
Johnson, while Irchin roaches second.
Robinson pops up to .Johnson, who
throws wild and all eomf home. ('.
Slnhl goes out to Kindler, (lophnrd
walks to first, and after llaxter's out
to Kindler, scores on a wild throw of
Moore. Nebraska comes In with tho
score In favor of the vlHltoU, but soon
knock out three runs am tho game.
RhoadcH gets his base on balls. Jtccd
cr gels hit, goes to sccondlon Krlsby'H
error and to third on catel er's fumble.
Moore brings him lu. Ill ss lilts safe
and Moore scores on Robl ison's error.
IIUss scores on an error b, Stahl. Rob
inson's catch of CowgiU's fly, after a
luird backward run, lu his Inning,
wes one of the features of the game.
The visitors could do not
ilng In the
ninth, llclow Is the scorcl
l detail:
A.M. R. II. S.II. E.
Rtedor, m I I, I 0 0
Moore, o R 21 1 0 J
iillss, p 2' :) 0 I
Kindler, 2b ... 5 22 1 0
Cowgill, Mi I I
.Johnson, 1, f R i 0 1 !
lUica, r. f 3 I 1 0 0
Porter, r. f. and c. f. 2 1 1 0 0
Llebiunn, e. f :! I 1 0
Rhoades, Ih !( 0 I 0 1
Total HO 12 II 2 0
A.I1. R. II. S.II. E.
C. Stahl, c 5 0 J 0 4
(icphard, lib 4 2 I 0 1
llaxter, 2b R I 0 0 1
liarnes, p R 1 2 0 1
Kennedy, c. r R 0 2 I) ()
L. Stahl, r. f R ' (I () 0
Frisliy, I. f R 2 t) (I 2
Irelan, lb I 2 2 (I 2
Robinson, ss It 2 t t It
Total II 10 0 1 14
Struck out lly Iillss, S; by liarnes,
3. Runes on bulls Off Iillss, 2; olV
liarnes, 2. Hit by pitcher- lly nils.;, 1;
by liarnes, I. Umpire Mr. Green.
The Pershing Wiles' annual exhibi
tion drill will take place next Thurs
day evening at 7 o'clock on the cainpos
No organization connected with the
University has sulVcrcd so much from
the present war and consequent en
listment of students c.s the Rifles.
Captain Otiry, First Lieutenant Weeks
ami Sergeants Hrown and Jloddy, all
volunteered and the company was left
without oflicers. Nevertheless those
remaining determined to continue tho
organization and last week elected a
complete set of new oflicers. The com
pany has been recruited up from the
best drilled men of the battalion and
the high degree of efilcicncy in which
Captain Oury left them has been main
tained. Last night the conipnny decid
ed to give their annual exhibition and
it promises to be up to the standard of
previous years. The entire company
will appear in white duct trousers.
This will be the only opportunity of
the year to see any drilling in "ducks"
for the custoinory order to appear in
them will not lie issued this year. The
company has departed from its cus
tom of drilling in the armory and will
give tho exhibition on the campus.
The gold medal will be contested for.
nnd the winner will have the privilege
of wearing it during the summer. All
who have seen former exhibitions,
will be there, and others will do well
to remember the date, May 10 at 7 p
The trial of the suit ot Frank Craw
ford of Omaha ngnlnst the Athletic
association of tho University of Ne
braska was completed in the district
court yesterday morning and the case
given to the jury shortly before noon.
Following the conclusion of the case
Judge Smith adjourned court until
Monday morning and instructed the
juiy to bring in a sealed verdict, which
It did after being out about three
hours. Although the verdict was a
sealed one, the jurors announced that
it was for the plaintiff in the sum of
$221.07. Crawford sued for $225. which
he claimed was due him for services
ns coach of the University nthletic as
sociation several years ago. The case
turned largely on the question wheth
er tho present athletic association of
the University is a. now organization
or whether it is n reorganization of
the former one when Crawford was
couch. The University share of the
goto receipts, amounting to $250, at
tho Inter-state football game played
hero last Thunksirlvlnir dnv. was nt-
tnehed by Crawford.
TEvcrTbody Snjm Bo.
Concnrots Candy Ontluirtlc, tho niost won
dcrful moillcill dfocoveryof tho ajjo, plena
ant and rofrcBhltm to tho tnnto, net gently
nnd jionltlvoly on kliliicyn. llvor nnd bowels,
cleansing tho on tiro nyAtem, ilinpol colds,
euro lioalauho, fovor, liubltunl conntlpatlon
and blMjuesfi. Plonsa buy nnd try a box
of O. oVO, to-day; 10, 2R, Ml contn. Soluuud
guaranteed to euro by all druggists,
4nd Economical
Route to Southern California. Tour
ist. cui'H every Thursday only $R for
double berth.
H. oV, M. depot, 7th and P streets;
city olllce, corner 10th and O street.
G. W. Bonttell,
C. V. & T. A.
Bath House and Sanitarium
Cor. 14th & M Sts., Lincoln, Neb.
Open at all hours, Hay and Night
All forms of bath.
Managing Physicians.
If at nnv timn witliln n .. .... ,i.
. , ------- .. J..n JUU Uf
Biro to trade for one of our REPEAT
ING camerao, wo will allow you $1.00
and take back the one you buy. Tho
ropaatlng camera Is Uko a repeating
rltta. You photograph one pinto and
Instantly place another m position. No
trouble or bother. You lond it at
homo and snnp tho pictures at pleas
ure. Any child can handle it. This
Io a new devlco never put on tho mar
ket before. $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, accord
ing to size and number of plates.
A. H.CRAIG, Mukwauago, WI.
The Washburn is the one and onlv
make of world-wide reputation. Sold
by first-class dealers everywhere from
$15.00 upward. Imitated extensively,
so be sure tliat the name "George
Washburn is burned upon the inside
A beautiful Washburn Hook contain
ing portraits and letters from the De
Kcszkcs, Calv6, Earncs, Nordica, Seal
chi and 100 other famous artists nnd
teachers, mailed free upon request.
Address Dcpt. U,
Cor. Wabah Avo. and Adams St., Chicago.
A stents for
Washburn Instruments.
Also genernl factors Shaw, Weber,
Wcgman and Jowctt pianos and Far.
rand & Votey organs.
130 South 13th Street.
Northwestern University
Medical School.
The regular course ia four years;
with conditions for advanced standing.
This school claims suncrioritv in the
extent and thoroughness of laboratory
courses and in the great variety of iU
clinical material and the methods by
which it is used lu teaching. J-'or cir
culars of Information address the Sec
retary, Dr. N. S. DAVIS, Jr.,
211.1 Dearborn St., Chicago.
There are a number of U. of N. men
now at this school.
Teachers Wanted JaEi"
charged 011 Hillary Address, tiik imp.
m um i frm n ....! i i .i if I "
auo, Okleajro, IH. """ " I
KlCl 1UAUIIK rN AfllTNI V. T.nn 1
You Travel
Always Take
KANSAS CITY East mid noulli.
DRNVER nnd all Colorado points.
ITnn tho best modern equipment,
IMillmun J'ahico and Tourist Sleepers,
Dining nnd free reclining chair earn.
For tlmo schedules, tickets, reservations of berths, cull on or addrcs
E. n. SLOSSON, Hen. Agt., 10-14 0 St. ,1. 'J'. MASTIN. 0 T i
Lincoln, Nob. ' ' 1'
8. S. H. CLARK, Prcs. 13. DICKINSON Clou. Mgr 13, L. LO.MAX, a, P. &ta
Omaha, Neb.
Expcrlcnco at this rnlverlty linn pnnou that tho
id tho reliable pen for class room use. It is always ready for uso and
writes continuously without Blinking It has tho best gold pens that can
bo made, and money guaranteed refunded If the pen Is not sutKhu'tory
ISaam. ,For sale at the Co-Op.
liirTI Ri 82 It" W'ffe.
Auburn, Fnlls City,
Atchison, St. .Joseph
and Kansas City,
City Ticket office 1020 0 St
H. C. Townscnd, CI. I'. & T. A.
P. D. Cornell, C. P. & T. A.
(Jlnsemcnt Hurr Hloek)
SHAMPOO, l.-ie.
SHAVE, 10c. SEA FOAM, 10c.
TV .1 IMMnumi lrr.,
' vi"
Dealers in
Bicycles and Bicycle Supplies
Best Route
Lincoln, iycfy
imltiln n
"Stevens Favorite" Rifle.
" Tnke Down " model, ss-!nch barrel, weight
i pounds. Carefully bored and tested.
For .22, .25 and .32 rim-firc cartridges,
17, Plain open sichts, S6.00
1 8, Target sights, J58.50
Ask your denier for the "FAVORITE."
If he doesn't Uccp it, vc will send, prepaid,
0.1 receipt of list price.
liooklct of small-bore cartridges free.
J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co.,
P.O. llox 103
Tabic board $S.5() Meals J5 eta.
The Model Dining Hall
310 So. lUth St., Lincoln Nobraslca.
:mirciK!;E!i!SiZTj:i:i!ni;iiii:?aici'ijiiii:i',Bi mm
l.linrll TnimfPr
H (It cniifh plpupnth
'" S0U,n eieYen,n
P3nneiii!i.niBiJ!iii3JiTn'rsL im nsn.rajlii .'B'l
& Company,
i" T
jja IZth St. Linco In. M