The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, April 29, 1898, Image 1

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    I . . I
i4jaircioW orfT
Lliltnl i itiiutwwM lUwH A
iy. h!i 71 ,lioo'1 v.ubh'I
ile 7l'l.'lVll! I Mlt
Vol. VI No. 29.
. . . I ll . 'll l I,,
r I a T T A Hk T ,rT Tx 'A -a w- .
I i;l' m ill., J J W jimIkJ, ...mlLkf ..IlJf' ' .iiimnLji. n.lliivf . .....i.' k." I
1 m. 1 m 7' m.i fc., Im. m w'.fm
1 s, '" JL '' 'lI:i-',ilLOjiA hi mit :n ..i .-A.X, I. H 7' -tVnV, , ,il I..1.SL.. ,.I3 " '""W
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"I'H'l'i lei ' ' 111 " .. ..l 1 1 ... 1 1 , '''JJ'M. "j-!' hituf Jirio'i'iH .11 J..u,M'I
Colorado Mcots Dofeat at tho ltHntU of
Nobrppkai I
kor,;8cketikei itfU'i jftnll i'rovfc To
Much for thil Colorado le1tor-l
The Inter-state debate between tho
University of Nebraska and Colorado
Colleges was, the pconqloivof vouch en
thusiasm being" displayed by1 thei ad
herents of the respective institutiona.
Feu- thfr first time Colorado Springs
was thtf'center of n. friendly intelloc
tuiil rivalry among colleges and Uni
versities of the new west. The opera
house Avar filled with' th6 fciiltured,
fashionable and wenthy of Colorado
Spring and also with n .large number
eif visitors Jrbm-dtfferent p'arfrf of-Colo-
nielo, some coming over two hundred
miles. .. ...
The opera... lipnso was . ncntjyjjnd
artistically decorated. The stage was
prettily ornamented with large palms,
nnel ferns, and the. colors of tho con
tost inp colleges.
Long streamers of the scarlet and
ream of Nebraska entwined artistical
ly with the black and gold of Colorado
draped from the boxes and balcony
railings. The Nebraska alumni, ubout
twenty In number, and tho Colorado
students and friends, wore their re-
snectlvci colors and, frequently made'
hideously effective testa, of their lung
capacity. The debate was honored by
the presence offiifs excellency, Govern
or rAlva Adams, whom President Sio
cum introduced as presiding officer of
the evening. In n- brief address" Gov
ernor Adams Welcomed the Nebraska,
debaters and 'expressed id a happy
vein thV significance of tho occasion
and the wisdom of inter-colleglato de
bating. The Governor announced the ques
tion for debate as, "Resolved thot-tho
United States should control nnd oper
ate the Nicaraguan Canal."
The Nebraska Mr. IV -S--Bakerr
Mlss ncrtha Stull and rr. H. E. Sot'k
ett spoke In tlio affirmative While tho
Colorado speakers es8s, Thompson,
Goodalo and Holt contended for the
The Colorodo supporters were con
fident of victory from the first nnd
went into-the debate with high expec
tations. The Nebrnskans although
the laudable desires of their antago
nists laid low and "sawed wood."-
Mr. Raker opened nnd rebutted for
Nebraska: ' In Invlnir out1 the -field of "
bftttle halendearorjed;Jo..ihiit iie bug.
den of proof and place the opposition
on the defensive. Ho was successful.
He contended the affirmative was not
proposing a novel project but was con-
forn ing with public, opinion, and thjw.
far-sighted statesmanship of fiie U.'S.
enriNs i di
-Mr. Raker said tho Jirmative 1- sijnnarlalng the argument
ptscd to establisVlhe follojyingpropib, hiBeolleflirttea- and showing- tho
osltions: (1) The Nicaraguan canal
wis feasible as shown by the official
reports of the senate committees on
foreign affairs in the 51st, 52d and 53d
congresses. (2) The canal was an
economic, .necessity rf or .the .developr
incut or.Qurujdustf ial . ppfontialiffes I
and the oxYfcnston of ontrfordgTreom
nuroe. -The-;tJhailiMelyiAiiieftd'
on the policy of intensivevelopgMQit.
The canal would be a factor of inter
state commerce its complemen
tary nndjcompetlff'.ttction-toxaUritdXp,, -Tfeereiwas uuppjK5t m
would, affotd ah impulse to this ey?1
op otoloBriant itidiiStries. i e,Tfe:ypoc
tion of therUS,nnd. in e4nding our
foreign markets' to' tioilntties-bbrder-
'IC ilij!Arifie Qceap:....(3) .TJo caiuiX
would be significant in fulfilling the
hlgliesTcna oTniieTTltOTelnrcoTnpttF
tiqn of its iK)lHlcnl and national life.
(4) The economic and political impor
tance of the canal made governSfV
ownership and operation a national
nlcesslty and they made inH
an iitiil4ll0l,,wl 425& (K Tim .canal
The ,,canal
wfould de
ests bet
jci'of (the
ct iie
Wnroe (uWrine.
Jir. TlminSjjlloweyoTbAjhitft 'bM
xrTow a liBiniuitw
'eapttol "sliould construot Jbho canal.
Ho disregarded tlio "argument"df"'h"c
nivo. j
:Mls Stull rpHled 1qr tho afflrmn
tlvosnnd showed tlint. to canal If? r
neocHslty for pro"vTning7Hn",kf!tfci
out- HUrplua prtniuots, and cledt.lwh
velopment of the region tributary. ,tr
tho Saulte Ste. Marie canal as prodf
that tho highest oommerelil Wivltkj
depends puoh tho competing nncictxil
plementnry notion of parallil rail afiu
nterwayH; the canal Is a nblticni
necessity for promoting a cdmnirclnJJ
social and poimeal unity ,ov intcreutH
It. Ih a mliltnry licecnnlfy hit a ntednii
of const defense; it should! bo, oii
strui'ted nnd operated by tiio govenvj
ment because congress ,vpulii thus!
"promote tho general welfare and pro-e
vide for the commop-def,onHe,"(bcxauH(i
It fcouWue coibf()0td ior lVaif 1ho
obHt. reqilrel by'lrMo capital 'and
not operated foij iwroflt, thus saving
our romhiercb it-hctivy tax In tdllo, ie-
cause our commerce would hnvoi'tl
bontflt of lower rates caused
petition between railroads and thd
canal with no dangtr of comblna
tionR, nnd because1 goveimnetiti-con
.struction .aud-operation.Avoul(l-b-di-rectly
In lino with our national poli
cy of providUig'chcap'nrid'cnsy inter:
state commuhicdtlbh.
Mr.- Goodale replied to Mi6d Sthll in
a forclbifc niwech; He said the -proposed
Nicarhguiin ijduie was impniotl
coblo as shtnyn by i geological . intesi'
tigations. It would give- rise to inter
national amplications. It also infring
ed on the constitution as no provision
provided for it.
n. i. Sackctt followed and shpwcd
that' the canal wns feasible. Evidence
givenby 4hegreat ngiMecrs- wlurhnd
investigated the eonditiou of the coun
try throBglrwhich it was to be con
structed establish thlafjict.
He itryiied that the canal waaa nec
essity to' develop our dormant ipdus-
jJtics. CWp. country wiMt-.becbmir the
manufacturing center of the world,
and to find i outlet for this great
production of manufactured goods, wo
must look td thp far east N
" Englahd iss otir rival foFlhis trade.
The construction of theSuezLuezcnnal
brought her 2,700 miles nearer Asiatic
porTs'Hian tOie United blafes".
Our western coast spates need the
canal that thej'hiay send theiif pro
ducts toi the markets of' EuropeiaVa
much cheapert-Tate of rnnspdtatlph
thnn t'otfhip byrail across the conTi
nont. - - - -- - -r.
The construction nnd operation.
the Upited Statcsdudflbe censistWit
with th (Jloy'tonVlifilvet vaiLty, jrc
desire that tlie cannl be neutraliel"Ty
,'Uie great commercial powers ejf Jrtie
world.. No the treaty specified
tatXhe goreriimeat -should not eoi-struetr-fcnd
perirteite- Tho bul&ip
of the canal would develop a commun
ity of interest between the ReppMJbB
of South America and the United Statts
and would tend to perfect the Mpnjtoe
'doctifljM!.! " " A
Mr.HoJt cjosedlthe debate forColo-
the construction of the cnnal by Jth
United States would be the inaugura
tion of a dangerous policy. It would
mean foreign complications, sotijjilU
tlc steps and useless expenditure bf
public.. mojtiy?. 3W. UniteQ Statesf.dM
.uotjed.h&.?aflal''a8n oulatrforTrer
!SIr: HbtorkerTiis coltetfjhieirgnf e Uw
tietteichyffirt1ailie ixrgvt
ment and dealt largely in minor de
tails insjtad.4 of fvtnqft'nicJJtal! princt-
of 'Continuiiy'iin th'aigume, of hit
f Colorudo-speakenr andJUtfiaJoi gra
'Itf." Baiter clouHrie debatc
B;IWu , ftaTnVne flf lh- onntr.n-
tions of the opposition and urged that
tTieinpos1tT6n8 of the alltnnative'had
.watu .bciiiitaAajkcdyrjAhjniigatler.
He eoncludedHMWbrief summaryA
o the arjfUBtSdfifcdfllng sldes.r
incl4pg t
JThe - judgjjrCapt.
vnnnnc T.wlmOD'ri.tW
C. AlTatMsom cOf)r7oix
Mounts Netpfj t
dellberttlon aVeihftf e!
TflcT UnTvera
roso in a
-f'lTf ' "I Hi Mi...!!-., ,!".:;
m ::ii :.-i mi
' ' " ' ii'i i ,iin i ,,i
;!;"": ;- Am"
' " '"' in, i , , , i ,,
.iiii ' u ill. ii iii i nl.i, ,,,
Hj;a(,vffrt ipsWftiti For ualrvrNt
MlPPMl9M . ,i
i ' ii-iii r:i in
1:t'st MenrtHj' lilbViilnlf 1'he UbiV6
slty cadets were cheering' eiYthtlAlhs'
ticnlly bedA'iuif'ft hH'bcennhudtttided
thrtt'ont'fon)aliv"6f tenflet vntftfttitoVA
vV6Mld' hb'uiUed fbr. " Thfc" fmldtVK tf
ritbrnlnpfft lhrgfe bMly b'f'rfttiderifs wrth
dtfrbd' dlcttsdl(tt nroutul 1hb VtiU
Veirhlty (rrounds, hud the chltse bf ftll
their InelrtiHiholy vVas th'At'thii gbVcrnJ
or had failed to call out the euddts n
lli lindbecn hhritilinecd thtit'h'ci Wduld.
All "IhsteK the cadets erc tflgcr-'
ly' hoping that 'f hd regiment'. nvoilld1 be
gh'en rtn bpltdftdnityib siioWIty pa
d'lo'ttsih but; finally 1liis Thdpb' nu
abnndbhed ttd ' it Whs' ' thought' 'that
one company of iradcfs inlghtpbsslbly
gt't If chance' td' ' vdltiriWer; The ' an
nouncement thafihb'rcglm'6nt "wmlM
chnpeiavo further e-ngourqgement to
those wife v rtrevMlViy dyitit ' iHhclr
anxiety to enlist. :
As soon as thedUh'p'eil'exXiVels'es were
concluded,. tthcn(rmory was quickly
fillpd'vlthrt largo crowd of students
to. honii whatiCk,kWioUoi MJaoLcflnhad
'to say. TJie first sentence, ,spoken by
the chdhccjllor pp floilows: "Young
igentlemeni I come here as an official
(messenger from the governor and am
ituStwdrtq ptf tp',t? hqAviirnsU-fcd
o& ItttUoifrtaQtilH W & vWdCU Wnr
teers." This announcement was erect
ed wltUgftsstg lJ6itLt()oaISvajTged in
to, a, chonis, jpfdlsapolnted OhJa whr5
thtNpltaerJ ddriiHralWbhtnJc
must bo twentyoTrcycnrarof rbc
'Tu'eselhy cme nnJ ne CH?-WFC
(not glKCnil thahoeMtdf.Vbliihteer; In
reply to a number tthoi'ent to visit
hitn Ghvornbi - Holcomb said that his
lorders prily authorized. Kjiri to' (ftlli 'pui;
'two regiments of infantry and that
(the state militia already met the re
quired number. iDhlfc practjcnlljl 3ot
jtled,ior thev present at least all hope
oT-tirbortnpahy f-volunteers from this
University. Ajgrfftin.nmb,er of cadets
however have enlisted in the state mi
litia and a large number of these hold
high offices in tho national guard.
rThemj8,jJO .doubt, that. .there la. a,
sufficient nu'mhenjOf University cadets
now encamped within the militia at
the fair grauttflti' ta-Wrn oWriJversity
J,"S; Corby left last wck W Mis
souri where he wiirtake the office of
quartcrntfOtSt 4NIisHuri reg
iment, iY
CdMptfjJj' feTh(Jfnk-atin-alcGtnlrdr
Iftid-a; icrfanftllttrir
about itft- Wto rfftctSS fnlr
grounds ujader Jhe commnfl of Cap
tain Bill Hay ward and TomTCiudy as
flr&lscrgeartt. Cliarles- iVetsfelrLa
Rue Brown may be' seen Hs' -privates1 'in
the ranks of1' tho Lincoln light Infan
trv. Guv AV. Barnes and A. E. Par-
m6iee Jid-rb erifrcaHiv C0mWift'ilA!r7
f rom' Npr&rW ' ; ' V. &$,&$&
Hitcbman,, Aw&i 9Wfiev.1B.lrtiJhTi(cJ
(Jlapp will go wjtlinCQdr
D, a local organization.' Many ott
fcadcts are constantly enlisting aniTTbp
3CIO U D t
SfliBIfiJ8Bfi9R ?EaQP if
! afturdavaJtehUrila at 7:M
t. WiJ9I)il floyAtihesaJJeTOflOR,aa,uit
he1 uniiu'iy:
Hniquo andv))14elM3bMbPlcJH
rfj&r ifflmmttfm
iesJa'iftNeWra,4w &wa
hat theroinKehflrisJpt
eitUZnhGkjrarf Juetwlfl hanaxhis doubts
fsperseu: at th,c5hi,--rJ5rornn
mmkJ&litlt&Skkb. adinifs tiJH
iWVOTIiiaf. n'T,vpnt.jn)vja .Tit. It loWfirl
ond-S'A Wbitowlll go 4aipivai4axiij
aTGrnndlahind ctympawr? -Hesi'KqfJk.'rS
rbVi'atid (ilapp ' Svlirgo vthcQM
ia -whiclr-the- -giri-car-giv-ven- our-
iMW. lAHwt":, wSmireklH,,, basoball
ffmi Jn-flwr-feMfiHl Tvtf,am?
gaaio will, ,, fljpi ami, exciting.', .rf
JMll imt (r,are pftwiy.,, .
latly In the Interests of Track ath
letics, anil partly to .RecunV'tumuV'lb
brinK'thv.North .Wo8tirn lla'. (banket
bull teft.uilhft.iPttifnll. ,w,mnflw
gixln onr.heartjiupIHrfiiin tiiU ito'
priMe.; . Tboy.hnv.e don morn.f.qr, the
causoi qf athletics. .In .Uila .UnlycrHltor
this. jy ear tltoiv;tho.boy.Bllhu,v(;,,jf, tho
bayn .would .uliow thn,painft,pl!ck,and
patrlotisir., our nthletlc's wouljl, , reach
thepkine thoyioilgllt tibeon inn. Very
ahort'tlnu. ' ' . . , :i. .
Tho contest4 will. . be KllVldod .into
throe dlvlnldnrt'for'thoao Who hovq tak
On one, tw nnd. three yearsiof gymua?
stum worlyund the i medals loitered i in
the different. 'oontcs'thi are somethiag
weMfworthi Mivlngiifor... i (Eheyuare. de
signed af4or tkb CMonOnoy. medal and
are indeed handsome affairs.
.tUeisidcR the, baqebnlltv thoi f Ollawing
are: the events) i.n,, -.,,, ,,, , ,,,tt
.liFlrflt-yfariigicls;! ,,. ,l,l,,i,. i.. .,
nltQpo..cHmbj.,hlgh jampirwjtiviriiig'fli
sioon;ra3c.i n..ti ...,.,... .'.
, Second yean igirls; i ..... i... ...
..HotiKontal.bari vqulti., running hig.
jump.wltb; isprinff.ponrdiia,t hurdles;
twenfcy.jrartVdash-!.... . .. . '
il'.cmtnthlon. proper JUinsipg. high
jumptHrannlngnbrQad.ijuaipi atandiPf
high klk. fltadlgi bsoad, iiump,potfti
to E&RQ. .,,i ,.,, , . i .,, ,;.i
,.The'.followinRTlprije8 are. off eRed -tft
tho first year girls
1 a pair of fencing lolls; 2 tennis
racket, palr,.pAJtodlfl!pbjbs,
To the third year girls: 1 Tennis
rAoketvjpd, inetuhfisy ,et;,
Gtfif cJ,Mb . . ,...... . , ...
,Jn Jtho, ipfintftthJp.j,6rppeK:( ,' qd,
medal, offered by.jMRle.iEa'jOftiite
8er,nie(ta1iiRffcirPrt"ly,X jSpuWT
labrqne.pieflfl'f Qffefed.byi RerHinfl
hfllon, ,, . , ,,. . ,(
..BhRpllPYijngiyqung. )ad.les,.arpi the,
.SFP, Jpnrr-ttWP1?.?. .AM.TOle, Rulje,,
SdgwAck,,4ilap4er, MescrYe, An,
dreva,H.olbKoo.ks( a,oq pr.riogtpn,. .,.
jlSecpn.dlly,ear;." Masses, .MHer, iKqpne-
dyAYhinp;enftd,lknnRH. ,,;; .,
SpcfilaJs-rMjssea Phnnaii, pwfcqr,
Spurpk. aid Tayjpr. ,, . ., .'.
a-bR,;, , ,.tfomTTiRSFa.,l,;Alberta
SpHWk , jCmanftgeiq), trattpn,,,qHilc.1
mwth ..finfriyA. PeflsyUjHt Anarwft
dgc,, AJHlfflmorp.Goard, Ra,,
rscicinart iiutn uryan, renxar,, Yesfr;
nd. JfW an 9S?PV?. ..... ...
Mis RuthBraran w,M,
fhe ipUoiwing ladles, axe, to be,
pronessea .qt the, ,e,ntcst;
Madam, and .Mrs, Maclean, Airs, u.
.. -. -' - - -. l ' ''T." " -. :
1 WWft;?r.LiffHJirilW otp
IsenJpfirgAlrs,, ..arur, firs,
iRfyanj, Ms,... p. Richards, &,rp, S. H;
jGeq.Woodsrs.; C,R.arr,,Mrs, W-
te$ep, Mip,(m. piarkvMrs. A, r
rastings.' , ,
'eiNvjiU'Wii'sal.e aijUe'bfHcei
f the yy.slealipec.tflr. .
(of the yyslcirec.tflr;
; Jfh'ci.fjlat of'e'seriipf 'Inter-fraternity
ball games caio. .qfl, on, the
campus last Friday w'h'en'Sigm'a Chi
md Phv,qnpa sf ppptestedjorjhon-
The' game; Tsoltetf iii' d. 'Vfctbry for
ithe' rlil'Ps'by a: 'score1 of ii ttf ioi : h
Tbe'iptek-esfc ia4, Wifeirig" taken in
Uiesel gAtoe'Is'showriny-'the'attendi
ailL'o bit' that day. The blecchiers held
-Mi in.1. : rrr
the iarfect drbva ttalso' fair-has-trai'lboya eriekrtrped "therev
femblctl'tb'wltatfss-U'gdhie, l
, -EsWecialiy Was tlils 'trtifeHf or'the-'loV'
ftieS'Svhoui-na' oiiVW Mteott - '
NVhllc:ibt:sci&h;tific1-in atoy.sensft He
game "va exWedlngly iHtere'at1ng"1
tins'' oil'Wkcrfr. ''r,i' fciiiiu.i- 'i
fAWv- Mdir6; etrdra'tlifah.tfcba -playd;
reettlted' Witth1Sli!tWlbf4b datopeh'
JMe'ardorJiFHJe BpcetttfbTBfii ; - W
lje Bitii Were'ftottiiiat fin lia.vinf
Wb'rtfexpieneeaayeri'fdf Motile oi'
,he"posftiUaiidtaere iMiraiy &&&
Itay bala'udid'as feretlle iPhlPfeis; -
I ltiiottgkqt iateiito tayihiwv
f game WtsworifdfcttiMt ean
be sUid bfthfe'fhtt'f'Wlliytlle ertoiffl
Ivfcfrfe qul-eveiiV''aaUHpet
Mps prdJ)&WatoeJ'tt'iW'Pn(llt of
iv!'.l't'.l Hidt'.ti
O .till
I'idUi main nrjii
nrnli.ri A) tit)
bo Cowpleted by Field Day
Hi. ol Jici; ill Hi' HiwI i...liI nit'
,uri ii Milfoil mo nl ifyul ,'uhij nOll
, . . .' m, -iin i u iiipj till jo
Let nil Loyal students JUlly to th Bap
port of ThU Nw ntrprll Ttia
1 ' " "'" n 'iHtiife- mmUti',"in' ,.
-Iiiil. rn .iTii-.i.T ,:ii ii'iiill not. ll"
" ii, . in r;"'i:tM .'ifn 1. 1 Jhhivi
' tf'tlmti Wnihhhu tbn thtiviyd
TR0Wil.MnnlnritrnoV5(JPA thft lf
letle Held. The faculty have promised
thej, cpn o. , i ( , , ,,
plome, n1ir,ej(jy' tVn'vo i'rjtftl lljjftr;
n!!?:.Mi?,v! aujif ft.n.v Mfi.nS"1!
T? once.evcl, ,iW .llejd will m$l al
Rrtbc-. ,9r,i,n"rWn UM. M Fw&y
mohidm Rf jttP-RWWlW Kite
wJ"i .hawH??HnrlP.t.'p..wwrs RUhift1!0
'fRPr.L hWWi,. rfiWTson. .pfjer,
C(TWV(. flRyi ?W;yer eedyf ,Iarmphj;,
.i. ,.ij(i.i i .)", i,j .rr a
ii-aTi. ."i'.'-:iUii'l .'.';l! &'.' ,'
This is, a , University affair and as
such appeals to, every student. Do ndt
fall .to subscribe, "
-.ii I nil :.; .(o '1 . i.i i ). .1 ,n..ii. ,i m"
' '"ilAto'TjEJAM M,J Rift n
, i.ill, til... i'. '.it tl. ' ...,(Tio
1 ffpl,M ,Mt,a
WP09fiaf(Jllltrfn, s(fndfinK .IrfflKeA
;jfHrvJWd qvGepj.Jrfdvnhavjnff cj.
W) Rdfljm9)i1fi)t8:Piffrr.hM jwii
,KhPi piifther8,)1Goplpp,.lfordtaodi
AwVMenbc4,ie)best:t.riC e Hpivorrv
Slty hasftrrfeptjquU; ltx
, Jhe: ftlloYng ;W, be hft . ,.linc;upj: .
Moqre p, Mw.'Mfei JKMter ?n$
Wells s s, Cowgill 3rd, Reeder c f,
! The, follpwlnp.amjesjijl be pl.aycd
.nhatjep,? Kansas,. , . .
, .SptHrdajv 30th,. SLM-ary, College
jtt 5,t. wyp ;. ' , . , ,.
lege,., Topeka. ,,,.;, .; j ,
T.he,tf WOW .fiuS.r.4R:II3W!ntPiP ft.
te$$w. :VIU P?.nyi fiflft 91&gfi
v$m?Ah If no other irame is. nrranced jor j.i i-iiiiTJiir v.V1"' rJl i ''
day, but negotiations re jn'prpgrs,
whereby another came is expeeted. tx
jb'scu're'd'' ' ''' ' '" "J. """
( ' 'Cpmparativ'ely'iittte.'f ricf lohVas ex-
, beriehced' in nicking ' ihe team. ' 6f
course inere were same uisapppinieu
Icapdidate'a lint 'iiis could hptVery well
be'dypided.'' ''"', '" '"'" '"'
i "The well wishes', of '. the 'TJhlversrty
.... .:,, 1 1, ..i: 'j,)!i ;. ,--."F. ?.. "i.
mi wiff.n ThA fAnm
Pit ..; .rr..T H-. .-.,., ..iJiy ,ir;il.
U.klO'! i
! Ihstcnat)f-itKeilweeklyitoir bhr thb'
chniptia,' thd'TeVsliinLH'ttifles -iuiHiHea '
1 Jjufeto the,ifaiT,grthindllnstJnfgmt anJdu
gnre' an extitttmott'flWH'iwri tnerTraitua1
6 tiay-iha't the-adll'Wda-npprftclatied
s but putting it mildly. Tho cvoW
Ions especially in "thcrextended order
.cniWreveilaudn'toHa. majodty 6f tile
mwe'ttoy WHommnty'-eniiea tot(iieir
6&htiiupp(rU'?liequne('trerc 6n7
Keff'metfle ilhd showed to &U Vantage"
he!rKyeft'Wi:Hralttlng. "Atenthe- dtHf
heje64ffiyatettea rasj.aH0Vfere'.
alteh. ?fr-thirraiy -UleiiMrmbtom
-flflei vt4W0Mvetenlisteafdtftreal;Jwai
iBrfOre)tbfcpetrHcdiitHlflee c&hu
i d'bntrOUaTiibelWeckslo tiir'j vf orinorii
: Irst lioutemmttcBdveid, baemboiiiofj'jLbtf t
Jwim jWrrtOwKlleiwvithliisiiQBiatorea'ry.t
nldlt. 'Thi?3lDddytahdi atiieeauecf -titttt
I . I : l . T
Tllr l"llllllf AiaMf
tw ihl niiwu
U III 19
1 t"hficn u nuLB
' 'Mill. I-. If, ,l'tt
I .. . I i
. .. n i . . . , . . . . . ,
jiunmo. lie co
body and.
tge yell and
trafileilllMyt iWbiiftertofftltllhirti 1iWM Phl,P8ia'6tIlttneyexenea.inMtesrao-
4 . dd boys were next calletholwfj Mtx,l
was not feaMblo
,.. .... rji.'i'"''"'.''iii"j("
wi&mpitoW' !
1 1 pelKwafdawtaUfieahM , i c 'j- i
ow the tf6V6rnment re
l ' .Xlw.Ji " Vi o 9W iJBnJ
l - in
U I Jl J.1
j. t ' X J rn .u
J 11 tyl
(U ,o I.
..ii ooa
a'x lliut u' . . jl
oSe4fy jwf
1 CJPlvr