The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, April 15, 1898, Image 4

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lit the Gym.
Work nn the cinder track 1iih been
postponed for 11 few day oh account
of tin" full tiro of the contractor to
procure a number of Kempcrs. Only
nuch work uh Ih necessary ( put the
truck Into condition for pnictlce will
he done. In the next two weeks.
The coutcHtnntH In the Held day.
Mn, 7. will ho tn.lned systematically
If nothing else. Dr. Hustings Iihh
made out n prescript Ion and schedule
of work for every day's training fmm
now until the date of the contest.
One week from tomorrow will occur
the outdoor pelntnthlon. The prize
In this Contest will be the handsome
new O'Mahoney $!') gold medal. A
prize of such value as this should and
undoubtedly will call out a great num
ber of contestants, as well as the best
etl'orls or those engaged in the eon
test. Following are the event of the
pentathlon: WO yad dash, hummer
throw, pole vault-, running high jump
and the. one mile. run. All entries
must be in at 0 o'clock next .Monday.
The girls' athletic contest is awaken
ing much interest and enthusiasm, not
onl, among the girls, but among those
who are looking forward to attending
Some of the girls have been practicing
regularly all through vacation, and the
contests will be real trials of skill and
For the indoor Pentathlon, which is
open to second year girls, there will
be of medals offered for those
scoring Hrst, second anil third. These
medals, which have been ordered
from the east and will be here soon,
were donated as follows: The first
prize, n $10 gold medal, by .Miller &
I'aine; the second prize, a. $." silver
medal, by A. E. Spurck; the third
prize, a $i bronze medal, by Perkins &
Sheldon. For the athletic contest open
to girls in the tirst year class, the fol
lowing prizes are ocrcd: The Hrst.
prize. $5 fencing foils, by the Fitz.Oer
ald Dry Goods company: the second, a
tennis racket; and the third a pair of
Indian clubs, given by ( V. Leighlon.
The following ladies have consented
to act as patronesses: Mrs. George E.
Mncl.cau, Mine. MncLcnn, Mrs. ('. E.
liessey, Mrs. F. M. Fling, Mrs. E. H.
Harbour, Mrs. L. V. Richards, Mrs. AY.
It. Ogden. Mrs. S. II. Ilurnham, Mrs.
Dr. Hal ley, Mrs. William M. Clark,
Mrs. William W. Hastings.
The date of the Contest has been
advanced from April 1(5 to April :t() on
account of the rumored failure of the
enterprise ami to allow more time for
practice. It will take place on the af
ternoon of that day from I! to 0 o'clock.
The proceeds were originally to be
contriouted to the cinder track, but
on the plea of the basket-ball girls,
which seemed a perfectly just one,
the managers have agreed to divert 25
per cent, of the proceeds to the girls'
basket ball fund. The rest will go to
the track fund. From the activity
shown by all interested, there is no
doubt that this sum will be a good one.
The list of patronesses also makes the
success of the affair in a social way be
yond juos.tlon.
The athletic annual has not been
making very much noise of late but
it is in fact very much alive. The chief
editor of the enterprise had been as
sumed by J. E. Pearson and it is now
expected that the annual will be rush
ed to an early completion.
The board of editors will meet this
week and assign work with the ex
pectation of getting all the material
ready for the printer by the end of
this month.
IhvddcH the regular board of edi
tors will be the honorary members,
which will be the captains and man
agers of the various athletic teams in
the University. The horornry mem
bers consist of Ci. ('. Shedd, W. II. Ou
r,, Fd Gordon, Fred Ryons, and the
captain, yet to be selected, of the track
The present intention is to have the
annual consist of about CO pages, in
cluding 25 illustmtionns and the cost
of the book will be 25 cents. It will
treat of the following subject: The
football season, the Freshmnn-Soph-more
contest, basket ball, indoor base
ball, the tennis tournament, the boys
gymnasium exhibition, the girls' ath
letic exhibition, field day, intercolle
ginte field dny, records and trophies.
One of the most pleasant gatherings
of the yar in University circles, took
place Saturday evening, April 9, when
the University nhunni, especially those
of earlier classes, assembled in honor
of Miss Ellen Smith, the x'egistrar,
this month marking the twenty-first
yenr of her connection with the Uni-
ci'Hlt. of Nebraska. Miss Smith went,
to pentl the evening with Mr and Mrs
II. II. Wilson anil was persuaded to go
with them to view the Thompson ball.
There she found sixty or seventy of
the alumni gathered In her honor and
a pleasant social time wiih enjoyed.
Later In the evening those present
sat down to a delightful luncheon.
There were a fevv Informal toasts. Mr.
V. O. .limes acting as toast master.
Responses were made by A. W. Field,
Lawrence Fossler, II. AV. Caldwell, .1.
II. Mockett, Miss Louis Pound, II. II,
Wilson, and Chancellor Macl.can. At
the close Mr. II. 11. Wilson presented
her with with a handsome cut glass
bowl in behalf of the alumni. One of
the best speeches In the. evening was
that made by Miss Smith In response.
The credit for the successful manage
ment of the all'alr belongs to Nfes
dames Wilson, Ansley, Hardy anil Miss
The baseball management has final
ly arranged a schedule of gainivs for
the southern trip which Is satisfactory
In i'wvy respect. One fact which
speaks well for the Judgment, of the
management is that there. Is not a sin
gle night on the. trip in which it will
he necessary for the boys to sleep on
the train.
The team will leave Lincoln Friday
morning. April 20, and will play the
Kansas state agrlcultulul college In
the afternoon. Saturday morning, Apr
il .'10, a game with St. Mary's is sched
uled and Washburn college, Topeka,
will be played on the afternoon of the
same date. The team will remain in
'I'opcka until Sunday noon, when It
will go to Kinporin, playing there
Monday. May 2.
The boys will then play the .lay
hawkers of Kansas University at. Law
rence, May II. From there the team will
go to Columbia, Mo., and play two
games with Missouri State University,
May I ami 5. The. following day a
game will be played with Missouri
Valley College at Marshall, Mo. A
game with Tarkio is also a. possibility.
The trip Is evidently carefully plaiir
ned and mIiows hard work on the. part
of the baseball management.
Since in His allwisc power God has
seen til to visit the home of two mem
bers of our class and take away a be
loved father, be It
Resolved, That the class of 1000 has
heard witli much sorrow of the dentil
of Mr. Andreson, the. father of R. 1).
and W. K. Andreson; and be it further
Kcsoolvcd, That the chkss extend
their sincere sympathy to our class
mates in their bereavement; and be it
Resolved, That a copy of these reso
lutions be sent to the home of the de
ceased, published in the college pa
pers and a copy placed on rtvord in
the secretaries book.
Oliver Chambers, L. W. Pearson, A.
S. Pearfse, Committee.
The members of the Pershing Jtilles
are at present busily engaged in prac
ticing for an exhibition drill which
which the Rifles intend t give some
time near the end of the month. Some
of the features of the drill will bo a
silent manual drill by the whole com
pany and 1111 exhibition of wall seal
ing. A silent baynot drill by the
whole company is one of the probabil
ities. In addition to these special fea
tures will be the regular infantry drill
and spell down and the awarding of
the gold medal. On aeount of the lim
ited capacity of the armory, admission
will be by ticket, each member of tho
company being provided with 5 tick
ets. j) i: iXnri:solutioxs.
Whereas, Death has visited the home
of our brothers It. 1). and W. K. An
dreson, and taken from them a kind
and loving father; be it
ltesolved, That wo, tho Del inn Hoy's
Debating Club, extend to them our
heartfelt sympathy In their bereave
ment; be it further
Resolved, that a copy of these res
olutions be sent to our afflicted bro
thers and that a copy be spreiul upon
the minutes of the elub, also published
in the col legit papers.
('has. W. Jones, Geo. P. Griffith, F.
K. Edgerton, Committee.
(Continued from First Page.)
naiisnr, L. Melteynolds, Janitor Uni
versity hall; Miss Hridge, Latin; Cora
F. Smith, assistant in botany, vice ('.
L. Shear, resigned; Miss M. T. Annum
in Knglish; It. C, Lansing, English; as
sistants in laboratory and clerical
help as required: Fred Joers, Daisy
ISonnell, AY. H. H. Moore, Mss Selma
Noren, .T. 1 Sutton, Miss .Toy Webster,
Miss Lisle Wilkinson, Mrs. Lena Ho
ilell, II. L Metealf, stenographers;
Misses Hue M. Lansing anil Bertha
Qualntnnce clclis in executive office;
(. 8. Hunt gymnnsium assistant.
Kvfcrvboily f)nyii Bo,
Cnrrroli( i , ( ilmi-Ur, the-iunM won
di'tl'il in. ... i i r ti i a "
ant ami nil. Muii in tin tune, tut c '."v
mill positively on klunexN. liver anil hiwi
clcaiisliiK tho entire svHtoin, dispel roliK
cure lictulnobc, fovvr, halilliial constipation
and blpflftjfltiesB, Plrnso bay and try u Imx
ofC. lid toilav, 10. 2.. M) coals. Huliliuid
guaranteed to euro by all dritKglRts.
When Yon Write
to Your Friends
who are coming west to
visit you, just add n
postscript like this:
"He sure to take tho
Burlington Route. It's
much thn best."
You nro qulto safe- hi
doing tills because on
Peoria, St, Louis and
Kansas City, In fact all
eastern, southeastern,
and southern cities la
limf us nood as our ser-
lce to those points.
And that as overyono
who is acquainted with
It will testify, is tho
best there Is
Tickets and time ta
bles on application at It.
& M. depot or city tick
et ofllce.corncr 10th and
0 Sts.
G. W, Bonneil, C P & T A
I.lnco u, Nob
Rn '-lATifiv wS Shbu11
The Washburn is the one and only
make of world-wide reputation. Sold
by first-class dealers everywhere from
$15.00 upward. Imitated extensively,
so be sure that the name "George
Washburn" is burned upon the inside.
A beautiful Washburn Hook contain
ing portraits and letters from the De
Reszkcs, Calve, Eames, Nordica, Seal
chi and 100 other famous artists and
teachers, mailed free upon request.
Address Dept. U,
Cor. Wabash Ave. and Adams St., Chicago.
AECiitn lor
Washburn Instruments.
Also general factors Shaw, Weber,
Wegman and J civet t pianos and Far
rand & Votcy organs.
130 South 13th Street.
Bath House and Sanitarium
Cor. 14th &. M Sts., Lincoln, Neb.
Open at all hours, Day and Night
All forms of bath.
DRS. M. n. & J. O. EVERETT,
Managing Physicians.
-51.00 $1.00 $1.00
If at any time within a year jou dc-
? trado for one of our REPEAT
HsO cameras, we will allow you $1.00
and toko back the one you buy. The
repeating camera ( ilcc u repejitlng
rltlo. lou photograph one plate and
instantly place another in position. No
trouble or bother. You load it at
homo and snap the pictures at pleas
ure. Any child can handle it. This
I a new device never put on tho mar
ket before. $3.00. $1.00, $5.00, accord
ing to size and number of plates.
A. H.CRAIG, Miikwonoao, Wis.
Trade Marks
AllTOnO fmnrifntr n mhntU nn .4A.K.IK41 '
RT,f.n..?StlL,I,?5!S1,,'r.J''?to,,hlo. fnniniunlcn
A --"" .".www vimtTKU, lit IUO
Scieniific American.
;.. .1 """,."-1' "iniiratoa wooklf. Tersest rlr
5Mrt."ronOr'mn?."hel0J,t"1' ?" Term!. 13
SjiIUU O n ,1, a0"1'."11 newBdeilor.
mUNN & Co.3G'Qr. New York
'- ;-1 - 1
UrncU Oftlce.
1 When
You Travel
Always Take
To OM'AHAAU points east.
KANSAS CITY--East and south. and all Colorado points.
Has tho best modern eiiilpment,
Pullman Palace and Tourist. Sleepers.
Dining and froo reclining chair cars.
For time schedules, tickets, reservations of berths, call on or address
E. 15. SLOSSON, Gen. Agt 10M 0 St. J. T. MASTIN. C v a
Lincoln, ,Neb. ' Al
S, S. H. CLARK, Pros. E. DICKINSON Gen. Mgr E. L. LOMAX, a. P. & TA
Oinuhii, Neb.
Experience nt this University 1ms proven that tho
Id the reliable pen for class room use. It Is nlways ready for tun nmi
writes continuously without shaking It has the' best gold pens (.nn
bo made, and money guaranteed refunded if the pen is not MitiM.u'iorv
AW 'iL4
. .".kJUL'tf
Auburn, Fnlls City,
Atchison, St. ,'loseph
and Kansas City.
City Ticket office 1020 0 St
H. C. Townsend, G. P. &. T. A.
F. D. Cornell, C. P. & T. A.
(Basement Murr Mock)
SUAVE, 10c. SEA FOAM, 10c.
11. J. Robinson, Prop.
MM J I-IU Jul jS!" )!J jj) -JpTt la Jl J IBITIBmi
A. L. GIRARD & Company,
Deolcrs in fifc g.
135 So. 12th St. Lincoln. Neb,
Best Route
Lincoln, iselx
,r or sale at the Lo-C)i.
l-'AV-ium No. 17.
"Stevens Favorite" Riflo.
Take Down " model, aa-inch barrel, weight
4) pounds. Carefully bored na I tested.
For .22, .25 and .32 rim-lirc imiIuJijcs.
17, Plain open sifjhts, ,S6.00
15, Target sights, S8.50
Ask your dealer for thn " FAVOR1TK."
If he doesn't keep it, vc will send, prepaid,
on receipt of list price.
Uooklet of sinnM-borc cartridges free.
J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co.,
I'.O. Iloj UH
cmcoPGn palls, riAss.
Table board SZ.Tii)
Meals 1" pts.
The Modnl Dining Hall
31G So. lath St.. Lincoln Nebraska.
fflniiKiiiiMatKiEniiijL.rJEir.iiK'JH'Fi!! 'is; .ran
Lunch Counter
Hi south eleventh
imymi m w: ;n. i :ir m m m jil;
ca v at, WostilDBton, I), c.