THE NEBRASKAN. Vol. VI No. 27. I J. 1). RenUon Carries off First Honors in Hie Oratorical Contest. BIO nOW IN THE CONVENTION nonne Knlcra it l'rotrt ARitliut Dnilnon Cliilmi'd ll Wiw n rroromlonnl Btu- itniit nml Not an UntlerKnuliiutc. elnisku Is the- viol or ngnln. Tlio linnni- wore won for the University by J. 1). Denison last Friday night. The contest was hold at. Croto. The FiiIm ixil.N of Nebraska was w!l rep rrxriitnl. More than fifty tickets were sold to students of the State Uni ver.sit.. Chanoolor MuoLcau nml Mrs. Manning wore there to share In the. nraioi itnl feast. Tlio orators woro: E. Y. 1'llis. Doano; Martha .lohnson, (imn.l I-I11111I: W. E. Ilannan, Omaha; and .1. 1. Denison, University of No-lir:i-K 1. A Urjro crowd of University stu dents vent down to Croto. on the. eve nine 1 lain. A few hiul gone in the morning. The convention of the state oratorical association was called in tho chapel of Doano college at throe oVlm l in tho afternoon. The dole rates fioin the I'niversity of N'obrns Uwnr O. William Meier, F. 0. Havv liv. I". H. Perry, .1. E. Pearson, A. I.. Ileal, and .1. F. Roomer. a interesting business meeting was In-Ill ami a large aiidienee of Doanc stud, .lis wore .spectator:. The consti t'Mimi iis amended so that, judges nml slate otlleors will hereafter he paid before the orator to the. inter state eonUM will receive his expenses. The prize to the winning orator was aKo reduced from $.10 to $25. The mat ter of the inter-state contest was then taken up and discussed. The chair man of ilie Donne delegation moved to rejeit Hit- pro(tfft1Sn to liohT flic in-tcr-xt.iic contest in Nebraska loeause the vt lie association will have to put. up a in. ml of .$.".00. Tho Nebraska dcl effiitioii protested urgently against the passive of such a measure, llawxby ami Mi ier made clear cut and earnest specclics on this projKisition which von fur them the Crand Island and Omaha votes. Tho contest, will le licld in Neiii.isliu next year and it is almost turo in come to Lincoln. Tin hairinau of the Doanc delega tion tiMii offered a protest against .Mr, Denisun entering the state contest. The i .invention went into committee (if tin- whole to consider tho objection " j tli .1 II. llonmor in the chair. Ralph lirouii i if Doano college jireferrcd the eliarp. ihat Mr. Denison was a. gradu ate ii 1 pjier Iowa University and a irof student in the State Uni versity . and maintained that he should there! i ne be disbarred from partici pating in the contest, A letter was iutroiluied to show that. Mr. Denison held Hi . degree of Ph.R. Mr. Denison was i iiieii on to answer the charges. $e .i,i e calmly and firmly. He said Tliat I did not plead for mercy, he only .. I ed for justice. He showed that In whk an undergraduate, student Jtt the l Diversity and that lie is a can didal. i.,r a bachelor's degree. Per ry an. I I'eiirson made forcible sjioeches in Mr Denison's behalf, but the ac cusers would not listen to logic or reason Thev wanted to throw Mr. leuisiiii out. The i'i invention was irolonged until kte in ilie night. Finally, chiefly throuj.-), the dljilomaey of Taylor of Doane and Deal of the rnlvorsity, a WKiproniihf was reached. Tlio pro ttfcU, were withdrawn and an amend ment t the constitution wuh nikrm1 prohibiting any one hereafter holding degree, from entering the state Con test, 1 MtiK after I) o'clock when the en-te-rtujiniieiit In tint opera house began. 1'reuidejjt Roper said in Ills opeaing remarks that there had been a. jnlstalte made, for tho iuntiHt. had been held in the afternoiii,. Each college had ap propriate songs for the occasion. The "rators were cheered b' enthusiastic J'lls from their home delegataons. God imisie was furnished hy Doane bai H.jeMn Tae first orauir was K. W. Kills of "oune eolieir,. niu nMtnti fn "The spirit of Hrotherhood" -was smoothly J 111 Will MR UNIVERSITY written and showed onroful reflection. Ills delivery was In a part quite; me ohanlenl, yot at times ho spoke with some earnesness and the audience felt flint, ho meant what ho said. W. K. llnniiau wns the seoond speak er. He represented Omaha University In tlio contest. His oration was on "The Nation's Peril." lie thought, that the greatest danger that threatens our oountry today Is tho InditToronoo of our citl.ciiH to nubile iitTalrs The Idea ho presented was clearly sot. forth but, his eholee of words was not good. Ills delivery was Impressive und car ried conviction but he detracted from his stage apparaueo by growing too dramatio at times. (irand Island was represented by Miss Martha Johnson. "American Ideals" was tho title of her oration. Her thought could not bo easll fol lowed. The moral influeneo of Ameri ca upon the elvill.ed world was the theme of her production. Her deliv ery won for her the second plaeo She showed wonderful reserve power and earnestness. Some of her climaxes were u little, flighty. J. 1). Denison was tho hi'd contest ant. He failed to do himself justice in his delivery. His voice did not sound true, lie did not appar to be himself nor did he throw cuopgh life into Ills subject. In justice to Mr. Den ison is should bo said that ho was com pletely worn out by the long after noon session. His oration was on "Tlio Evolution of C!ooriiiuont." He traced the development of nnblie law from the crude primitive rule by force to the highly differentiated forms of government today. In the golden mean between absolutism and anarchy he finds the ideal government. His mas terly production won him three firsts oil iniuiuseript and gave him the high est rank. While, the markings of tho judges woro being summed up Chancellor Maclean was called on to make, a sltffit iiiMresiw. ,Hc spoke ofhtv heal thy rivalry that had grown up lx tweeu the colleges of the state through oratorical and debating con tests, and the true College spirit which it engenders. He thought that debat ing and oratory should be combined, that one should supplement the other. He concluded his remarks with an elo quent appeal to the students for hu manity on the Cuban question. The markings of the judges were as follows: Manuscript Delivery . -. a- 3 "5 e K W Ellis 100 100 100 M. .lohnson .. S5 105 105 Oil 07 100 100 S5 145 75 125 80 142 V E Hannan . 75 H5 103 100 .1 Dennison ., 125 120 110 OS PltOF. HlirXElt TALKS. The. board of regents occupied seats on the platform in chapel Wednesday morning and Hegent von Forrell led the exercises. There was more pleas ure Hum this in store for the students. Chancellor MacLean said wo wore al ways glad to welcome the regents and we had another welcome io extend this morning. It was to the most mod est man among us and the one who had done the most to make the name of the I'niversity known throughout two continents. He knew Prof, lim ner was not a speaker but he thought he would consent to say a few words. Prof. Hruner came forward in an swer to the. welcoming applause. Ho said he was glad to get back; Hiat he was not Aerv particular and North America, was good enough for him. He went on to say something about the countries he had seen on his trip. All of us, the chancellor included, knoT very little about Argentine. He had found many lino cities there. One of 750,000 inhabitants, was the most sty lish and the best built city he had ever seen. Many people said to him: "You found it niuv'h warmer there than in Nebraska?" They forgot that Argen tine Hepubllc extends from the trop ics to 55 degrees south of them and that therefore there is a wide range of climate. He had suffered much from cold, as they had no fires there. Prof. Hruner said he hoped to get up courage to tell more some time, of Argentine and the other countries he had visited and of uIb work there. OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, APRIL .5, 1898. RETURNS Ft III Pror. limner IJaek at His I'laeo In tlio University. TELLS WHAT HE! SAW THERE IntiMrcitliiR Arcmmt of ArucntliionmUlU WorkAinoiiB H10 UroMlioniHirn-Wi, MInrIoii lllBhly SurreMfut. Prof, l.awronco Hruner, who has boon absent for n year in Argentine ltcpiiblio returned to tho rnlvorsity last week. In an interview with a. Ne brnsknu reporter ho gave tho follow ing interesting account of his work and other things of interest which ho noticed. In general the people of this country are well satisfied with their condition and care, 'little, about tlio condition of other countries. Hence the seeming hick of interest of tho American people as a nation in the South American countries. One can obtain but a foble idea of the magni tude of and extent of Argentine by a cursory glance in the geography. It is an extent of country which would reach from Manitoba In. llritish America to tlio City of Mexico. It lies in Int. 21 degrees south to 55 degrees. The settled ortions are small, largely those in and around Hucnos Ay res to the mirth and cast. Several lines of railroad reaelt up info this country. Some parts of the country are entire ly unknown. The territories or Cha ca and Formosa are unexplored trop ical forests populnted with llcrce In dians and wild animals. A common expression among the native when when something is missing is to say, "It is in the Chaea." The old belief was that the grasshopper plagues came from the Omen. The principal proggces.arc San Ju an, Tuhemnn, Salfji, .Mjdusjii CorSova These and the country around Huenos Ay res arc well settled. The provinces vary according to their latitude, and altitude, in their products. Those near sea shore being devoted to grain and sheep raising. We commonly regard our plains as flat, but the plains of the Pampas country are almost cm a dead level. One may go from Huenos Ayres north for 600 miles without seeing a hill ten feet in height, and the same is true of the country south of Huenos Ayres for COO miles. For over 1,000 miles of this strip there is no hill as large as that, on our campus. Nearly all of this country is without streams. Lit tle lakes and wells collect the min water. These constitute the wafer supply during the dry season. The water however, is not usually used for drinkiuk purposes. The jeo ple are large wine and beer drinken, operating large breweries. Foreign industry, largely American, is beginning to open up new provinces. One of these. Nequen, is very much like Iowa or Nebraska. It contains some fine lakes and is well watered. To the west of Nequen the Country is more like that of New Mexico, or Arizona. In Tony are forests of considerable extent. Too much rain causes these forests to die out and the annual rain fall of three to four inches is amply sufficient to keep them luxuriant. It is in these forests that the Quenbracha blanea is found. It is from this that quinine is obtained. The red quen bracha is used for dyeing and tanning. As a civilized country it dates back further than any part of North Am erica. A I'niversity flourished at Cor doba long long before a University iu North American was even thought of. About 1800 it was the great seat of learing in South America. Today it has scarcely JOO students. Comparativ ely the Counrty is backward; the peo ple are of such a nature as to put ev erything off until "daj after tomor row." In this they are unlike the Mexicans who put things off only un til tomorrow. Tho common expresion Is "pawada manana," which means day after tomorrow. From the standpoint of the geolo gist and the holanist the country pre sents many jieCuliar aspects. Forms similar to our own are found with protective coverings of many and pe culiar varieties. For instance, an ar- midllla-llko shield covers animals, which resembles our moles. I'or geo logical study nothing compares to this country. Tho Andes from 3i degress south to 24 degrees south are almonst destitute of vegetation. Our'lloeklos n ro as near plains as odnfontlhamth are as near plains in comparison with tho grandeur of the Andes. In nil, Prof. Hruner made 84 distinct trips by rail and water, covering about 14,000 miles. Of the iM provinces tlnj professor visited elgldofamthinahmttn professor visited IS. In his work wtth the locusts Prof, Hruner was success ful. In the nine months of his stay he learned the. laws governing the mi gration of the locusts, their enemies, diseases nml habits. Ho was able to give the people methods of handling tho iK-st which if followed, in two years will secure freedom from the lo custs. If these methods are. continued year by year the locusts will be held under control. Prof. Hruner visited Paraguay, I'm guay, besides Hrnzil, taking notes on natural history subjects. The raising of cattle and sheep is the principal industry. It is common for a man to own from 00,000 to 100, 00 sheep and from 50,000 to 75,000 cat tle. One "Estunela," as the ranches are called, which Prof. Hruner visited, had 27 square miles of alfalfa. An en terprising American holds interests in six or more "estniicias" and is consid ered an ordinary farmer. As a side remark the professor men tion od that the bed bugs of the coun try have wings and are an inch iu length. The laborer receives about the same rate of wages as is current in this country, bill the actual money receiv ed does not amount to so much. The South American gold dollar is practi cally equivalent to the American gold dollar but the paper dolnr is worth only about one-third of the gold coin and it is in this curency that the la- boreiai.' like sixty holidays during the year. Sunday is never regarded as a holiday. Iu fact, the pcoplo seem to fake spe cial jKiins to work on that da.v. Church services are held but no one is ever known to attend. One eculinr feature of tho country whie Prof. Hi-uncr noticed on his trip ing across the country from near the northern jioint of Paraguay to Chile is a broad belt of palm trees stretch in a southwesterly direction some 500 miles. No one lias ever attempted to account for this phenomenon, the country on lioth sides of the belt be ing barren. The Indians have a pecu liar legend concerning these trees. It runs as follows: "When the Lord finished making the world he was in Paraguay and started to walk over to Chile. He had some palm seeds in his jookct and likewise, a hole. As he walked the seeds dropped out on the earth." Prof. Hruner returned with large coleclions of insects, birds and some few mammals. The exjierienee, while valuable, is one that he would not care to rojieat, and he is glad to be able to return to the University. THE SENIOIt PARTY. The senior reception of Saturday night, April 2, proved to be a thorough success. There were alout 100 mem bers of the class present. The receiv ing party consisted of Miss Ellen Smith, Lieutenant Siotsen1erg, Mrs. Maclean and mother, and Professor and Mrs. Itichards. The armory was very tastefully dee orated in class colors, light blue and light yellow and large plants were ar ranged very prettily all over the build ing. Various games were indulged in and delicious ices were served in one corner of the room. UMVEHS1TY VS. OMAHA. The baseball cranks who have lieen waltliiur impatiently for a first-class article of ball on the campus this year are about to realize their hopes. The University team will play the Omaha professional western league team Sat urday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Such a game will afford the sjectators a chance of seeing what our lniys can do against a real good ball team. The admission fee will bo 25 cents and is surelj low enough for Mich, a game as this one promises to be, Price 5 Cents. OF REGENTS MEET A Vnst Amount or Important HiihIiichh Transacted. TO HAVE A UOOKINQ SCHOOL lU'Kcntn Tlilnk University Ulrla Hhonld Know How to Cook-Other Mat ters Acted Upon. The Hoard of llegenls of tho Uni versity met for their spring session at tlio University last Tuesday morning. With the exception of-ltegcnt Ooold, all members of the board were pron en t. The registrar's report, to the 3?e gonts showed a. great increase in. nil departments of the University. In all, the number of students iu the Uni versity has been swelled to 1901, and subtracting from this the 200 students In affiliated schools, it still loaves tho magnificent, nuinlier of 1701 regulnr students. Jlvports were submitted by tho heads of the various departments, all showing increases over Inst year. Tho law school shows an increase of 102 students. Dean Edgren reported the graduate school as showing a greatly increased attendance. Dean Sherman's lvjMirt mentioned the increase both in numbers and in tlio quality of wrrk iu the college of literture. Dean Hessey of the industrial school reported an enrollment of 484, u large increase over previous years. The report of the school of agricul ture under Prof. Lyons shows an in creased enrollment of 54 per cent., nnd Prof. Itiehanls reported that the en rollment in the school of mechanic arts was an increase of 131 per Cent, over that of last year. , Prof. Kimball of the school of music rep"6Hed a fTjtfaTntlnfbTi7of !ry, ail increase of 74 students over last year. The school of art under Miss Cora Parker has a total enrollment of 01 students. The board then adjourned and met the following morning. One interest ing matter was the decision of the board to establish a cooking school, otherwise known as the school of do mestic science. Hereafter there will be no excuse for University girls be ing ignorant of how to cook and all are expected to become exjiert in the culinary art. The lxKirtl established a deanship of women, to which place Mrs. 11. IT. Wilson was elected. The folowing promotions were made by the llcgcnts: Prof. Chandler to adjunct professor of mechanical draw ing and machine design; A. Itoss Hill, to professor of philosophy; O. V. P. Stout, from associate professor to pro fessor of civil engineering; C. it. Rich ards, from associate professor of prac tical mechanics to professor of me chanical engineering in charge of the department of practical mechanics; Miss Rosa Ronton, from instructor in chemistry to adjunct professor in chemistry; Samuel Avery, from in structor in chemistry to adjunct pro fessor in the same course; John White to adjunct professor iu chemistry; A. L. Candy to adjunct professor in math ematics and civil engineering; L. T. Moore to lecturer and demonstrator in physics; C. F. Ansley from associate professor to professor of English lan guage; II. E. Moore to adjunct profes sor in physics; Guernsey Jones to in structor iu European history, and Mr. Franklin to instructor iu American history. The iKMtrd showed its good will to ward athletics by granting permission for the athletic board to grade- tho campus and build a cinder. ltn action however iu failing to make the ex jiecled $25 appropriation for the ath letic animal was a keen disappoint ment. The Regents made the following ap pointments: Miss Lulu Burroughs iu the library, vice Miss Hertlia Quaintnnce, trans ferred; (J. A. Loveland, reappointed at his request to be instructor in meter ology without stipend; Miss Flora Hulloek, assistant instructor in jour- (Tontiuued on Page Four.) II