I Locals. ; Mih llvitli Wilson Iimh been wry III for tin' HmI weoh. MIkM Mlll'll' C'IU'ImI It llllH 1)0011 Olipoy- lug (i IhII from her father. c c. Culver of Mllfonl, Noli., vis ited tlu rnlvorslty for it few days I'lic rnlvorslty Mlorosonnloul Huh hold its regular mooting Wednesday owning. Mrs. Nlll'llllCI'll Of HlHlllLT Clt.V HIKMli MUM'lll days with her daughter, AIIhh (lllll'f, iHHt WCClC. ,lmU Haines, 'Oil, nml Holt Mauley, '07, wore hi the city last week visit lug with their Delta Tim Delta broth l'l'. 11 tin1 people who bought. Huyolos hint our iih' riding llnoyolos this year. What other wheel enu show iih good ii rrt'oiil'.' Vniiih llnney left the University Wednesday afternoon Tor his home In llroMMllh' N'h. A oiim of grip wiih tl' IIIIIHO. 1! ('. l.nnslng, private hi Company C, mim promoted to the rank of sor (fi'iini of Company A, hint Monthly nf- tlM'IKIDII. SrM'i'itl parties of students are mak ing arrnngomontw to make hunting trips along the Platte river during the t'oiiiinu Mientlon. Mi-s Mary L. loncs, who was llbrnr iau ut this I'lihoristy last year, has liccn lsiting in Lincoln during the piist few days. A stock of Huntington special dio slump stationery lias been received by the Co-op. It makes the prettiest U. of . tablet yet seen. Special discount, to students in bi cycle sundries and repairing. flood sinwlanrd tires at $5.00 a pnir at A. L. Girnrd i Co., 1.15 So. 12th St. (ml Randall left Lincoln yestenlay nftcinoon bound for Centra America, lie will take charge of an electrical engineering plant in Salvador. Nelson N. Pollard, 'Ml, was married Msteiiln.N to Miss Anna Dunn of Lin coln. Mr. anil Mrs. Pollard will make tlieir home in Schenectady, X. Y. If ou want the most artistic work in the line of photographs, Clements, llw Photographer, nt 120 So. 11th si-, rim do your work to suit yon nt the LOW EST prices. The reason the Racyolc runs easier tlinu other bicycles is because the olmins runs between the bearings on the crank. Step in nnd examine it at A. L. Girord & Co. 135 So. 12th St. Louis Wcsterniau received the. first pusil ion in the postofllce under Mr. lliislincll, having the highest standing on the list' of candidates, Mr. Westcr iiinn has returned to Lincoln to begin his work. 'I'lic oung ladies of the Narcissus dance of the minstrels, gave a chaf ing ilish party hist Saturday evening to their instructors, Messrs. Wilkins iiinl Severn at the home of Miss 121 I'liimr Miller. If you want your linir cut artistic ally and in the latest styles, call on Sum Westerfield, 117 North Thirteenth street, lie has had eighteen years' ex piTiuice with students and guaran tees satisfaction. crent many members of the facul ty have gone to Kearney to attend the mooting of the central Nebraska taeh rs' association. The chancellor and l'rof Sherman are among the num ber. Prof. Wolfe is also there. On account of the spring vacations in ilu- arious high schools of the Male, many University alumni are visiting their alma motor. Among 1lies, are .1. 'A, V. Cortolyoti, Clint Noihmi. Misses Sadie and Anna Tay lor, iuid Miss Myrtle Wheeler. Sfidonts who ore particular as to the appearance of their shoes have their repairing done by II. Capes, prac tical shoemaker nt 133 South 12th fctrcit. Ie makes a specialty of re pairing round toed shoes and has spe cial apparatus to do it in the right vn. Mis Edna Bullock has gone to the ceniial Nebraska teacher's association nt Kearnev, where she will give a half horns' talk on "The Travelling Li toiirx and the District School." She will also spook before the library club of Crete Friday evening on "The Hook and Its Mission..' I-pciisive principles are often ox pensiu' to the rider. liny a Rnyeyc'lo and ou will get a wheel built on me eluinieal principles. The Rnycyclo is hnilt so that it rides easier than any other make on the market. Come nnd see it nnd we will prove this to Jon. A. L. tlirnrd & Co., 135 South 12th streets 11 karat gold fountain pens at 00c efK'h and upwards. History paper 0c per 100. Students' note books 4c each. est poot German and French dic tionaries 21e. Full line of history covers, botany note books, botany pa per, magnifying glasses, etc., ete. Art and Music department, llerpol Mii'imer & Co. I'rof. Whitney of Rcloit collegeWis consin, spoke at the chapel Wednes day morning. His talk was a timely one and emphasized the need of ellm miting prejudice from our policy whether it be national or personal. J rof. Whitney is o brother of the late win. D. Whitney, the well known ed ucator of Yule. '"The Hatchet," a little publication by the Women nf -M.a. utntn tn t.lin tll- Ji'rest of the children's building at tho umnha exposition, it out and should be seen b. h" students, It has one page dinoted to the university, but aside from that much of Interest to nil Nebraska eltlons, )iirt!euhirly young oiich. SubHorlptlons are asked for at . cents ii oop, . The peculiar individual who has been haunting the vicinity of the periodicals In the library was Inter lewed by the librarian VodiioHda, af ternoon nnd It Is to be hoped he" will en m p out. somewhere, else hereafter, llehasbeen fiiMpientlngthe library the pasi iew weeks putting in His time smiling at the girls. Ills bright, black eyes and his rather alarming smile created a panic among them at first sight. Ills generous appearanae was that of a sunbiirnil youth who had Just blown In from the backwoods and tors. NHHUAHKA WINS IIKU FIIIST. Tho 'Varsity team lined up against. Lincoln Swifts last Saturday afternoon and considering the cold weather the exhibition was a very fair sample of the niitloniil game. The Swift team wns for two years the strongest team In the state, and no one thought they would have any trouble In defeating tlie Nebraska boys. The I'lihorslty team Is composed largely of new material this year and no one had any Idea of their base ball abllty, since, on account of the bad weather, they have only boon able to practice out doors three times. An mission to the game wns free and a largo crowd of base ball cranks was present to puss judgment on tho play ing of the team and to estimate the class of base ball which Lincoln will have this spring. There were many new faces on the rnhcrslty team, some of whom while now on tlie diamond have been seen before In other branches of sport. Williams who played half-back on the football team, tilled the position be hind tho bat. Ho catches snappy, throws well and his experience as a catcher for the past four years will greatly help tho new pitchers. llnlstoatl opened the game in the box ami pitched si innings. He ought to make a iirst-olnss pitcher although he needs to have better control of the ball. Cathorwood pitched tho last three innings and considering that it was his first appnrancc as a pitcher, he did fairly well. He will soon bo a valuable man when he gains a litue more confidence in himself nnd works off the newness of the game. llhodcs played a game on first, base that would do credit, to any team, lie sooms to be a natural born ball play er and when he dovelopes a little more batting ability and works up some en thusiasm he will prove a valuable au oiiion to tho team. Ueeder, who has played on the team for the last two years, covered second base and showed that, he had ability as an infielder as well as an outfielder. His batting wnj noticably better than that of last year. Dutch Wells ployed shortstop and his work needs no further comment. He was always a favorite among the fans last year, as he be this year. He plays with life and ginger that might well be copied by the whole team. Cowgill was in his old position at third base and played a steady1 game. His playing promises to be much bet ter this year than last. Tho fields were covered by llhco., Cordon and Hliss, and their work was good, especially that or llhea who caught two line drives at critical times and preented several scores. As to the game itself Nebraska start ed well in the first inning with four scores and the Swifts, despite their name, were not speedy enough to head her off. Nebraska made three more scores in the third and two in the fourth inning. After that the Swifts took a brace and did not allow theirop pononts to score. The best tho Swifts could do in the batting line was to roll up six against. Nebraska's nine scores. Score by innings: Nebraska 4 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0-'.) Swifts 2 000108100 CO. F WINS THE CONTEST. At 2 o'clock .Inst Saturday on the University campus before quite a large """''' Kulo. ouurrod the lrstath!,,,, .utcHt,,rUveeutot.,pti,f. i'H h , il I f ,u. I ,r . and Second Imtiilllons ,esp,.(.,u,K ,lt ,,llM ,f Hiji- l ii contest ,,,, ,,, (pHfi m(fpi,h(. I'd by the Coiiimiiudnni or Cadets ear ly III Hie HonioHtor, iin.l it Wis at once iilliiiHli1.ii,.ii,v reeobeti by the men,, hers of t. (wo companion. Captains Nnyi'i. n.nl o(,y sol lo work to see Iho allair h.iocosh. Tho oommltlen appoint..! iron, t,0 i companies, of "...en ,.,,.,. wilMiiwHi was made chairman. ws busy winml weeks In iiiTiinglng the dllVcrciil events and making other necessary preparations. The result 0f the combined olVort of (lie cniniiilltoc and the members of the coinpnnloN was a contest of seven dllVeront cmmiIh, Tor which prizes wore tflveu by the merchants or the city. Nontlj printed programmes were pro vided, giving a list of the entries and the prl7.eN tiiicrcd, Coiupan.N !' won the or the seven events. The following Is the list of the events with the winners: Kclny nice, won by Company 10. Accoutrement nice, won by Weeks (oinpany V, Throe legged raeo, won by Collctt ami Keod. Company l- Hgg and spoon nice, won by Hope well, Company 15. Hiicket. raeo, won by Struck, Com pany l- Sack race, won by Crawfonl, Com pany F. Tug-Vwnr, won by Company 1 When the contest, was over the two companies adjourned to the armory, where the eaniinandant, treated them to lee cream and cake. After talks by the commandant, and Captains Noyes nnd Noddy, the member, of both com panies dispersed, well satisfied with the success of the contest. YALK'S CHILDISH SPOUTS. Of the many customs held In rever ence by Yale undergraduates none is more popular at this season of the year than Hint of spinning tops. Ev ery line afternoon during the last week in February and the first two in March, the upper classmen can be seen spinning tops on the college cam pus or tm the corner in front, of Os liorn hall, the side of the old fence. The students do not appear in public as top spinners until they have per footed the trick. They practice in the dormitory hallways, in the cam pus room, in their own room, and in other out of the way places on. the university grounds until they nre able to make the top spin every time they throw it. It is no unusual sight to see from 25 to 50 students, big, stropping follows, many of them seniors, in front of Osborn hall with their tops and strings for an hour or two at. a time. They draw a circle, place a top or two that they peg away at with the greatest hilarity. At this season of the year also an other craze among the students is rolling hoops. The fun of hoop roll ing gcnerall last only during the first two weeks in March, and scores of students can be scon pleasant after noons tearing through the campus, chasing their hoops like street, urch ins. Another diversion in which some of the Yale students indulge is in play ing marbles. The sedate old profes sors, who in their early days had as much fun with their hoops and mar bles and tops as do the youthful gen eration now under their guardianship, watch the boys during these after noon and thoroughly enjoy the spec tacle. A few of the more venturesome Yale boys two or three years ago undertook to introduce kite flying as on added amusement for March. It was a great i.port for those who engaged in it,and it was thought, that it would soon be come popular with the Yale boys, but somehow or other this sort, of amuse ment, failed to Im'coiuo popular and tin.- flying of kites has been dropped from the list of traditional horse plays that can be charged to Yale uien.Now York Times. ..CAMERA.. $1.90 $1.00 $1.00 If at any time within a year you de sire to trade for one of our REPEAT ING cameras, we will allow you $1.00 anfl take beck the one you buy. Tho repeating camera is like a repeating rlfta You photograph one plate and instantly place another In position. No trouble, or bother. You load it at homo and snap the pictures at pleas ure. Any child can handle it. This is a new device never pit on the mar cet before. $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, accord ing to size and number of plates. AGENTS CAN MAKE MONEY. Address, A. ft. CRAIG, Mukwoaauo, Wis. Best Work. xjest Service Established i88q. Evans Laundry Company Most complete and Modern equipment. I Greatest courtesy. Telephone 10i). If you want com fortable summer Underwear buy Union Suits. We have them for ladies and gentlemen. If you want cor rect styles and good values in neckwear we can please you. Come in and see for yourself. Miller & Paine, Jrw Ayw'v aVm Hat Designed by Julia Dcltnottc. (CoiVrighl "Wis, tho llalcluin Syndicate.) Easter Millinery. The opening display and sale closed out many of the pattern hots nd M'ltised last week, but new lines are arriving daily to fill tlieir places. And among the.se are tlie creations of world renowned Paris designers whose names are sutlicient guarantee for style and beauty. New York, America's fashion cent or, has also generously contributed to our immense showing, for that city's leading millinery makers have placed their choicest productions at your disposal here. We cordially invito your inspection. 3&eW&era; Sto The NebraakaTJ'niversity School of Music OFFEKS COMPLETE COURSES IN THE FOLLOWING BRANCHES: Pipe Organ, Piano Forte, Voice Training, String Instruments, Wind Instruments. Harmony, Counterpoint, Ilistory.Gen eral Theory, Sight Reading. OFFERS FREE ADVANTAGE! NOT FOUND ELSEWHERE. Free Scholarship in all Departments Orchestral Training, Military Band Training', Concerts, Lectures, Recitals, If you are thinking of studying music Investigate the merits of this school. WILLIARD KIMBALL, Director. v$F y Kw&Co. 8$c tatgiiXcnaCjisiuatti '4u Ml! 'ePffifELSia .751 lKffI!g dm fi) tft mi fcyoumK j 1 .u 1 - " ' 1 rx it iJTrwlyOltV . Cfy , Oivhzn'.'yjlortli'iQt . tfspffiJ caf.itily SSafSeMary.) Vmuity. 'MiWi' 'T"i l ' .' I I liiWJWiil' 'SI B W Mr. Albert Tttrpin's j5aicifg Softool Now open for Season 1S07-98. Adult classes every Tuesdays and Thursdays. Juvenile, Wednesday 4 P. JL, Saturdays, S P. M. Assemblies every Thursday eve, Holl for rent. Special rotes to clubs and froternitiej. Call at 1132 N St, for terms, etc. Office hours 0 ao 11:30 a, m. 2 to 5 p. in.