The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, April 01, 1898, Image 1

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Vol. VI No. 26.
Unhcrslty Students Hnng Hjinlti in Effigy
to the Flair Stuff
Tiny Itcurut tlio lCvmlng Cnll'n Acounutloii
T lint They lliuiRoil MoKlnWyln Kf-
llcy-Aiitl"Smiilnli, Demount rut Ion
cstei-dny was 11 day of excitement
In tiu University. It. ilovflupcd from
U ft-W Students gathering Oil till' Clinip-
iis ut noon into n howling mob which
nin'iidcd tho Htrcctti in tlic evening.
'I he first visible signs of the excite
ment Unit wiih to he, were discovered
b the jiinitor in the basement, short
h licfoif noon. Tlic germ of the whole.
nlV.iir wns contiiined in two gunny
mu-Kh. The jiinitor however did not.
li-iilie their significance and took no
net ion in the matter. During the noon
hour these two gunny sacks, together
with their contents, developed a r
iiiarUable nfllnity for one another and
in the hands of unknown students
they quickly materalicd into a good
looking dummy or effigy. It. was so
cretly carried into the tower of the
ln.iiii building and the first that out
siders knew of the alTaJr was when seemed to be a man was dangl
ing from the flagstaff with a- rope
around his neck. lU'iicath the llgure.
was placed large sign which read,
"Down With Spain."
Meanwhile the nflnir was arousing
a great deal of interest and excite
ment as the man on the. flagstaff
could be seen all over the city. lie
flapped his legs in the wind in a most
despondent sort of way and looked ab
solutely dejected. Whether it. was in
tended to represent Sugasto, Weylor or
Itlnnco could not be determined by the
features of the effigy.
About one 'r!r.i1rKrliig en mo illong;
lie saw the effigy and his duty at
lUxiut the Mime time and consequently
lie went up and hauled the dnmy
(low 11.
Then nothing would satisfy the stu
ilents but that they must have that
dummy to play with. They thought, it
would make a nice bonfire but the
Iniu'islty authorities thought differ
ent. The students made u rush for the
fourth floor but both doors were se
en n y locked. After a time, the jani
tor who was on guard, thoughtlessly
stepped into the cnupel gallery for n
moment. Instantly the students saw
their opportunity. They closed the
1I001- on tlic janitor and held it shut
while calling to their confederates to
hurry ii) the work withthe screw driv
er which was rapidly extracting the
screws from the hinges of the door.
Tin- janitor, however, succeeded in
climbing oer the gallery and sliding
down one. of the posts to the first lloor
wlui" he made his eseiie and the lit
tle panic above wns frustrated.
N-t, however, until n small opening
aliniit. six inches square, was made.
A Muill youth more ventursome than
tin- rest was able, to wriggle through
thi- hole. His idea was to throw the
(lii.uiuy through one of the windows
to the students below. Two of the
janitors, suspecting something )f the
(it, decided to make a. trip through
the attic. Here they found the intre
pid student who informed them thnt
he wns "just lookin' around." He was
arrested with due pomp and ceremony
and taken to the treasurer's office. In
order to lend greater cclate to the oc
casion and make it seem more like the
"'id thing, Sheriff Trompen with his
deputy also marched into the office
to take a squint at the desperado stu
dent who wns found guilty of being
found in the attic. After a few words
of good advice, however, the student
"was released.
This quieted any outward Bigns for
time but in the evening nn immense
crowd assembled, drawn together
largely by an article which nppenred
i the ICvening Cull which stated that
the students luld hung McKinley in
l'fgy. The students In very emphatic
terms denounced the article as fnlse.
Suddenly the effigy which had hung
from the Jlngstnff , appeared among the
crowd in some mysterious manner.
Currying this which was supposed
to represent the editor of the Call, the
students started down town. They hud
a very euphonious yell which was
more appropriate than poetic or polite.
The substance of It was that Smln and
the Call were consigned to the lower
regions ami .McKinley was cheered.
After they were tired of inarching
around town, they went back to the
campus, and after pouring keroslne
over the effigy, It was hung up on a
wire ami a bonfire built, under it. Af
ter It was consumed they marched
again to the Call office where ICdltor
Austin cudenxored to address them
and make the mutter right but his
voice wiih drowned In hisses and cat
The indoor pentathlon held last Sat
urday evening in the gymnasium was
a marked success. Two University
records were broken, both feats call
ing forth rounds of applause.
On account of the number of the
contestants three events were in prog
ress at the same time the pole vault,
running high jump and putting the
shot. In the pole vault Benedict and
Waterman showed up strongly, bom
making clean vaults. At 8 feet 7 In
ches Waterman stopped, but Henedlct
kept, on until he reached 10 feet. Ac
cording to the method of scoring, this
won ucnedtct inn points and called
forth a hearty applause. In the shot
out, .lewett broke all nrevious Univer
sity records, puiung the stiot 119 feet 0
inches. Henedlct. and ha. Salle tied for
second place, each mukim; lit) feet.
dewctt's greatest score was in this
event, gaining for him 87 points.
La Salle's strong point, came out In
the. running high jump. He cleared
the bar at 5 feet I inches, scorimr 89',
points. Benedict came second and .lew
ett third.
The running hop, step and jump had
to be hurried somewhat on account of
the lateness of the hour, but, ncverthe-
ljujjjirgod jumps wcnuiindi', ller.ediot.
led with ;i7'a feet, scoring 72 points.
Waterman and La Salle followed in the
order named.
The last event was the potato race.
This was amusing in many ways, and
Waterman's mode of running was dis
tinctively unique. Benedict won, de
positing his last potato in one minute
43 seconds. La Salle won second place
ami Waterman third.
The score in detail was as fouows:
Shot put: Henediet, 3(1 feet; dewett 39
feet, ij, inch; La Salle, 3(5 feet; .Limes,
31 feet, 10 inches; o'aterinan, .l -oet,
', inch: L. S. ltyan, . feet 3 inches;
Kellogg, 31 feet 1 inches; lleartt, 32
feet ( inches; I'epoon, 27 feet 8 -n-
Uiiiiniiig hop, step and jump: Bene
dict, 37 feet. Vi inch; dewett, 32 feet 0
inches; La Salle, 34 feet 10 inches;
.lames, 34 feet 4's inches; Wntonnnn,
35 feet :; inches; L. S. Itynn, 27 feet
7 inches; cllngg, 32 feet 2a inches;
lleartt, 33 feet 4 inches; I'epoon, 31
feet l()'s inches.
Hole Miult: Henediet, 10 feet; dew
ett, 7 feet; La Salle, 8 feet; dames, 5
feet 10 inches; Waterman, 8 feet. 7
inches; Kellogg, 8 feet 7 Inches;
lleartt, 7 feet .1 inches.
Illuming high jump: Henediet, .1
feet J inches; dewett, 5 feet Vis inch;
La Salle, 5 feet 4 inches; dames, 4
feet U inches; Waterninn, 4 feet 11 VI
inches; ltyan, 4 feet 2 inches; Kel
logg, 4 feet 4 indies; lleartt, 4 feet 0
inches; Hepoon, 4 feet (5 inches.
Potato race: Henediet, 1 minute 43
seconds; dewett, 1 minute 53 3-5 sec
onds; La Salle, 1 minute 40 2-5 sec
onds; Waterninn, 1 minute 47s sec
onds; ltyan, 1 minute 31 seconds;
lleartt, 1 minute 53 1-5 seconds; dnmes,
1 minute 53 seconds; Kellogg, 1 min
ute 48 seconds.
The totals showed Henediet the win
ner of the contest with 40(3 points, La
Snlle 3SVli points nnd Waterinun 3303
Ofllcials: Beferee, Oliver Chambers;
scorers, A. S. I'earse, I. S. Cutter, It. A.
Drain; judges, C. M. Story, B. S. Hunt,
Joel Stebbins; measurers, W. P. Krelle,
W. It. Medenchin, Adolpli Shane; ush
ers, C. J. Allen, C. L. Allen, 0. A. John
son, II. It. Sullivan, 0. K. Cooper, .1. H.
White. C O. Itochon, M. I). Elson, W.
P. Abbott, S. Anker, M. IXBnker.
Fred BarncsWt Monday afternoon
to pitch for the Milwaukee team.
President ofCoriiollSppnksto Unlver.
ally Students
Oornoll Alumni Prom Omnia Worn l're-
'i't In llmljr-OlmpBl Wiw Crowded
mid Many Turned Awny
The I'nlverslty has been favored
wltli a number of chapel addresses by
men of prominence this year, and most
of them have been of fur mom than
ordinary Interest, hut. by all odds the
greatest address of the. year was that
given by the distinguished scholar,
writer ami educator, President Schur
nian of Cornell University, last Friday
It had been announced several days
before that President Schurman would
speak, and keen interest was aroused
In his coming, not. only because of the
great university he represents, but be
cause of his distinguished attainments.
The chapel was not large enough to
hold the crowd that, came out to hear
him. Old timers In the University,
those who hne been here for a num
ber of years, say they never saw such
a large crowd In the room. Many
were compelled to go away because
they could not even llnd space 10
On the platform there was a good
representation of the faculty, besides
the Cornell alumni, who came down
from Omuhn to hear the address. The
tn or twelve Cornell men in the fac
ulty occupied front wins and toos
an active part in giving the Cornell
yell a number of times. Whenever the
yell was given the students woui
raisetliellniversltyyell and giveitwlth
a life that fairly- shook the walls of
the chapel. If, Uc-visitors were u
im"pfesse"i1 Svithhenrainpower of t
students, they nt least gave them cred
it for plenty of vocal ability.
The chancellor, in introducing the
speiiKer, called attention to the simi
larity and community of interests be
tween Cornell and the state universi
ties of the west. Cornell, he said, could
lny claim uctter than any other enst
ern university to being truly demo
cratic. President. Schurman is a man who
impresses one ns being young ut lcnst
young for the position or responsibil
ity nnd dignity that he holds. He is
not. n speaker if voice and gesticulation
alone are considered, but one soon for
gets the man and has his attention cen
tered on what he says, so striking and
profound is his thought-. He uses none
of the tricks nnd devices of the ora
tor, but talks in n cool, practical sort
of a way, endeavoring always to mako
himself clearly understood. He im
presses one ns being highly original, a
man who solves problems for himself.
In his introductory remarks he at
tempted to show tho relation of col
leges and universities to one nnothcr
and the unity that exists Detween the
higher institutions of learning nnd the
schools given up to secondary educa
tion. Hoth, he contended, were en
gaged in the single work of uplifting
the hearts and minds of the people.
Plunging into his address proper, he
Raid that universities, according to the
newspapers, exist u.. for the sake of
athletics. Largely through the influ
ence of the newspapers, opposition has
arisen in various parts of the country
against athletics. At Cornell such op
position manifested itself and the mat
ter was brought before tho faculty.
There the entire control of athletics
was placed in the hands of tho stu
dents, the faculty having nothing to
do with their management. Athletics,
the speaker thought, were a good
thing in colleges nnd universities.
Young men ns a general thing have su
perfluous energy which must find some
vent. Furthermore, athletics bring
about neighboly feelings between edu.
cationnl institutions ns nothing else
can do.
Though henlth nnd a sound body are
important, they are not of greatest im
portance. Man is moro than an ani
mnl. Ho is a being, with a mind nnd
heart, nnd these it is tho function of
the university t? train and develop.
Tho utilerslty of today Is essentially
democratic. It throws Its doors open
to all the people. The old New Kng
land unlw-i-Hlty was not founded on
such broiii! Hues, being for privileged
classes alone, not lor the people as a
whole. Today young men and young
women un admitted on exactly the
same conditions. No matter how poor
or humble the young man tuny be, he
can gut an education now If ho desires
With the growth or universities,
their curricula have been extended and
broadened. The old universities, suoh
as those of llologna, Paris and Ox
ford, hccr went, beyond the liberal
arts and sciences, law, theology and
medicine, though they were tho models
upon which modern Institutions of
learning have been based. Today pro
vision is made for instruction In a mul
titude of professions and occupations,
such as engineering, arcii..ecture ao.i
agriculture. Within the curriculum of
liberal arts there has been a wonderful
expansion, rormerly It. was possible
for the student to take all thework of
fered In liberal arts lu tho four yenvs
thnt he was lu the university, but now
that provision hns been made for in
struction in the humanities, history,
economics and science, this hns become
nn impossibility.
Pcrhnps the most .. .cresting part
of President Schurmnn's lecture dealt
with the elective system in university
education. He said that it had come
to be recognized that it. was not peda
gogically wise to run all students
through the same mill. Some students
were incapable, of studying certain
branches with any degree of success or
profit to themselves. Mucnulny, genius
thnt he wns, had no predilection to
ward mathematics, and the study of
them was of lime advantage to him.
The scope of knowledge Is so brourt
that everything cannot, be learned in
four years, and, consequently, special
ization is necessary. It has been urged
ugitinit; "the TJlectlvc system iTmTxiu
dents often take up special lines of
work before they have sufficient pre
liminary training; thnt. they become
specialists when they should be pur
suing undergraduate work, and no
doubt this is often true. In the second
place, it has been contended that the
elective system has sounded the death
knell of classical education. The speak
er said that he believed in the elnssics
nnd hnd been thoroughly trained in
them himscu; but. he did not believe
thnt. they were adapted for every one.
Xot one out of ten students goes far
enough in them to derive the proper
benefit from them. Statistics show
that about five per cent, of tho stu
dents in the high schools nre studying
Oreek and twenty to twenty-five per
cent, are studying Latin. Considering
the nature of students, this percentage
is lnrge enough. At Cornell everything
has tieen mnde elective In the acade
mic department. Much of tho work
formerly done in the university is now
being done in the high schools. The
new system hns hnd a trial of one
term and has been found to be very
successful. It was thought that wiui
the change there would lie a falling off
in the number of students taking
inathenintics, so that one professor in
this branch was dropped, but lie soon
had to be reinstated, the number of
students taking the work being nbout
the same as under the old system.
There has been a slight decline in the
number of students talcing Greek, but
none whatever in the numlicr taking
Latin. One instructor in philosophy
was dropped, it being supposed thnt
there would be fewer students taking
work in tho philosophical department
when the courses were made elective,
but he hnd to be reinstated in a short
Tn the third place it has been urged
that, shirks find it ensy to get through
the college or university when liberty
ns to choice of studies is given. The
spenker said ho did not believe there
were any shirks in either Cornell or
tho western universities. ShirKs were
to be found only in aristocratic insti
tutions. Finally, some have said that
under the elective system there is no
common standard of education among
college men, President Schurman
thought thnt this wns a real danger.
Still, ho did not believe that there
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
Pkice 5 Cunts.
Our Representatives AgslnRt Kansas
.MIhsoiu'I nml Colorado urn Selected
Klntllor, linker, llMrxhy, MIm Htull.HaeU
tt,Tnylor, Warner, 1'orry nml Mt-
nun iro tho l'ortnimto Unbateri
Tho "battle of tho glnuts," ns tho
final preliminary debutes were ndver
tlsed, occurred In the chapel last Fri
day and Saturday evenings. Not
many were In attendance either even
ing, the anticipation of the markings
of the judges bringing out the lnrgest
audience Saturday.
The question for .discussion Friday
evening was resolved,, "That the Uni
ted States Should, Apnox Hawaii." The
speakers on the affirmative were
Messrs. MeNaughton, Kjndler nnd
Deal; on the negative, Perry, llnwby,
Warner and Meier
Mr. MeNaughton opened the ques
tion in a well prepared address show
ing that such a policy would be in
harmony with precedent nnd not op
posed to tho principles recognized by
constitutional writers.
Mr. Perry iiflirmed that nothing
could be gained commercially or strat
egically by annexation that is not now
enjoyed by the government,
Mr. Kindler followed with a dear
and aggressive speech that, gained for
him first place. Ho stated that the
Anglo-Saxon race was destined to lead
the world nnd that the argument was
futile which claimed that annexation
would be to the detriment to society.
Mr. Huwxby answered him and suc
ceeded in convincing the audience nnd
the judges thnt he deserved third plnco
at least. He maintained that we
should develop what country we have
beire tilrnliigMirTmmTloVto foreign
Mr. Deal argued that such a step
would not destroy ethnical unity nnd
thnt annexation would bo beneficinl
both commercially and strategically.
Mr. Warner showed the proportion
of desirable to undesirable inhabitants
on the. Sandwich Islands and that the
natives are not capable of self govern
Owing to the of Mr. Mnguire,
who should have spoken next on tho
nffiimative, Mr. Meier for tho negative
followed. Soma embarrassment was
caused by the dimming of the electric
lights and the speaker was forced to
his seat with several minutes of time
uneonsumed, but not before he hnd es
tablished the fact that Hawaii is
neither a commercial nor strategic
Mr. MeNnughton then closed for
the ntllrinntive nnd the audience ad
journed to await the decision of the
judges the following evening.
The question for discussion Satur
day evening wns resolved, "That the
United States should construct and
operate tho Nicaragua canal." The
speakers on the affirmative were
Messrs Matson, Taylor, Kemp nnd
Fwurt; those on tho negative were
Suckett, linger, Miss Stull nnd Baker.
Mr. Matson carefully opened tho
question nnd briefly showed the bene
fits that, would accrue to the com
merce of western, southern and east
ern states.
Mr. Saekctt argued that this govern
ment could not mnlntain tho neutral
ity of tha water route, and that for
this government to construct the canal
would be in opposition to the Clayton
Bulwer treaty.
Mr. Taylor developed the commer
cial aspect of tho canal showing that
the project would pay for itself soon
after construction and would secure a
permnnent income to the nation.
Mr. linger declni-cd thnt such a pol
icy on the part of the government was
a step toward socialism and that it
would place a premium on fraud and
Mr. Kemp maintained that Great
Britain had violated tho terms of the
Clayton-Bulwer treaty nnd hence it
was inoperative.
Miss Stull, the only lady on. the de
bates, showed from tho latest con-
Continued On Fourth Page.)