Ml i juocais. f ll o iimr Hiih- Ihinc bull loam Is nhrnii.v out at practice. liM ila DiiHoIh spout several days i Iht ln'iu. In Ashland litis WOt'U. Ml,., Mn, Colstin tr Iht omiHonalory j, filing"! her home. In l-'rouumt. ,lll i 'til vcr has Just, returned fmm im-iin'-x ',P Ati'lilson iukI ICtni- l,r. (). II. Ilmviuiiu, 'III, of tln Wa u,il mIuioIs, spout. Saturday at. the Inixfi-lty. Dm i:oiott gave Ills Uotu lirotliors ., swimming party nt the. sanitarium; mi In-' Sntninln.v ovoninjjr. K,s,.n Henry mid Harry H. Smith nn. u,.uiiig Alplm Tlielii ('lit pins. Tlu'j vv,'n' Initiated lnMt r'rlday ovou iuif. Dli-.-. tiir Kimball wont, to St, Louis lust mU on business connected with tl,t Oi mini exposition. Mrs. Kimball jjiciiini unlet! him. Tin' Mromsburg high school is niniiiu' ilio schools which have rccunt )x ni.vicil I'ror.'l'nvlor's "Kxeivlsos in Poliii. I Keniiiuny. A k of Huntington special die lnin' lationery 1ms boun received by tl. (...p. It makes thu prettiest U. of Y i blot yet soon. Id, mother of liny Cusliimiu, 'us, diitl ' -i Monday evening. Tlio stu-,1,-ti t Minis of Mr. (,'iisliiiiiin express ili.-ii post synipntliy. Mi -. T. .lonos, who is teaching nt ,1 .kti. was u guest of ilr. llow nnl unlay. Ho will outer tlio Unl MTsit i tit coming year. H i .il discount to students in lit ricli' nnilrios and repairing. Good siinili'iiid tiros nt $5.00 a pair nt A. L. (iiiiinl A Co., 1.15 So. 12th St. Ibiiwy l.andis was called out of llif tin lust. Saturday by the. illness of his mother. Uc returned again to the 1 nborslty on Wednesday. Thi i is no better known bicycle in the . i. i oi ry than the Syracuse. One irnnli- "ii l mid that is $50. K. K. Mor rison .nut l o.. tlti So. Thirteenth st. Tin M.iNwells tomorrow evening de Imii' i In ipiostion: itesolvod. that, tlio ivii i iitision of the supreme court in ill. -.isc of Eugene Moore was nn-lu-i "Iriiinx bicycles are high in price Ihv.uis.' they are constructed on cx-jH-iism principles. You can sec them m I. It. Morrison's, 110 South Thir ti'iMilli street. Dm IM-rett drove in from Chicago mi l:it 'rimrsday evening, March 17, It .ippi-ars that he came for the cx nvss purpose of attending the lad-ii-s' iniiistrels. If .Mm want the most artistic work in tlio line of photographs, Clements, tlio Photographer, at 129 So. 11th St., can tin vour work to suit vou at the LOW I :sT prices. l'-i'.i Thetu I'i Jiad . an initiation Mon. i.i night. The initiates were Hmlil (iillespie of Republican City, larl Hi-yhtol of .Friend and George Wiln ii nf Wayne. Iiiiln-1-t .lciikins, who has been look ing ..iit business interests of his fiitl.ii in this and other states for tlie .isi two mouths, has returned to t;:l.i- i.p his work again. K.ippa Sigma has moved its from 1S01 X street to 142 Non' I -iitli street, the former prop 'it '.iving been sold to parties who li'Mi' iuiuiediiite possession. Tin' reason the Raeyele runs easier than other bicycles is because the chains runs between the bearings on the i. ink. Step in and examine it at A. I. fc Co. 135 So. 12th St. T. I' Mnguiro has d roped from the final .'. , intes on account of sickness. Hi- iit Y. W. (.'. A. will entertain Hie I i i torsi ty Y. W. C. A. at 143 South 1'lti ill street tomorrow evening. He aid. '00, from the Chi- . icdical college, passed through ' i last week on his way to his u Osceola and stopped to shake ith his rnivcrsity friends. J'.eachlcy, a former student of Moiily, iaid a tlslt to his old sity friends last week. They knew him on account of a "f which he is the proud posses- i lie people who bought bicycles .u- are riding llayciclcs this What other wheel can show as :i reeonlV There is only one wheel in the city with a. good h fjipn Liih lion i. liaiiii .1; tin- i I'niv harl. iH-ai Kill A' last VIM, (,' I : otln , recoil I Tin members of the 1'hi Kappu l'si, to.'.i ,,-r with visitinir altimui. will Willi ite the third anniversary of the loiiniiiiiir of their ehntitcr at a bun pii'i t be given at the chapter house tOIHL lit. If ton want your hair cut artiatic all.v iind in the latest styles, call on Sni WcHtcrilold, 117 North Thirteenth strc-t. He has had eighteen years' ex lMJriciiPe with students and guuran tees Mitisfuction. l'if. W. (i. J.. Taylor has n highly t'litfi mining article in the March num ber i.f (j1(. Annals of American Ac'iul ein.t of political and Social Science, wiln led, "A .Misgiilduil lMiiloKopher in '" I'tclil of Keonomlcs." Ju Hie const ruction of the Trinity " 1' not conllue our attention to any "o point. All parts alike are dcvclop '' to a perfection unknown in any "Hnr wheel, k. it. Morrison and Co., HO South Thirteenth. ' V. Sehtvart, J. C. McXIsh, Itob-w-t Jenkins and llnrrv llowlby went down to ( ..e Tuosday night to at b'tid the play given there by tho jun-'"iii- class of Jiouii college. They rc "oiioii to Lincoln tho next morning. 1" WniTcn of Minden will have Winiee 0f tho st'lcnce round table of the central Js'ebrasku teacliers nsso- elatlon which inoots at. TCcnrnoy next, ttoek lie will also have uu exhibit oi science- work at the. Omnhu exposi tion. Hot. Mr, Whltnioi'o of tho American anti-saloon league, gnv a short talk in the chapel Monday morning. He would like to have the co-operation of the student body ui a question that ho felt involved all economic and polit ical problems. The base ball boys are already hat ing their share of accidents. Max lilebuiau fractured his kneo while sliding ami no will probably piny no more ball this season. "JJutuh ' Wells is also laid up for a few days with a split linger nail. Students who are particular as to the appearance, of their shoes have their repairing done by H. Capes, prac tical shoemaker at. 133 South 12th street. Ho makes a specialty of re pairing round toed shoos and bus spe cial apparatus to do it in the right way. Paul l'loy, 't3, was at tho University last week. Ut is practicing law In Omaha now, having nought out. the law practice of Ills brother, Alfred I'lev. Ml?, wlwt Imu irillli. ill l.mtir lut. - -- ",'. ""', ! ...1.1 f,r ,.r ...'p ,i and to locate. I'aul is also of the law ..I ! ! I I ., ... viiikn in .t iiiki ii iiieuioer oi ine rut 1101(11 I'll). 1-1 l(n nil. inilil fiiinilniii nitiiu n linn each and upwards. History paper tic per UK). Students' note books 4c each. tost pocKci (icrmun nun cronon die- tionai'ioM ''to. Full line of lilvtorv outers, botany noto books, botany pa per, mnguirying glasses, etc., etc. Art and Music departments llcrpol sheliuor S- Co. (lot your pictures and photographs framed In our art and music depart ment. We iiuiko you a lower price on good work than any one in Lincoln. Full line of music at 5e per copy, in cluding mandolin, guitar and violin music. All the lntest songs at less than half the published prices. Art and Music department, Jleriiolshcim- or iV Co. Lust Satiii-ilnv cvcnltnr tlm l 11. iyr discussed the Mayor Craham case, W. I . drccn and .1. Hoyl were on tho'af lirmativc and Messrs. Campbell and Wossol on the noinitite stile nf tin. (piostiou. The club was honored by the nrosenco of the I'nioii bovs. Mes srs. I'artcr, Hopewell, Xorth iind llar- nor unucu wnii tne ciuo. urowtii anil dctolopmout are synoinyms of the lour iciiers r. ii. n. i. mi account ot the preliminary debates there will be no meeting tomorrow evening. SKNIOU CLASS MEKTIXti. The Senior Class meeting last Mon day was productive of results in so much as the "Class Hook" was report ed "progressing" and the Senior 1'aity :i certainty. '1 he mooting assembled in good order. Dean Kindlcr was present, also Mueller the Hunk, lliley and rortcr aosent. Will -McKay re ported that ho had consulted with himself regarding the tablet proposed to Commemorate the graduation of the class of ninty-eight, and found the plan entirely feasible- as the tnniut- would only cost $2.49. This announce ment was received with hearty ap plause. However when Mr. Pearson reported thnt every member would be expected to pay 25 cents toward the Class l'artv the smiles fell, and silence reigned. boon Mr. bpencer arose, gently fractured tho prevailing still-1 ness, and said: "The invitations the i committee have ordered, will not be . cheap things; not like those of the Class of '07, but something nice, some thing tve will be proud to send to our relatives and friends throughout this KTent commonwealth." He continued after taking a few whiffs of air: c ordered tho finest ones that .Mr. Wright's nice man had in stock. In order to obtain the 0 cent rates two thousand were ordered, but we expect to sell many, many more. A syste matic cantass of the class will soon be commenced so kindly oe prepared to hand in your orders." Mr. Spencer added before taking his seat: "Notice my adv. in the Xebraskan." This re port was duly accepted by the delight ed Seniors anil placed on file. The Class Hook was the subject of in licit discussion. The Seniors are mak ing a profound secret of the exact na ture of the lMMik. Seniors ought to hand in sketches of their lives to mem bers of the committee if they wish their reputations sated and n piece of (lattery inserted. This docs not mean a thousand word biography, but mere ly a sketch containing nil the nice things the said Individual ever did, ami all he expects to do- whether en gaged or not or if ho expects to le, kindly indicate by a star. Tho com mittee wishes each one to attend to this as soon as possible as innumer able complications will arise from an incomplete Hsu KANSAS WANTS TO PLAY BALL. The following is taken from the Kansas University Weekly of March 19: )Do you want to see a gumo with Ne braska? If so, put down your name and the number of tickets you will take at 25 cents each. This Ib the straight forward busi ness proposition that the baseball management put to the Universty public in a paper which is being cir culated about the campus, and every loyal student will answer it in the affirmative, and take an tne ticKets no can use or dispose of to his friends. Manager Snydor has "been negotiat ing with the Nebraska team for souie inm n.lntive. to a cniuo in Lawrence and has now settled with tho team to play here on the 7th of May, provided the sum of $75 can bo raised to pay for their railroad and hotel expenses. In order to llx the game positively, however, Mr. Snydor must give a guar antee to Nebraska during the coining week that these expenses will be met. The treasury being empty tho mana ger litis thought best to consult tho HtutlontH and m, bustttn 11U ,H fl7 VIW.SIIIK UU Hi ,11 voi!e!nv.::: ' 'v.1-r .-. " v . i u U,,,J "" l mvorslty, but the wh,.i, t0Wn of 1 mrcneo will I nltoislt.t , ,s i,(i ror ,,,,, . b . tie royal, (lll, nc rlv(; Kt ij qulsh before ,, others, snld a proml. !,.V,i..,SV,V,','1 "", ,M,W """ entlnwIiiHt .. A r " V;,,H "!' '" Wiu'oln mid We will -i,w them.- said he, "that "V 'IWHI the Kaunas University hull Held ,s , (i, t.i!inmtti of the prize ring. M,1 that, in tictorv or do feat, a. lair lll( ohlvalroiis spirit ore- tadCS Otir . Inwil. ,m.l u I.. ....i.i. w t i tlie ulliletio grounds as well as within the college, walls." PUOMOTION KOlflllSS KLLI0TT. Miss Stella .jtt, who assisted in tlio girls gtinnasiuni work hero last year, has recently been elected assist ant, physical director In (lie Stale Uni versity at ( ullliiibiivi niiti. 'I't. .......:... , I S-...W, IIIU1UIIIUIV "l tt.vmiuisiiim (here are just being finished. Tint are tery extensive and are being thoroughly lltted out. Miss hllitltt Will IlilVll unl.i ..,.... ..f .1... girl s department.. Tim Columbus DIs- piieu in spinning ot tho director and MNs K Molt, si.vs: '"riiiiv i... t. ..., liiirlil.v roooiuinondod mul tin. I ,,,... shy Is to bo congratulated on securing the sort loos or two such able directors for these now departments. They tiro now engaged in assisting the bul'lding eommitttoo in purchasing equipment apparatus."- Those who know of Miss Klllnttt's faithful work In the State I nltorsity of Nebraska will bo well pleased to hoar of her success. The Universities of Kansas and Mis souri will inaugurate a joint debate tonight at. Lawrence, Kan. The in come tax will be the subject for discussion. LADIES New England Mutuat Life, Chartered 1S35. For circulars, sample policies and rates call on G. H NOBLE, .Vanagcr, f040 0 street. Lincoln. Nek. The First National Bank LINCOLN, NEB. Capital - - 400,000 D. D. MUIK, H. S. FREEMAN, Presidents Cashier W. C. PIIILLIPS Ass't Cashier DlKECTOltH: " . JOHN H. AMES, r. c. Wilson, d. d. muir, C E. PERKINS. C. J. ERNST. Intercollegiate Dnreira Gotrell & Leonard 472-178 Broadway. Albany, New York. Makers of the..,. CAPS, GOWNS and HOODS To tho American Colleges and Uni versities. Illustrated manual, samples prices, etc., upon request. Gowns for tlio pulpit and the bench. Corner Drug Store Pure Drugs, Good Stationery, Fine Perfumes. Toilet Soaps. Proscriptions Carefully Compounded. COWLES & GRrEVISH, Tenth and Q Street. Students For line PHOTOGRAPHS go to KENNEDY'S New Popular Priced Photograph Parlors. $1.00 per doz. and up, Wo guarantee to please you. Call and see our work, get our prices and give us a trial. Our motto is to pleaEO all customers. 32 South 12th Street, - Lincoln, Neb. J li HEARTand nervous DISEASES are Just as curable ss other t&eascs. Treated exclusively by J. 5. LtONHARDT, M. D. OFFICE, 1437 O Street. Lincoln. Nebraska. UOUBB.a to 0 daily, except Sundays. L fr EuiKsiygiSttib Crayons, Water Colors. Frame MhiIo to Order. Vluvrs ot dwellings iimilo on short notice, 8(erlal rtes to studenlH In icroupsor single..,. T. W. TOWN8END, l'liotograplier. 330 So. 11th St., Lincoln, Veh. w GLOVES This season we are giving particular at. tention to our Kid Glove department. W ask particular atten tion to the choice styles and exceptional values we offer at $1, $1.25$, and 1.50 A Pair. Miller & Paine. M ILLINERY OPENING... Thursday, Friday & Sal. of This Week. NEW SPRING HATS. WPHJKi -Hitf&fflSMHMHHi .k -. J.rWaaSBIaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl 'ilS '"P1 - fffaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsH -rW ';;''. 7 kMtiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl aVBBBsHl Lk NlL "X Jwtt 4 tBKIBBBrBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB W'bbbbbIsbbbbkBIWbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI Hut Designed by limt. olowb. TMK niOKKST. DMNTIF.ST NM) MOST ( INC CKKATIOXS OP TUB LKADIMi I' VIUS MII.MXBI5S. Tli latest ereatlnns of Franeois, (ainille linger, Soeurs, Julia Delniotte, Mesclaiues Josse, l'ouyanue, Colonib, Mlchlewiez M'tivee, Cariillne Keliattx and Mons. Yirot, Felix, 1'aul Virot and Uertlie. Prlees range upward from $10.00 to 20.00. We also show about -100 stylish hats, the product of the best Xew York Millinery Makers, at from $1.50 to $7.50. The choicest $0.50 lints ever shown. The loveliest $5.00 hats imaginable. The hand somest $3.50 hats in the city, and for $2.75 a stylish affair that will rival its higher priced sister in effect. We cordially imite the attendance of every one. ijtUxfooJi&vynrtfc S The NebraskaUmversity School of Music OFFERS COrPLETE COURSES IN THE FOLLOWING BRANCHES: Pipe Organ, Piano Forte, Voice Training, String Instruments, Wind Instruments. Harmony, Counterpoint, History.Gen eral Theory, Sight Reading. OFFERS FREE ADVANTAGES NOT FOUND ELSEWHERE. Free Scholarship in all Departracsat Orchestral Training, Military Band Training, Concerts, Lectures, Recitals, Teachers Wanted &.Ttzl: We can use 00 this month. No commission charged on salary. Address, T1IK UOi' KHS TKACHKUrt' AUKNC?, Lock llox g90, Chicago, 111. If you are thinking of studying music Investigate the merits of this scfeool, WILLIABD KIMBALL, Director. Mr. Albert Tttrpin's Now open for Season 1897-98. Adult classes every Tuesdays and Thursdays. Juvenile, Wednesday 4 P. IL, Saturdays, 2 P. M. Assemblies every Thursday eve. Hall for rent Special ratea to clubs and fraternities. Call at 1132 N St., for terms, etc. Office hours 9 no 11:30 a. in. 2 to 5 p. m. CANDY CATHARTIC Vy CATHARTIC CURE CONSTIPATION ALL DRUGGISTS SB.