The Nebroskait. V. Weekly Newspaper Issued Fa cry Frldnv'oon, by the Students of the University of NcbmsUn. Entered ns Second Class Mull Mat lor. P Vnvinclro Managing Editor ASSOCIATES. 1 X Tudor Editorial I . J i. Spencer News Editor ( E. Matson Ass't. Editorial Kato Snow Walker Sororities OUvo Chambers T.oonl Miss Knthcrlne Hughes Local IMIth Sehwniv. Ass't. Bus. Mgr The NebrnsKim will ho sent, to any address upon receipt, of tho subscrlp tlon price, which Ih one tlollnt a year, or Jlft cents a semester. Contributions nro solicited from nil. News Items such a.s locals, personals, reports of meetings, etc., are espe cially desired. The Nebraska u will be Kind to print any contribution rela tive to a general University subject but the nnnio must, accompany all such. The challenge from Minnesota for n track meet deserves the heart ieM re sponse from Nebraska. The consid eration shown our University speaks well for the judgment oT the Minnewo ta gentlemen, and for our physical di rector. Nothing but, lack of ilnnuchil support should prevent, the acceptance of the challenge in tho spirit In which it is sent. If there is yet remaining in the Unl orsity a spark of Interest in intellec tual contests of any kind it will cer tainly be in evidence tonight and to morrow night in the chapel. On these two nighks will occur the llnnl debates of the debating nssoein tion to decide on the nine debaters who will represent the nhersity in the coming emtests . As was tlie ease i with the oratorical contest nothing it'-1 mains to make these two debates a great success except tlie crowd. It re- mains to be seen whether the antici pations of those interested will be so woefullj disappointed as was the ease with the contest two weeks ago. Wo hao pride cnopgh in our Univer sity to believe that there was a great mistake made at that time wheh will not soon be repeated. The only way to show appreciation of the efforts, oj, those engaged is toj turn out and elfeer them In their en-H lieavors. There will be no excuse if the chapel is not filled on lioth evenings. It seems too bad, that at Nebraska, interstate "scraps" so-called, lime be come largely a matter of hlstorv. Students are not expected to study all the time, and in just, suc'i contests as the "scrap" referred to, do they find employment for wit and muscle. Col lege and University faculties general 1 are not over-severe upon the offend ers, and they act properly in extend ing the hand of leniency. Hut when it comes to n epiestinn of an undergrad uate class tampering with the sacred relies left by a former class; it is an other matter entirely. The lieautiful and appropriate custom observed in many eastern schools of planting on Class Day the Class Ivy or Class Tree was sinyholfreri by the class of 'S)U when they left the '02 Itouhlcr on our campus. The relic, if so regarded, should enjoy perfect immunity from class interference upon the ground of courtesv, if no other. And we trust it has. That said loulder has been tampered with by any undergraduate class we much doubt, and would ven ture the opinion that the same class courtesy shown graduate mementoes in eastern schools wilt bo found in Ne braska. In the coming debates nine sturdy fellows will be chosen to represent Ne braska in debates with Kansas, Colo rado, and Missouri. In our humble opinion the three strongest ought to b pitted against. Kansas. Last year Kansas defeated our debaters and this year the contest should be a repitition of two years ago. The Ka n sab-Neb ras Ica contest will be held in Lncoln. The "New York Voice" in its cam paign against the Princeton Inn should not uphold other institutions wherein drinking, though private, is carried on to an equally large extent as at Princeton. The thing should bo condemned from the standpoint of point of principle wherever found. Not simply because the Princeton Inn flourished ut Princeton University should that Institution be blacklisted by the Voice, when other eastern col leges in non-license towns contain an equally large if not greater per cent age of drinking tutkutg. "Very possi- blv and Mi in. nv life trul.v where ,i,,l.,. urn I in indulged In pimite is mi uuliiliiiMl to a much greater ii. ut that IT tlie drinker be In lab ile place. The diet that Harvard N sit uated In a icinperanco municipality doe- not sigulf.v that ItH students are tiiiv the less drinkers than are tluie at Princeton. I'vcr.v one In a while student euino In contact vvllli a man whose nariovv nesH of views on I nhersity subjects is mirprNlng. Such must have the feel ing experienced b.v those who listened to or read the published account of the pulpit editorial delivered last Sun day by Rev. I.. T. (iulld, pastor of (liiiee M. K. church. .No other proof than this attack on University events Is needed to show that, the reverend uctitlcutuu'K views aie somewhat warped, nionir the things which call up his vry rivrhteous Indignation against state I diversities In general are the college boat race, the college yell and root ball. s for boat racing, Mudonls heiv know nothing of It and hence will not. ilNpnti- the wonts of this all wise man. Ibu we alvvnvs knew that there was something dreadfully wrong with the college veil. There is no doubt that, it ha been the cause of all the trouble thai the nineteenth otvTbry ,eollure vouth has succeeded in getting into. It must be banished at once. How can the nuthorities sit slill while such a dreadful perils inenace.sthts great Uni versity'.' Here is a crisis which calls for prompt and heroic action. After giving the stock arguments ngainot football the worthy divine at tempts to bolster up his untruths by oiling the ease of young Serf of Doaue college, who was killed two years ago. lie stales dint Serf was literally slug ged into elernit.v. Anyone conversant with the facts knows that this is abso lutely fnNe and that the same cause of the itcntli exists in ever,v contest or trial of muscular strength, in play, earnest or otherwise. There is an ele ment of danger existing in all sjKirts and liarntsouietiincsrosults in spite of the utmost care. The same cause for fear exists in every race two Ixiys run. 1 for It was simply in a race that the accident occurred. Serf was running after the Kansas man who had the ball and on catching him both were thrown with such force as to cause the unfortunate event. In addition it may be said that victim had been re peatedly warned that he was physi eifllytuillt to engage in muscular ex ertions and had failed to heed the warnings. After finishing with foohnll the worthy man proceeds with a most un w :u ranted and iiiexplaiuable attack on ihe young ladies minstrel show. His rcvolviny wheels evolves various sentiments somewhat similar to the following one quoted bodily: "Oh yo slindcs of all Alumni from classic halls, look down and see what you have missed, and see the finale des-eijih-s of our great professors of liter ature and science put on tlovver gard en stockings and appear before an en construed and misinterpreted as in the classic halls of our great University in a nigger show." .More of like nature could 1m pre sented but this one is sufficient. Probably the best treatment Tor sueh an idiotic discourse is silent, contempt but It is hard to remain quiet when the life of our University is mi nils construed and misinterpreted as n the case in the pulpit editoritl above re ferred to. Of course if the entertainment had been given for the benefit of the mis sionary society it would have been eminently proper, but so iniieh char ity going to wasts on a worthy por tion of college athletics is more than this dear man can stand. TI112 FINAL DERATES. Tonight and tomorrow night March ir snd 27, the final debates of the lo cal debating uiociuton will be held in the chapel. These, debates will de cide who shall represent the Univer sity in tho coining debates with Kan sas, Colorado and Missouri. Out of the sixteen men who contest in the "finals" nine will he chosen who will uphold our eolors in the three inter state debates. The question for Friday night is re solved "That the United States Should Annex Hawaii." The speakers on the affirmative are MeXuughton, Maguire, Klndler and Deal. Those on the nega tive, Perry, llavvxby, Warner and Muer. For Saturday evening the question is, resolved, "That tho United States Should ( onlrol the Nicarauguu Canal." For tin affirmative are Matson, Tay. lor, Kemp and Kvwirt, for the negative, haehett. llairer, Miss Stull and Baker. With - Ji material as this in these two debates the University public Isl assured thai the finest speeches ever heard, In suvli contests, In the I nl-' versit.v will be heard In the chapel on these two evenings. Not only Is the best material that tlie University af fords represented, but never before has such a Mist amount of work been expended In preparation as is the ease with the present finals. The debut era have taken time and energy from their regular work In order to ensure the best possible showing. There can be no doubt that interest in debating has never before reached such a high pitch as at present and altm can there be no doubt that, never was there bet ter material in tlie debates or such ac tive competition for places in the con tests with the three neighboring states. According to tlie constitution of tlie debating association, the choice for places on tlie debates with Kansas, Missouri and Colorado will lie deter mined by the rank of the successful competitors. The one receiving the highest markings wilt have first, choice as to when he shall go, the one winning second place shall have second choice and so on till the last, one, who naturally will take the only position remaining. The throe dclmtes for which con testants will lie chosen in the present finals are as follows: With Kansas at. Lincoln on May Oth, the question to be discussed Wing: Resolved, "That the Kugllsh Cabinet System Would lie lloiiellelnt to the United States." With Missouri at Columbia, on May i:tth, with the question: Resolved, "That the Annexation of Hawaii Would be Bene ficial to the Unit. States." With Col orado college at Colorado Springs on the 2:trtl of April, and the question: Resolved. "That the United States Should Construct the Nicaragua Cmul." It is no wonder that with such im portant contests in the future that a great deal of friendly rivalry is now to be seen on the part of the different delviiters .mil detailing clubs. These clubs intend to turn out in a body to cheer their favorites and have already reserved portions of the chapel for their accommodation. No roiotition of the slim attendance which characterize the oratorical con tests feared ly those interested as the interest is too extensive among all classes- and departments of the Uni versity. With a large attendance and much enthusiasm there is no question but that this will be tlie two greatest debates in the history of the college. The judges who will mark the as piring candidates will be Professors .Sherman, Auslie, Caldwell, Lucky Fling and .fudge Reese. WHERE WAS THE NIGHT WACTH? They laughed to scorn the gate's great lock. They scaled the fence and got the rock, And theyf pulled their freight at one o'clock, Mr. Bovvers. With pick and sjKide they laid to rest, The boulder 'Ws bequest, And who they were you never guessed, Mr. Bovvers. Today it lies beneath a mound, Of old Nebraska's sacred ground. Oh! Why were you not around? Mr. Bovvers. Alas! its worse to let the stone, Co down beneath the campue loam, Than Oury should his pens liemoan, Mr. Bovvers. . W. BROWN Druggist, Books and Stationery, College Text Books, And a complete stock of itcsdard and miscellaneous books. 127 So. 11th St. WANTED Trustworthy and acttTO gentlemen or ladies to travel for re rosponslble established house in Lin coln, Nebraska. Monthly $65.00 and ex penses. Position steady. Deference. Enclose self-addressed stamped en velope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y, Chicago. ..CAMERA.. $ij $1.00 $1.00 M 8 u?e withln a ycar y'a re 16 tlllde far nnt ... niiim.m de- TO ewaerns, we will allow you fi.oo MMjute back the one you buy. Tho Jjft-flr camera is like a repeating K&LtlJ ?",PholoP-?P" one plate and Irtstly pi another m position. No fcr Sr hother' You lodd it at homa and snap the pictures at pleas ure. Any child can handle it. This is a new device never put on the mar- lag to ize and number of plates. 40BMTS CAN MAKE MONEY. Adeteeu, A. If. CRAIG, MtikwansKo, Wis. Don't Rack Your Braiti Bumstead & Tut tie Are Leading .Tailors 1 1 4 1 0 Street. TlfT & MAKING BOTH F jf ,flfK a -yyr dl Perkins & Sheldon, 1129 0 Street. 4 Tb ' - X Aetna $35 Syrocu se $50 Trinity $85 Call and E. R. M0RR1S0 116 South 13th St., LINCOLN, NEB. Directly east of Miller & Paine's new building- Best Work. Established 1889. Evans Laundry Company Most complete and Modern equipment, But go to Paine & Warfel's. Tixov will tell you what kind of a spring suit to buy. 8 the JN ENDS MEET. is what halt of the world nro constantly trying to do. A great drain on the family purse is in trying to keep the family in shoes. The expense can be cut down to n minimum if you buy our well made, hand some ami durable school shoes for the children, and our stylish, comfortable shoes for ladies that we arc selling at sueh bargain'.. V.llAMrC r. mo? . " All.... WITH A WIDE CHOICE OF TIUKS, SADDLES, HANDLEHARS AND OTH ER EQUIPMENT. THE CUT IN THE PRICF OF "CRIMSON RIM" IS THE SKN'SA TION OF THE YEAR. THKRI. IS ONLY ONE GRADE OF SYRACUSE WORK, AND TBAT IS THE Bl ST YOU CAN BUY IT FOB $50. RAC ERS $75. EXPENSE IS NOT SPARK 0 IX MAKING THE TRINITY, AND THE BESULT IS THE NOBBIEST LOOK ING, MOST CAREFULLY AND SCI ENTIFICALLY CONSTRl'f 1'KD WHEEL ON THE MABKET. '07 MODELS AT $05.00. see our line. jest Service if Greatest courted h Telephone 199. In w t la CO.