THE NEBRASKAN. Vol.. VI. No. 2 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1898. Price 5 Cents. a MINSTREL 8H0W fl sura rMlnslrcls Mnfco the lilt or I lie Soasiin ENTERTAINMENT NETTED$300 Armr Wild rilled Willi mi Kntlitmlnsllo Audience I'll nty of .lokmnnil Coon 8SonRR-Tlu KtnRinm 1 ' much talked of Indies' minstrel i, hus come nnd gone, nnil nil Hint v. in. mx ns n result of the girls' of- f..n- li in .no tlie memory of the numerous sprung on Innocent, victims and . i.nrcd up for the bnso bnll boys. 1 In- tlnnuelul result, of the enter whleli is ospooiully gratifying tin ciiis mny well be proud of 1 nicrtninmciiL I 1 ,i evening1 found the University jiiinnrv well tilled, both on the, mnin ilniir .md In the gnllery with un until ,.,ir. numbering over 700 people. At tlir eM end of the nrmory :m olnb (ivntc singe hud been erected with the rim tin. footlights nnd nil Hint, per iling to n firs- class stngo. Wlicn Hie curtain rose it. wns n pret ty .i-iiire which met the eyes of the pmpie assembled about thirty color (mI iM-iiutios arranged in a crescent w...img red checkered wnists and wlnic skirts. In the center of tho (.uiiip wns the interlocutrix. Miss Ol i, liiitn. riien followed two hours tillnl with jokes and interspersed with n ii t I'oon songs, each one of which .iv , 1 1 cored. No one. wns spared from i iu- nles of the fair minstrels nnd Hi. s,nt their humorous shafts right ninl I. ft among the. malo contingent in the audience. They seemed to 1,1 Ki- especial delight in roasting the mid Hied did it in a highly an-n-t'u' manner. A few of the jokes were kmi deep for the audience to ap ple, ialc. but with few exceptions, ov- i ' k .g whieh was sprung evoke! iiiiuli laughter and applause. Win- the overture Miss Beauty V.l.ii I . otherwise known ns Miss Chnr li.ii. i lurk, successfully portrayed a pi mimic African in her song, "I Want n Ui ..I Coon." Miss Grace Reynolds, in iiu- rule of the celebrated primn .! Miss Yellow Teach Yaw, ren du..! "Muli Honey Lu," in true dark e .vie. MIhs Cinderella White, made a t-t. .it hit by her rendition of "No In.. ii- Mlowed." Miss Cindrolln was v li'cd by some as Miss Nelia ( nnd in order to acknowledge in i iicquaintnnecs they scut her a slimur of garden fruit" nnd Vegeta ble '.i -- Annie Stewart ns Puttie Brown rin.ii red "Happy Birds" in n manner brought u hearty recnll. Miss I. - u- Lansing was unable to hide her ill .inly under burnt cork and the ii.M i. of Miss Ambolinn Snow. Her M. mine's Little rumpkin Colored " ' . possessed much merit as v. I n.s being exceedingly funny. Miss I., i. Turner, bearing the celebrated n. 1 1 i. of Lillian Musscl.sang "Constan- Hul was obliged to respond to an with Kentucky Babe," Miss i rendered "My (hil's U Red Hcnd "ii," which fairly brought, down lioiihc. The dusky Paulina was liMniuiHhcd from the rest of her Iiiik. . sisters by her frizzled hair, In. ii ".ncolor resembled a brick yard I ill .VM1 II. I'lirt first closed with a tropical song 1 Misses lUnek anil White, iii which 'lie piofessors were unmercifully ronMcd, The second part of the program was opmed by a lullaby, "Little. Cotton l)i.ll." bv 1 h Misses Eosinu Yolk, eiuih Urecn, J)inah Snowball, Lucy liiiUn and Stella Fox. Each carried n nig baby which was carefully rock4 il lo sleep. The dusky belles who took lait in this number were ascertain 'd to be Misses Hall, Pcntzer, Miner nnd 'Wheeler. Miss llnrris in tho fancy dance, Wns Hie cry embodiment of gracefulness "nil called forth an enthusiastic en core. The banjo qunrtet, consisting of Urn 1'e.ich, Toiwcy .lackson, Cleo Merode, "iicl May I'no rendered very spirited vicetion nnd were forced to respond with a second number. These darkey niah.ens iu every day dress nro rec ognized us the .Misses Pyrtlo fMinw, Paddock, and ipowccso. Miss Trent's "Golden INipples" was u change from the coon songs which had been the stylo nil evening. It. is always a pleasure to hear Miss Treat nnd so the uudleuee gne her a hearty recall. $ Then came the cake walk? the in- tiieaslos of which the girls worked so hard to master. They did It in style, howcTcr, and might, easily have been luken for geiiufne conns, in The following took part iu the cake walk: Oalsy Bnniicll, Bella Holmes; Miss 11a relay, Kinky; Miss Hunch, Juno Jones; Miss McMelnimy Mnrela Mal low; Klnora Holler, Daisy Cutter; Mny Dorrington.Mnrtha Wnshington; Ji in Tuttlc, Violet Pnnsy. The program closed with an Instru meutul selection which wns played by the Johnslng sisters' on some wooden bars and instruments whieli emitted a wheezy sound im .if suffering from n severe eold. Tho ..lohnsing sisters were the Misses Stotseriberg, l)u Tiel and Field. The credit for ,thisvhighly success ful performance is due the manage ment, coiisistingot Mrs. i II. Clnr, Miss Charlotte Clark, Mr. IV H. Nel son and Mr. Ed Wnlt also to Lieuten ant nnd Miss Stotscnbcrg. The pat ronesses were as follows: Mc-sdames George E. MacLcan, C. E. Bessey, L. A Sherman, C. 11. Blchards, W. G. L. Tnylor, Willnrd Yates, Jns. H. MeMurtry, W. 11. Ogden; Biohurd II. Townley. GLASS 11 18 BID Unknown Parlies Put It Under the Campus Soil IT IS A MYSTERIOUS AFFAIR nouldrrWun rrcxentoil to the Uulvorolty nyC)nftof 'OB-short UlMorv of Thin Fwnionn Hork ( i ii . i;., C.I i il.. BMst of Senator Morrill UHVcilod Last Friday morning tho regular chapel exercises were superceded by the ceremony of unvtiling the statue of Senator Morrill of Vermont. A. "hymn appropriate toUie occasion was sung, nfter which the chancellor read several extract's from the lliblo show ing the use of stones us monuments. 'I lie Chancellor, after a few appro- IprlntcToiniiTks unveiled, the statue anil the students arose nnil sang a nymn, prayiiig-orconjinued favor on onr land. Deau Bessey delivered a short. address on Uic life and work of Sena tor Morrill and escpecially as it con cerns the State University system. Senator Morrill was born on a farm in Vermont and in a large measure was dependent on his own resources for an education. He entered" politics when the republican party came into exis tence in 1856. He was affirm supporter of Lincoln during the. wnr. It was in IsiV.'.t hat critical period of our, history, wiieuAho introduced his bill establish ing Hulustrial schools. His efforts have given a great impetus to science. He is now B4 years old, nnd lie senior of the senate Ixith in age and years of service. Miss Barr Wlll.Go to Europe Miss Harr's friends will be pleased to learn that she isisoon to take a va cation. She lins been granted a leave of nbsenco nnd will sail for Europe April 2. She will stutiy the system of gymnasium work in Sweden and uer- manv. She expects to go lirst to Stockholm where she will attend the lloynl Central institute for several months, then she wil go on to Berlin. She will be accompanied by Dr. Sca vcr of Yale, who is at tho head of physical training in this country and who is well known in Europe and America by his scientific investiga tions and his books on anthropometry. Tho gymnasium work here will Con tinue under the direction of the as sistants. There will be no exhibition this spring. Company B Hop TohIk" Already a large number of Uo stu dents have expressed their' intention of nUonding "Co. B" hop which will Imj given on Friday evening, March 25, at the Lincoln 251ght infantry hall. The committee nrooonlident thnt this will be tho Snot tjucccssful social function of this college year. It is not too late to get ticket as there nro still a few loft to bo sold. Stand up for company B nnd come out and help to make the hop an ov- nrwliftlminir success. , Tho committee, consisting of First Sergeant Rain, Sergeants Davidson and Law, and Corporals llarmun and Smith will bo pleased to sell you a ticket, The only pebble rm tho bench tho immense boulder presented to tho University by the class of '02 hns dis appeared and all Hint remains to mark Its resting place is n. mound of earth. Last Saturday I'vc-ning or perhnps Sunday morning, certain parties un known scaled the fence, nnd escaping the vigilance of tho night wntehinnn, worked steadily for some hours until a good sied hole had been dug by the side of tho Immense boulder, which, in spite of the fact that it weighs sev eral tons wns unceremoniously tum bled into the excavation. The dirt was sliovcllcvl back, in again and n mound was nintlc over the stone which looked more like a grnc,thnn any thing else. Jt wns early Sunday morning when those in charge of the University grounds discovered tho new made grave nnd the disappearance of the. boulder. Nothing elso wns noticed upon the mound. Sunday night came, and the grave diggers, emboldened by their success of the previous night, strange to say, again escaped the eter nal vigilance of the night watch, itnd' completed their joke, for such it. is believed, was the intention of the per petrators' of tho deed. When Monday morning came, not only wns there a mound over tho stone but a marble slab rose majestically over the mound. Glos,cr investigation revealed the inscrjpUori oil the slnb AtEpes-nlpne," ' $! .It s not certain when this slnb was ae,t up. It. was not noTiceii ny me University authorities Sunday morn ing after the boulder wns buried, and so it is presumed that the work wns completed the following evening. The inscription on Hie mnrnle slab gives the only known motive for the deed. Judging from this, it was in tended ns a joke, or rather a "roast" on Librarian Epes for the recent ac tion of the library board in transfer-1 ring the students' property from the book room to the bnscmont. If it wns a joke, however, the. humor is rather too deep for most of the students to appreciate. Few of them are able to see any fun in getting up nt an un cart my Hour, nigging a inrgc jiuic ami then placing therein a huge two ton boulder, all in order to get a chance to make n pun on the name of the librarian. The girls in the minstrel show cracked the same joke with much more effect nnd infinitely less effort last Friday evening. All sorts of theories have been ad vanced to explain the interment of the boulder. The senior class has been ac cused of committing .the. net but the mum bciii indignantly 'deny the accusa tion. It is in deed hard to figure out how there could lie any such rivalry between the classes of 92 and '98. It. lias been suggested by sonic that if the rock were dug up, there might possibly be found some interesting papers or documents nt the bottom of iw. l.nle which would throw some light on tills strange act. There are mnny of the alumni of the class of '92 in the University today who remember when the boulder was "brought here and placed in the center of the enmpus where it has stood ever since. Among these, well known Uni versity j students are Miss Louiso Pjonnd, Dr. Avery and T. F. A. Williams- The boulder was bought by this class nt no uneonsiderable cost, every member contributing about $3 towards its purchase. It is an Indian rocK and still bears Indian marks up on it. It qrlginally stood at Harting toniNeb.. and wns widely known in that vicinity ns the Hartington rock. In fnct it was through Hie fame of this rock that the town Of Hartington wns known beyond its own .few inhabi tants". After HiiH boulder wis bought it was drawn by n ,oke of oxen to the rail road, whole it wns shinned to Lincoln. Tho purchase of ifio rook wns n big thing In University circles, nnd wns tho sensation of the tiny. The even ing following its lirrlvnl, tho members of '92 gathered around it. nnd smoked: tho pipe of pence nnd had n general good time. Indoor Pentathlon Tonight The third niinunl Indoor pontnthlon tnkes place In the gymnasium this ev ening nt 8 o'clock. Everything points to n successful contest nnd several University records nro sure to be hopelessly shattered. Mnny records hnve nlivady been broken In practic ing in the gym. nnd they will doubt less he shoved down to the lowest notch thl evening. Both the. pole vault nnd the hot. pur. records nro sura tii ti?r irom this evening's con test and there is good prospect, of oth er records being broken. Benedict hns already in practice gone eight" In ches over the polo vault, record for last. year. There is a sort, o'f charm about, witnessing the breaking of rec ords and those who attend tho penta thlon tonight with such anticipation will not bo disappointed. In order to nvoid n crowd admission will be by ticket, and those who desire to secure good seats for witnessing tho evening's entertainment, may do so by exchanging their admission tickets together with 15 cents at the. co-op. and receive reserved seat tick ets. As it is the intention to turn ov er to the cinder track fund the pro ceeds of the contest, those who pur chase reserved scat tickets will have the pleasure of knowing that their money is serving double purpose, building up the cinder track fund as well as securing an evening's enter tainment. Following nrc the events: Shot put To qualify, 18 feet; 100 points, 48 feet Bunning hopj step and jump To qunlify, 22 feet; 100 points 42 feet. 10 HAVE fl GIRLS' field day This Is the ;iRtcRt Surprise Srung by tho (llrln PROCEEDS FOR CINDER TRACK Onmo of nnnehftll by the Gtrli Tm Will Alio b ft Feature of the Pramm ARi-UlGthnnfttn Set r University people inny ns well pro pare themselves for tho gynmnslum girls are getting ready to spring an other mine in their midst They nrc somewhnt cyclonic; in their ways of doing things nnd nnd it is only fair that tho public should bo warned If there is to bo another outbreak. This time the event is not to bo a basket, ball game or another jubilee of col ored belles. Tt is to lo something although different though no less nocl. The girls are not to have their usual spring exhibition on account of the departure of Miss Barr for Swe den. Instead they nro discussing how it will seem to hnve a real live girls' pentathlon contest, a sort of girls indoor field day with prizes and all. The "real thing," you know, "just ns good ns tho men's. Tho plnn to have prizes for special events jmd, then-one for the girl win- g Himh j points in tho contest, nnd proving herself the best nil around athlete. Such a competition will be. new for the girls of Nebraska and new for the west Indoor penta thlons have been customary in many women's colleges in the east, howev er, for some years, and that sooner or later they find their way into girl's gymnasiums in the west, is inevita ble. Though the girls' event mny have its comic opera features, "there is no doubt but thnt it will prove a good contest of it kind, for the athletic J V?vnltsJrj,aiqnnUfy, ,1 fctfWjtworJs.&ineJjjthn gJ5fifjfi.A Uulver- ches; 100 points, 10 feet Bunning high jump To qualify 3 feet 0 inches, 100 points, 5 feet, 7 inches. Potntoc race To qualify, 2min. 5 sec; 100 points, 1 min. 40 sec. The contestants are to be: It. E. Benedict, W. E. Andrcson, B. M. La Salle, 1. W. Jewctt, B. L. Waterman, F. A. Lemnr, B. C. James, J. A. Kell ogg, L. S. Byan, M. P. Pilslmry, E. M. Bolinc, O .T. Becdy, W. B. Henrtt The officials are: Be force, Oliver Cham bers; judges, Joel Stcbbins, C. M. Story, nnd W. P. Pcpoon; measurers, W. F. Krelle, W. B. McGeachim, d olph Shane; scorers, S. W. Plnkcrton, B. A. Drain, J. S. ("utter, E. A. Moore. The ushers nominated by the ath letic clnsscs arc: C. J. Allen, C. L. Al len, E. A. Johnson, H. B. Sullivan, C. K. Cooper, J. B. White, C. G. Bochon, M. D. Elson, W. F. Abbott First Bail Game Tomorrow The first bnll game of the season will be played on the campus tomor row between the 'Varsity nine nnd a local team known as the Swifts. As tills is their first appearance this year, tho. boys aro anxious to show off well before their admirern and students are invited to come out and see what they can do. An admission fee will' be charged, but Hint will not keep away mnny tans wno nnvo inv iio fever already. As n sample of what the boys will have to play against, Wnlt Friel, Catcher for the Swifts, is a good example. He formery played on the University team and will play with the Cedar Bapids team this sea son. The game will be preceded by tho military athletic contest between com panies E and F, which are described elsewhere- in this issue. With both company contests and base ball games the students nrc sure of getting their money's worth. Following is the line, up: U. of N. Swifts. Moore c 1,riel Hyde, llnlstend or Amos nusie p riiumcj Bhodes lb Caugcr Beeder 2b Barnes Cowgill 3b Klutsh Wells ss Kimmer Itlica r Cochran Gordon m lloV,?r!! ...... i r.niott JII1M ........... sity of Nebraska will take rank with that done anywhere along similar lines, even in institutions having much better equipment and able to offer better opportunities. The girls here seem to set. themselves a high standard, probably bcausc this is a co-educationnl institution, while in purely feminine schools, there is al wnys a purely feminine standard in athletics. Those who know say Hint tho woman's gymnasium here may bear comparison with similar depart ments elsewhere nnd come out rosc eato from the ordeal. Hence, although the girls have not been preparing es pecially for individual compcUtions of Hie kind scheduled for their penta thlon, they may bo expected to put up a good quality of athletics when they appear before the public. No doubt a similnr contest at Vassar or Wellesley will be tame in comparison. Let the news be broken gently. The girls' indoor base ball teams are to play n match occupying twenty or thirty minutes between events. A contest between these teams is said to be one of the most remarkable spec tacles a mortal could witness. The ex hibition of batting, pitcljlng, sliding for bases and novel team play that will accompany this event, will be such as the veteran walls of Hie ar mory never shut in heretofore. If the base ball girls aro to plaj' in public at last and' to play for "blood," these are momentous Hdings. One of tho girls said yesterday, "Goodbye, Kindler, Wells, nnd the rest may as well steal away and hide their heads if wo play. They couldn't learn to catch on and throw in our style even if the whole Nationnl league came here to coach them." The five evnts in Hie pentaHilon will be the running broad jump, run ning high jump, 25 yards dash, long run nnd hurdle race with mats. Probably there will be prizes for each event, but Hie requirement is that any one entering for one evnt must enter for all; for this contest is to be n premium on all around work rather than specializing. Only the second year girls are to en ter in these events; for Hiey require endurance no less Hian skill, if the contestant is to enter all of thcin.and Continued on page four.