The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, March 18, 1898, Image 4

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    In the Gyiii.
Outdoor Tcrk. wan begun Inst week.
The boys played their first game of
basket bnllMnsi Tuesday. Otlttrs arc
aleo cngogexUn. track work preparing
for the'cbitttKg" contests.
The $75 silver shield, offered by the
Farmers' and Merchants' Infiurnnco
Co., Is now on exhibition in 15. Hal
let's jewelry store. As many students
were not nblc to see this haridsomo
trophy when . was on exhibition
Charter day, they should not fail to
nee it now.
Tickets for the' Indoor pentathlon
whlcn occurs March S5, one week from
this evening, will be distributed from
the executive office nnd gymnasium.
As this contest is always well attend
ed, in order to accomodate those who
wish to secure n comfortable pnt
and nt the same timo-c6ntributc to tuc
cinder trafck fund, it. has been decided
to have scats reserved for 15 cents.
Reserved scats will be on sale at the
Co-op, Monday, March 21.
On last Tuesday the cinder track
committee met with the. following
members present: A. E. Moore, I. S.
Cutter, A. S. Pcarsc, .7. E. Pearson,
Fred Cooley, O. T. Needy, R. E. Hen
edict. Lieutenant Stotscnberg, li. L.
Swallow nnd 1. O'Mahoney. Roscoc
Found, V. K. Oury and sevenil mem
bcrs of the committee were not nblc
to be present. W. IT. Oury was ap
pointed official representative of the
committee to the faculty to solicit
funds and has already met with the1
heartiest encouragement from the'
Chnnccllor. A committee, consisting
of Dr. Hnstings, Tearson, Tearse, Saw
yer and Stebbins was appointed to
v,oik upmnss meeting 'on the sub
ject of the cinder irack.
Foul Tips.
This Week has" bA" n encourage
ing one for those interested in base
ball. The weather forM he last week
has been beneficial to tho sport nnd
many of tho boys have been out doors
at practice, when they wero not en
gaged in working up the minstrel per
formances 'The boys have leen hard
at work selling ttekctB for this event
The management of the. team, feels
that- they now have two -interesting
trips nrrawged" -for the boys: There is
a good assortment, of home games and
they will' be. very interesting. The
first game will be with Wesleynn on
the 20th.
They recently organized nnd the
management claim that their pros
pects for a strong team nro very
bright. Tins game and a few other
early games will decide what players
will go on tho trips and accordingly
there will be some fast playing done
by the candidates.
The minstrels which are billed for
tonjght promise to be one of the most
unicfue nnd successful entertainments
ever given in the University
Tfce 'young Indies-n re working hard
anda& rapidly becoming proficient in
their darky specialties Tho baseball
boys, too, are doing the right kind of
work It is not uncommon, lately, to
reo Home, of tho boys packing lumber
around the campus -who could never
have been accused of working before.
The tlckctB for the minstrels are
going fast, so those who wish to buy
should procure the same immediate
ly at thdCo-op.
The prospects for a winning tenm
thi year are excellent. Quite a few
of the old men arc hero and ome of
the new' players arc showing up re
markably well. Harry Benedict has
been secured to coach the team and
under1-his efficient handling tho U. of
N. will have a team equal to any in
the west.
Patriotic Missouri Students.
The students of tho Missouri state
University were given nn excellent op
portunity tf, display, their patriottam
recently and they took advantage of it
in tho following manner, as related, by
nn exchnnge:
"Since the Maine disaster the Blu
tlento ofvtho Missouri- University havo
been in an uproar1 of patriotism.' Sev
eral meeting bnve been held, resolu
tions Jave ben passed denouncing
Spain," and the cadet batalllon hns for
merly tendered its services to thd
government in case of war. Several
times the students have paraded the
streets with drums and flags, shouting"
defiance to Spain. A few nights ago.
Thomas Jones, a University janitor,
was accused of expressing,, Spanish
sentiments. He was seized af terWlark
by a dozen masked students, bound
band and foot, placed in a cart, and
taken to the dissectfngjjfroom' -of tho
medical building. Ho.Was- stretched
upon a table and they began to sharp
enJq4vfa tolling Jdm. that they were
tfietforliwto dissect him alifo. Tirinqr
of tbW'wA" stuldcatnput a rope nbout
tho neck of tho janitor nnd carried
him to an electric light pole, miuounc
ing their intention, or tmnging mm.
The cries of the janitor alarmed tho
neighborhood, and fearing the police
the students drubbed their victim
severely and released him. A move
ment was also made by the students
to burn 1)6 Lome in elllgy, but sever
al members of tlio faculty, b, earnest
addresses, prevailed Upon them to
abandon tho project."
mkt i M i
Kansas Favors It.
Tho University of Nebraska is to be
commended for originating and advo
cating the proposed track meets nt
the. Trans-MiBsissippi exposition Such
a plan should meet with fax or from
all Trans-Mississippi- colleges. Tho
large crowds which will throng the
exposition grounds insure its financi
al success. Neither is their any rea
son why the colleges- of this section
should not furnish' first, class sport
We hope to sec Kansas develop some
good material nnd take n high rank
nt this proposed meets Such a meet
xx ill certainly attract much attention
and ought to act as a further incen
tive to individual work. Hut nside
from tho individual glory to bo se
cured the prospect, of this contest
ought to appeal to the heart of every Kansas athlete to do his best.
If a Trans-Mississippi meet is to be
held, the University of Kansas as one
of the leading western eollegcs-.should
be well represented. Kansas Unixer
sity Weekly.
The 'minimum punishment for dis
honesty in examinations in Amherst
college is suspension for one college
"1 sincerely' trust," says President
Scth Low cf Columbia university, in
a recent letter to the Baltimore News,
"that the legislature of the state of
Maryland will give to the Johns Hop
kins university whntever aid it may
need nt the present time I spenk
'worlds of truth nnd soberness' when
T say that no University in the coun
try hns1 done more for the. higher edu
cation of the United States during the
last 20 years than the Johns Hopkins
university. It deserves well of its fel
low countrymen every wrehe, espe
cially should the people of tho state
of Maryland bo proud of it. and be
glnd to support it,"
A magnificent gift of $1,100,000 hns
just been received by Columbia uni
vcrsity,NewYorkcity,from St. Joseph
Florimand Loulmt,- the Due dc Lou
bat., a a foundation for a library. This
gift is among tho kirgest ever madoby
a single person to any institution of
learning in the country nnd it is ap
proached in size in New York only b
J Picrpont Morgan's gift, of $1,000,000
to the Lying-in-Hospital. It is in the
form of Broadway property and the
conditions of the endowment are that
the university agree to pay to Loubat
for the remainder of his life $C0,00C
a year and thut it be named tho Gail-lard-Loubat
Library Endowment. Funr"
-an honor to the donor's parents. "Mr
Loubat has already established two
prizes at Columbia one of $1,000 nnd
the other of $400 for the best works
published in the English Innguage on
the history, geography, numismatics,
archaeology, ethnology nnd philosO'
phy of North America. Competition
is open to nny citizen of the country.
or fine PHOTOGRAPHS go U
New Popular Priced
rhoteftiph Parlors.
S1.&0 per dez. and up,
We guarantee to please you. Call
and eee our work, get our prices and
give vo at trial. Oar motto is to
pleat all customers
32 Stil2i Strnt, - Linctln, Ntfa,
$f9' fii.oo Si.on
If st any time within n year you'de
k viuuu ior one 01 our JllflF EAT
ynffrelck the one you buy. The
roeuing camera is liko a repeating
Hfr TotT photograph one plate and
"0tiy place another tn positlon.'No
trouble or bother. Yoti load it at
home And anap the pictures nt please
UTK'Any child can handle it. Thirf
a a new device never put on the raar-i
k4 before. $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, accordi
Utf rto-iae and number of plates.
A. H. CRAIG, MMkwawwgo, winv
rc ut cnrabla as other dlsestes,
rw axciiuiveijr or
jt wwu.i. IB o amy. axoept-elUOT. IF
KrrrtooA Saya Bo.
CnscaroU i Candy Gftlhnrtlo, tho meV. won
derful medical dteovery tt the tn, pleas-
Rn nni.r?f?Sfl,i,lS ,t0 l. t"10 act gently
and porttively on kldhoys, liver And bowels,
cleauMng iho entire aylcm, dUnel colds,
cure howiwhOf foyer,- habitual constipation
and bipai$noss; Plcam buy nnd trv a box
Of 0. & 0. to-dnv; 10, 8fio cents, tfoldatid
gunrantcod to euro by all druggists.
When Yqi Write
To Your Friends
Who arc coming west to
visit you, just add n
postscript liko this:
'Be sure to take tho
Burlington Route It's
much tho best-."
You are' quite Bafef in
doing this because our
servlre from Chicago,
!1;Kausas City, iv fact all
chhtcrn, southeastern,
and southern cities in
just as good as our ser
vice to those points.
And that ns everyone
who is acquainted with
it will testify, is tha
best there is
Ticket 8 and time ta
bles on application at B.
& M. depot or city tick
et offlce,corncr 10th and
0 Sts.
G. W, Bonnell, C P & T A
I.lnro'n, Nob,
fl T''M9MvJ!5sHuf,,
The Washburn is the ono and only
make of world-wide reputation. Sold
by first-class dealers everywhere from
$15.00 upward. Imitated extensively,
so be sure that the name "George
Washburn" is burned upon the inside.
A beautiful Washburn Book contain
ing portraits and letters from the De
ReszkcSf Calv6, Eames, Nordica.-Scal-chi
and 100 other famous artists nnd
teachers, mailed free ujon request.
Add less Dept. U,
Cor. Wabath Ave. and Adams St., Chicago.
AKntn for
Washbirn Instruments.
Also general factors Shaw, Weber,
Wegman nnd Jewctt pianos and Far
rand & Votev organs.
130 South 13th Street.
Anyons donrtlnd a sketch nnd deicrlptlon no
quinir Bfcermm our opinion rroo wlietn
Invention Unrohahlrnntnntnhln. fvimmi
UoniatrlctlroonadentlKl. llanrtbiiokon Patent
aentrren. Oliloat aaanrr forsocurliiu
Patent! taknn tfirouBh Muun A (
A handiomelr lllmtrated weeklr. Ijireeit ol'
eulatton of anr eclentlllo lonmal, 'f ermi. IS
aSViaJu'J?0"' 9U 8o'd ""'I "widoaiw.
Mpi & GCniBMHrll6W Yorl
Stmcix Offlc. 6 V BL, YTMblBiton; V.Xl.
WV Ht A.4kkkkkkkV
icwno-SAMNK I fc:i ,i '1 i .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 r m . -n
Cor. 14th & M Sts., Lincoln, Neb, ,Jk BTmtJfW!Ktri
Open at all hours, Bay and Night H V HHWMHBHr Jf J ll
All forms of bath. M VHHHr ' P ' iH
DBS. M. II. & J. O. EVERETT, Bf T bH
Managing Physicians. V (T- H
r w w v -r LiiiHTNiniiTa m r. bhi - bv BiaiaiaiaiaiaiBBBBBBBBaiBvv('rsc.-'iKKVracv ljibbbbbvbbbbbbibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb .-
You Travel
Always Take
To OMAHA All points cast,
JCANSA8 CITY East and south.
DENVER nnd all Colorado points.
Hns the best modern equipment.
Pullman Palaoo and Tourist Slcopcrs.
Dining nnd free reclining I'hnlr cars.
For time schedules, tickets, reservations of berths, call on or addrcst
E. B. SLOSSON, Gen. Agt., 1044 O St. J. T. MAST1N, c T a
Lincoln. Neb. x'
8. S. L CLARK, Prcn. E. DICKINSON Gen. Mgr., 13. L, LO.MAX, G. P. Ata,
Omnliu, Neb. x
Experience nt this University has proven that tho
is tho reliable pen for elnss room use.
writes continuously without shaking
be made, and money guaranteed
Auburn, Falls City,
Atchison, St. Joseph
and Kansas City,
City Ticket office 1020 0 St
H. a Townscnd, G. P. &. T. A.
1 D. Cornell, C. P. & T. A.
(Basement Burr Blook)
SHAVE, 10c. S13A FOAM, 10c.
B. J. Robinson, Prop.
A. U GIRAJD Company,
Dealers in fiicycles j,
I355.12tk St.Lwctli, m.
Best Route
Lincoln, Neb
Tt is always ready for use ana
It. has tho best gold pens that csn
refunded if the pen is not sat ivfaetory
,r or saie ai uic to -up.
"Stcvsns Favorits" Rifle,
g- Fwouniv No. 17,
" Toltc Down " model, 22.inch barrel, weigM I
4 )i pounds. Carefully bored and tested. I
For .22, .25 and .32 rim-firc cartridge,
17, Plain open sights, S6.00
1 8 Target sights, S8.50
Ask your dealer for the "FAVORITE.
If he doesn't keep it, wc will send, prepaid,
on receipt of list price.
Booklet of small-bore cartridges free.
J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co
P.O. Uox 1(N
Table board $2.50 Meals 15 ct3
The Model Dining Hall
S1G So. 12th St., Lincoln Ncbraslau
Lunch Counter--
III south eleventh
DnonBrsMir aw iskt niniir:!! w M