itt Locals. .' Hooincr spout Sunday ith his parent In Beatrice. IImm Jessica M orpin snout. Sunday nt i,(.r home In Hebron. MNs (icrtnido llimson, Kali-bury, Is ,iliiu' Miss Annie Smart. Wnnl lllhlreth, I'hl Kappa PhI, Is siting his fraternity brotliers. u . Stringer was in Lincoln this (.,. iltlng his rntverslty friends. ss Mabel Metcnlf is back in school nftei a week's absence from Illness. 15. S. linker has given np his work in the university on account of ill health. Tlie college sett lenient has received )!,,. welcome donation of a uunibor of 1mh1- .cuiiuur room lias been pro wit h handsome and coinfortn v chairs. The itlrd hie n the luMulllnjr of tontfl nnd onmp cuip uge. I.lent. StolHenbcrg proposoH to give the ondyls Instruction In real army life an far as the materials at hand will penult Phil llussell came down front Omaha last nlRht to attend the Pht Delta Thetn alumni banquet. Saturday even ing. 11. ('. l'nrnielec will also come up from Beatrice this afternoon to at lend the wiine function. The astronomical class doing work In astro-physles are taking photo graphs of the moon by means of a camera attached to the telescope. Some of the photos will be enlarged and placed on exhibition among the I'lilvciHlty work at the TrnnstjiHLj slppi Exposition. Students who are particular as to the appearance of their shoes have their repairing dono by II. Capes, prac tical shoemaker at. i;i3 South 12th street, lie makes a specialty of im pairing round toed shoes and hns spe cial apparatus to do It. in the light wnv. ( luni'cllor Mael.can left this morn ing i "' a trip llirouirh the western port i 'he state. Mi- .letTrexs, 'tis, was called to Tc vww I' 'his week to assume the prln- clpiiWup of the high school. C -M SUiles of '1)2, attorney at law In ri- spoilt Sunday in Lincoln nniou- his old college friends. Ueincinber the place, to buy the best, hieule. that is, the Unyeyele, is nt. A. I,, (iirard Co. ia So. IBtli St, ltn-c hall men of the freshmen class are ordered to come out. and practice Snturdn.i morning at. 10 o'clock. Nellie ( lark. '05. assistant, principal oi the Wahoo high school, spent Sun da m(1i her family in this city. MKm llertha DuTeil and Lavinia Steele were initiated by the Delta Del ti. lVHa irateroity Saturday night. Mivs Kthlyn Barolay of Council lVn tT-. who bus been the guest of her lister. Mivs Mary Barclay, '00, return ed li'iuc Monday. A vtnek of lluutingtou special die stamp stationery has been received by the i o-np. It makes the prettiest U. of N. tablet yet seen. Special discount, to students in bi pjrle sundries and repairing. Good Maudnnrd tires at $5.00 a pair at. A. L. Ciirard A Co., 13.'. So. 42th St, At the Junior class meeting held last l'rid Frank ltaln was elected base lml I manager. Mr. Rain is a hustler ami will prove a good manager. Wanted By the Century Pen Co. of Whitewater. Wis., agents for their jK-n in every de parlment of the Uni ieriiy of Nebraska, Write them. M. Wetzel of Omaha, sister of Mi- Kilna Wetzel of the University, umic down to attend the basket ball wmic and remained over until Tuesday linn ning. If you want the most artistic work in the line of photographs, Clements, the Photographer, at 129 So. lltli sU, can do vour work to suit you nt the LOW EST prices. Pruf. Barber gave a lecture on "Iti.iiie" last Saturday evening in the Hi.. pel. The lecture was illustrated wiih siereoptieou views, which were liiyhU interesting. i the joint meeting of the Y. M. in.-' Y. V. C. A., held in the chapel S.i i, lay at 4 o'clock, each of the dele jM'x to the Cleveland convention ad- li. -scd the meeting. 'I he reason the Raeyolc runs easier limn other bicycles is lictfause the flmiiiK rniiK between the bearings on tin I'liink. Step in and examine it nt A. I,, (jirard &. Co. 135 So. 12th St. We have all the very latest songs, "The Heroes Who Sank With the Maine," 18 cents; "Cinderella White," 1H cents; "My Honey Lou," 19 cents. Music department, Herpolsheinicr & to. The student and laeulty of the School of Agriculture were pleasantly entertained by Chancellor MacLean. At the suggest ion of the chancellor an organization of those present was ef fected. Tf you want your hair cut artistic ally and in the latest styles, call on Sam Westerfield, 117 North Thirteenth hi root, Jle has had eighteen years' ex perience with students and guaran tees sat isf act ion. The Gardner Tailoring company do first class Work at reasonable prices. new spring suitings in. Sultorlum op en day and night. Furnishing goods department open evenings. Corner llth and O. Phone 708. Companies B and C were given some practical instruction lust Monday in The faculty of the University School of Music gae a recital in the chapel Wednesday evening. The program was composed entirely of music from Grieg's compositions and all the selec tions were enjoyable. Those, who'took part were Messrs. llngenow.Rnndolph, Misses Perkins, Treat, Seollcld and Mrs. Jones. Hooks by Kev. Charles M. Sheldon. "In His Steps" and "The Cmeiflxion of Philip Strong," pnjier covers, 18 cents each. Fountain pens, 09 cents each. History paper, 0 cents per 100 sheets. History covers, tablets, note books and college, supplies at. lowest llgures. Hook and Stationery depart ment, Horpolsheimer it Co. Dr. and Mrs. F. M; Fling went, down to Palmyra Friday night, where Dr. Fling gave a lecture. His talk, which was under the auspices of the Clmtau qua Circle, was on Hie interesting points in the life of Miralwau, as gath ered in his travels and researches last summer, in Paris and throughout France. O. W. Meier won the Sentcr (hiaint aucc and Lchnier prize in the oratoric al contest held in Union hall Saturday evening. The title of Mr. Meier's ora tion was "The Heritage of Our llevo lutionary Fathers." There was but one other contestant, Mr. W. J. Hovce, whose subject was "The Fate of an Empire." ELECT111CAL ENGINEERS' BAN QUET. The Senior elnss of the Electrical Engineers enjoyed themselves at a banquet last Friday evening, given at the Delta Tan Delta rooms, HIS O street. The engineers enjoyed greatly the banquet and the toasts, which fol lowed, and when they were ready to leave it was well on toward the mid night hour. Beside the regular niem-1km-s of the class Profs. Owens, and Browne, and Mr. Randall were present. tiif Miwnrcr snow Interest ... iu Indie inlUHtrelH in creases as the time foi ihe perform anoc approaches ()nj on.- more week remains ami then, the students will have the privilege of attending the first ladies' minstrel show ever ghen In the West. nvery afternoon and evening the armory rings with darkey melodies ami the floor resounds with the continuous clog dancing. A num ber of the girls have become quite ex pert, in the Durktown dances, and one of the features of the show will bo hot time jigs ami original Southern coon steps. The work In this line Is under the direct, supervision of Mr. Wllklns of the Sugar School, and the work of the girls thus far rellects great credit on their instructor. ADMIRES THE REPORT. Prof. W. T. Langworthy Taylor has written to the. monetary eoinmlsslon appointed by President. MeKinlcy con cerning their recent report, lie ex pressed himself as highly pleased with all the commission has done, and com mends the report as a. wise measure. Prof. Taylor summaries his opinion in this maimer: "The. commission could not have dono less; it wo ihl have been unwise for them to attempt to do more. The simplicity and thoroughness of their report, will make it. a classic." LADIES' NOTICE TO SENIORS. lpiiKi linnd vour nhoto with 50 cent.s to aii3' member of the book com mittee. Those who have negatives taken this week or next please leave photo at Elite studio. Committee, Misses Lytic, Green, Messrs. Cutter, Burgei-t and Gage. ALL FAVOU THE BIG MEET. Prof. Hastings is just beginning to receive replies to circulars sent out to western colleges last week in lvgard to the proposed Trans-Mississippi athletic meet. at. Omaha this spring. Although a week has elapsed since the invitations wore sent out six colleges have already responded. All are favor able to the enterprise and manifest great interest in the tilg event. Those heard from are as follows: Wosleyan University, Tarkio college, the Uni versity of Omaha. Midland college, Doanc college and the University of Colorado. KD This season we ae giving particular at. tention to our Kid Glove department. We ask particular atten tion to the choice styles and exceptional values we offer at GLOVES $1, $1,25$, and 1.50 A Pair. Miller S; Paine. VbAJliMnwKtf WOOL . . . DRESS GOODS Asthe spring season advances the popularity of our assortment creases, the volume of business becomes greater and everything points the fact we have the right, goods at the right time and nt the right price. in to SF.MOll P150M COMMITTEE. The membership of the Senior Prom enade committee was announced and posted Saturday afternoon (March .). It will consist of eleven members, with the exception of the chairman. The nicnilKM-s arc llendy, chairman, Miss Noron, Miss Cropsey, Mr. Bob bins, Mr. Haggard, Vergil Barber, Miss Veda Wilson, Miss Jennie Barber, Mr. Belknap, Mr. Wilkinson, Miss Jeffrey and Mr. Edward Morrison. . WASH . : . DRESS GOODS lndispensible for summer or evening wear. All that is dainty, rich and beautiful in color, texture and design, all that is new, popular and ser viceable, and all that fashion demands for the coming season are here rep resented. We can't describe them. Come and see them. Everybody Says So. Cascarcts Candy Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of tho ago, pleas ant nud refreshing to tho taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the cntiro system, dispel colds, cure hcconclie, fever, habitual constipation and b'.A'. ness. Plcaso buy and try a box ofC.CC u.uiiy; lO.SV.AOccnt. tsoluand guaranteed to euro by all druggists. Intercollegiate Bnretn Gotrell & Leonard 472-478 Broadway, Albany, New York Makers ot the..,. MEN If you seek the "proper things" for spring and summer vrcar in Shirts, Collars, Tics, Half-hose. etc.. etc., and are desirous of economizing in the purchase of same, you cannot afford to overlook our new Men's Furnish ing floods department. CAPS, GOWNS and HGODS To tho American Colleges and Uni versities. Illustrated manual, Bamples prices, etc., upon request. Gowns for the pulpit and the bench. Best Work. west Service Established 1889. SOLE LINCOLN PUBLICATIONS. AOENTS FOR BUTTEBICK'S PATTERNS AND jkUkM wi The NebraskaU'niversity School of Music Evans Laundry Company i'i Most complete and Modern equipment. Greatest courtesy. Telephone 19& OFFERS COMPLETE COURSES IN THE FOLLOWING BRANCHES: Pipe Organ, Piano Forte, Voice Training, String Instruments, Wind Instruments. Harmonv, Counterpoint, Hlstory.Gen erai Theory, Sight Reading. OFFERS FREE ADVANTAGES NOT FOUND ELSEWHERE. Free Scholarship in all Department Orchestral Training, Military Bond Training, Concerts, Lectures, Recitals, If you are thinking of studying music investigate the merits of this schiol. WILLIAED KIMBALL, Director. I YOUNG MEN ... 1 H Don't fail to look at the fine Eg 1 line of Men's Suits and Over- 2 ! coats from $7 to $20 at the j EW1NG CLOTHING CO. 1 Mr. Albert Turpiti's B'aitcifig S&ooL Now open for Season 1897-98. Adult classes every Tuesdays and Thursdays. Juvenile, Wednesday iP.1L, Saturdays, 2 P. M. Assemblies every Thursday eve. Hall for rent. Special rates to clubs and fraternities. Call at 1132 N St, for terms, etc. Office hours 9 ao 11:30 a. in. 2 to 5 p. m. ISew England Mutual Life. Chartered 1835. 5 For circulars, sample policies and rates call on 0. If. NOBLE, Manager, (040 0 street. Lincoln. Neb. The First National Bank LINCOLN, NEB. Capitol - - 400,000 D. D. MUIR, H. S. FREEMAN, President. Cashier W. C. PHILLIPS Ass't Cashier DIRECTOK8: " " JOHN H. AMES, ifr. C. Wilson, d. d. mute, C E. PESKIN8, C. J, ERNST,