The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, March 04, 1898, Image 2

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    A Weekly Newspaper Issued Kvcry
Friday Noon, by the StticluntH of
the University of Ncbrnsknl
K nli1 rod nH Second CIiihh Mull Mutter.
A, K. I'nrmclee Mnnnglng I'd I tor
I. S. Culler IMItorlnl
C. 1.. Mnencor, News Kdltor
C. K. Mutson Ass't Kditor
Knto Snow WnlUur SororitleH
If. C. Burr Athletics
OIIvp Chambers . .Locnl
Kdlih Sohwtuv. ...... . . Ass't. Hum. Mgr
The Nebrnsknn will be sent to any
address upon receipt, of tho Hiibscrlp
tlon prlee, willed Ih one dollar n year,
or ilfty cents n semester.
C'ontrlbutloiiH lire solicited from nil.
News Items sueh iih locals, personals,
reportH of meetings, etc., lire- espo
clully deNlred. The Xobrusknn will be
Kind to print any contribution rein
tlve to a general UnlverHlty subject,
but the niiuie must accompany nil
Thn proposed nthlelte iiiiuunl will
cvrtnlnly till n long felt want. In It.
will Ih preserved the records of nil
games, iih well iih tlie Individual rco
ordH lr athletics. It will iiImo contain
pletureH of tennis past, and prem'iit.
The annual will add IntereHt In ntli
letk'H by placing Ik1 fore the HtudentH
the exact stntiiH of the UnlverHlty In
that line. Anvthlmr that, will nerve In
the lenHt to arouse IntereHt. In college
iithletlen ought to be commended.
The offleci'H of the Oratorical usso
elation llae )lanncd for a iiiiihh meet
Ing of Htudenta and faculty nest Wed
ncHdny after chapel time In the Inter
ests of the oratorical content next Fri
dny night, KpecehcH will be made by
repreHentativeH of the faculty and nlso
of the Hturients, It Ih planned to have
thiH iiiiihh meeting rival those that
hac been held In past yearn, for a
nlmllar purpose. It Ih hoped that, it
large attendance will prove that we
Htill have enough college spirit left
to support one of the. nioHt. important
organizations' in the University.
The sixteen debaters are bard at
work preparing for the. final content,
which promiscH'to be an exciting one.
Each Ih Hiire to excrclne bin greatest
ability. To produce n successful argu
ment requires hours and hours of deep
and scientific research. It requires
careful discrimination to Include Ihe
material and exclude, the- Immaterial.
The best of langunge only can avail
the successful aspirant. More time,
more research, more care, more orig
inality and more ability are necessary
in the preparation of one. of these de
butes than in the writing of any paper.
The satisfaction of victory and the
benefits of experience are all the re
wards offered Why could not ar
rangements be mnde whereby extra
credit might be received for this extra
work? In some departments credit is
given on papers that do not represent
one-half the work and care devoted
to one of these arguments. We. com
mend the idea to the faculty and trUst
it may meet with due consideration.
The University oratorical content
takes place in the chapel a week from
to-night. It should be one of. the most
important events during the Univer
sity year. It. will be if the students
do their Hhare. The officers of the
association have done everything in
their power to make the contest a
grcnt success. Owing to their elTorts
an extremely strong number of con
testant have entered this contest. In
dications point to n most successful
contest, providing attendance and en
thusiasm is whnt it should be. But
without the support of the students at
tblB time this annual contest will be
u failure. If there Is any college spirit
left with us let it be shown at this
time. Let everyone turn out to the
mass meeting Wednesday in order to
get the proper amount of inspiration
for the contest-Friday night. Let all
who .have any pride in our University
make it a point to be in attendance
nt tho contest. As long as there is an
oratorical association in the Unlver
Hlty of Nebraska it is the, duty of
every loyal student to support it by all
means in their power.
The sophomore class meets to-day to
elect a board of editors for the. Som
brero, which they expect to publish
next year.
Already a multiplicity of candidates
have nppearcd to contest for the. vari
ous ofllces. In order to satisfy all ele
ments in the class there is a sentiment
noticed on the part of many to create
more places, so that nil may be satis
fled. While it may smooth iiiutiow.
out at this time to elect three editors
thief ami Hire, business nmiiii"!'-. j
it will be a Hcomee of uiu-ii-iing
trouble in the future. It was the e-
perlcnce of the boiiril,!! editor "f the
Hoinbrero Issued !). " '118" that two. or
even one, editor in chief unit two haul
iichh malingers are ample and Hlmpll
(Ich matteiH to ?i ninrlced degree. Two
headH to the undertaking eonipllentes
inatterH much, but three would I)'1 lm
ineaHiirably worse, Hindi work a Ih
required from the editor Ip chief Ih en
tirely esecutlw In Its nature and can
better be performed by one person
than by two, and much netter b, two
than by three.
If the class would change Its pnllcj
from that of satisfying all factions
to that, of getting the, 'vvy best men
for the places there Ih no doubt that
its chances for getting out an annual
would be greatly lucren-cd.
Such a thing as three editors in chief
Is a tiling unheard of In college cir
cles and the class of 11)00 should be
very sure that their cuiim Is right
before starling out lids innovation.
It Ih to be deplored that factional
spirit Ih so strong that it Ih put nboe
class spirit. It Is to be hoped that to
day some elements mny be found loyal
enough to their class to lay aside their
own personal wishes and go In to elect
a board of editors who have the quiili
lleatloiiH necessary to get; out a suc
cessful annual.
To hide hooks away while one In
gone to a meal or to a elans is deserv
ing of eondeinniijlon. To fall to get a
lesson is better than to prepare It at
the expense of a deserving classmate.
Yet the perpetrator of such dishonest
tricks has the tangible hope of going
to class prepared for recitation.
To wilfully appropriate the property
of others with the Intention of rob
bing the owner of Its use Is not only
dishonest, but also a crime In sight of
the law. Such offenders, when appre
hended In our midst, are usually sum
marily expelled from the institution.
That they are not treated more harsh
ly is due to the fact that tho aa is, in
the majority of instances, surrounded
by extenuating circumstances, "llrst
offense," "great temptation," et cetera
ad infinitum.
Hut there is a class of offenders who
pester the student body without even
these shadows for an excuse, (io into
the library at any time from 8 in the
morning till 10 In the evening and you
will rccogni.e them at almost every
nothings. Their tongues keep up n
continuous chick. An occasional titter
is but partially suppressed with diffi
culty. Students, real students, try In
vain to ignore their presence. Freez
ing glances and reproving looks phase
them not. Like the Hies or summer
they continue, their pestiferous buz
zing oblhious of how they Inflict the
innocent. Such people are but para
sites on the student body proper. If
their home training has been so far
neglected, or if they so far neglect
their home training that the renroofs
of librarian nnd friends go unheeded,
decisive steps should be taken at once.
A few suspensions or expulsions would
doubtless create the desired effect. In
such action the authorities would have
the support of seventeen hundred suf
fering students, so let the good work
"Did it ever occur to you." said the
mathematical man in the Co-op., who
delights in figuring out difficult prob
lems, "how many sheets of paper of
the size used in the history folios are
used by the students in the courst of a
The members of the old ernnir sit Uni
on the counters nnd desk stopped dis
cussing the Maine disaster and turned
with an Interested air toward the
speaker. "Did is ever oetmr to you,"
he repeated, "how much pnper 'these
students use in the course of a vear'"
The blank faces of the gang assured
nun tlicy had not given the matter
much thought.
Seeing he had made the desired im
pression, the mathematical man con
tinued. "Well, sirs," he said, picking up a
pile of papers covered with a mass of
figures, "I have figured it out that
these students use in the course of a
year 1, .100,000 sheets of this paper.''
i ins last was pronounced in an im
pressive tone and he looked tip to see
what effect he had made on his lis
teners. They shifted uneasily In' their.)
seats. Hut he Wl.n- 0I). m-. iMa
amount would make a sheet over the
campus two deep, inclusive of the are.
occupied by the buildings, and would
leave enougn over to paper all tho
rooms." One of the gang fell off his
soap box, but the mathcnmtleal nmn
continued undisturbed. "Jf this pnper
were piled into a column it would
muke a tower two ami one-half limes
"m iiif-h as the ball on the Hujf stuff of
me main imiiuiiig.
l wo more of his listeners falnled.
1 hi tf Mm imtlhimwi lfiiil mn. ?..-
UN' III IIMtlMlllll III III till Willi uni tYfl
be stopped nov, He wiih Just gettliig
wanned up IoOiIh subject, nnd he eon
this amount 6;f paper Would bo such
that it Would fill the Co-op, over half
wa, to the celling, If thcKC sheets
were written upon by the students at
the rate of live minutes per sheet (IiIh
consumption would stand for 129,000
hours work. iow," he milled, with an
tilt of triumph, the amount of paper
wasted by punching two holes in each
sheet would cover "
Hut the gang had lied,
The annual competitive drill Ih al
most iiiohI three months distant from
the present dale, but. nevertheless the
captain of the six companies of the
cadet regiment hae their eyes on the
cup and each Ih gong about In his own
way to win it for his company.
Hery one knows how much depends
on those in the ranks as well iih on
Hie olllcers, when It comes to eompetl
the drill, A little enthusiasm ainong
the members of the, company always
tends to make Hie men drill better ami
try harder,
For this reason the captains are
making arrangements for entertain
ing their company in a manner which
will serve to arouse the grentest
amount of company spirit tuul en
thusiasm. Captain Roddy of company 10, wan
the llrst to start the ball rolling by
giving his company an informal feed
at his rooms last Tuesday night, Ev
erybody enjoyed the refreshments
which were served, and judging com
pany spirit by the amount of food
consumed company K Is bubbling out
With enthusiasm.
I.uter In the evening the members
of the company spent a short, time in
a practice tug of war. Company K Iiiih
received a challenge from company V
to a tug of war, which will take place
in about two weeks, in order to pre
pare for thin event Captain 1 toddy had
ids men Indulge in a little battle
among themselves with a long rope he
had secured for the occanlon. One
cry pleasant, feature of the evening
was a recitation by John Dickinson, of
a poem from his own ncn on the re
cent disaster to the battleship Maine.
By unanimous vote Mr. Dickinson was
made the company poet. A civil orgu-
ni.ntion of the coin-winy was perfect
ed In order to more thoroughly unite
its members. Mr. Henry was elected
president and Jesse Beans secretary.
A company yell was also adopted.
It wiih doubtless the vigorous rendi
tion of this which caused the. land
lord to mistake the noise for some, stu
dents singing and to send for the po
lice to quell the riot.
The' olllcers who responded to the
summons made no arrests and the
boys were allowed 'to proceed with'
their yelling.
Following Captain' Noddy's example
uipiatn .oyes is preparing to give
company V a "blow out" sometime,
next week. Jn addition to this the
llrst annual eomixiny F hop will take
place on Friday evening, March U at
Courier hall. The committee on ar
rangements consists or Messrs. Drown,
Cleland, Clarke, Adams and Atwood.
On Tuesday evening, March 15, com
pany I) will have a. feed at the Alpha
Inn Omega house. Plenty of good
w ngs io eat and appropriate toasts
will be the order of the evening. Com
pany H will give its third annual hop
I- rlday evening, March a.',. This is one.
of the social events of the University
and in the success of which every
member of company is vitally inter-
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