The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, March 04, 1898, Image 1

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Vou, VI. No. 2 2
Phici5 Gents.
Allilflli' Hinirtl DccIiIch (0 Issue II Thin
Will ('(inluln (10 I'hki'h l'rofiinoly lltua-
Inilcil-Kvery liurtmimt of Hport
Will lin Itoprmontoil
mhiic time ago It wiih announced In
(lir VcliniHkiiii Hint tlu Athletic Hoard
m;ik Mcrlmihly considering the Httbjeet
iif retting out an athletic atinunl. At
Hi-t hiicIi mi nniinal wiih only an Idea,
Inn iIiIh idi'ii Iiiih been growing: and
lins nl IiihI taken tangible form. Jt Ih
ikiw a reality and the II rat athletic an
11 .ml will lie Issued UiIh Hpiing.
II will lie published under (lie aus
pice of the Athletic Hoard. iMr. W. 11.
Onry Iiiih already Ix-eu chosen busi
ness uiiiniiK'or and I. S. Cutter iihhIhN
iint business manager.
It would be Iiard to llnd In (IiIh Uni
versity two better nu'it to piiHh Hindi
11 project iih tlilH, Moth nrc hiiHtlcrs
iiml the faed tliat. tliey liuve the. mat
ter In charg" iniilCH It certain that Uie
Annual will not fail from luck of koiiio
one to pimli the enterpriHe. .Mr, Oury
lies always Identified lilniHclf with
athletics since he entered thin iiiHtitu
1. Mr. pit tor 1iih shown IiIh Inter
in iilhletleHCby securing Hcvcrnl fro-
est in iilliletletmy Rccurlng
phlcH from local inercliunlH for various
nthletle contests.
With such an able business innunge
incut a good editorial stall" Ih all that
is necessary to1 get out a line hook.
Mr. Onry has, already reported that
the prospects for advertising are very
bright, and hence the business end
which intist needs always bo the Im
portant part of Bnoh an enterprise, ap
peals to'oV progressing very Riitlsfuc
toiil.v, The purpose of the Athletic Annual
is to arouse a greater Interest in ath
letics mid to provide a mentis of pre
serving rnherslly Athleths records.
The book will contain all the athletic
records in every department of sport
in the I'lilverslty, from Its very begin
ning down to the present time. It will
1 tain about sixty pages, replete with
illustrations. The pictures of the
arslty football, baseball, basket ball
and truck teams, with various other
I nhcrslly athletes, will be seen In
this book. There is a strong probn
1 ilitv that the military department
will also be given a. section of the
Imok. Pictures of the cadet officers
and the six companies would .form
cry attractive pictures and - would
iiuike an Interesting part of the An
imal, Tor 11 Trims Mississippi Meet
The athletic board of the University
Iiiih just sent out a call to the colleges
of the western states for a grand track
meet to be held In Omaha, this spring
at the Truim-Mlsslsslppl exposition. It
is Intended that all. the. colleges west
of the Mississippi shall participate In
the event and make. It one of the larg
est athletic meets In the country.
Niich an affair once started would
doubtless become up annual event and
a pan-western athletic meet would be-
eoinu a fixture.
A central athletic committee at Om
"lin invited tho University of Nebras
ka to send out the call for such a meet
s soon as they had secured ,u suit
able grand stand, track and Held from
the Trans-Mississippi exposition au
thorities. They ilnd the need of fur
ther assurance to the exposition iiu
ttltorltles of the feasibility, the edu
eutivo value, and solid financial prom
ise of such a meet. Town, Missouri,
Kansas and Nebraska have in process
of formation a quadrangular league
in track and held athletics. lit reply
to a recent Inquiry, asking Kansas if
they -yu'tld fa'vrtr hpldliTgHtfv(unnuul
meet' this year at Omaha during tho
esppto;i,,lm,v ixpvVVl themselves
favorably Ward such a plnn. Doubt
less Iowa and Miksburi will be found
enthuslastfe 'for 'It. Minnesota, in a
letter dated Fnbruury 28, nlso approves
and would Bend representatives. Ac
eoinpnirying the circular sent out are
enumerated Bomo of the advantages
to 1)$ gained by such a meeting dm
lug the expoHltlou. They nro aH fol-
1. That It would educate public sen.
tlnient In favor of clean sport iih op
pnHcd to profcHHlonallHtii.
2. ft, would Increase, public Interest
and Htipport of athletics throughout
till) WlJHt,
il. It would form a suitable begin
ning for the organization, of a x!rmn
limit, athletic league for thu promotion
of athletic Interests iici'ohh tho MIhh
I. It would provide a suitable Incen
tive for the llrst gathering together
of wcHtern college athletics,
5, It would provide, a representative
company of people In the grand stand
to see the Hport
ft. It. would provide (lnaiiclal sup
port for Htieh a meet Hitch iih would
1m possible at no other time or place.
We should expect to have present
prominent physical educators mid ofll
cIiiIh of tho vurloiiH ethletle associa
tions of the country. Special exposi
tion rutcH will greatly itRslHt nthletle
orgnulzuttoiiH In gett,h)tf . representa
tives to the giuncH.
TIio.LikIIgs' Minstrels
The Indies' minstrel hIiow, wiijeh
was billed to come olV on March Jl,
has been postponed one wcik. The
glrlH meet In the gymnasium every
day for practice, and are. progressing
very satisfactorily.' 'They arc at pres
ent engaged In mustering tho cake
walk, which will be one of the features
of the performance.
The show Is to be given Tor the ben
efit of the base ball team, to aid in the
purchase of new unlrornis. There Is
no doubt but what it will be one of the
events of the year. This year Iiiih al
ready seen several ladles' minstrel
shows, notably at Minnesota State
University and Northwestern. Uo'.h
scored u blir nit mm tne memory ov
Tv ....: . ... "....,
tnem wnr linger long in me minus
of those who were fortunate enough
to attend them.
The girls aro fortunate in being able
to secure the services of Lieutenant
and Miss Stotsenberg to drill them,
Lieutenant StotHcnberg took a
prominent part In getting up a sim
ilar alVair at Leavenworth last fall,
and with the assistance of Miss Stots
enberg, who took one of the leading
parts in the show mentioned, the out
l(kk Is promising for a high class en
tertainment. The girls have already learned the
knack, of beating the tambourines and
rattling the bones in a surprising
milliner. In tho boys' minstrels last
spring, Hob Manley had his "niggers"
working for a month trying to rattle
the bones, but. the night, before the
performance is was unanimously de
cided to cut the bones out af .the show
and the fellows were advised to prac
tice during the summer In order to be
well versed in the art when they re
turned to eolhjge this fall. Hut-when
the boys gave their last minstrel show
there was not a coon among them who
could plav a scale on his bones. This
'fact has only served to make the girls'
success in this line all the more grati
fying and to stimulate them to greater
Muscal specialties will be made a
feature of the show, but by no means
will jokes take a back seat. The poor
co-eds have had to remiliii silent in
times gone by and bo associated Mji
roasts with such prommeicharogterB
as .loel Stebblns, Dr. WolcOtt and Thick
McCreery. This has neither been for
gotten or forgiven and In a short time
such unscrupulous minstrel men as
Hunk Mueller, Jesse Itowe, Jack Sum
ner and fleorgo Porter will catch it
from the hands of the ladies.
Sophmores Meet Today
Politics in tho Spphmoro cluss .have'
again reached a high degree of "tem
perature over the election of tho ed
itors and associates of the Junior All
ium L An; option for tills purpose
was held some weeks ago, but noth
ing .wnstttccojupllshed.. Since then
things. have been, comparatively-quiet
on the surface, but the past week has
seen numerous Hidewalk camhisca and
consultations among tho Sophmores.
They will. meet, in tho chapel today at
1:30 n, m. and endeavor to settle- their
little differences by ballot.
Mr. Wchlior 8fl AiIiIh to the University
Uiilyerdltjr In Fprtumtta In Hn miring Hetnrnl
TIkmkuiiiI Htiot'liiioim, Miuiy of Them
Hiiro mill VhIiihIiIii
The University, especially the botan
ical department, Is to be congratulat
ed upon the acquisition of tho largo
collection of Nebrnskn plants front
Mr. Webber of the department of ag
riculture at Washington, I), C. Mr.
Webber, ns many may remember grad
uated from the University of Ne
braska. In 18H0 and for IiIh thesis pre
pared a catalogue of Nebraska plants.
Dr. llessey Insisted at the tlntu that
no plant, be listed unless a specimen
were actually at hand. TIiIh was the
cause of tho collection of an unusu
ally large number of plants. Mr. Web
ber's thesis was Imacd ttpo.i IiIh own
collection and that in the University
herbarium nt tho t'me. After taking
IiIh master's degree Mr. Webber went
to St. Louis carrying his large col
lection with him. When ho was call
ed to Washington the large collection
accompanied hint and likewise to
Florida. During tho interval Dr. lles
sey and the botanical seminnr had
been vigorous In their efTorts to per
suade Mr. Webber to send his collec
tion back to Nebraska and this hist
HUtuiner Dr. llpssey received the as
surance that ho would donate his col
lection to his alma mater. Tho first.
lot. of this great collection numbering
about 2,000 specimens has been placed
In the herbarium.
Last summer at Toronto at a meet-
ling of tho HcI'etiffnM of the'world, Mr.
Webber created a great . sensntlon
with his znnila authero.Ido. While a
"prep" at Nebraska he chanced to be
watching tho present Dr. Peterson as
sorting the University herbarium,
making In all 183 plants. One speci
men In particular attracted his atten
tion and tho name zinnia given by Dr.
Bessey, remained in his memory. Some
years later, while, in Florida, where
zinnia flourishes, IiIh old Interest In
tho plant was revived, and study com
menced. Tho result of this study has
been a surprise to the botanical world.
He found that tho fertilization, in
stead of being like that of tho higher
plants, as was supposed, resembled ex
actly that of the lower plants. Mr.
Webber's paper, after it had bee pre
sented to the. American Dotanlst, was
reread before the Ihitish botanists by
request, with the aforementioned re
sult. Marshall Ward, In closing the
dlseuslon on Mr. Webber's paper,
said: "This young man is to be con
gratulated upon adding another stone
to the botanical edifice, and he has ad
ded it so well."
Tho Webber collection is the larg
est that has been added to tho Univer
sity herbarium at any one time. About
a year ago J. 0. Smith, '00, donated
his collection to the University. This
collection consists of Nebraska, eastr
em and foreign plantsi with a lino col
lection of lower phinta and slides.
Another collection which is about
to bo added to tho herbariimi is a col
lection of 2,000 plunta gathered in
France, for Dr. Itoscou Pound. This
wor,k wus dononby .quite an eminent
Frencli collector ano,. inrpugn ijv.
Pbiind tho University herbarium will
receive a valuable addition.
Among the vnluahje collections
which the University herbarium con
tains are sets of Sulllvjanta . and Aus
tin's mosses. Additions aro made
,fr'qm time, to, tiipoWtiio collection in
the. herbarium ,by specimens received
from tne goyernnieiiL. 0,110 neroiirmm
at present contain about 0,000 speci
mens. - Tltp Ultls Playjioiilglit
Everything Ih 1i( train for the basket
ball game this evening, and every pros,
pect is bright for n successful event.
Enough ticketa were- sold Thursday
morning to assure covering expenses,
and this was oil that won wanted. Tho
crowd will be. of tho .most desirable
juakoiup,' Lincoln society ,people prin
I cipully. Quality, flot "numbers, wan
looked for In the spectators, and they
are epeeted to contribute enough en
thusiasm for a foot ball crowd. Al
together the whole affair promises to
be a brilliant one and not only the
plnyers, hut the fortunate lookers-on
anticipate It eagerly. Tito credit for
the whole affair rcsta mainly on MIsh
Louise Pound, who Iiiih worked tlr
lcssly, practicing with tho team, at
tending to tleketH, and other arrange
ments, and conducting the correspond-
The Council JllutVs players will ar
rive over the llouk Island this after
noon at :i: -111 and the University peo
ple should sec that a largo and en
thtiHliiHtlc crowd Is out to meet them.
They will be entertained In various
homes In this city throiigtiout their
stay, and Lincoln people will do every
thing to make their visit a pleasant
To make a suitable setting for tho
game the gymnasium will bo decorated
and tho windows will be draped with
the colors of the different societies
and fraternities. There will be an or
ganized gang of "rooters" stationed In
the gallery, who, under tho direction
of Miss May Whiting, will keep up tho
spirits of the University players by
judiciously timed and vigorously inied
vocal encouragement. Luncheon will
be served to the. players of the con
testing teams, to thu patronesses and
the. officials In the band-room in the
armory. .Mrs. W. 11. Ogdeu has this
In charge. The menu for tho lunch
eon is:
Hlue Points, with Sliced Lemon.
Toasted Wafers.
Chicken Salad. Sandwiches.
Saratoga Chips.
Ice." Cake. Macaroonsi'
Chocolate. L
Ikmbonn. f,
The patronesses of ih'i, 'game "We
Mrs. A. 11. Moore of Council llluffs,
Mrs. Chancellor Macl.ean, Mrs. S. C.
UlchordB, Mrs. C. II. Cere, Mrs. A. S.
Raymond, Mrs. W. II. Ogden, Mrs. G.
M. Lambcrtson.
The line-up of the team will be as
Iowa. Nebraska.
Agnes Spies Mario Beach
Erniu Ltnkey Mario Kennedy
Stella Bogers Bertha Dutell
Kittle Warner Helen Wrelch
Vera Linkey Harriet Cooke
Mabel Cook Louisa Pound, dipt.
Clauds, Scott Boso Long
Sadie Grass
Miss Grace Hardman of Council
Blurt's, timekeeper.
The first link of the game will be
played by the official rules, the second
half by the Smith College rules, which
do not nllow knocking: tho ball from
the hands. This Is a compromise, the
University having always used the
Smith College rules and the Council
Bluffs team the official rules. The
Nebraska players have been putting
in whatever time they could get prac
ticing under the other rules lately and
hope to play at no disadvantage.
The Midgets will play a game be
tween the halves of the lovva-Nebraska
game. They will use the Smith Col
lege rule. The llnc-up or the' Midgets
is as follows:
First Team. Second Team.
Grace Broady Nellie Henry
Rosa lles$ Jennie Pentzer, Capt.
Lucy Griffith Minnie Smith
Adelloyd Whiting, Capt.
Grace W'heeler
Edith Schwartz Mabel Dempster
Mabel Krford Anna McCroskey
The. uniform of the Iowa girls Is
gray, with ncarlet , braid, Tho Ne
braska girls will wear; ji dark blue uni
form, with a white, "N" on the breast.
To thobo who think tho game is
rough the fojlowlpg 1U quickly do
away with any suck .beliefs:
Miss Grace Hardman, who will act
as timekeeper, wob tq, be one of tho
players, but in a practice game last
Saturday she dislocated her elbow and
sprained her rlghfc arm, Basket ball
as played by the girls ip perfectly gen
tle and harmless.
Oratorical Aflslrs Will bo (he Huhject of
tho Meeting ,
Htuilant (IntlierliiK to (Inlup Intercut
tlm lllfc Kvrmt AitilreMc ,y Pro
femora hiiiI Httidcnt
There are. seasons for -everything
and next, week is tho one bet apart
for tho interest of oratory, In tho Unl
veiHlty. On Wednesday, March 0, a
mass meeting of students and faculty
will be held after. chapel for tho pur
pose of arousing Interest mid enthus
iasm in oratorical matters.
On Friday March 11 at 8 p. 111 In. the
chapel will occur the annual oratori
cal contest of the University o(( ,Ne
tatlve. At this contest our,( iprpscn
tatlvo for the Htate contest at Crete
on March 20 will be chosen.
.Much more than tjie usual Interest
Iiiih been taken in the contest this
year on account of tho fact that tho
Interstate Oratorical association will
meet in Lincoln next year. As tho
KUucnKH 1 of next year's contest largely
depends upon the interest shown this
year this fact Is very gratifying to tho
ofllcers of tho association and those
Interested in oratory.
The contestant this year ore. for
the most part persons of largo experi
ence in these Jlncs, so a most excel
lent contest is assured. , Thoso entered
are Miss Helen doff, Messrs. J. D.
Deunison, O. W. Meier, C. E. Cake, and
IT. W. Tucker.
Miss (loft is a graduate from tho
University law school with the clasn
of 1807, and Is at present taking ad
vanced work in political science.
,. ().. W. Melr, a member.of the claw of
1K0S, has already received his degree,
obtaining it on Charter day, and is
now taking junior law work. Tf6 Is
well known in debating circles, hav
ing won a place on tho preliminary
debates, both this year and last. In
political circles he hits been especially
prominent on account of 'hls'urdent
championship of the caAtBe of bimetal
lism and the principle of W. J. Bry
an. Mr. Dcnnison received his A . B. at
upper Iowa University and is at pres
ent a member of the senior law class.
He was 0110 of those representatives
of tho University In tho Kansas-Nebraska
debate last year. In tho ora
torical contest of last year he won
second idncc, missing first by only a
very small margin.
Mr. Tucker is the only undergradu
ate In this contest, he being a junior
In tho academic college. Ills oration
has already won him first place in. tho
Chase-Wheeler Contest of .the Pallad
ian society.
C. E. Cake, tho only fraternity man
in the contest, is a member of Sigma.
Chi. He received his A. B. at Dart
mouth college and Is .at present tailing
junior law work.
With such representation there, is
little doubt thnt the successful con
testant will do credit to the Univer
sity at tho state contest at Crete,
where representatives rom Doane,
Gates, Grand Ishuid colleges and the
University qf Oninla will be met.
Tho mass meeting Wednesday prom
ises to be an enthusiastic one, Presi
dent linger is making every effort to
make, It a great success.
Addresses by Dr. Fling, Dr. Ward
and Dr. Hill will bo made qn behalf
of tho faculty and by Messrs Ewart
and Taylor from tho students.
This ntaas meeting will last.thrqugh
tho 10 o'clock hour so no classes will
recite nt that time.
New Members Program
The new members of thb Pallodian
literary society gave their program
last Friday nighc to a. crowded house.
The program followed .tho same or
der as generally given by tho society,
although there were some diversions
.from tho ordinary routine. Tho now
members all rendered their parte in
the most satisfactory manaor and
they deserve no little congratulation a
for their success. Miss. iNpra Jphna
ton had charge of thq program. The
Tolyu .quartet rendered two pleasant