The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, February 25, 1898, Image 4

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i In the Gym.
The Hcliclitle of liulooc baseball
Kiiiiich, which was to huc heeu play
ed out, Iiiih been abandoned on ac
count of I lie need of the tfyiuiiiiHltliii
Toi the use of the k-ItIh mliiHtrel hIiimv,
which practices there etcry ctcnliiK'.
In place ol the three Indoor hiiHuball
teuniH, tin nil-University tetlin will he
chosen to play the Oinuhii Y. M. ('. A.
team. No date Iiiih yet been nrriiiijrvd,
hut u jrniuo will probably tiihe place
thlH week or next.
Prof. HastliifrM Iiiih thus rar taken
lfiU phvHleal eMimliiatloiiH and for
over one-half of thlH lunnber, antliro
pnmetrle chnrtH Iiiim lieen iniide. The
ehurtH of the football, biiKeball and
other athletic men, hIiciw a strong
athletle typo for Nebraska. TIiohc
who have been iinxloiiHly iiwiiltliifr the
eompletlon of these ehartH may now
obtain them In the phyHleal director's
ofllee, where they are waiting be
called for.
A rather painful ae.uldeut happened
to Mr, Swallow lu the yin. IiihI
Tuesday afternoon, between I and fi
o'eloek. Swallow wiih watching hoiih
of the boys practice (lie running high
jump, and ho he thought he would
try it, lie pulled off IiIh hIioch and
wltliotit any slippers, ntarted to run.
Ills foot slipped, turning IiIh ankle,
and it Hevere sprain wiih the rcHiilt.
The attending physician said that, the
foot will have to be placed lu a plan
ter ciiHt and remain In thai condition
for a month or bIx weekH. lty Swal
Jow'b failure to two a pair of slippers,
which would have prevented him front
slipping, the rnivcrslty Iiiih loHt. for
thlH senson, at least the p&rongctit
athlete in indoor contests, and a man
who gave promlHo of grent thlngH In
the spring sports.
The caudidateH in tho Indoov penta
thlon to be held in March met. In the
gym. hiHt Saturday to recelw some
hintH on training from l'rof. Hast
ings. A new system of training will
lie adopted. A preHcrlption of ever
cIkch for each week's training wiih
given each candidate.
Those present at the meeting were
V. 13. Andreson, P. W. I'epoon, 1'. V.
Jewltt, O. T. Iteedy, M. P. Pillsbury,
L. S. llyuii and ( L. Allen.
There are many othcrH besides those
preHent at the meeting who Intend to
enter the pentathlon. Among these
are Kcllog, Ucnedlot, LuSalle, llolen
and Cruikshank.
To those who may ever have any
opportunity to enter a content of this
kind, will be found useful the follow
ing memorandum HllpH given out by
Prof. UastingH to the contestants:
Pole vaulting, twelve weeks' train
ing essential.
I. Physical training: Pulley weights
and dumbbells; body bends, distance
vaulting, etc., and running.
II. Training for skill: Twelve weeks.
First three weeks:
1. Give attention Htniply to form
at height of three or four feet.
2. llunning practice, moderate as to
Hpced and distance.
Second three weckH:
1. liaise bar six inches to one. foot.
2j Increase speed of run.
Third three weeks:
l. liaise bar another foot.
JJ. Increase speed to seven-eighths of
full amount.
a. Prnctice running 30 to 00 yard
dashes, three to rI.x each day.
Fourth thrcte Weeks:
1. Vault within it few inches of limit.
1. Practice balancing when pole, is
perpend Iculur.
8. Start deliberately, run up to top
:t. Give keenest attention to form.
4. Hun on toes as fast ns possible.
5. Relax muscles aa you alight.
1 Physical training fihtno An for run
ning jumps. Two weeks' training in
Hkill required.
First three, weeliij:
1. Sprint short distances..
2. Low jumping for formjAvithout
wpeed In. run.
Second three weeks:-
1. Introduce speed, in run.
2. Jump two inches higher.
Third three weeks:
1. Speed three-fourths of maximum,
,!. Height without exertion.
Fourth three weeks:
1. Jump under height possible 0 to
12 timqs.
1. Take three trials at every height,
beginning's feet 6 inches to 4 feet dur
ing flrBt period.
2. Regulate number of jumps each
day by the way yau feel inovcr crowd
I It IllkcH I lO i )CttTH tt lllllkl' '
iriwiil nx-fll'il I lOOU I'lllfO Will
practice lu form in win n feet liifbi--llt'NMNti
HOl. HTKP AND .11 Ml'
Training hIiimiIiI occupy 12 wccIik.
Plrsl three w-ckn Jinnp lightly.
Second three weeks:-
1. .1 iimp 2 to ft feci further,
2. Sprint flo to T' ynrilH after run
nlng. Third three weeks luerciiHu both.
Fourth two weckH, sprint as flint n
possibles Jump almost, to limit.
Fifth for last week, two or Ihn'i'
days, trials: fourth day Jump Hlinpl.v
to keep supple; llfth day absolute rest,
Never run ocr the Jumping block :
warm up before contesting to avoid
Training should occupy 12 weeks iih
Find three weckH!
1. Huns, 200 to SI00 yards,
2. hight dumbbells.
:i, Club swinging.
I ''lit Hhot for form.
Second three weeks: -
1. Physical training more severe.
2. Put Hhot a little further.
Third three weeks Increase both.
Fourth three weeks e.serelse. should
cause fatigue. Shot putting should not
be carried to limit of ratlgue.
1. Put the shot from 0 to 12 times
each day of training.
2. To learn Ill-lb. stiot use 12-lb.
tlrst for several weeks.
!l. Strengthn chest muscles by res
piratory movements.
I. Symmetry Is essential to balance,
If the weather continues to be as
warm as at. present Captain Gordon
expects to begin outdoor practice
soon. The. old men are iuinIoiih to get
out and get. in shape for tho early
games. Tho new men wait anxiously
for warm weather so they can show
the captain what, they can do.
The CanilldateH lire more .nthiislus
tlc this year than ever before. Thus
far only one of the pitchers- has drop
ped out and all seem determined to
stay witli it and make the. tcaim Coach
Humes is now instructing tho twirl
ers on the "curve" ball and also giv
ing them prnctice in pitching to bat
ters. They arc all In excellent, con
dition and working hard every day.
It Is very hard as yet to pick out the
most promising ones iih they arc all
doing excellent, work. One. thing Is
sure, the pitching department, will be.
stronger than ever before.
As soon us the campus becomes dry
the work of levelling the diamond and
grading the Held will le commenced.
Manager Ryan expects to secure u
game with the Omaha .Western
league team this spring. This will
give the team a ebanc to compare the
quality of base ball as played by col
leges and professionals.
Six of last year's team will be hack
this year. They are Gordon, Kimllcr,
Hcedcr, Cowglll, Wells and Moore.
These, together with the new men
who are showing up, should make, a
team for Nebraska that will prove her
superiority in the west In base ball as
well as football.
The question of a Held coach Will
probably be settled Saturday as It will
soon be time to begin outdoor work.
Crcigh and Cochran are being talked
of for the place. They are both cseel
lent, men and are well known , Uni
versity and Lincoln basei ball circles,
Iowa lust year claimed she would
shut out the. bug caters, bit after the
game she had little to say as sho was
out of her class. Nebraska'! prospects
for the coming season make It proba
ble, that the same boast, on Iowa's part
will be proven to be just as Idle a
dream as before.
The students of Ohio SUte Univer
sity httv organized a Watchword club,
which has for its purpose the pre
vention of the jc of slang in that in
stitution. Following arc two of tho unique
provisions in tho constitution of the
Art. 4. The meetings of this club
shall be regular, special and accidental
meetings. The regular meetings Hhnll
be held in sections at every recitation
hour of each university daj. Tho spe
cial meetings shall be held at all other
student gatherings. Accidental meet
ings Hhall be held whenever and
wherever two students chance to meet
and speak to each other.
Art. 5. The business of this club
shall be transacted entirely by com
mittees of one, each committee to be
known and designated by the surname
of its member, to-wit, tho Jones com
mittee, tne Hrown committee, the
Smith committee, etc., etc. And there
shall be as many of these committees
as there mo members of tho olub.
hi u cow i:tion
( .1. Mien. .1. II. limine O . ,
leu. Mr. Ilolieilsoii. MInh lte, unlil
iiuil MInh IIuitowh Ml Monday nl'lcr
iioDii lor ( levelaiid, O.. to attend the
great meeting of stinlcntH which Is to
be in session there nil this week. The
meeting Ih a religion one and H pri
mary purpose Ih to I'oiiHlder means for
the cwmgcllatloii of the world, It Ih
supposed that, this meeting w l(
the largest gathering of Hliulcnls that
Iiiih cut been held. Ilepivimiitiilhi'ii
of ccry part of the world will be
there and lake part In the dellbera
tlotiH. The IIhI of-HpeaUei'H Ih a vi'vy
largo one ami Includes some of the
most prominent men In the religious
world. Dr. Meyer of London, who Is
known to be one of the greatest lend
eiM lu student wort,, will open tho con
vention. Those, who went to reprc
tent tho I'nlversltleH will return the
tlrst. of nest week,
I'd Introduce our new monthly pub
lication, American Popular Music, we
make I he followlnc. liberal otVer: Send
us the names of three or more pen
foriuci'H pi the paiio or organ, anil
tlflceu cents in money or poHlage, and
we will mall you ulsleen pages of the
latest popular sings, two slcps, etc.,
lull .diccl muste itirnngcd for piano or
organ, and Anicrtcuu Popular .Music
for three months.
Indianapolis, hid.
Ilvoryliody Suva Ho.
Cascitrctn ('ntnl v Cathartic, tho mnitl won
derful medical iliscmcrv of the ago, picas
ant and rofrcflliiiig o tho tnslo, act. gently
and pnnltivcly on kit'iaws, llvur and bowols,
clemming the entlro system, dispel colils,
cure liciulnolic, levet, hatillnitl Ipallon
and blilouHucH. Ultimo buy and try a box
of C. ('. (! to iiuv; K, 2:. Ml coins. Hold and
guaranteed to cure L.v all (IninglstP.
Intercollegiate Iltirena
Gotrell & Leonard
47-' 478 llroaitw.iy,
nlli.iny, Nuw York.
Mnkcrs of the,.,.
To tho American Colleges and Uni
versities. Illustrated manual, samples
prices, etc., upon request. Gowiih for
the pulpit and tho bench.
For lino PHOTOGRAPHS go to
New Popular Priced
Photograph Parlors.
$1.00 per doz. and up,
We guarantee to please you. Call
and see our work, get our prices and
give us a trial. Our motto Ih to
pleiiFe all customers.
32 South f 2th Street, - Lincoln, lleb,
jpwaHiniunnri w
Lunch Counter -
I III south eleventh
Ruem miiiiinninow! mwin iimd Mini
WANT13D Trustworthy and active
gentlemen or ladles to travel for ir
responsible established house In Lin
coln, Nebraska. Monthly 05.00 and ex
penses. Position steady. Reference.
Unclose helf-addrcssed stamped en
velope. Tho Dominion Company,
Uept. Y, Chicago.
(Iiiuicincnt Purr Block)
HAIR CUT, 1.1c. 1IA1II SINGED, 16c
SHAVE, 10c. SEA FOAM, 10c.
B. J. Robinson, ProD.
HEARTand nervous
are Juat as curable as other diseases.
Troated cxoluilvely by
--- '' u uauy, eioepi Buuuayu
TrtADE Marks
CapvniQHTs Ac.
Anrono .eiKltng a Bkolcli nnd deacrlntlnn may
nuloklr Ricorlnln our opinion froo wliethor mi
!'v.?"t?i'i. i HP'lr pntontnlilo. Cwtiniunlrn.
,iw. v. .v..j . .iiiuuenuiu. iinnunooK pa rnttnts
eiMtrnS; t-kS" ??? for iccrl)ri'tttont.
Patents tnken tfirouali Jlunn & Vo. rocotvo
tpeclal notice, without clinnro, in (bo
Scientific flmricnu.
A !'n0Jf 0,ir "n'tratod weaklr. Lnrooet rlr
cutntlon of any BclentlUo journal. Terms, t;i,,
KftViliu O n '' ,U byMm Powdeolers!
mJNN & Co.3ipy. New York
Branch OOJce, CB V HtM WashlDgton, D. ".
You Travel
Always Take
i lie-
To OMAHA- All points cast.
KANSAH CITY- Haul ami south,
DMNVIW mid nil Colorado pollil,
:igdi:n ('-i halt iaku,
Has Uiu liortl mnderii c(iilpiueiil.
Pllllninil Palace mid Tourlat Hlrepprn,
Dliilni; and free rcclliiliijr chair curs.
I'm' flllie sidicdllleH, lleliotHi ryei valloim of beilhn, call on or nddreuu,
E. II. 8L0SS0N, (lun. Afrl.. 1011 0 SI,
Lincoln, Neb.
llxjievlunce at this Inlteislty Iiiih proen that, the
hi the reliable pen for cIiinh room use, It Is iiUwi.nn reniH for uho niii
wrllcM coin iiiiioiil, without slinking It Inn the bi'Ki koi pens that kui
bo ni.ule, and moiiey iruarniiteed refuutled If the pen Is not satisfactory
The Kent Golloge 01 Law.-......)Sl,T1.,,-,pl
11 I ll ii , i.
w. ivwiui, 1. 1.. ii., i leu ii, inniiitf nieory ami pi'iictici', rue seuooi or pnu-.
tleo Is the lending; feature. HvciiIiik sessions of leu hours a wt-t'k for Vm-fi
cliiBH. HludentM cun be self siipportlitf; while hIiiiI,1ii-. l-'or ciitiilo((ue atl-
I). EWALL, Dean, Rooms 018
Miburn, Falls City,
Atchison, St. Joseph
and Kansas City.
City Ticket office 1020 0 St
II. C. Townsentl. G. P. v T. A.
P. 1). loiiifll, t. P.
T. A.
A. L. G1RARD & Company,
Dem Bicycles and Bicycle Supplies
135 So. 12th St. Lincoln, Neb.
Best Route
Lincoln, IScb
Gen, Mpr., K. L
T. MAST1N, C. T, A,
LO.MAN, (1. P. &T.A.
v or sale at I lie wO-Op.
term will open Nov. until.
Imiiroved incl IhuIh. M.i.i.,.m
. .. . .""mil
and Oil), Ashland blk('hlcii(ro 111,
"Stcvons Favorite" Ride,
" Take Down " model, sa-inch barrel, wclglit
Yi pounils. Carefully borctl antl tested.
For .'J'J, ,25 and .32 rim-lire cartridges,
17, Plain open sights, 36.00
18, Target sights, 38.50
Ask your dealer for the " FAVORITE."
If lie doesn't keep It, we will scad, prepaid,
on receipt of list price.
llooklet of small-bore cartridges free.
J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co.
l'.O.Ilox 101
Table board $2.r,0 Meals 15 c.l0f
MKAL TK'KF.TS .f2.:0
The Model Dining Hall
310 So. lath St., Lincoln Nebraska.
j.. 9"A